Inspiration is... Meaning of the word inspiration, synonyms and antonyms

Inspiration is a very pleasant feeling. This is when you feel an increased desire to do something. Most are excited about the prospects and moving forward. For some, various acquisitions, holidays, and events cause a particularly high mood. Encouragement is the last step before inspiration. There is little difference between them - inspiration has an even more vivid emotional state. First comes inspiration, and from it inspiration develops.

The meaning of the word inspiration

The state equating to a feeling of happiness is familiar to many. Inspiration is the simultaneous wakefulness of soul, mind and body. There are many formulations of the meaning of this word. Inspiration is the desire to do something with all your heart and soul. All interpretations of meanings are related to the emotional state of a person.

In Ozhegov’s dictionary, inspiration is an uplift of spirit, an incentive to action, to feat. The words spoken from heaven at the Transfiguration of Jesus were used to encourage Christians and strengthen their faith. In Efremova’s explanatory dictionary, inspiration (synonym) is passion, elation. Exactly - soulful! After all, the root of the word is derived from the word “soul”.

Personality psychology and art: listen to inspiring music

Music therapy is a serious means and way of healing the soul. Music, just like a person, has character. Depending on what we listen to, we experience certain feelings. The melodies of old, familiar songs can take us back to the times of bygone youth or happy days - and it’s as if we are reliving this period again. This is the psychology of the influence of music on the consciousness of an individual.

Music is the area with which a person comes into contact and where one can draw inspiration. A heavy or fast rhythm can cause excitement or irritation when there is moral and physical fatigue. That is why, when we are in a state of overwork, we want peace and quiet, sometimes even the absence of any sounds.

Therefore, it is important to choose what to listen to, depending on how you feel.

Inspiring music is primarily classical works. While listening, make sure that no one distracts you - extraneous sounds, other people's communication, or your own thoughts. Dim the lights, take a comfortable position and simply enjoy the creativity of brilliant musicians. At such moments, try not to think about anything specific - let the flight of thoughts and fantasies slide easily through your mind and take you to a place where you will find new strength and desires for activities or hobbies. Each person's psychology is different, so what suits one may not suit another. Look for those works that you will like.

In addition to classical music, instrumental music, light oriental motifs, mysterious African or Indian music have an inspiring effect. Select melodies to suit your individual psychology.

The concept of inspiration in psychology

Psychologists believe that it is impossible to live with inspiration for a very long time, and inspiration is a longer lasting emotion. A person in this state easily gets up and does exercises, works without fatigue. This feeling gives strength and energy. A person tries to achieve any goal, to realize a grandiose idea. This state does not cause emotional exhaustion and is suitable for everyday work. But inspiration can inspire discovery and breakthrough. Unfortunately, sometimes inspiration is applied to negative behavior, such as seeking revenge.

Psychologists have always said that for a person to be positively active, a charge of emotions, a little drive, and elation are needed. This state allows you to get involved in activities without much effort of will, but only on an emotional upsurge. It is this that allows you to maintain interest, strength and motivation to complete the things you have started. This feeling is very important for people in creative professions and athletes.

How to find inspiration

For many people, their sources of inspiration are personal. Some people find it extremely difficult to find something inspiring, while others find inspiration in literally everything that surrounds them. But there are some things that most of us draw inspiration from. These things allow us to find the strength to create.

What can be a source of inspiration? Sometimes it is difficult to understand whether this or that activity can captivate you, and the difficulty arises until you try it and experience it yourself. The field for searching for “inspiring springs” is quite wide. For some, it may be watching a favorite movie or TV show, listening to quality music, for others it may be a walk in nature, or maybe a trip to a museum or the gym, an entertaining hobby, etc. New experiences can also become a powerful generator of inspiration. Previously unexperienced experiences activate brain processes in the best way; a person begins to understand and perceive the environment and personal depth more clearly, and more accurately realizes his internal needs. Being in a state of creative inspiration leads to the emergence of insights, finding answers to troubling questions that have been tormenting us for a long time.

The choice is entirely up to the individual; you just have to look around and see where the source of inspiration is that will attract and spiritualize. If the “muse” has left, then you shouldn’t passively wait for her return, it’s time to act:

- spend leisure time in nature. Nature has a very beneficial effect, restores lost internal balance, and is able to awaken the dormant potential of the individual. Communicating with animals is extremely relaxing; their openness and devotion can conquer even the most callous and gloomy person;

- workout. Physical activity affects the biochemical processes of the body, changes metabolism and hormonal levels, which is why after training we feel pleasant fatigue, simultaneous lightness, relief of emotional stress, then a lift in mood and a surge of internal strength;

- start doing creativity. Creative activity is aimed at the birth of something qualitatively new, beautiful, unique, it cannot but inspire, since it itself is the embodiment of inspiration;

– start traveling, nothing else is as impressive as new horizons;

– avoid communicating with bores and whiners. Communicate and interact more often with successful people; their example is always contagious;

– it’s useful to fall in love with a person, with a job, with a hobby, with art. Love has the power to revive and inspire;

– learn to perceive humor, which reduces an overly serious attitude towards life’s difficulties and trials;

– work in a friendly team where you can get support and exchange experiences. Cohesive work unites, captivates, increases competitiveness;

– visit a psychologist, this will help activate internal reserves. Music therapy, meditative practices, art classes, dance and body therapy can reveal the human personality from completely unexpected sides. Creative trainings contain methods that are aimed at awakening the creative energy of the individual. Having attended such an event, inspiration is guaranteed.

But it happens that the source of inspiration seems to have exhausted itself and what made you happy and lit up earlier has lost its former strength and attractiveness. On the one hand, this causes sadness and regret about the loss, but on the other hand, it makes us seek and find new paths, see new perspectives. Therefore, you should open up to new experiences, get rid of old things and thoughts that dominate a person. There is no need to be afraid to take a step into the future towards previously unknown feelings and sensations. You should try to taste everything that life offers, to live with an open soul, with joy and understanding of what a person does in this world.

It is important to look for the positive in every day, in every situation. Positive emotions inspire much more than negative ones, which only reinforce a depressed state

Being in a state of inspiration, all the forces of the personality effectively merge together, then a person gains integrity, he is filled with expression and spontaneity, reveals his best sides, his actions are complete and most productive.

Is it possible to cause “inspiration”?

A person in a state of inspiration seems to grow wings. Sometimes it feels like euphoria, but there is a slight difference. Euphoria causes emotional overload. Is it possible to inspire yourself? There are the following ways to achieve spiritual uplift:

  • Internal message. A person stimulates himself by the fact that he will succeed, his work is very important and interesting. Subordinates can accept such a message from their superiors. On a large scale, ideologists are working on this message. Training, treatment, passing exams, saying goodbye to bad habits cannot do without an inner voice.
  • Gestures and facial expressions. With the help of a smile, a clear, wide-open gaze, and an open facial expression, you can definitely take inspiration. In this state, the eyes shine, the face becomes alive. Gestures are also special. The posture is straightened, the gait becomes easy.
  • Imagination. Some people imagine themselves flying behind a beautiful star, symbolizing the goal they are trying to achieve. This method is a second wind. After any failure, you need to get up from your knees. This method is used by people in extreme conditions, for example, desperate parents saving their child from illness. Athletes, businessmen, politicians with imagination achieve significant results.

What is inspiration

Inspiration is a special state of the human soul, a spontaneous outburst of internal possibilities, which is a prerequisite for the flow of creative processes. The human consciousness, listening to new information (through images, sounds, sensations), gives birth to new ideas and plans, which, of course, one wants to realize and certainly bring to life. As a result of this process, extraordinary original, objective and self-sufficient innovative products (technical inventions, scientific discoveries, artistic images, etc.) appear.

Often, barriers to future discoveries include: lack of composure, laziness, disinterest in the work being done, negative thinking, emotional barriers, excessive self-criticism, illness, bad habits, general dissatisfaction with life, etc. External stimuli, such as uncomfortable working conditions and various extraneous distractions, also become obstacles to creative inspiration.

Creative inspiration stimulates the correct organization of conditions for performing various types of activities, expands one’s own horizons, trains memory, thinking, abilities, and creates interest in actions. The monotony of actions significantly reduces interest in the work being performed, making it monotonous and routine.

Creative people are able to discard ordinary, stereotyped thinking and are ready to create something fresh, non-standard, and special. Their perception of the surrounding reality is multi-valued and versatile; they are able to see in everyday things something unique, invisible to others. The ultimate need of the individual as a subject is self-development, the most productive way of his self-realization and creative activity.

A creative, creatively inspired person is more attractive in communication, charismatic, free, easy-going, she is constantly surrounded by people, she is interesting and people are drawn to her. Such an individual is open to new experiences, he is ready to breathe in the unknown and conquer a new peak.

It is creative inspiration that has repeatedly prompted the most outstanding personalities of humanity to create unsurpassed creations and masterpieces. Great people have written about inspiration:

“Inspiration is a guest who does not like to visit the lazy” - P. I. Tchaikovsky;

“Inspiration is the ability to put yourself in a working state” - A.S. Pushkin.

A. Maslow's observations confirm that peak experiences, including inspiration, are closely related to the success of an individual, that is, achieving success in some types of activities inspires a person to achieve victories in other areas of life.

Being at the peak of inspiration, a person acutely feels the unity of the inner and outer world, the integrity of his own personality. Feelings of spontaneity, originality, lightness, inner fullness arise as if on their own. At such times, there is no place for fears and doubts within the individual, but there is confidence, sincerity, and truth in one’s own thoughts and actions. Moments of inspiration contribute to the integration of the individual and the development of his individuality.

However, the reservoir of human resources does not tolerate violence and coercion. A cold, enslaved, completely self-controlled person who experiences difficulties in love, in trusting people and the world as a whole is not able to feel inspiration and his own creative messages.

Every person needs inspiration and encouragement. Luck accompanies those who are purposeful, who persistently strive for creative solutions to problems that arise along the path of life.

For a modern person, it is important to be able to balance internal and external control, gain integrity, and achieve harmony. A person who has managed to overcome his own fears and negative feelings becomes capable of fruitful activity and creative work.

Synonyms for "inspiration"

In different dictionaries of synonyms, more and more new words are found that are close in meaning to this term. In the thesaurus dictionary of synonyms of Russian speech, “inspiration” is a takeoff, a spark, pathos, an impulse, an upsurge. This list also includes the following synonyms: combustion, inspiration, obsession, passion, enthusiasm. Passion, delight, exaltation, agitation, enthusiasm, feeling are a little less similar. The idiomatic dictionary allows phrases with the adjectives “big” and “huge” (great enthusiasm).

Inspirational speech

In order to inspire and unite people, special techniques are used. One of them is a pep talk. Most often it is called a solemn performance designed to arouse high feelings in the audience. It praises everything that unites the people who have gathered. Such speech is also called epideictic. It is aimed at establishing universal human values ​​and condemns everything that opposes this. The beautiful is contrasted with the inglorious, virtue with vice. Aristotle also defined such an object of inspiring speech.

There are several types of solemn speech:

  • praising persons in connection with special occasions: anniversaries, birthday people, newlyweds, deceased;
  • praise of the team;
  • a eulogy related to some event: Teacher's Day, March 8, graduation evening or the first bell;
  • condemnation of phenomena, events;
  • parting words to the younger generation or team.

In a friendly environment, such speech is also appropriate; it unites friends and brings warmth to relationships. Before performing, you should know the following rules:

  • praise should be given to what is most valuable in a given circle or team;
  • You can exaggerate, this is normal and is not considered cheating;
  • the one who is praised can be compared with the heroes of the past;
  • highlight the good qualities of ordinary people and focus on their merits;
  • an unintentional act can be taught as deliberate.

Do you think these rules are deceptive? Not at all. It's just that inspiring speech requires a closer look at people and the world. After all, you can look at your surroundings differently. One looks at everything with a critical eye, while the other approaches the assessment with tenderness and humor. Even if shortcomings are noticeable somewhere, the main thing is to approach them with a smile and give the person the opportunity to improve. This is what lovers do.

How to find inspiration?

Many methods or techniques have been invented to help you become more inspired. There are probably as many of them as there are people on Earth. After all, every person is unique. He needs his own, individual approach that inspires him. Some seek this state in external factors, others try to find it within themselves.

First, let's look at what changes generally occur in the body when a person experiences a feeling of inspiration. Since it is associated with a person’s creative potential, regardless of his type of activity, it is necessary to look for it in those areas of the brain that are responsible for creativity. This function is performed by the right hemisphere. Accordingly, inspiration arises in him. As a result, the person experiences an emotional uplift. Substances called “happiness hormones” are responsible for this. First of all, these are dopamine and serotonin. They are the ones who give self-confidence, give a feeling of joy and satisfaction.

In order for “happiness hormones” to begin to be produced, their components are needed, which enter the body with food. This means that if you want to feel inspired, you need to replenish your reserves of nutrients, among which the amino acid tryptophan occupies a leading position. Foods rich in proteins, omega fatty acids, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins do this job well:

  • Sweets (dark chocolate, halva);
  • Fruits, berries, bananas;
  • Dairy products (yogurt, milk, cottage cheese);
  • Seeds and nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, brazil);
  • Red meat;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Seafood (red fish, shrimp, mussels).

But for them to start acting, the right psychological attitude is necessary. And there are so many people, so many opinions. Many people have heard about geniuses who drew their inspiration from alcohol or drugs. Of course, this is detrimental to humans. But who knows if they would have created their creations without these “stimulants”?

In most cases, people choose more harmless options, for example: traveling, playing sports, shopping, meditation, communicating with animals, etc.

In fact, all this is not important, the main thing is the activation of the right hemisphere, the production of “happiness hormones”. How this will be achieved is everyone’s personal choice.

It is equally important to learn to focus and concentrate, pushing everything unnecessary into the background.

Considering a person's responsibility for his life, it is worth thinking about safe techniques that allow you to find inspiration. Among them, the following actions will bring the greatest effect:

  • Take a walk in the fresh air;
  • Listen to birdsong and/or classical music;
  • Lead an active lifestyle, play sports;
  • Read inspiring phrases, success stories;
  • Watch a motivational video;
  • Communicate with interesting people;
  • Travel more, try new activities.

Inspiration is a mixture of external stimuli that influence a person’s internal reserves. For it to occur, it is necessary to have sufficient reserves of substances to produce “hormones of happiness.” But finding inspiration is half the battle.

It is equally important to keep it until the end of the work. Let’s talk further about how to avoid falling into a creative block.

How not to lose inspiration?

When we have a source of inspiration, we become inspired and direct all our efforts towards the implementation of the chosen project. But the primary stimulus is not always enough to maintain performance at the required level.

To put it simply, a person falls into a creative stupor. The activity ceases to be enjoyable, everything literally “falls out” of your hands, thoughts “do not go” to your head, inspiration “evaporates” in an unknown direction. Apathy is caused by a deficiency of “happiness hormones.” Sometimes it’s enough to eat a couple of bananas and chocolate. But it's not that simple. Without an external stimulus, it is not always possible to return to work.

This is where inspirational phrases come in handy. For example, “success is one step away from where you give up” or “before you retreat, remember why you started,” etc. Also, a good way to “recharge” inspiration is to temporarily change the type of activity. It’s worth taking a break for a couple of minutes and then getting back to work.

It is important not to exhaust yourself mentally and physiologically in a fit of creative enthusiasm. After all, at any job the world does not converge like a wedge.

Accordingly, you need to save energy in order to be able to fully enjoy the “fruits” of your labor.

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