Intuition, how to develop it and learn to use it - simple techniques for working with the unconscious

Ivan Vdovin

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We have all heard about intuition in any of its forms, but few people have any idea what kind of feeling it is and how to learn to feel it. This raises the question, intuition, how to develop it and learn to use it. In this article you will find the answer to this question and, with the help of simple techniques, learn to trust your intuition and listen to yourself.

What is intuition?

Intuition is a person’s ability to hear the inner self. Perhaps the subconscious or the soul. The whole point is that a person has consciousness and unconsciousness. As it is not difficult to guess, consciousness is what we are aware of, the unconscious is already internal processes that consciousness cannot understand (realize).

Our unconscious is an ally who always wants to help, do good, save us from any potential danger. But he doesn’t have enough tools to shout to consciousness, since he’s an ordinary person. Therefore, the subconscious constantly beacons us about the right choice, all that remains is to learn to recognize these signs and learn to use them, and then you will become a little successful, or maybe not a little, but a billionaire.

What's most interesting is that learning to trust yourself and your intuition is not difficult, but it can take quite a long time. The main thing is not to rush; in any task you need perseverance. \

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The sixth sense in science

The famous writer Marilyn Ferguson argued that only thanks to the sixth sense humanity emerged from the caves and began to develop, and Carl Jung said that intuitive sensitivity is one of the personality parameters.

The role of the sixth sense in science is quite high. Many scientists believed that many axioms and scientific achievements became possible only thanks to intuitive thinking. According to Descartes, intuition combined with deduction guarantees absolute certainty.

From a philosophical point of view

In philosophy, the sixth sense is perceived as the faculty of contemplation or intellectual knowledge. According to Plato, contemplation is a type of knowledge that resembles insight, but requires lengthy preparation.

Descartes argued that intuition requires clear, careful thinking, as simple as possible. Thanks to this simplicity, the result is more reliable than with the deductive method. In some philosophical teachings, the sixth sense is interpreted as an unconscious process that is incompatible with logic, as well as life practice.

In philosophy it is generally accepted that sensitivity is sufficient to comprehend the truth. However, it is not enough to convince other people, and in some cases even oneself.

In psychology

Psychologists note that the sixth sense is a holistic, unconscious perception of the surrounding world and reality. At the same time, intuitive thinking always precedes conscious perception.

Intuition is primary, it precedes analytical analysis. It is thanks to the sixth sense that a mathematician knows the answer to a problem without solving it, a chess player predicts the outcome of a game before it begins, and a salesman accurately identifies a promising buyer.

Psychologists believe that intuition is preliminary answers, possibilities that a person perceives. Words such as “seems”, “seemed” are a manifestation of the sixth sense.

Intuition is a continuation of the list of perceptions and sensations, however, in Jung’s system it is a separate function of the human body.

Computer simulation

We are talking about adaptive programs, as well as certain artificial intelligence algorithms that demonstrate behavior that imitates human intuition.
They form certain knowledge without analytical calculations and logical thinking. To teach intuitive decision-making, neuron-like devices are used - these are special neural networks, neurocomputers. Using such equipment, practicing psychologists can practice psychodiagnostic techniques.

Why do women have better intuition than men?

Men are logical, women are emotional. The brain has two hemispheres, the left is responsible for logic, the right for emotions. Since intuition is still an emotional part, it is more developed in women. But this does not mean that it is not accessible to men; on the contrary, it is very accessible and easy to train.

Ideally, develop the brain so that both hemispheres work synchronously. That is, logic and emotions are on the same level, for this you can play a game of new NLP code called rainbow. Description of the technique here.

Development of intuition

Nature rewards every person without exception with a sixth sense, but it is not equally developed in everyone. The absence of an inner voice is not a reason to be upset. Think of your sixth sense as a muscle that you can develop.

Signs of developed intuition

You have colorful dreams. Write down your dreams - this helps develop not only your memory, but also your inner voice.

  1. Do you often look at the clock at the exact time? The ability to look at the clock at a “beautiful” time is a sign of developed intuition.
  2. You are an empath. People with developed intuitive thinking are sensitive to the emotions of other people and understand the motivation of actions.
  3. They perfectly understand people’s true thoughts and are able to recognize false smiles and compliments. But the main thing here is not to confuse intuition and a biased attitude towards a person.
  4. Your thoughts and body are in harmony and you know perfectly well when to increase the load and when to stop and rest.
  5. You easily predict calls - you pick up the phone and it immediately rings, you think about the person, and he immediately dials your phone number.
  6. In all matters, you rely on inspiration - every movement comes to you easily, without effort, you understand perfectly well when and what to say, what action to take.
  7. You correctly determine which people you need to communicate with and which people to let go.
  8. You are always on time - neither early nor late

Why do you need to develop

You should not assume that intuitive thinking is something unnecessary and meaningless. The inner voice helps to avoid unpleasant and sometimes dangerous situations. You probably know situations when a person, by some lucky chance, changed his mind about boarding a plane, and after some time he learned about a plane crash. Thus, intuitive sensitivity is one of the ways to avoid difficulties and undesirable consequences in life situations - personal, professional.

How to develop

  1. Develop your right hemisphere - practice writing, draw with your left hand, there are a huge number of such exercises on the Internet.
  2. Get rid of logic, listen more to the subconscious, write down words and come up with associations for them.
  3. Communicate with your “I”. Ask yourself questions, this will help develop your sixth sense.
  4. Seek harmony. Set aside one day a week when you have time just for yourself. Study your sensations, thoughts, feelings.
  5. Keep calm. Meditation will help with this - it calms the mind and eliminates unnecessary thoughts.

Learn to predict events. Close your eyes and imagine the place where you were going in the near future, imagine your emotions and sensations. Then be sure to compare your fantasies and real events.

Involve friends and family in the activities. Let them hide some object or photo behind their back, and you try to guess what it is and who is shown in the photo. Relax, clear your mind, use a pencil and try to draw what you feel.

What does intuition give?

Due to the fact that the unconscious is the most powerful tool for achieving everything you want, and intuition is one of the ways to listen and understand it, then by developing the skill of intuition, you can achieve any goals you set for yourself that you want. To any question, “can intuition help in...?” the answer will always be YES.

Many people underestimate this resource and treat it as something fictitious. Everyone talks about women's intuition, but no one takes it seriously. But in fact, psychological experiments have been carried out with intuition for a long time and everything has long been proven, even the part of the brain that is responsible for it.

So, what does intuition give?

  • Best of picks
  • Become richer and more successful
  • Choose the right bride/groom
  • To invest money
  • Warn against accidents and plane crashes
  • Meet the right person
  • To find a good job

Should you trust your intuition?

Scientists say Lufityanto G., Donkin C., Pearson J. Measuring Intuition: Nonconscious Emotional Information Boosts Decision Accuracy and Confidence / Psychological science that intuition can help you make a decision that you will not doubt later.

For example, Dutch psychologists in 2006 concluded that intuition works well when many factors need to be taken into account. They found out Dijksterhuis A., Bos MW, Nordgren LF, et al. On making the right choice: the deliberation‑without‑attention effect / Science (New York, NY), that those who used their instincts when buying a car or home were 2.5 times more likely to be satisfied with the purchase than those who spent a long time comparing advantages and disadvantages. Experts have called intuition “thinking without attention.”

But this does not mean at all that you need to abandon rational thinking.

Intuition can fail because it creates M. Pigliucci. Answers for Aristotle: How Science and Philosophy Can Lead Us to a More Meaningful Life are only preliminary hypotheses that need to be tested. The Sixth Sense relies heavily on emotion, and its predictions are often subjective. For example, our instincts can be clouded by negative childhood experiences, complexes, fears, and mental trauma. In addition, intuition is unlikely to be useful in areas in which a person does not understand. Or in poorly predictable areas, such as the global economy.

The accuracy of intuition depends on many things, and everyone must decide for themselves whether to rely on it. Considered M. Pigliucci. Answers for Aristotle: How Science and Philosophy Can Lead Us to a More Meaningful Life, that the most accurate clues are given by instinct when we allow it to work freely: we do not reason and act “on autopilot.”

Why doesn't intuition work?

There are many reasons for this. Our intuition does not work well if we are constantly under stress. Stress is a completely different, more powerful feeling and therefore it completely overwhelms intuition. Try to never make important decisions in stressful situations.

Read more: Self-hypnosis - immersion technique

Strong emotions, such as guilt or resentment, also nip intuition in the bud. Therefore, you have probably noticed that successful people are usually calm and don’t care about various problems. Therefore, the first steps on the path to intuition are to completely discard negative emotions. Or learn to accept them. Just tell yourself, I accept emotions as they are.

It is also important to understand that intuition will not work if you do not act after receiving information. Let's imagine, your intuition told you that in order to get rich, you need to buy a lottery ticket, and you even fully recognized all the information, but at the last moment you changed your mind, were afraid and bought a candy for a place to buy a ticket.

Understand that it is sometimes difficult for our unconscious to shout to us through consciousness, all barriers, EGO and other emotions. Why should he waste resources on all this if you don’t use it? Or rather, you sabotage yourself. This is very important to realize and begin to apply.

Why doesn't a person use his sixth sense?

What is intuition based on? This feeling is made up of emotion, spirit and logic. It is these components that are the guide along the path of life. In most cases, we do not respond to internal cues. Man is designed in such a way that he constantly doubts, fears, worries, reasons, and this prevents him from hearing himself.

As an example, remember how you wanted to dance or sing, learn to play the guitar, or open your own business. But the thought flashed through your head, “what if it’s a failure,” and you didn’t even try to do anything. In the first case there was intuition, in the second - reason. As a rule, we all choose what is considered reasonable, that is, we refuse to take risks even when we essentially have nothing to lose.

The brain creates a barrier in the mind, trying to protect a person from the unknown and incomprehensible to him. He warns that there may be a negative result, thereby restraining his owner, not giving him the opportunity to try something that he cannot yet understand. And this approach is logical. Intuition, on the contrary, is a desire, a desire for the best, a passion that makes you not stop there and constantly move forward.

There are situations when it is worth giving feelings and sensations a chance, turning off common sense and logic for a while. You just need to do as your inner voice says, trust your body and soul. Despite everything, it is there and is desperately trying to reach the “control center” located in the head.

How to pump up your intuition to 100 percent?

There are a lot of ways, from simple to very simple. Since everyone has intuition, all that remains is to learn to listen to it and make the right decisions. It is important to learn to feel it a little and the process of trusting yourself will start unconditionally.

In order to properly train your intuition, you need to calm your brain and emotions; to do this, just meditate a little and sensitivity will wake up again. You can find a list of meditations for relaxation here.

Intuition - how to understand it

Very often, people with poorly developed intuition in critical or stressful situations cannot adhere to the advice of their inner voice. Later, when they do something without listening to their feelings and get burned, they begin to realize their mistake, because they had a bad feeling that they did not pay due attention to. They hurt themselves with bad choices. But how were they supposed to understand that it was the voice of intuition, and not the empty chatter constantly going on in our heads? How should a person realize that he must trust and listen to his intuition? The main thing is to learn how to correctly interpret the messages of your inner voice, and for this you need to develop intuition.

Intuition is self-confidence!

If you are angry with yourself, hate and despise yourself, then there will be problems with intuition.

It’s even worse if all this leads to depression and self-dislike. Pain, disappointment and self-betrayal.

But there are reasons for everything and they were formed 100% in childhood, and if they are solved, the problem will go away and love and trust in yourself will remain.

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