Corrective support for a child with personal immaturity; educational and methodological material on the topic

The terms “infantilism” and “infantility” are different from each other, but in a single key they mean the immaturity of the individual. For example, signs of infantilism appear in men and women, as a reluctance to accept serious reality. Such people are quite healthy mentally, but their behavior can cause concern among loved ones and others. As a rule, infantile behavior is observed in people aged 15 to 35 years, regardless of gender or social status.

Experts recommend paying attention to such deviations from accepted psychological maturation. And if the situation worsens, it is rational to carry out specialized treatment from specialists.

Types of infantilism

In the already classic film “Dust” with Pyotr Mamonov, the main character, an adult man named Alexei, is an excellent example of an infantile character.
Living with his grandmother, unable to solve a single more or less serious problem, he habitually runs through life at his grandmother’s cry of “Alyosha!”, voluntarily surrendering himself to other people’s opinions, other people’s decisions. You may have watched this film - it’s easy for you to imagine what infantilism is, ideally performed. Maybe you haven't enjoyed acting yet. It doesn’t matter, there are plenty of people around who suffer from infantilism. Much more than most people think. Infantility is inhibition of the development of the emotional-volitional sphere, “childishness” is childish personal characteristics imprisoned in the shell of a person who is already obliged to outgrow them. There are four groups of infantilism:

  • Simple (harmonic).
  • Disharmonic
  • Psychogenic
  • Organic

The last two classes relate to mental infantilism, and will not be considered by us. The first pair is part of psychological infantilism. The external manifestations of both types are almost similar. Then what are the differences? In the reasons. A certain physiological dysfunction is responsible for mental infantilism; psychotherapeutic methods do not work in this case. With brain disorders, they are infantile and would like to be mature individuals, but they cannot.

Psychological infantilism is a consequence of improper upbringing, annoying mistakes, for which both the infantile’s parents and the “child” himself are responsible, who cannot find where the motivation to become a mature person is buried - not only in the passport, but also in fact .

Simple infantilism

Characterized by relatively uniform developmental delay (mental, physical). Typically, such infantiles lag behind their peers in personal, emotional and volitional terms by 1-3 years. Will and emotions act as the “locomotive” of the delay, then personal qualities are brought in.

All this responds in behavior and social adaptability. Infantile children look younger than their peers. Not being deprived of intelligence, they are distinguished by a lively, but very unstable and superficial interest in life. Despite their gaming endurance, when projecting intellectual qualities onto more serious tasks, they get lost and quickly get tired. In this regard, a number of problems arise when entering school and subsequent studies - neurotic reactions are an obstacle to mastering subjects.

Neurotic manifestations of harmonious infantilism usually melt or disappear by the age of ten. However, final normalization does not occur without conscious adjustment of mental characteristics - infantilism enters a phase of personal disharmony. This type of infantile is relatively rare.

Disharmonic infantilism

It is distinguished by a union of symptoms of harmonious infantilism with character traits that manifest themselves in a pathological form. Thus, disharmonious infantiles are characterized by boasting, affective excitability, deceit, a desire for excesses, capriciousness, and selfishness. These “pleasant” qualities can show themselves even in very early “youth” - at 1-2 years of life. The child shows himself to be stubborn, seeks to offend, and tries to insist on his own.

More than 9,000 people have gotten rid of their psychological problems using this technique.

In general, the age dynamics and structure of this type give grounds to speak of it as a phase of emerging psychopathy.


  • Infantilism as a concept What behavior indicates infantilism?
  • Causes of infantile behavior
  • Types of infantilism
  • Characteristic signs of infantility
      Infantility in men
  • Infantility in women
  • Infantilism in children
  • Consequences: what does infantilism lead to?
  • How to distinguish an ordinary person from an infantile one?
  • Infantilism in relationships - how to live with an infantile person?
  • A simple test for immaturity
  • How to get rid of immaturity? Does it need to be treated?
  • Manifestations of infantilism

    Infants can be compared to children. These are people stuck at a convenient age who care little about adult problems. Usually, when talking about infantility, they mean men. Society is accustomed to perceiving women as creatures who can be forgiven for their weaknesses, unwillingness and inability to bear responsibility for many everyday actions. Many women are not eager to delve into family problems related to finances and technical issues. Although this is not entirely correct - the weaker sex is “people too,” it is a fact: women can be forgiven for a lot in society.

    Men are expected to have a completely different approach to life and to solving problems. It is rightly believed that the male sex must be strong, resilient, and skillful. This is where the “infantile” problem lies - eternal children are the complete opposite of the image of a man formed in the eyes of society. They are weak, easily fatigued, and are not adapted to solving problems.

    Infants are not always 100% weaklings. The degree of intensity and form of infantilism can vary significantly. For example, a person can be quite successful in some area, but at the same time a complete child in the domestic sphere. This is especially true for people in creative professions. A highly intelligent and hardworking (and, therefore, strong-willed) actor, for example, on the family front can be an absolutely passive and weak-willed creature, incapable and unmotivated to make decisions.

    The opposite example. The most golden-armed techie who magically solves any “Kulibino” problems does not necessarily set an example of masculinity in other areas. So, there are a lot of examples of conventional plumbers and electricians around - disgusting time managers, absolutely short-sighted individuals who are unable to see the future and, most importantly, set big goals, especially those that go beyond the purely technical area.

    Infantilism is a manifestation of cowardice, solving problems using childish methods (I will do this - I’m interested, I won’t do this - I don’t want to). Of course, anyone who delegates their work to other people should not be considered childish. Most often it is just a question of expediency. However, beyond the framework of rationality, such manifestations most likely speak of infantility.

    Looking at a person, you cannot always immediately determine whether he is infantile. Yes, a severe form of “childishness” is immediately noticeable, but usually immaturity manifests itself at critical moments. In crisis situations, the infantile waits, does not gravitate towards making decisions, preferring to wait for the one who will take responsibility.

    A simple test for immaturity

    If you suspect traits of infantility in yourself, determine it by answering affirmatively to the following questions:

    1. I don't like making important decisions on my own.
    2. Sometimes I feel like I'm not mature enough to take on the tasks that life throws at me.
    3. Sometimes I'm not very responsible.
    4. I have problems accepting criticism towards me.
    5. I like it when someone cares about me, shows a good attitude, takes responsibility for many things, helps me.
    6. I trust all people and I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
    7. People around me think that I am too trusting and naive.

    Have you given at least three positive answers? You are prone to infantile behavior. Our tips will help you correct some character traits.

    Psychological infantilism: what to do?

    Childhood infantilism

    On the one hand, it is easier to fight children’s infantilism - the psyche is more plastic, but on the other hand, adults are still more focused and prone to introspection. What mistakes should be avoided in raising a child in general and especially if he is already showing symptoms of infantilism?

    • Problem solving. The desire to protect a child from any troubles is by no means commendable. Children must smoothly come into contact with reality, which, in the absence of survival skills (in any form), will throw them overboard and make them suffer cruelly when a caring grandmother or a gentle mother is not nearby.
    • Sacrifice. “I live for the sake of children,” “my whole life is for the child.” What blatant stupidity! With good intentions... Self-sacrifice, like any other manifestation of love (charity, altruism), must be dressed in the armor of rationality. Thoughtless sacrifice towards children only leads to the habit of seeing everywhere a bowl with a blue border, on which everything is ready and tasty. Outside the family, alas, the fairy tale has a completely different color, so teach your child to value not only himself, but also those around him - this will protect him from infantilism.
    • Excessive praise. Affection, admiration and other manifestations of love in the “mi-mi-mi” format form a narcissistic person who practices the desire for permissiveness and elevation above others. In order not to raise an infantile, you need, as in everything, a balance - praise must be combined with constructive criticism.
    • Lack of initiative. Do you want to raise an infantile person? Limit your child to a strict framework of rules and instructions, discourage him from any initiative, and instill in him a fear of any deviation from the norms. Getting used to following directions, children become incapable of independent, quality thinking. They will always expect that someone is about to suggest a solution to a problem, whether it is from a school textbook or from the realities of life. Learn to trust your children, look for solutions together, and instill a love for developing your own, albeit erroneous, opinions.
    • Projecting emotions onto a child. By taking out emotions on children, we provoke them to close themselves off and withdraw into themselves. The future infant learns to perceive the world as a very hostile place, from the negative manifestations of which one can hide in an inner shell. Growing up, the victim of parental emotional breakdowns tries not to stick his head out towards society - inside it is more familiar and warm. The problems surrounding an infantile person are sidelined; people are just a reason to wrap up more seriously. Unfortunately, not a single problem can be solved this way - infantilism is destructive.

    Adult infantilism

    You grew up an infant, what should you do? We can say that there are three main types of infantiles: spoiled, rebel and downtrodden child-adult.

    • A spoiled person is an example of egocentrism, there is no one around him, the interests of others are nothing. If you recognize yourself, try to connect yourself with society, do not oppose yourself to it, learn to take into account the interests of people.
    • The rebel hates restrictions, is offended for any reason, and proves that he is right. Goes against the opinions of others, even if the stupidity of one’s own is obvious. Such people should finally accept the truth: the world is full of prohibitions that work for our benefit. You shouldn’t be hostile to other people’s ideas; mistakes are inevitable, and it’s impossible to be right in everything.
    • Downtrodden is the opposite of rebel. Considers any of his opinions to be erroneous, easily agrees with others, goes along with other people’s ideas, and is characterized by a lack of initiative. Downtrodden infants should learn to perceive themselves as individuals, increase self-esteem, and get rid of the fear of being the center of attention.

    If you don’t want to give up and are ready to really, and not in words, fight for your full and happy life, you may be interested in this article .

    Help with mental development disorders in children and adolescents at the ROSA clinic

    1. Experienced specialists: psychologist, neuropsychologist, child neurologist, child psychiatrist, massage therapist and rehabilitation specialist.
    2. The clinic has its own hospital, an outpatient department and a functional diagnostics laboratory, where studies of the nervous system and mental sphere are carried out.
    3. We work around the clock.
    4. Possibility of comprehensive assistance: from psychological support and correction to drug treatment.
    5. Psychological support for family members and relatives.
    6. Make an appointment upon first request at a convenient time.
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