100 tips for all occasions for luck, development, prospects: list

Tips for a healthy lifestyle

Health is the most important component of normal human life. Without it, other aspects of life become less meaningful and important. A sick body is not able to cope with the functions assigned to it and act as a protective shell.

There are some tips and recommendations that doctors advise you to follow:

Drink more water.

Our body is 75% liquid. Together with water, harmful substances and toxins are removed from the body, and metabolism is normalized. Those who drink enough water are healthier and live much longer. Adults need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean water per day, children and teenagers at least 1-1.5 liters.

Our body is water.
Get enough sleep.

Normal sleep duration is 7.5 - 8 hours. But the advice does not apply in all cases. There are certain types of personalities for whom 4-5 hours of rest are enough. Unfortunately, there are only a few of these on the planet, and the likelihood that you are one of them is small.

Sleep well

Meditation is performing simple exercises aimed at self-knowledge. It brings a feeling of satisfaction and awakens all the chakras of the human body. Meditation - exercises for the enlightened
Lead an active lifestyle

. Even a little physical activity - 1 hour 2-3 times a week in bed to speed up blood circulation and metabolism. Exercise is important for both children and adults, and even those who are older. Any sport is suitable for maintaining physical activity, the main thing is that it is not traumatic and excludes heavy lifting.

Play sports at any age
Give up bad habits

. Smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee are factors that negatively affect the quality and life expectancy. Those who already have habits need to read useful literature: it contains healthy advice for anyone who has encountered problems and wants to change their life for the better.

Walk barefoot on the ground

. Small pebbles and grass are what provide a natural foot massage. This area of ​​the body contains the most biological points responsible for the full functioning of internal systems and organs, as well as health.

Take advantage of the earth's energy
Breathe correctly

Tune yourself to the fact that it is better to breathe slowly and deeply than quickly and often. This way the cells will be better supplied with oxygen and perform their natural functions. Proper breathing is an important aspect of a healthy life.
Be outdoors more often.

. Walking not only allows you to load your body with the necessary physical activity, but also has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and makes it healthier.

There is nothing more fun and useful than walking.
Get regular preventive examinations from specialists.

. You cannot detect developing diseases on your own. This especially applies to those that occur with hidden symptoms. Only a specialist can promptly identify the pathology and treat it before it causes complications.

Don't be afraid of doctors - be afraid of diseases
Such a factor as health does not always depend on our actions. Situations often occur when a person follows all the recommendations, but still gets sick. In such cases, useful life advice from healers will come in handy. If you feel exhausted and lacking vital energy, then hurry to seek help.

Golden rules of psychology for happiness

The psychology of human life is very multifaceted, including the psychology of success, development, communication, and personal growth. What is needed first of all for a happy life? Let's consider the basic rules of psychology for a happy person:

Our life is our thought, a reflection of aspirations

A person cannot change the circumstances of life, but he can change his attitude, opinion, and thoughts. A person’s life moves in the direction of the most powerful thoughts, concentration of attention, it is useful to learn to direct thinking in the direction of success, prosperity, happiness. By thinking positively, we create a new world, and by planning new achievements, we create the foundation for a new life and future success.

My life is my choice

To achieve inner harmony and happiness, it is important to realize that our lives depend on the internal choices we make every day. Only the person himself decides what to do, with whom to communicate, what activity to devote his life to, and whether there will be love in life. Internal protests can interfere with the fulfillment of desires and plans; it is important to believe in yourself and the possibility of self-realization, finding satisfaction in all areas of life.

The rules of psychology simplify your attitude to life, make it possible to believe in your own strengths, learn to create life, and change it for the better.

Rule of self-respect

A sense of the importance of one’s own personality, recognition of one’s characteristics and abilities is necessary, then a happy life is possible. You don’t need to be like everyone else, it’s important to discover your potential, learn to use your features in life. Having high self-esteem and respect helps to achieve high results, psychologists say: it is important to learn to love and accept one’s own personality in order to receive a response from society. An insecure person cannot reveal his inner talents, attract attention, or gain the respect of society. The process has a direct relationship with internal assessment.

Right to make mistakes

In the course of life, people tend to make mistakes and wrong actions. This is a normal process - only by falling and rising do we learn to walk; in life, too, wisdom comes over the years, thanks to accumulated experience, which is not possible without mistakes. Don’t reproach yourself, we draw conclusions and move on with our lives, avoiding similar actions in the future.

We are not talking about compliance with laws, this is mandatory, the main thing is to listen to your inner voice, intuition and conscience, they will not deceive you when choosing a decision. And minor miscalculations should not affect self-esteem, the more bumps, the more knowledge, the main thing is to continue to move forward with faith in your heart.

Difficulties are given to a person for growth, overcoming a new milestone - we become stronger, without difficulties, stagnation in life awaits, and development is necessary for a happy and successful life. Problems and difficulties are the tasks of life; they need to be solved, not experienced.

Right to self-identity

For a happy life, it is important to understand: each person is unique, everyone has their own characteristics, it is useful to develop your own style, look for interests, inclinations, aspirations inherent on the internal level, search and find. You shouldn’t be afraid to be a “black sheep”; it is innovators and people with unconventional thinking that reach heights in life, becoming famous writers, artists, musicians, and politicians.

They are often the leaders who head business companies, organizations, parties, and interest groups. The ability to think, generate ideas, and find innovative approaches are indispensable in life, as is recognition of one’s own characteristics and advantages.

Self-development is the path to a better life

It is important to understand that it is extremely difficult to change other people, it is better to learn to get along with relatives, establish good relationships with colleagues, understand how to bring a piece of happiness to your home, relationships, by giving - we receive. Life reciprocates. People say: “What goes around comes around.” These words contain the truth, the main rule of successful communication. So, to receive love you need to learn to love, to improve communication you need to be open and attentive to people, to receive help you need to help others.

The rules of psychology for happiness are logical and fair, consistent with the rules of the universe.

Live here and now

Life is today, the current moment, yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future. The secret to a happy life is to live for today, leaving grievances and troubles in the past. Awareness of the importance of life at a given moment in time makes a person more attentive, responsible, and allows you to get rid of the worries of your past life. The past is experience, you need to accept it and forgive yourself and others for mistakes, strive for better in the future, you cannot change the past, but you can create the future!

Give thanks to life

It is important to get rid of the feeling of pity and worthlessness that arises in pessimistic people. Noticing the positive sides of life, it is easier to move forward and believe in the best. Life needs to be thanked for the good and the bad; without negative experiences it is impossible to realize the difference, to feel joy and happiness. By recognizing and noticing the good in life, we create the basis for even better things, looking for new ways and means of achieving high goals.

The world is in harmony

Happy people, for example, Buddhists, know for sure: everything in the world is in its place - the sun moves, day gives way to night, winter and spring come, everything changes and is in harmony, according to the laws of the Universe. Such thoughts help you relax, accept the inevitable, it is difficult to control everything in life, only the concentration of attention depends on the person and the thought. Therefore, it is worth observing the beauty in life and thinking calmly, sovereignly, positively, which will ensure a happy life; haste and nervousness harm life and reduce work efficiency.

“Calm, just calm,” as Carlson said. This is the highest power that helps a person in all life situations.

New day - new chance

The psychology of life becomes simple if we think about it this way: what would I do if it were my last day, what desires would I strive to realize, would I value time more? It is important to realize your interests, aspirations, and not waste time. Learn to appreciate life, because it is given to people only once. Of course, changing your life dramatically is difficult. First you need to learn to enjoy life: work, family, benefit from life’s experiences, and then change for the better, achieve more.

The rules of psychology for happiness are simple and important, often echoing folk wisdom; people have noticed the laws of life, reflecting them in sayings and parables. It is worth gradually changing your life, introducing new rules, attitudes, changing yourself, we take a step towards changes in your own life, relationships with the outside world, and loved ones. Step by step you can build your own picture of the world and become a truly happy person.

Useful tips - how to learn to enjoy life

Not all people know how to appreciate what they have in life. Because of this, they are often despondent and do not notice the many opportunities that fate has in store for them. But there are a number of useful tips on how to get out of depression on your own and turn the “wheel of fortune” in the right direction.

Write down in a notebook every day all the best things that happened that day.

Thanks to positive ones, you can recharge and forget about worries and worries. Thoughts put down on paper materialize faster.
Ignore (as much as possible) bad information.

. To do this, you should watch less TV and read news on social networks.

Happy is the one who knows how to ignore the bad.
Mentally send your positivity and good spirits to the world around you

A. Rest assured, the good will come back.

Wish the best for others, and it will certainly return to you.
Feel like a successful person.

. You need to try to find the positives in your life, for example, having time to do what you love.

Minimize communication with people who give you negative emotions

The fewer “energy vampires” there are in your environment, the greater the chance that life will become brighter and better. Eliminate human vampires from your life
Focus not on problems, but on ways to solve them

This advice will allow you to distract yourself from negative thoughts and avoid “life blows.” Only those who know their causes can solve problems.
Take failures as a new experience.

Everything that happens to a particular person makes him wiser and stronger.
Whatever kills us makes us stronger.
Let go of resentment and anger.

. Negative thoughts destroy us from the inside and take away our strength to work. Therefore, when negative memories appear, you need to learn to abstract yourself in time and not focus on the bad.

Negative emotions destroy our lives
Let go of resentment and anger

. Negative thoughts destroy us from the inside and take away our strength to work. Therefore, when negative memories appear, you need to learn to abstract yourself in time and not focus on the bad.

A good happy life is possible

You can live a happy life by learning to use the rules of psychology and changing your attitude towards life. Happiness is a state of mind; it needs to be cultivated, radiated, and not sought. People who are able to be happy in their souls attract other, positive-minded individuals, find work more easily, find new opportunities, and achieve success.

Skin Care Tips

Smooth and even skin is an integral part of a beautiful appearance. Get acquainted with useful recommendations that will allow you to keep it in perfect condition.

Use cleansing procedures regularly

. Care includes washing and using scrubs every week. The products remove dead skin particles, resulting in fresher skin.

Clean and smooth skin is a woman’s calling card.
Choose cosmetics that suit your skin type.

. If it is difficult to independently decide on the choice of suitable skin care products, then it is better to consult a dermatologist.

Not all cosmetics manufacturers can be trusted.
Use protective creams and products.

Dermatologists do not advise going outside in cold or hot weather without special means. Due to exposure to the sun, pigment spots form on the skin, and due to frost, it becomes dry and lifeless. Frost and sun age the skin
Wash off your makeup at night

. It is necessary to give the skin a break from cosmetics, otherwise it will be deprived of the necessary oxygen.

Cosmetics dry out the skin with constant use.
Carefully study the composition of creams and masks for the skin.

Many chemicals in cosmetic products cause allergic reactions.
Use natural products to nourish and moisturize your skin.
Wear clothes made from natural fabrics.

In clothes made from synthetic fabrics, the skin cannot breathe normally.
As a result, the sebaceous glands become clogged and acne appears on the surface of the skin. Properly selected clothes will help you look younger and slimmer.
Consult a doctor if cosmetics do not help.

Skin problems may be associated with internal disorders. And if they are not eliminated, even the most expensive skin care creams will not help. Anyone who suffers from illness reduces life expectancy.
Include more fatty fish in your diet.

Omega 3 acids in the product promote the production of collagen - the hormone of youth. Fish contains 3 times more protein than meat
Make moisturizing face masks from natural ingredients

. For this you can use cucumbers, fruits, oats. eggs, sour cream.

Moisturizing masks give your face freshness and make it look younger.
Don't forget to clean your mobile devices and other equipment that comes into contact with your face.

There are more bacteria on a mobile phone than on the toilet rim

Hair care - useful tips

Dull and greasy hair spoils the overall impression of a person. To ensure they always look healthy, you need to follow a number of tips for caring for them.

Wash your hair no more than 2-3 times a week

The glands compensate for the lack of sebaceous lubrication by more active work. The more often we wash our hair, the dirtier it looks.
Do not wash in too hot water, as this accelerates hair loss.

Cold water is hair's best friend

Use wooden combs to comb your hair.

Wooden combs charge strands with good energy.
Do not leave lost strands in crowded places.

. Hair is a powerful conductor of human energy, which is why it is very often used by sorcerers and magicians when performing dark rituals.

The best way to get rid of lost strands is to burn them
Wear hats in cold and hot seasons

Hair, like skin, is susceptible to temperature irritants. Hats save hair from falling out.
Get a haircut every 2-3 months.

. Care will accelerate hair growth and get rid of split ends.

Don't save money by going to the hairdresser.
Dry your hair naturally.

Use a hair dryer in extreme cases.

It is better not to wash your hair at night and before going outside,
dye your hair in tones close to natural.

This way the regrown roots will be less noticeable and the strands will look more well-groomed.

Nature has chosen the best shades for us.
Use balms and nourishing masks for care.

. Balms make it easier to comb your hair, and masks give it a healthy shine.

Hair loves gentle care.
Use curling irons and curling irons less.

. You can create beautiful curls without heating the strands.

If hair could talk, it would scream from hot styling

Don't look for a prince on a white horse

When a woman stops living and developing, and begins to wait for a prince who will gallop to her on a white horse, then her life begins to slowly but surely collapse. But even if the hard times bring to your porch a prince of unearthly beauty, passionate, energetic and singing sweet songs. Such men have never made a single woman happy. But experienced ladies say that a simple and calm, but educated and hardworking guy who will love and respect you can become an ideal husband.

Life tips for renovation and construction

Do-it-yourself repair or construction is a labor-intensive process. Useful recommendations will help make it easier.

  • After wallpapering, do not ventilate the room for 2-3 days.
    Otherwise, bubbles will appear on the wallpaper and the repair will need to be done again.
  • Dip nails in sunflower oil before driving them into the wall.

Oil is a good helper in repairs

  • Dilute alabaster with milk.
    This advice will make it quicker and easier to repair walls during repairs.

Little tricks help a lot in repairs

  • When covering walls, use light-colored wallpaper
    . Visually they make the room larger.

Light things around improve your mood

  • Add sugar to cement if you want to make the bond stronger and more durable
    . This trick is used by many experienced builders.

Sugar is a good building material

  • Before painting, dip the brush in boiling vinegar solution for 1-2 minutes
    . Vinegar will soften the bristles of the brush and make painting easier.

There are more than 100 ways to use vinegar around the house

  • When working with construction tiles, wet them with water
    . This material will be easier to cut or break.

Where physical efforts don’t help, you need to use your brain

  • Remove paint odor with vanilla extract
    . It is enough to add a few drops of the product to the jar to get rid of the unpleasant odor in the room.

Paint odors can and should be eliminated

  • Glue washable wallpaper in those rooms and areas where direct sunlight does not penetrate
    . When heated, they can release harmful fumes.

Washable wallpaper is the best option for the kitchen and rooms where there are small children

  • Do construction and repair work in a good mood. There is a higher chance that everything will work out as planned.

Things go well for those who start them in a good mood

Little tricks and tips for cleaning a room

During cleaning, many housewives encounter problems with cleaning surfaces. We bring to your attention useful tips that will make life easier for housewives and everyone who looks after their home.

Clean mirrors and glass with a cloth pre-soaked in alcohol or acetic acid.

This tip will help you avoid streaks and stains on the surface. Dust is always visible on dark furniture.
Wipe tiles with a vinegar solution mixed with water in a ratio of 1:5.

It is better to treat the seams between the tiles with chlorine-containing products, for example those used to clean the toilet.

Chlorine is not only an element of the periodic table, it is a good helper in the household.
When washing the carpet, use a saline solution.

It will make the product brighter.

Salt can be used instead of carpet shampoos - the effect will be better
Wash floors with a solution of water and glycerin

. This tip will help you add shine to your flooring. The most important thing is that the water used is not hot, otherwise the linoleum or laminate will quickly discolor.

Every housewife strives to learn as many tricks as possible.
Remove scale from a washing machine using acetic acid.

The machine must be set to washing mode at 80 degrees.

The main cause of washing machine breakdowns is scale and rust.
Remove carbon deposits from dishes using soda.

To do this, pour water into a container and add 1 tsp. soda and then boil. Baking soda is a substitute for Pemolux and other cleaning products.
Clean things up a little bit every day.

. Thanks to this advice, you will not need to spend the whole weekend doing business, but you can spend time on the joys of life.

It’s better to clean for 10 minutes every day than to clean all weekend.
Wash the floors only after vacuuming.

m. If you do not follow this rule, then the chaos in the house will only increase.
A washing vacuum cleaner will forever allow you to forget about wet rags and crawling on your knees.
Use a toothbrush to get to hard-to-reach areas of the house: grooves in plumbing fixtures, containers.

There are many uses for a toothbrush.

Wise advice for women

And separately, I would like to dwell on wise advice for life especially for women. No matter how much men defend the palm, they are unlikely to argue that without wise, sensitive women next to them they would not have achieved such heights. A woman creates comfort in the house, raises children, caresses her husband, relieving his fatigue. A wise woman can give endlessly without demanding anything in return. But its peculiarity is such that it can give only until its resource is exhausted. Therefore, my dear friends, for you I publish tips that will help you maintain inner peace, love for life and good mood.

There can be no wisdom without kindness

Be kind to people, to your loved ones, to strangers - this will make your life much easier.

First of all, you are a mother, wife, daughter.

and only then an accountant, a teacher, a director. Remember this, no matter what happens.

In a dispute, it is not the truth that is born, but a headache.

I'll tell you a funny joke.

A woman comes to the priest, upset, covered in cuts and bruises. Father worriedly asks what happened.

“The husband drinks,” the woman complains, “he comes home and gets rowdy.” There is no place left for me to live!

“Here’s a bottle of holy water for you, dear, the next time your husband comes home drunk, put this water in your mouth and make sure you don’t spill a drop!”

A month later, the same woman comes to the priest, happy, blooming, joyful.

- Oh, thank you, father! Holy water helps!

Every joke has a bit of truth. Silence sometimes saves relationships. If you feel that you are not being heard or the tone of the conversation is rising, but no agreement has been reached, stop the dialogue. Once you cool down, you will resolve the situation much easier.

Always be beautiful

Be beautiful first of all for yourself. Next to a beautiful woman, a man will want to be in good shape and will begin to strive to match. Don’t make excuses by being tired and unwell – read the very first piece of wisdom at the beginning of the article.

Respect your man

Respect for a woman builds a man, but dislike and contempt destroy him.

Do you allow yourself to say about him “What can he do!” or “As always, nothing worked out for you”? Forget these expressions forever - you should inspire him, not humiliate him!

Take care of yourself. Pamper yourself.

If you, tired, come home from work, prepare dinner, simultaneously doing a mountain of things, and after dinner, having put the children to bed, sit down to do your part-time work - what kind of tenderness and love can we talk about? An exhausted, tired woman cannot give anything to her husband and children. Understand your workload, delegate some of your responsibilities, and then sit down and write a list of things that bring you pleasure. Meet with friends? Taking a bubble bath? Wander down the street? Must be at least 20 points!

In moments of fatigue, take out this list, select one of the items and urgently go to do it - “put yourself on exercise.”

Whatever you do, do it sincerely.

Love, be sad, rejoice with all your heart, sparing no emotions and warm words. The world loves honest people.

Don't let boredom enter your life.

Many people tend to live a “knock-on” life, working in the same place for years, preparing the same dishes, relaxing in the same places. Don't let the cobwebs cloud your life - shake yourself up and shake up your loved ones! Remain a mystery to your husband, constantly coming up with something new.

Arrange spontaneous dates, send funny SMS to your husband, put “bags with kisses” in your children’s pockets - in general, come up with ideas!

All we do is wait - then summer, then New Year, ... then happiness... Don’t wait, be happy today!

My list of rules is far from complete, but I think each of us has our own personal secrets, that each of us can give wise advice for life. Share - what wisdom are you guided by? And what pieces of wisdom would you recommend for life based on your own experience?


You can learn even more wise advice from the amazing book - the collection “Wisdom of the Great”, which contains 1000 of the most important thoughts in the history of mankind.
I personally hope that this book will become your constant companion and personal mentor, and I can’t think of a better gift for loved ones, since this is a gift edition. for the soul

Useful tips for the kitchen

Housewives will benefit from advice related to such areas of life as cooking. There are 20 little tricks for preparing healthy and tasty food.

Remove seeds from cucumbers or seeds using an ice cream scoop

Using the pointed edge of the device, you can remove all the seeds from vegetables. This spoon can be used to decorate salads and other dishes. Vegetable salads will taste better if all the seeds are removed from the vegetables. Remove
excess fat in soups or hot dishes with ice and paper towels.

Wrap the ice in a napkin and place it in the dish. Ice attracts fat like a magnet and traps it on the napkin. A good housewife knows how to cook delicious soups.
Store cling film in the refrigerator.

. Celebrity chefs use this advice. The fact is that cold material in all cases tears and stretches less.

You can store things in the refrigerator that you didn't know about.
Before peeling an orange, place the fruit in the microwave for 20 minutes.

. The peel will come away from the fruit on its own and removing it will not be a problem. The same life advice can be used when boiling eggs. You need to add a little vinegar to boiling water so that the shells are processed faster and easier.

If you don’t like peeling oranges, take a note of useful tips
Place soft cheese in the freezer before grating

The product will stick less to the metal and be more crumbly. To produce 1 kg of cheese, 10 liters of milk are required
Place the onions in the freezer before slicing

The cold will tire out fumes that cause watery eyes. True, such life advice for housewives will not be useful in all cases, but only if you plan to cook or fry onions. You should not add frozen product to salads. There are many ways to avoid crying onions.
Always place a wooden spoon on top of the cooking pasta.

. Wood absorbs moisture well and will not allow the foam formed in the pan to leak onto the gas stove.

It's not always possible to cook pasta without it sticking together.
Always place the bird breast-first near the heat in the oven.

This part contains more meat and will cook better this way.

In order for the bird to cook deliciously, you need to put it in the oven correctly.
When preparing baked goods, use parchment paper.

It will not only save the dish from burning, but will also give it an unusual shape. Parchment paper is a faithful assistant for those who love to bake
When heating baked goods, always place a glass of water in the microwave or oven

. Moisture will prevent the baked goods from drying out.

And old baked goods can be made fresh and tasty.
Separate the yolk from the white with a plastic bottle.

To do this, you need to bring the neck of the container to the yolk and lightly press on it to create a vacuum effect.
The yolk will quickly fall into the bottle, from where it can be poured into another container. Baking will taste better if you separate the whites from the yolks.
Beat the meat in cling film.

This life tip is useful for when you need to cook chops without splattering all over your work surface. Meat will cook faster and be softer if it is pre-pounded.
Clean the meat grinder using raw potatoes.

To do this, after processing the meat, roll one chopped tuber. An indicator of a good housewife is a clean kitchen.
Reanimate wine using a blender.

A. It is enough to lower a running immersion blender into it for a few minutes. The device will allow you to reveal the entire flavor range of the drink.

Even the most sour and nasty wine can be given a pleasant taste.
Use potatoes to remove excess salt from dishes.

. The advice is relevant in life situations when the hostess has over-salted the soup, but it does not work in all cases, because the main courses cannot be revived in this way.

Under-salted on the table, over-salted on the back
Store salt in a salt shaker along with rice

The product will not allow the salt to clump. Due to moisture, salt clumps and becomes unsuitable for further use.
When cooking vegetables, place them in boiling water.


When cooking, stir the soup only with slow circular movements.

Learn how to cook vegetables deliciously and you will fall in love with healthy eating.

Remove bitterness from onions using boiling water.

It is enough to scald the chopped pieces in a colander.

Onions can be very tasty and healthy.
Boil beets with sugar and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar

so that the vegetable does not lose color.
Anyone who eats beets 2 times a week does not suffer from vascular pathologies

Tips for caring for things: how to clean coins and extend the life of things

Treat jewelry in soapy water

It will help restore the original shine to the products. Jewelry needs care.
Clean ancient coins with boiling water and ammonia diluted in a ratio of 1:1

. Experienced numismatists advise removing items from the solution only after it has cooled.

Useful tips for numismatists
Wipe your shoes with hydrogen peroxide

. These actions will prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors from products.

Bad foot odor is a serious aesthetic problem.
Moisten new shoes with alcohol.

. This tip will prevent calluses and corns on your feet.

Alcohol eases the pain of wearing tight shoes.
Rid your clothes of static electricity using a regular dry cloth.

To do this, wipe the back of the product with a napkin. Clothes with a lot of dust always look sloppy.
Smooth out small creases on clothes using a regular hair straightener.

This advice will allow you to quickly get yourself in order at work or in another place where it is impossible to take off your clothes.
It is not always possible to iron clothes only with an iron.
Wring out woolen items through a terry towel

After washing, it is better to store them in a horizontal position so that things do not stretch and lose their shape. Woolen items are the most difficult to care for.
Use nail polish to secure buttons on clothing.

. This tip is ideal if you don’t have a thread and needle at hand.

Original ideas on how to fasten a button on clothes without threads.
Lubricate a stuck zipper on clothes with soap.

.Instead of soap, housewives also advise using paraffin.
Soap will help in caring for things and not only when washing them.
Put on clothes only 10-15 minutes after ironing

. Otherwise, creases and new folds quickly appear on it.

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