Ericksonian hypnosis: simple techniques of hypnosis and self-hypnosis

Ericksonian hypnosis was created by Milton Erickson, an American psychiatrist and psychotherapist. This is a gentle and non-directive hypnosis. Milton Erickson first used self-hypnosis for himself, and then began to use these techniques in working with patients. So gradually a separate direction took shape.

Milton Erickson considered trance to be a natural human state that occurs many times a day and is necessary for processing and assimilation of experience.

Pantry of the subconscious

The fundamental difference between Erickson’s approach to the unconscious is that he was one of the first psychotherapists to view the subconscious not as a source of problems, but as a huge reservoir of potential resources and opportunities - health, well-being, achievements, successes, victories, joyful and happy moments when something you have experienced. Unfortunately, this powerful reservoir of resources is not available to most people in everyday life, however, it can be accessed through hypnosis and all these resources can be activated for the benefit of the person.

To all that has been said, we can add that today scientists, using modern instruments for studying brain activity, have established that in a state of trance, the work of the left and right hemispheres of the brain is balanced, and as a result of this, our brain enters the mode of operation in the alpha rhythm, which already in itself has a healing effect on the entire human body and psyche. In addition, when working with negative experiences in a state of hypnotic trance, you have the opportunity to relive these situations in a safe environment and, using the tips and help of a therapist, find new ways to solve difficult situations.

As a result of this, a new experience of positive experiences is recorded in the subconscious, for which it does not matter whether the solution to the problem occurred in real life or in a hypnotic trance. This leads to a restructuring of the psyche, and problems, illnesses and difficulties remain in the past. Hypnosis, therefore, is the assistance provided by the therapist so that the patient enters a trance state, turning the focus of his attention inward, and launches unconscious internal mechanisms for finding a solution to his problem.


Believe in yourself, and then no obstacles will stop you. Milton was able to prove to us by his example that a person is capable of doing the impossible if he really wants to. Surprisingly, he fell ill with polio again, although such cases are quite rare. The disease struck him at the age of 51. But not for long. Literally a year later he set off to conquer the mountains of Arizona.

Not every healthy person can handle such a load, but Erickson succeeded, despite the paralyzed right side of his body. Almost until his death, he worked and made a significant contribution to the development of psychotherapy. The strength of his spirit can be envied. And, of course, lead by example. It's time to change your life for the better! Do you agree?

If you are seriously interested in the topic of psychology, I recommend that you read this article. From it you will understand where to start studying psychology.

The material was prepared by psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Alina Zhuravina

Benefits of Ericksonian Hypnosis

Many people mistakenly believe that this type of hypnosis, like many other types, involves suggestion. But no, this technique is based only on immersing a person into the depths of his own subconscious. In other words, the hypnologist only puts the patient into a deep trance and guides him towards a predetermined goal, for example, giving up some bad habit.

By and large, people unintentionally encounter trance every day in everyday life, only in its weaker manifestations. For example, a person is deep in thought, completely lost in his thoughts, and does not react in any way to any external stimuli.

Most often, you can fall into a similar state on your own while on a moving train or commuter train. Surely, everyone has at least once seen a picture when a passenger looks at one point, his gaze does not radiate meaningfulness, and he himself seems to not see or hear what is happening around him. During the session, they try to achieve the same state, only many times deeper and longer.

Ericksonian hypnosis has an undeniable advantage over other techniques. It cannot cause harm to health, as it is based on the natural physiological states of the body.

Postulates of a successful psychiatrist

In the course of his numerous hypno-therapeutic practices, Erickson derived a universal formula - the key to unlimited human capabilities:

1. Everything is OK with each person (with me, and with you (even if you don’t think so yet), and with him, no matter how strange it may sound given his illnesses).

2. Everyone has enough resources (to be happy, to change, and so on. Knowing Milton Erickson’s way of overcoming difficulties and health problems, it is difficult to doubt his words).

3. When committing actions (actions), we are guided by good intentions (even when committing murder, a person justifies himself with good goals).

4. Everyone makes the best choice at any given time (and by reading this article you are making the best choice).

5. Changes are inevitable (including with me, who wrote, and with you, reading the article).

But in fact... Maybe we should think about it? And then many problems in your life will disappear by themselves.

Milton Erickson died in 1980. His work and his experience formed the basis of a separate branch of hypnotherapy, which was named after him - Ericksonian hypnosis. In addition, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) was invented based on the teachings and works of Erickson.

Trance methods

The trance state occurs after two main steps in hypnosis: gaining the person's trust and relaxing him to a state of complete serenity. Partially, the person himself begins to fall into a trance state after complete relaxation. A state of trance is necessary for a person to be deeply immersed in his own thoughts, using his own understanding to break down the problem into its components and independently find a solution. In this case, the hypnotist is the one who can help the person save himself. Quite often the patient does not notice hypnosis, since this method does not accept additional elements, such as sound or swinging of a pendulum, waving of a clock, clicks and voice.

Thanks to several clear signs, you can understand the state of a person when he is in a trance, these are:

Complete relaxation of the body, slow and uniform breathing and heartbeat, almost a typical sleep state.

Fixed gaze, a person's gaze does not twitch, does not focus or change.

The person does not swallow or blink, and there are no other movements familiar to the normal human state.

The person’s reaction is especially inhibited, typical life activities slow down.

In a trance state, the pupils are noticeably dilated.

You can enter a trance state not only using the methods described above, but also using verbal methods of influence.

  1. Chatting. Traders like to use the technique of frequent conversations; as you know, this is not just a human characteristic (to talk constantly), but a psychological setting in order to “convince”, “sniff”, “force”. Correctly chosen words can reveal almost any information and put you into a trance.
  2. Polar reaction. Or the reaction of the opposite component, it is contained in the doctor’s approach from the opposite point of view, a change of poles or a change of beliefs (makes a person believe in the opposite)
  3. Template break. A change in reality, when the usual pattern of understanding and behavior is broken, a person finds himself in confusion. In such a state, it is very easy to put him into a trance, and sometimes to instill a different point of view.
  4. "Yes" method. The doctor’s questions become familiar and obvious, requiring the patient to always give a positive answer. Answering obvious questions, a person gradually plunges into a trance.

Ericksonian hypnosis is often used to:

  • Reduce or completely eliminate various pains;
  • Reduce anxiety and stress, as well as agitation, restlessness and irritation;
  • Reduce stress levels or get rid of them altogether;
  • Progression and the ability to see the future;
  • Search for ideas and resources to achieve any result.

The Ericksonian method of hypnosis has a completely positive effect on patients, their well-being improves significantly, they feel rested and calm. As a result of hypnosis, a person’s subconscious naturally finds solutions to problems, helps to overcome difficult situations in life, and find balance and meaning.


Erickson always found the bright side of disability.

After all, he was colorblind, dyslexic, deaf-mute and partially paralyzed.

However, these seemingly negative flaws were precisely the things that allowed him to become an expert at reading body language.

But this doesn't only apply to people with disabilities. A more common example would be a child who refuses to go to bed. Here the parent can combine two methods of Ericksonian therapy - emphasizing positive and stimulating resistance.

They may first praise the child for his energy and then encourage him to stay awake. This would end the child's resistance because they no longer have to prove that they can stay late.

If they accept the offer and don't sleep, they'll be even more tired the next day and go to bed early.

Confusion Technique. By distracting the conscious mind, Erickson was able to open the subconscious to hypnotic language. According to Erickson, almost every one of his methods uses confusion in one form or another.

For example, he deliberately used vague language patterns, complex topics, confusing words, metaphors, and jokes to distract his patient's conscious train of thought.

In some cases, Erickson used psychological shock therapy to help a client face fear.

For example, he once shocked a man with his fear of riding an elevator by convincing the elevator attendant to try to kiss the man in a stopped elevator (he was married).

The man refused the kiss and asked to turn on the elevator and take him to the lobby! He overcame his fear of moving elevators.

On another occasion, he actually stepped on the foot of a woman who refused to leave her home because she thought she had small feet!

The shock forced her to open her mind to the induction that followed. He exclaimed: “How can a man marry a woman with such big legs?” After this she was healed.


Erickson's hypnosis consists of the following steps:

  1. Joining.
    Under the timbre of the voice, the pace of speech of the interlocutor, the use of the nuances of his speech (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). Under the pose, movements - by copying the pose and movements of your interlocutor, you evoke a feeling of sympathy in him, subconsciously the interlocutor begins to trust you and open up in conversation.
  2. Maintaining. As you establish the interlocutor's disposition towards you, introduce your own predicates, timbre and tempo of speech.
  3. Inducing a trance. Trance is a semi-conscious state characterized by a lack of response to external stimuli, usually induced by hypnosis or introduced by the environment. Many people are afraid of the word "trans", associating it with cruel manipulation. The word itself evokes in a person associations with something illegal and dangerous. But this is not entirely correct. People can fall into a trance while listening to certain music, or while swimming in a pool, or during a massage, experiencing a pleasant relaxation.

Ericksonian hypnosis sequence

The sequence of Ericksonian hypnosis occurs as follows:

The first step of hypnosis is joining. At this stage, the doctor establishes contact with the patient, inspires trust (copies the posture, adapts to the rhythm of breathing, copies the timbre of the voice, the correct words).

The second step of hypnosis is leading. Copying the patient's emotions, gradually subordinating him to his emotional background.

The third step of hypnosis is induction into trance.

The fourth step of hypnosis is suggestion. Ericksonian hypnosis is based primarily on conversation. Suggestion occurs through verbal influence; the doctor asks questions and makes obvious statements.

The fifth step of hypnosis is removal from trance. The doctor sets the patient up to feel good, gives motivation, and increases stress resistance. After which a gentle withdrawal from the trance occurs, returning the person to his usual state.

The Ericksonian method of hypnosis in itself is an excellent method for overcoming many of the problems of mankind. It is worth considering that you should not be overzealous with it either. It is impossible to change a person’s personality type even with the help of hypnosis; the method must be used as necessary to improve a person’s psychological health.

Treatment prices:

ServicePrice, rub)
Types of therapies
Standard detoxification therapy3 500 ₽
Double Detox Therapy6 000 ₽
Enhanced Detoxification Therapy7 500 ₽
Maximum detoxification therapy9 500 ₽
Quick sobering up at home7 500 ₽
Hospital at home 1 day22 000 ₽
Advanced hospitalization15 000 ₽
Treatment in hospital
Economy chamber (6 beds)2 000 ₽
Standard room (4 beds)3 000 ₽
Increased comfort (2 seater)5 500 ₽
VIP chamber (1 person)12 500 ₽
Individual post 24/75 000 ₽
Medical and social rehabilitation 21 days140 000 ₽
ServicePrice, rub)
Initial consultation with a narcologistfor free
Consultation with a psychologist3 000 ₽
Psychiatrist consultation5 000 ₽
Coding at home Torpedo7 500 ₽
Express output and encoding (doublet)13 500 ₽
Coding using the Dovzhenko method12 000 ₽
Hypnosis classic session13 000 ₽
Ericksonian hypnosis session (NLP)8 000 ₽
Coding method Torpedo5 500 ₽
Double block8 000 ₽
Esperal injection for 1 year9 900 ₽
Tetlong for 3 months10 500 ₽
Esperal gel for 1 year15 000 ₽
Selincro course of therapy12 500 ₽
Implantation of Disulfiram for 1 year18 000 ₽
Vivitrol injection for 1 month26 000 ₽
Naltrexone stitching for 3 months35 000 ₽
Neuroimplantation Prodetoxon for 6 months47 500 ₽
Narcopsychotherapy session50 000 ₽
Neutralization of encodingspecify
Psychodiagnostics / pathological diagnostics7 500 ₽
Psychotherapy session5 000 ₽
Family psychotherapy6 000 ₽
Outpatient rehabilitation in Moscow33 000 ₽


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Suggestion techniques

In Ericksonian hypnotherapy, a special form of suggestion is used - indirect. They are aimed at ensuring that a person begins to carry out actions that he is afraid of or, due to some circumstances, cannot do consciously. As a result of suggestion, the patient is able to control such reactions.

The main techniques of suggestion are presented below.

  1. Truisms. These are obvious statements, a banal truth. Used to induce trance and forget the past.
  2. Assumptions. These are figures of speech such as “before..,” “during...”, “as...”, “before,” etc. Directly indicate the sequence of actions.
  3. Oppositions. Consider 2 behavioral reactions that can be contrasted. The effectiveness of the technique will increase if you use facial expressions and kinesthetics.

Another technique is the right to choose. The hypnologist’s task is to correctly place emphasis and evoke the necessary reaction in the client. We need to offer him freedom of choice. What is important here is not the information content of what is said, but the way in which it is presented. An option that is not suitable is pronounced in a dismissive tone.

Ericksonian hypnosis, the text of which cannot simply be found on the Internet, requires certain knowledge and skills.

History of origin

It was invented by psychiatrist Milton Erickson. As a 17-year-old boy, he became seriously ill with polio. It was 1918, a vaccine against it had not yet been invented. And the population of the whole world suffered from outbreaks of epidemics, claiming countless lives. Milton overheard a mother's conversation with a doctor who gave no chance that her child would survive.

This outraged the guy so much that he promised himself to get out at any cost. Completely paralyzed and bedridden, Milton achieves unimaginable results in just a year - he moves around with the help of crutches. A little later, he goes on an independent four-month canoe trip along the lakes of Madison.

He proved by his example that human capabilities are limitless, it is only important to expand your consciousness. Indeed, in fact, at that moment he was so weak that he was not even able to push the canoe into the water. And he lasted 4 months, eating fish caught and fruits collected along the coast.

Classical and Ericksonian hypnosis: what is the difference?

The classic approach to hypnosis involves the patient's complete submission to the hypnotist. In Erickson's technique, the doctor is just a guide through the subconscious, he only shows the way. In addition, Ericksonian hypnosis leads to complete liberation of a person.

In traditional hypnosis, the subject is introduced to certain feelings, thoughts or ideas that do not belong to him, and therefore will not be very effective. When introduced into trance using the Erickson technique, the patient is not suggested anything new. The goal here is to release the knowledge, experience, sensations and resources that already exist in the human subconscious, and on their basis to create completely new ideas and discover the sources of problems.

Indications for use

The use of shock therapy has not been approved by therapists and is a controversial issue.

This is his only technique that is not taught. Hypnosis can help people with mental addictions, disorders and psychological problems.

Here is a list of some results:

  • weight loss;
  • addiction;
  • relationship;
  • OCD;
  • phobias;
  • anxiety;
  • anesthesia;
  • habit control.

There are a wide range of professionals who use aspects of hypnosis in their work, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, family therapists, and nurses.

Erickson's methods are often successfully used in clinical settings by psychoanalysts, but are not strictly limited to this. Nurses, business leaders, politicians, and even yoga instructors have benefited from incorporating hypnosis into their work.

Meditation and even leisure activities are forms of self-hypnosis. Stage and street hypnosis is a form for entertainment purposes only.

A general depiction of the hypnosis stage shows the hypnotist wearing a silly hat, waving a pocket watch, and instructing the subject to fall asleep by snapping his fingers. It is believed that hypnosis is also present here, but in fact this is a veiled fake.

Erickson's self-hypnosis technique

Putting yourself into a trance state is much easier than hypnotizing another person. Self-hypnosis does not require a huge amount of special knowledge, just strong motivation.

Any motivation makes a person feel better, and learning to control one’s own consciousness even more so.

Self-hypnosis consists of the following:

  • To begin with, you should find a comfortable position, preferably one that makes it comfortable to sit in it for half an hour or longer.
  • Then focus your attention on some pleasant material object: a painting, a photograph of a loved one, a sculpture, etc.
  • You should start entering a trance with a detailed examination of the selected object.
  • You need to look at it from all sides, imagining the drawing from a different perspective and even completing the desired but missing details.
  • After a few minutes, visual stimulation will begin to be accompanied by your own images and fantasies, which directly depend on the chosen object: the more positive it is, the more pleasant emotions will arise as a result.

Usually the trance ends in sleep. This technique is best used before bed to introduce pleasant images into the mind that determine thoughts and future behavior.

What does a panic attack mean and what are its symptoms?

The classic definition says that a panic attack is a spontaneous attack accompanied by anxiety. Most often, panic attacks appear after frequent stressful conditions. We must understand that a state of panic is common to people, if there are reasons, but a panic attack is characterized by suddenness. A person experiences fear, incomprehensible anxiety, panic, horror for no reason. Biologically, a large amount of adrenaline enters the blood, and the attack lasts from one minute to forty.

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How do you know if you or a loved one may be having a panic attack? Let's look at the main symptoms of this disease.

What is the use of trance for psychotherapy?

It’s no secret how important psychological health is today. Psychology distinguishes two types of human thinking: conscious (when we control our own consciousness as we want) and unconscious (dreams, images and feelings of a person). In a state of consciousness, a person thinks with the help of words, speaking out loud or to himself his own thoughts. Thinking of the conscious type is based on the laws of the psyche and logic, while the unconscious is based only on sensations and images, completely disregarding common sense.

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Hidden human manipulation and the concept of resource

What is meant by the definition of “resource” in Ericksonian hypnosis? A resource is feelings that arise in the internal state of people. Everyone has the ability to possess any resource.

But in this situation, it is worth noting that not everyone can have access to managing their resources. In order to open such access, the first thing you need to know is the name of the feeling that needs to be manipulated. Many psychologists argue that this is precisely the essence of human manipulation and hidden Ericksonian hypnosis.

Examples of resources can be completely different. These include: calmness, balance, prudence, the ability to be an entrepreneur, the ability to influence others (increasing employee motivation), the ability to speak in public, and many others. It is almost impossible to name even a small part of all the resources that a person has. Thanks to many psychological studies, it has been found that everyone has a certain set of resources that can be repeated in others. Also, we can add that if a resource has a specific name, given this, we can assume that such a resource really exists.

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