Selfless - how is that? Origin, meaning, sentences, synonyms and interpretation

Origin from the opposite

The title can be read in two ways: on the one hand, you can remember the phrase “proof by contradiction,” and on the other hand, the fact that “nasty” and “vile” are synonyms and mean something unpleasant. We had in mind the first meaning, but the second is also appropriate here. To understand the origin of unselfishness, it is necessary to illuminate the phenomenon of self-interest. Let's see what the etymological dictionary thinks.

There was a word koriti - “to reproach”, originally meaning “prey”. Another etymological dictionary clarifies that self-interest can have two interpretations. Some believe that the word actually goes back to the words “production”, “part”, “share”. Others offer it as a source of “korystati,” derived from “ristati” - “to ride, to ride.” If we take this point of view into account, then self-interest is what is gained in battle. Whichever side we choose, in any case everything will come down to the concept of self-interest.

Which is correct: unselfishness or unselfishness?

In the word " selfless"

” is written with the letter “t”, which will be proven by the test word “self-interest” and its case forms, as well as related words “
”, “self-interested”.
If you pronounce the word “ disinterested
”, it turns out that from the combination of consonants “stn” the consonant “t” drops out, which is called unpronounceable.

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The meaning of the prefix

The prefix “without” (“bes”) has two meanings:

  • In nouns denoting the absence or lack of something.
  • In adjectives (and therefore in adverbs) - devoid of something.

The second case is just ours. After all, disinterestedly means “without any personal interest.” So, even without turning to an explanatory dictionary, we learned the meaning of the object of study. But our conscience will not let us sleep peacefully if we still do not turn to an authoritative source.


Therefore, whether we like it or not, we need to look into the dictionary, it is required by our official duty. Let's look at the meaning of the word “unselfishly”. Only this will not be an adverb, but an adjective, which is similar in meaning: “Alien to selfish interests.” Our definition, given just above, is even more elegant, because it is free from tautology.

You can’t talk about selflessness without saying that self-interest is probably a purely human problem or trait. Why is this a problem? Because in relationships with other people we always have to prove that we are doing this or that unselfishly (and this is sometimes true), but they still don’t believe us. In general, one should talk about the selfishness of an action only when a person receives a certain material benefit, which is measured either in luxury goods or in money. Otherwise, we urge you to recognize the behavior as noble.

Why is it important? Because there is a police point of view that a person is always and everywhere self-interested. The only difference is that in one case he receives material benefits, and in the other - psychological. But we rebel against such injustice, because at least a drop of goodness must remain in a person! Additionally, the psychological benefits tend to be subtle and not obvious.


About the psychology of relationships: Friendship is a selfless personal relationship between people based on love, trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Mandatory signs of friendship are reciprocity, trust and patience. People connected by friendship are called friends. (from Wikipedia) How often today do we say “my friend”, “my girlfriend”? Do we ever wonder what these words mean? Is there such a thing as true friendship between adults? The psychology of relationships is more interested in inter-gender relationships and the interaction of people in groups, missing such an important area - relationships in friendship. As a child, the worst curse was “I’m not friends with you anymore!” It was tantamount to expulsion from society. After all, in childhood, friends are our society, a model of adult life, working out life scenarios. Here is Vaska the hooligan, he is the main leader in the yard - everyone wants to be friends with him. And no one is friends with this quiet, bespectacled guy, he’s kind of strange, no one even remembers his name. We have grown up. Our friends moved to different cities and countries, started families and made useful contacts. What happened to friendship? Have friendships between people turned into “one hundred friends on social networks”?

In friendship there are no other calculations or considerations other than itself. (Montaigne M.) No matter how much strong friendship is sung, everyone perceives this concept in their own way. Moreover, each person develops his own “friendly relationships” with people. PSYCHOLOGY OF RELATIONS BETWEEN PEOPLE - WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? No matter how society develops, no matter how high technologies are invented, the mental nature of man remains unchanged at its core. This immutability determines exactly the same ratio of people with different mental properties in a modern metropolis as in a primitive savannah. These properties also determine the characteristics of friendship. A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother. (Benjamin Franklin) Do you know those wonderful guys who have been friends since school or even kindergarten? As children, they rarely ran with other children; more often they could be found fishing. They were going to make something together or watch football. And now that they have become adults, they also get together in the garage, at matches of their favorite sports team, or just to drink beer in the bathhouse. These are representatives of the anal vector. Among us there are 20% of them. It is these guys, as the song says, who divide everything in half, to be honest - “and a crust of bread”, and the guilt between two equally. Possessing a somewhat rigid psyche, anal men and women have difficulty getting used to everything new, but they know how to preserve traditions like no one else. And, of course, they know how to maintain friendship for many years! Their friendship is more correctly called “brotherhood”, so strong and long-lasting is their relationship.

Everything should be shared between friends. (Euripides) Representatives of the muscle vector are the largest group. Muscular people never think in terms of “I”. Their whole worldview is built on “we”. The whole world of a muscular man is divided on a territorial basis into “we are ours” and “they are strangers”: our yard is someone else’s yard, our street is someone else’s street. Musclemen are absolutely guided and strictly obey tradition. Their relationship will be built as is customary, as taught. “Where everyone goes, there I go!” — a muscular friend is not picky in choosing an activity, although he prefers physical labor. The main thing is that the company of friends does not turn out to be “bad company.” What people usually call friendship is, in essence, only an alliance, the purpose of which is the mutual preservation of benefits and the exchange of good services; the most disinterested friendship is nothing more than a deal in which our pride always expects to win something. (La Rochefoucauld) Representatives of the skin vector simply adore profitable acquaintances. They don’t even just prefer it, they don’t think otherwise. “I have influential friends”, “You need to be friends with him” - you can often hear from a leather worker. The leather worker's thinking system is based on economy, profit and logic. There is no way a leather worker will waste time on another person if he does not see any benefit in it. Two leather workers will always “make friends” based on the common idea of ​​mutual benefit. But they won’t be friends with an anal man. The analnik will suspect the skinner, and quite rightly, of opportunism, and his excessive fussiness will irritate him. The skin person will be irritated by anal slowness and a passion for perfectionism. But between people with the skin and anal vector of the opposite sex, relationships based on a different attraction can develop, but not a strong friendship.

Everyone in the world has enemies, But save us from friends, God! (Pushkin A.S.) In this article we examined the concept of friendship from the point of view of only several lower vectors. Vectors that are “responsible” for time and space. We also consciously “missed” the urethral vector. A urethralnik is either a leader leading a pack to conquer the future, or a lone wolf. This is the same Vaska the hooligan with whom everyone wants to be friends, even if his mother does not allow it. Next to him, any member of the pack feels protected. In this case we are not talking about friendship. But next time, we will touch on the topic of incredible beauty and crazy intensity of emotional connections and spiritual intimacy. Written using training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan Yanin Burakov

Today we will talk about exemplary behavior and not so much. And let’s do this using the example of bonobo chimpanzees and baboons. It turned out that the first ones help out their fellow man without any benefit for themselves. There were no kind words for baboons today: researchers studied their new (and very skillful) theft tactics.

Let's start with a positive example. Researchers wondered: Are humans the only creatures capable of helping others of their own species whom they do not know? Jingzhi Tan from Duke University believes that this behavior is not unique to us.

The scientist found that wild bonobos are quite capable of helping out a friend, even if they don’t know each other.

Researchers have previously found that bonobo chimpanzees will share food with a stranger. A new study has revealed other details about the kindness of animals.

In one experiment, 16 different bonobos were “invited” to go into one of two adjacent rooms separated by a fence. In another room (where they couldn’t get into) there was an apple hanging on a rope. According to the law of meanness, they could see the apple, but they could not grab it.

However, the chimpanzees could climb the fence and move the hook that held the rope. As a result, the apple fell onto the floor into another room.

It turned out that bonobos were four times more likely to throw off an apple if there was an unfamiliar monkey in the other room (that is, it could eat the apple) than when the room was empty. The animals did this even without asking for help (strangers might not give any signals at all).

In another experiment, 21 bonobos watched videos of members of their group and unfamiliar animals from the Columbus Zoo in the United States. In both cases, when the monkeys in the video yawned, the bonobos began to yawn.

Experts say these behaviors demonstrate a basic form of empathy known as "emotional contagion."

So why do bonobos care about each other? According to Tan, the desire to be liked by strangers is likely to evolve in species where the benefits of cooperation with conspecifics outweigh the costs.

Now let's talk about bullies. Most city residents are well aware of the need to beware of pickpockets; many even have their own methods of protection, developed over the years. Now residents of Cape Town, South Africa have a completely different criminal to worry about - baboons.

People believe that baboons do not have enough food in their natural habitat, but this is not true.

It is no secret that baboons are not distinguished by exemplary behavior; very often you can even find kleptomaniacs among them. Now, scientists have found that baboons in Cape Town use a special tactic of “sit and wait” before they begin to trash a person’s house in search of food.

Experts from the University of Swansea conducted a study involving baboons (they were wearing collars to determine their location).

"Raiding baboons are a real problem on the Cape Peninsula," says study co-author Professor Justin O'Riain, director of the Institute of African Communities and Wildlife at the University of Cape Town. According to him, these animals raid gardens and rubbish bins, they also climb into houses, and sometimes just take food directly from people.

"People believe that baboons don't have enough food in their natural habitat, so the animals have no choice but to try to find food in the city," said lead author Dr Gaëlle Fehlmann from Swansea University.

But in fact, the scientist says, research shows that this is not the case. Baboons have plenty of food and are in an environment where they are less likely to be disturbed. “In contrast, the chances of conflicts between baboons and humans are high in urban environments, but the food reward is ten times richer in terms of calories,” adds Fehlmann.

Data obtained from the collars showed that male baboons stop near city limits and engage in small raids on residents. And their favorite tactic is to sit and wait. In other words, they sit near the city limits, and as soon as the opportunity arises, they make their way into the city and feast on the prey.

The researchers also found increased levels of activity when the likelihood of being caught increased.

“Our results provide unequivocal evidence of exceptional behavioral flexibility in these baboons,” says Fehlmann.

The data also showed how animals cope with environmental changes such as urban growth.

Both studies are presented in the scientific publication Scientific Reports: first and second.


When a word is ancient, it makes sense to replace it with well-known words in order to speed up and improve understanding. Let's hasten to look at the list of synonyms:

  • nobly;
  • generously;
  • for free;
  • free of charge;
  • altruistically.

These are almost all semantic analogues of words, but there are also expressions that are not included in our list because they are typologically disgusting to it.

Is love evil?

Love comes in different forms. It can be consumer, proprietary, mutual. But there is also selfless love. This is the purest and truest feeling. A person who loves unselfishly, being close to the object of his adoration, experiences happiness and joy. And he doesn’t need anything else. Selfless love can also be called “a feeling in the name of the beloved.” This is something amazing. No selfishness, no pride, the main thing is that the loved one is happy, the main thing is that the loved one feels good. He worries about his beloved, he is always ready to help, protect, support. He is worried about everything connected with him. And even if not everything in their relationship is smooth, a selfless person endures. Because he loves.

Selflessness has many different definitions. There is no point in listing them all, since the whole essence is summed up in one phrase. Selflessness is the greatest virtue of modern times. Not everyone is capable of serving other people without demanding something in return. These are truly loving people. Only they can show their soul, without hypocrisy, without the slightest bit of hypocrisy. To be happy, few people only need to hear the voice of a loved one and see him.


Now let's find out how adverbs and adjectives feel in ordinary speech, make sentences with them:

  • Listen, I love your mother completely unselfishly, this is the honest truth! What, millions in your account? No, I don't know anything about them.
  • A man on his way to work helped a single mother lift her stroller to the fifth floor, she didn’t even have time to ask his name. This help was selfless.
  • When a millionaire gives money to charitable foundations, then this act should be recognized as selfless, because he could not have done such a thing.
  • Only those people who have already lost everything or gained a lot can help selflessly.
  • A person cannot be selfless in everything. Whether willingly or unwillingly, he still wants something for himself.

Enough, perhaps. There remains only one question that also needs to be addressed.

Which work contains selflessness?

Gorky "Old Woman Izergil". A striking example of selflessness is the act of Danko, the main character of M. Gorky’s story “The Old Woman Izergil”. An old Moldavian woman named Izergil tells a legend about the young, proud and brave handsome Danko, who sacrificed his life to save his fellow tribesmen.

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Is it possible to leave aside personal interest?

Or let’s rephrase: “Are there selfless souls?” The answer to the question is, of course, positive. Why? Sick children and animals are helped not only by millionaires, whose name, thanks to significant assistance, may become known, but we are full of modest and anonymous heroes whose names we do not know. Not so long ago, by the way, it became fashionable to collect money for treatment on the Internet, and this practice brings significant results, that is, people give money to save another without expecting anything in return.

This means that the word “selfless” is not an alien element of our speech and life, but something that we encounter every day. So often that they stopped even noticing unmotivated acts of kindness and nobility.


To begin with, we should consider the word “selflessness” as a term. This is the ability to bring benefit and goodness to other people, without expecting gratitude from them. Acting selflessly is noble, although such behavior is not always justified. People endowed with such moral qualities are very kind and open. Kant argued that to act unselfishly means not to do something expecting to receive a reward in return, but to do good for no reason. Many scientists have, in fact, studied this behavior. However, in general, they came to a common conclusion: the lack of selflessness in moral relations between people turns them into purely utilitarian and mercantile ones.

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