How to get what you want: psychological techniques, simple techniques and little secrets

How to get what you want? We all dream that our deepest desires will come true! Is this possible? Today I will share secrets and simple techniques that will help you achieve your intentions. The speed of their fulfillment depends on the scale of goals and desires.

All our thoughts, dreams repeated out loud can come true. You just need to learn to always think correctly and positively. Let's find out the opinion of psychologists on how to correctly formulate desires and release them into the universe that hears us!

How to get what you want

It is of course possible to get everything you want (within reasonable limits). The main thing is to understand for yourself what you really want. Allow yourself to realize that just “I want” is enough to get it!

Today we will find out what needs to be done to radically change your life. The Universe will fulfill your wishes, just allow yourself to receive everything you need without any effort, do not get confused by your own powerlessness and unbelief. In order for what you want to come true, you need to have:

  • enthusiasm;
  • physical energy;
  • courage;
  • persistence;
  • creative energy.

Take steps to achieve your goal

We are several steps away from our goal. Let's figure out how to get what you want in a short time. To do this you need:

  1. Learn to formulate desires so that the Universe understands us correctly. Remember the expression: “be afraid of your own desires.” Know exactly what you want!
  2. Make the right installation for yourself. According to psychologists, results are achieved by those who really want something very strongly.
  3. Be able to think correctly. Psychologists say that life brings into reality all the thoughts of people. For example, the correct thought “I want to succeed in life.”
  4. Learn to believe in your dreams to get what you want.
  5. Drive away doubts from yourself. You can't give in to negative emotions. Bad thoughts also come true if they are emotional.

Believe me, the world is so rich that there is enough for everyone and everything! Change your thinking from “I won’t get anything, I won’t have enough, everything has already been divided” to “I deserve all the best. The World has everything I want and will gladly receive it.” Take the Unique Practice of Activating Abundance and Well-Being!

Take advantage of all available opportunities

The Universe provides new opportunities to all people equally. If you want something deeply and take action, it will have a positive impact on your life. You need to look for opportunities even where you don't expect them. Try to start communicating with those people you avoid.

Accept offers that you would normally refuse. Perhaps this is how the Universe wants to show you new ways to achieve your goals. Change doesn't happen quickly, so be patient. For some people, it takes years of intention for the changes they want to happen. The universe will definitely take care of you and lead you to your desired goal.

Try to trust your intuition. Act decisively if you feel that you need to do this and not otherwise. Be grateful for everything you already have. By doing this you protect yourself from negative emotions that are not necessary in achieving your goals. Negativity will have a negative impact on the results of your efforts and will prevent you from getting what you want!

How to get what you want using simple techniques

— 10 psychological techniques that will help you achieve your goal!


• Start the conversation with a compliment. Flattery is a powerful psychological technique that almost always works flawlessly, but there are three caveats:

a) give refined rather than banal compliments;

b) understand what exactly you are praising: if your boss has complexes about being overweight, and you say that in a new dress she resembles a bun, then the result will be exactly the opposite;

c) do not use this technique too often, so as not to be considered a sycophant.

• Make sure that the person from whom you need something owes you a favor.

• Share the tastes, interests and hobbies of the person you need. It is enough to study the topic well theoretically in order to competently support the conversation.

• Ask for the maximum and get exactly what you need. This psychological technique is almost identical to bargaining: the seller deliberately inflates the price, the buyer lowers it, and they converge on a golden mean that suits both.

• Put the person in such conditions that he himself will offer you help. This advice will only work if the person is part of your circle of friends and family, or simply feels uncomfortable turning people down. Ask twice for something almost impossible (but only real: there is no need to ask to get the moon from the sky).

And if you need help in the future, the person who refused you twice will himself offer his services to make amends.

• What's in your name... Most people like their name, so use it repeatedly in conversation, avoiding the pronouns you/you.

• Get the person interested in your idea.

• Criticism – fight! It’s better to act more softly: “Your idea is not bad, but maybe we’ll try to do a little something like this...”

• Tired and sleep-deprived people are more easily suggestible. Again, look at the character traits of your counterpart.

• I am Kivan-Pokivan... Remember, if you agree with what a person says, you automatically nod, right?

This scheme also works inverted.

By constantly nodding and listening to your interlocutor, you automatically program him to agree.

You might be interested in an article about how to make wishes come true.


Think positively

For many people, it is difficult to think positively and express their joy openly. You will have to work hard on yourself, tracking positive emotions. You should constantly focus on them, ignoring all the negativity that comes in daily.

Some people consider positively thinking people to be frivolous optimists or careless people. This is fundamentally wrong. Positive people know that they do not live in a fairy tale, and the reality around them is not paradise at all.

Optimists more easily overcome difficulties that arise along the path of life, look for opportunities to solve problems, considering a lot of possibilities for this.

When you think that everything is bad and there is nothing good in life, then it will be so. When you think everything is great, then it will be! This is one of the basic laws of the Universe that we cannot change. We just need to accept it, then life will be the way we want it to be! The right desire is the key to success! Get personalized ways to make your dreams come true with a practical course on making dreams come true!

Learning to think positively is not that difficult. Anyone who masters this will be able to discover many new opportunities for themselves, become more successful, healthy, happy, rich. Such a person will not allow negative thoughts to appear, knowing that the ideas on which personal energy was spent will come true!

The power of thought and the law of attraction work!

Tune in to positive emotions

Always remember that like attracts like. When we feel joy and happiness and send out positive vibrations, we attract all the good things into life. Do things that bring you joy and pleasure every day to maintain good emotions.

How to get what you want? Believe in yourself, never give up! This is how you will start moving towards success! Try to create positive moments yourself, start enjoying little things and achieve more.

Consider any trouble as a positive event! Rejoice and clap your hands! This happiness is finally knocking on your home! Vadim Zeland

Don't let fears influence your life. Smile and be around positive people more often. The key to success is being in a great mood. And communicating with optimists will tune you into the desired “wave”.

Decide what you need most

Many people don't know what they want, don't have a clear idea of ​​their intentions, and just go with the flow. If you cannot clearly imagine what you want, you will not be able to take action to make your desire come true.

To bring your dream closer to fulfillment, you need to know exactly what you want: financial independence, a prestigious job, fame, success, a beloved man or a new foreign car.

People may know their desires deep down, but believe that they do not deserve them. For example, a woman is afraid of a relationship with a man, believing that he will definitely leave her. By doing this, she subconsciously destroys her relationship that does not yet exist. Therefore, be careful about your desires.

The law of attraction and the power of thought make dreams come true

Burn with a strong desire to receive intentions

To get what you want, you need to really, really want it! The desire must be burning, sitting deep inside. The stronger it is, the stronger the vibration it sends to the outside world, which is important. Remove obstacles in the way of money into your life, learn everything about Money Happiness!

And if there is powerful motivation, then this will help you achieve your dream even faster.
For example, a person lives in a small dorm room, but dreams of being the owner of his own spacious apartment. To get what you want, let's learn how to set goals correctly. How to achieve your goal

I earn $100,000I don't want to live in poverty
I live in my house by the oceanI don't want to live in a small apartment in a stuffy city
I create an atmosphere of mutual respect and support in the work teamI don’t want to swear and quarrel with my work colleagues
I hold the position of director of a large enterpriseI don't want to work as a simple worker

Believe in your dream and take action

If negative emotions arise when you think about your desire, then you are not completely sure that your dream will come true. Negative thoughts should be fought without leaving room for them in life. Try to replace them with faith in a good future.

One of the simple ways to achieve what you want is to write a plan on a piece of paper with goals and tasks, the implementation of which will bring you closer to the desired result. Then let go of the desire itself, reducing its importance. If you stick to the plan every day, everything will work out quickly and easily.

Be prepared to contribute through active actions and optimistic thoughts to the fulfillment of your dreams. This is the only way intentions will help you get the desired result. When you work towards achieving your goals, your chances of achieving your dreams increase. Take action and work until your dream comes true.

My dream has come true - I travel to foreign countries

Focus on desire

When a wish you make brings joy, it’s a beautiful fantasy and a good dream! Focus on the positive feelings associated with it. To achieve this, you should:

  • clear your mind. Try not to think about anything. To focus on desire, it is necessary to achieve peace of mind;
  • listen to meditation music. Play your favorite song, sit in a comfortable position and try to clear your mind;
  • take a walk in the fresh air. Physical activity calms the mind. While walking, focus on breathing, immerse yourself in your surroundings;
  • think about an object in your imagination, mentally ask the Universe to fulfill your desire.

A unique technique for making wishes come true with the power of thought

Break a big goal into subtasks

Psychologists have found that the pursuit of big goals often causes depression and a feeling of depression. A person feels that he is unable to complete a task that is too large. Ultimately, he may completely abandon his goal.

To prevent this from happening, you need to break a big goal into small, accessible steps. For example, when preparing for an exam, you can set yourself the task not of “passing all the tickets”, but of “doing five tickets in a day.”

Everyone will have their own answer to the difficult question of how to achieve what they want. The methods listed are general tools that are useful in working towards your goal. It is important for a person to pay attention to which recommendations are effective for him. This will make the process of achieving the goal individual and increase personal effectiveness.

How to get what you want: simple techniques

Throughout life, people accumulate a huge number of desires. Without thinking, they dream of good and bad, desire revenge and prosperity, seek pleasure, running away from troubles. That's why happy people are so rare in life.

More often, depressed people come across with feelings of dissatisfaction and self-pity, and envy of others. Psychologists believe that all our thoughts (positive and negative) materialize, so it is in our interests to think correctly. There are techniques and methods that help you achieve what you want. They are simple, but they need to be done regularly.

Visualize the future result more often, imagine your dreams already fulfilled. For example, if you want to lose weight, imagine not only a beautiful figure, but also how you will try on chic outfits.

Think about how your desire will be realized, how the result will be achieved. For example, the following desire: “I want to live in France.” However, it can be fulfilled in different ways. You might find yourself there as a hotel cleaner. Who will like it? Therefore, it is better to formulate the desire like this: - I want to live in France with my beloved husband and be the mistress of my home.

Apply unique techniques for fulfilling desires

Picture your future

What do you think about the near future, how do you see yourself in it, what are you tuning in to? You need to answer these questions and attract what is needed into your life. Mentally imagine a picture of the future, for example, some time period (a year, five years).

If your picture of the future consists of fears and apprehensions, then what you think about will come true. Do you need this? Allow yourself to dream. This method is called "Visualization". Close your eyes and imagine your future, which will make you a happy person.

Bring secret and obvious desires to light, then imagine that everything has already come true! Fantasize, dream, create intentions, and then be sure to thank fate and the Universe that everything will happen. The power of gratitude is of great importance! Learn how the Money Matrix works to increase your Cash Flow.

How to get what you want from the Universe: the dream of a brand new car

Dream and fantasize

People dream about their dreams coming true. How to get what you want? If you learn to do this correctly, over time you will enjoy the generous gifts of the Universe. To obtain the desired benefits from fate, qualities such as determination, confidence, constancy, and the ability to wait are important. Only then will you be able to realize your dreams. Dream correctly:

  1. The wording is clear, without negative particles “not”. That's right: I meet the man of my dreams and get married. Incorrect: I don't want to be lonely.
  2. Time frame. Be sure to indicate the time. For example, my goal will be achieved in 3 months.
  3. Motivation. Answer yourself the question why you need to achieve your goal in order to understand what you cannot imagine a happy life without. For example: I’m tired of living in a communal apartment, I want to be the mistress of my big house.

The mind must accept your suggestions and hidden desires. Immerse yourself in an atmosphere of happiness, feel the great emotions of making your dreams come true, imagine the smallest details. For example, a dream is a new car. Feel the smell of the new leather interior, feel the steering wheel with your hands, imagine yourself picking up speed, and you will be filled with a feeling of joy!

How to get what you want with the power of thought

Make a wish map

The technique has been known since ancient times. All great and successful people had wish cards. It's easy to do! It will take a little time and imagination. Print pictures according to your wishes. Then carefully cut everything out with scissors. Place your photo in the middle of a large sheet of paper, and around it stick what you would like to have most.

Cut out titles that fit the pictures and match the dreams. You will like this collage; it will constantly attract attention. Find the right place to place it. Hang the wish card so that you can daydream while looking at it.

Psychologists explain the essence of the method - you clearly understand and realize your desires. Daily contemplation of the card sets you up for the fulfillment of desires. However, this simply acts as a “reminder” to send the necessary impulses. When contemplating the map of happiness, evoke joy in yourself!

Learn how to create desired events using a wish map

Method "Table of Emotions"

To cultivate the necessary feelings towards your goal, it is useful to use the following technique called the “Emotion Chart”. To do this, a piece of paper is divided into three columns. The first records those experiences that will cover at the moment of achieving the goal. In the next column you need to record memories of the last time you experienced these feelings. Here you can indicate under what circumstances this happened.

In the third column it is written when those actions will be performed that will allow you to gain these feelings. In most cases, these results, whatever they may be, can be combined into one category - rest. A person in pursuit of his goals does not give himself a break. But no matter how paradoxical it may be, such an approach only pushes goals away, since it makes feelings more and more dull.

To achieve your goals, you need to build time for rest into your daily schedule. Psychologists recommend adding at least three activities every day that restore strength.

The Law of Attraction and the Power of Thought

Let's figure out what the law of attraction is. It's simple - our thoughts and feelings attract events that then arise in life. Positive thoughts bring positive experiences, and negative thoughts bring negative experiences. If you understand the law and put it into practice, amazing changes in your life will begin.

The law of attraction is based on a thought with a certain energetic frequency. Science has confirmed that all our thoughts are accompanied by emotions (physical reactions to the body), which trigger special chemicals in our body.

There are rules by which the law of attraction and the power of thought operates. One of the main ones is to be grateful. Gratitude for what you already have increases good feelings and brings the fulfillment of what you want closer. As you know, the secret is the power of attraction, and like attracts like. Rejoice when you encounter beauty, abundance, and prosperity along the way! By enjoying the successes of other people, you attract success into your life.

Dreams will come true

Intention from a neuropsychological perspective

In the bestselling book Buddha's Brain, Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius describe the nature of intention from a neuropsychological perspective. The authors write in detail about attachment as a force that blocks the actions of intention.

  • Most of the intentions that arise in our brains are outside of conscious perception. Most often, these are not intentions, but desires.
  • Ideally, our intentions should be consistent at all levels of the nervous system axis - that is when you will feel special power.
  • In a neuropsychological sense, intention is coherence at all levels of the nervous system axis.

Hanson and Mendius write that achieving such coherence at all levels of the nervous system is not easy. We constantly switch from one task to another, so the neural connections that reinforce the intention simply do not have time to form. To maintain the strength of intention, a special unidirectional effort is required.

The power of intention is especially evident in working with addictions. Let me give you an example from personal practice.

A young man came to the reception and smoked weed from time to time. According to him, if earlier he felt the urge to smoke 1-2 times a week, now he feels like smoking almost every day. During the counseling process, at the stage of forming the intention to cope with addiction, we encountered difficulties. Most of his motivations were beyond conscious perception. After three sessions, the client disappeared for a month, after which he returned with a request to continue working. Considering the specifics of addiction, we agreed on supportive work between sessions in the format of text therapy. After three weeks, the intention to get rid of addiction began to gain certainty and strength, and breakdowns occurred less and less often.

The therapy lasted 4.5 months, the main focus was strengthening the power of intention - the formation of a stable unity of neurological levels through exercises to develop self-control.

The young man developed a new hobby: organizational work in a tourist club, which occupied a fair share of his attention. We noted how the intention to get rid of addiction was closely related to the formation of new dominants in life and concentration on them.

Use the Simoron technique

Simoron is a fun technique for making wishes come true. It all happens through fun and positive activities that make dreams come true. Simoring means finding a way out of problems using playful forms, using funny and even ridiculous rituals.

A game where adults have fun like children, where you can turn everything on its head, go beyond the ordinary and see everything in a different light, helps you achieve your goals! With the help of the Simoron technique, it is possible to achieve the fulfillment of any desires, because our whole life is a game. The funny psychological gaming technique Simoron is suitable for caring and joyful people.

“All the greatest nonsense in the world is done with a serious expression on the face. So smile, gentlemen, smile!” Baron Munchausen

Simoron’s rituals for making dreams come true are about joining the powerful flow of creative creative and positive energy of the Universe. Simoron's technique combines the practices of self-hypnosis, children's play and the theater of the absurd. Childish belief in the fulfillment of desires, the existence of magic, and gaming techniques with humor attract many followers.

Study the object of manipulation

Why rush headlong into the pool and conduct experiments using all the techniques in a row, if you can first do a little research and find out more about the person you want to influence? If you determine what kind of “fruit” is in front of you, management efficiency increases significantly. What is worth finding out about the “object” of manipulation:

  • his weaknesses and mistakes;
  • his way of showing emotions;
  • advantages and disadvantages;
  • Lifestyle;
  • its values.

So, for example, you can focus on manipulation using such a weakness as “greed,” but the person will not care much about the promised “mountains of gold.” He just has different values.

If you are too lazy to find out more about your interlocutor and start using all the manipulation techniques on him in a row, you just might stupidly burn yourself out and lose his trust.

To explore the “object” you don’t have to play Agent 007. Most of the information about a person can be learned from him. You just need to improve your attention and observation skills: he can tell you something in a confidential conversation, you can learn something from friends or colleagues. Social networks can also be considered a valuable source of information today. Sometimes people, without knowing it, post information about themselves that can be used against them.

Don’t forget about “body language”: very often people say one thing, but their movements, postures and facial expressions contradict what was said. By the way, mirroring the movements of your interlocutor is a proven way to win him over.

Tips from the Universe for making your dreams come true

We all dream of something and desperately need something. The Universe tries to protect us from doubts by sending signs and tips. Miracles happen, reality changes, there is no need to doubt it! Every second, a large stream of requests and prayers from people flies into it.

Our doubts prevent the Universe from making our dreams come true. What do you need to know and what to follow to make your dream come true? Let's take a look at the clues from the Universe that will help you understand how to get what you want.

How the Law of Attraction Works: Dreams Come True

Everything planned already exists

It turns out that we are wishing for something that already exists in the world. After all, no one will ask for “something I don’t know what.” The possibilities of the Universe are limitless, and as soon as the image of the object of our dreams appears in our thoughts, the chances for its realization appear.

Imagine that there is a certain order fulfiller living in the Universe. Upon receiving the application, it begins to prepare your order for shipment. Use your imagination! Understand that everything you plan already exists.

The main thing is to be patient and wait until the order reaches the recipient. It’s not for nothing that esotericists advise treating dreams as if they have already come true. Filling the soul with happiness, delight and gratitude, a person attracts what he wants like a magnet. This is how the law of attraction works.

Wish fulfillment mandala

Let yourself be happy

The Universe is so abundant that it is ready to delight us with surprises and pleasure! Dream, ask, order, don’t doubt that you deserve what you dream of! Everything you ask for today and everything you dream about tomorrow is just a small part of what the Universe has prepared for you.

Know that big goals, such as getting houses or cars, cannot appear in the blink of an eye. Be patient and don't miss opportunities to get closer to your dreams.

Having made a wish, firmly and unconditionally believe that it will come true. Let there not be the slightest doubt about this. When the feeling takes root and becomes truly yours, your wishes will begin to come true instantly. Then let the Universe delight you and give you pleasure.

A dream come true - I travel to different countries

The Power of Intention

In life, everything happens, sometimes you strive to get one thing, but you get something completely different. How to achieve what you want when obstacles appear along the way and life turns into climbing to the top of a mountain. You have to climb, fight difficulties, find a way out. This has probably happened to everyone.

It turns out that this is how the Universe is convinced of the strength of your intentions - whether you will not give up on your dreams, or whether you will not succumb to despondency. This is how she teaches us perseverance. At this time, there is no need to grumble, become despondent, or give up your intentions, because you are already one step away from your dreams. All that remains is to boldly step forward!

At the same time, you can pronounce affirming phrases. Their effectiveness has been proven by esotericists. It is advisable to repeat the affirmations before going to bed and early in the morning. At this time, the mind is still dormant, and the words penetrate directly into the subconscious.

The most persistent people always achieve what they want: they get a brand new car, a house by the sea, travel

What to do if you're scared

Are you scared? Who isn't scared? Let it be scary. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to accept it by acting. It arises when we go beyond our usual life. As long as we don't act, there is no fear.

The path to success is accompanied by fear; it is an indicator of going beyond the usual boundaries. And the choice is yours. As soon as you cross that line of your usual life, fear will disappear.

Little secret! Life gives no guarantees! All the work we do does not provide any guarantees, all actions open up our possibilities.

Getting rid of irritation

We are surrounded by different people, and we don’t like all of them. How to put up with colleagues, bosses, subordinates who cause antipathy and irritation? Run from company to company in search of the ideal team? There is no such thing. Show intolerance, quarrel, quarrel? We will earn a reputation as a troublemaker that everyone will dream of getting rid of.

Let's use a little trick: let's turn on our imagination and imagine the unpleasant employee as a little offended child whom we can't help but feel sorry for . Our unfriendly look will be replaced by a sympathetic one and, who knows, perhaps soon we ourselves will forget about our hostility.

Advice from Margaret Thatcher: “You need to study your enemy well, then one day you can turn him into a friend.”

We praise people more

We all know how to criticize for mistakes, but we often don’t consider it necessary to praise - we pretend that this is how it should be. But praise and compliments can work wonders : they raise self-esteem, fill a person with positive emotions and energy, and he is ready to move mountains (perhaps even for our sake).

“There are two levers for controlling people: the first is personal gain, and the second is money,” Napoleon Bonaparte.

However, this is only a small part of the techniques on how to influence and manage people. This issue is studied by teachers, psychologists, and sociologists; many books have been written on this topic, for example, “The Gift of a Leader. How to Influence People" by Ken Blanchard. The art of managing people is taught in numerous trainings. And, of course, if you wish, you can master it, because “He who exerts his mind controls people,” wrote the follower of Confucius Mencius.

© Elena Timoshenko, BBF.RU

Influence people's will and force them to make difficult decisions

Work fatigue or anguish from the inability to make a decision affects the quality of making this decision. A real dictator knows perfectly well how to use this.

Cuban dictator Fidel Castro liked to hold meetings at 4 a.m., when he would often get people right out of bed, putting them at a disadvantage in the process. Domestic authoritarian ruler Joseph Stalin also used this tactic; even a meeting with Winston Churchill to plan an attack on Germany was organized late at night.

How to use it ► In both cases, the idea is to catch your enemy (or ally) off guard when their willpower is weak and they are willing to do anything to cooperate with you. But don’t forget that decision-making pain really exists and absolutely anyone can easily use it for completely different purposes. If possible, avoid meeting too early with your boss (or at least give yourself enough time to wake up early).

Conscious - a new race

If you listened to Yuval Noah Harrari at the World Economic Forum (video of his speech in Davos in 2022 is here - editor's note), then I want to draw your attention to the fact that the essence of his speech is actually a new racism. He says: those who master this awareness will be able to jump into the 21st century - in their intellectual, emotional, and internal state. And those who can’t are like a different race, and they are on the sidelines. This is also segregation - not by money, not by skin color, but by level of awareness.

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Now we are all being tested - a huge number of people are entering a state of burnout and losing interest in life. A huge external anxiety is superimposed - we are afraid of the epidemic, the economic recession that has begun. Travel used to motivate me, but now I’ve already visited Paris and Venice, and I don’t want to go there for the tenth time. Even now, when entire countries have been quarantined. So what? We'll stay at home for a while. And we are looking for support within. It's time to consider your real dream and stop working for the goals of others through “I don’t want”, illness and force majeure circumstances.

The Forbes Ontology spring intensive is postponed to the fall, due to the decree of the Moscow mayor banning offline events with the participation of more than 50 people, which comes into force in the second half of March. The club starts working online: on Monday, March 23, free anti-crisis broadcasts from the club’s trainers will start on the project’s Instagram account - the Keep Calm & Ontology marathon will last twenty-one days, the length of quarantine usually lasts. Join us to make good use of your time in self-isolation.

Taking an energy break

A person is trying to manipulate us: in the presence of other people, he suddenly asks us a delicate question that we did not want to answer earlier when we were together. Here the calculation is made on surprise: according to his plan, we should be confused, nervous and respond.

What to do in this case? Take an energy pause : we behave as if we are about to answer, look him straight in the eyes and... remain silent. He is all waiting, and we pause for a while and start a conversation on an abstract topic. The main thing is to behave naturally, don’t fuss, don’t twitch, and they won’t do such things to us again.

As the main character of Somerset Maugham’s novel, Julia Lambert, a master at managing people, said, “The main thing is to keep a pause, the bigger the artist, the longer he pauses. ... Don’t pause unnecessarily, and if you take one, take it as long as you can!”

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