Sweating during stress: features of occurrence and treatment methods

The main causes of sweating include stress and emotional distress. Often people react with increased sweating of the palms, face, and head when anxiously expecting something, as a result of excitement or due to fear of communication. Sweating during stress can occur both in healthy people and in the presence of pathologies leading to increased sweating. In particular, with primary hyperhidrosis (increased sweating not associated with diseases of other organs and systems), increased sweating often occurs as a result of emotional experiences. In such a situation, sweating is especially pronounced and causes many problems.

What is hyperhidrosis

A person has 2 types of sweat glands, which differ in their functions and regulatory mechanisms:

  • Apocrine glands - most of them are located in the armpits and around the external genitalia, regulated by the sympathetic nervous system, adrenergic fibers, where the main substance is adrenaline. They begin to function in adolescence, produce a secretion with pheromones - an individual smell; under stress, the function increases, but they do not participate in thermoregulation.
  • Eccrine glands - the largest number - are located in the armpits, on the feet and palms, and secrete the liquid part of sweat. The main regulator of the function is acetylcholine. The glands are involved in thermoregulation and sweating during stress.

The work of the vegetative unequal system, which controls the sweat glands, is not controlled by consciousness. Therefore, it is impossible to cause increased sweating on your own; it increases in response to an increase in body temperature during illness, in hot weather or after physical activity. Sweating increases with excitement, emotional stress, which leads to the release of adrenaline.

But the condition of hyperhidrosis is different from normal sweat production. The glands work actively when a person is calm and does not overheat. This is often associated with various pathologies. There is diffuse hyperhidrosis, in which sweating increases throughout the body. The disease is often associated with pathology of the nervous system. Local, or focal hyperhidrosis, affects only one area of ​​the body. This form is more common than others.

Sweating may be seasonal and occur only in the hot season, but for most people with pathology it does not depend on the season.

Nervous sweat? We must look for a solution to the problem!

Sweating while nervous can put you in an extremely awkward situation while working. Moreover, what’s most offensive is that nervous sweat breaks out in us at the most crucial moments: when communicating with a key client or investor, in the boss’s office, at an interview, during an exam, during business negotiations...

After all, cleanliness of the body and adherence to hygienic habits are a sign of good manners. There is a saying: “Sweat is the smell of poverty.” A man in an expensive business suit that reeks of acrid sweat is unlikely to achieve career heights. A woman who smells of sweat never looks like a lady.

You shouldn’t count on understanding from others, because you won’t explain: “I have a sticky handshake and stains on my shirt because I sweat when I’m excited!” Perhaps this will only make the situation worse. In the business world, it is not customary to demonstrate an inability to control oneself... It is even stupider to explain the smell of sweat in such terms:

  • I was afraid of being late for the meeting, so I started sweating!
  • You know, I sweat a lot when I'm worried, and I'm worried because I made a mistake in the report.
  • I haven't learned half of the exam papers, and I'm terribly nervous.
  • Moms, how scared I am to ask for a pay rise...
  • If you don't sign the contract, we'll go bankrupt, which is why I'm sweating. Well, come on, sign it before I melt into a puddle!

Agree, such explanations look, to put it mildly, alarming. It is not without reason that there are stereotypical ideas that sticky hands indicate a person’s unreliability. And to some extent, they are close to the truth, since everyone wants to work not with nervous people, but with reliable, self-confident people.

For the same reason, a date with a person who gives you trembling feelings may also be upset. Women don't like insecure men, and sticky hands don't arouse sexual desire. Well, the smell of sweat is unpleasant to anyone: neither men nor women. Has your boyfriend run away from a date? Did your lady love give you a contemptuous look? I should have used Max-F antiperspirant, and this embarrassment would not have arisen!

Causes of excessive sweating

Patients most often turn to dermatologists with the primary form of pathology, for which it is impossible to establish the cause. The first symptoms of hyperhidrosis appear during puberty. In girls and boys, this is associated with increased activity of the hormones testosterone and cortisol and immaturity of the nervous system. Daily sweat production becomes strong, activity increases in all types of sweat glands. This is why body odor increases in teenagers.

It is believed that primary hyperhidrosis in 30-50% of patients is associated with hereditary factors. But the first symptoms may appear at the age of 20-30 years. They are provoked by chronic stress, hormonal changes and other reasons. The secondary form of excessive sweating of the armpits is associated with the following conditions:

  • excitability and high activity of the autonomic nervous system;
  • endocrine pathologies, most often the state of hyperthyroidism, insulin resistance in diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by cardiac arrhythmias and rapid heartbeat;
  • some types of malignant and benign tumors;
  • metabolic disorders and excess body weight;
  • overdose or side effects of drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system.

It is not always possible to determine the cause of excessive sweating. But it helps to effectively combat sweating.

Treatment of sweating due to stress

What to do if excessive sweating occurs due to stress? In such a situation, the approach to treatment should be individual and comprehensive.

Basic measures to combat sweating:

  • psychotherapy,
  • hygiene measures,
  • local treatment with antiperspirants,
  • botulinum toxin injections,
  • drug therapy,
  • traditional methods,
  • sympathectomy.

If hyperhidrosis is associated not only with stress, but also with other causes or factors, the treatment package should include measures to eliminate them or reduce their impact.


  • maintaining hygiene;
  • healthy eating;
  • wearing comfortable clothes and shoes made from natural materials;
  • overheating should be avoided;
  • consumption of foods that lead to increased sweating;
  • It is recommended to give up bad habits;
  • abuse of coffee and tea.

Psychotherapeutic methods

Stress often arises in situations in which a person feels unsure of his abilities . Therefore, one of the important areas of treatment is psychotherapeutic assistance. You can increase your resistance to stress using the following methods:

  • psychological counseling and training,
  • autogenic training,
  • hypnosis sessions.

Fight with antiperspirants

In stressful situations, protective measures that have a local effect and lead to a reduction in sweat production and odor elimination help. Antiperspirants have a therapeutic effect for local hyperhidrosis. The maximum effect is obtained by using products based on aluminum salts. They act by blocking the terminal sections of the gland ducts.

The percentage of aluminum compounds differs in different products. The choice of a drug with a certain concentration depends on the severity of sweating and on the area of ​​the body that needs therapeutic action. In the facial area, preparations with a lower content of aluminum salt are used. They are highly effective, but their use is limited by a significant incidence of side effects - up to 23%.

Sweaty armpits in women

In the female body, the release of large amounts of sweat depends on hormonal levels. When it changes, the interaction of various parts of the autonomic nervous system changes. This process is most pronounced during menopause.

With a decrease in ovarian function in women, their stimulation by pituitary hormones - follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones - increases. But due to physiological characteristics, the release of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which increases blood flow in the thyroid gland, simultaneously increases. Most often this process starts in the evening or at night. It manifests itself in the form of hot flashes - the appearance of a feeling of heat in the upper body and head. The woman begins to sweat heavily. The duration of such an attack is several minutes.

You are more likely to experience heavy sweating if you are overweight. Thermoregulation disorders appear with arterial hypertension. These diseases also often progress after age 50. Hyperhidrosis in this case is secondary. It is not life-threatening, but causes discomfort.

Underarm sweating in men

The functioning of the male body is regulated by the hormone testosterone. It performs an anabolic function and accelerates metabolism. Sensitivity to adrenaline is also higher in men. Therefore, small bursts of this hormone speed up the heart rate, increase reaction speed and lead to sweaty armpits.

A man may sweat more than usual if he prefers hot and spicy foods. Sweating of the armpits and the entire body greatly increases when drinking alcoholic beverages. In this case, hyperhidrosis is associated with metabolic processes, as the body removes toxic substances after recycling ethanol. Nicotine has a direct stimulating effect. It increases the synthesis of acetylcholine, which enhances the work of the sweat glands. Therefore, sweating is a natural phenomenon in men who smoke.

Sweating occurs when there is severe nervous tension. Men's jobs are more likely than women's to involve stress or hazardous activities.

Men are susceptible to developing obesity, metabolic disorders and hypertension. Those at risk are those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and have a large waist circumference at the age of 45-50. These disorders affect the tone of the sympathetic nervous system and sweating.

How to fix the problem?

No one can predict how and when they will find themselves in such a situation. Emotional stress, which usually causes sweaty palms, can be difficult to control. The problem of wet hands is difficult to solve, but it can be done.

Here are just a few tips that MedExpress Regional Medical Director Timothy Mines gives his patients:

  • If you know you're going to have a particularly stressful day, practice deep breathing. Although it sounds simple, taking a deep breath, pausing for a few seconds, and then exhaling can really help release whatever may be bothering you.
  • Try applying some antiperspirant to your palms at night. This time of day is the best time to use this product, since at rest the ingredients can be absorbed into the skin without interference and block the sweat glands.
  • Place a small bag of baking soda, cornstarch, or baby powder in your purse or briefcase and apply the powder to your palms before a stressful situation. These substances will absorb excess moisture.

When to see a doctor

If a person begins to sweat during exercise, hot weather, or extreme excitement, there is no reason to worry. Health problems are indicated by sweating, which occurs against a background of complete calm or is accompanied by additional symptoms.

A slightly elevated body temperature, which is accompanied by night or evening sweats, may be a sign of a chronic infection. Sometimes this is how pulmonary tuberculosis, immune disorders, and the initial stages of cancer manifest themselves.

A dangerous symptom is the appearance of weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness against the background of increased sweating. This may be a sign of low glucose levels - hypoglycemia. The condition is life-threatening and therefore requires emergency medical attention. Hyperhidrosis is cured only after glucose levels are normalized.

Older women who experience menstrual irregularities and the first symptoms of approaching menopause require special treatment. Without special means, the condition may gradually worsen, and menopause will be difficult.

Increased sweating is one of the signs of thyrotoxicosis. This disease is accompanied by an increase in thyroid function and the release of increased doses of hormones into the blood. At the same time, the heartbeat increases, heart rhythm disturbances appear, and the person quickly loses body weight, despite maintaining the nature of the diet.

What causes excessive sweating?

Wet palms are an emotional response to feelings such as fear or anxiety.

Sweating is usually controlled by the brain, namely the hypothalamus. This organ somehow processes signals about emotions and responds to them with increased sweat production.

Any situation that may cause nervousness or agitation can be accompanied by "stress sweating." It could be public speaking, a first date, a social activity, or a sudden panic over a missed deadline.

Doctors also point out that certain foods, such as spicy foods, red meat, as well as smoking and drinking alcohol and caffeine, can also play a role as a catalyst for sweaty hands.

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