The theory of lies in correspondence: how to determine that you are being deceived on WhatsApp

TOP 15 signs of lying in correspondence

How to understand that you are being deceived in correspondence?

The liar narrates

- Why didn’t you come yesterday?

– I was at a rehearsal with Igor, he came up with a cool bass line for our song. We spent the whole day thinking about how to put this part to music.

The answer to the question will be long. The interlocutor describes the details and believes that this will be more convincing.

Liar pours water

- Will you give me back the money you borrowed tomorrow?

- Maybe. I will try.

The person does not give a definite answer or does not clearly answer the Yes or No question. Uncertainty allows him to lie.

The liar smears butter

– I’ve been waiting for you all evening, where were you?

– The guys and I recorded the song last night, we were in the studio, writing the track until the night.

The interlocutor repeats words and phrases that carry the same meaning many times - for greater persuasiveness.

The liar waits before answering

– Will you come to my mother’s birthday tomorrow? – in response there is a long silence.

This way, a person doesn’t want to immediately refuse, so he gives himself time to think a little and come up with a more convincing answer. Although it seems to be available and not busy.

The liar is typing a message for a very long time

The man is “typing a message...” After a very long time, the answer comes in the form of two or three words. It would seem that it was possible to type there for so long. This is how the liar chose a good phrase.

Liar changes the subject

- How much money did you receive?

– Make beef stew today, please. You're doing great!

The person translates the topic and adds compliments so that the interlocutor forgets about the question and diverts attention from the topic.

Liar manipulates

– Did you go to the party without me?

“I knew you had a bad opinion of me!” You always reproach me.

Appeals to conscience with retaliatory attacks with claims. He has no other choice, he tries to get out.

Manipulations and questions

“Did you take my savings from the box?”

– You always blame me for everything! You think I'm a thief, right?!

The option is used in a combination of accusation and asking a question that does not require an answer.

The liar is simply silent

The interlocutor ignores the question and leaves the network and does not write anything in response.

The liar is fooling around

– Why didn’t you come to the club today, as agreed?

- What, did we agree? Oh yes! Sorry, I completely forgot.

The interlocutor pretends that he has a lot to do and simply forgot. Although you know for sure that his memory is fine.

The liar prepares an answer

- Do you want us to break up?

- Let's say.

The person waits for a reaction, but does not give a definite answer. Doesn't want to speak directly.

The liar complains and pretends to be a martyr

– When will you give my sister’s earrings?

- Oh, I completely forgot. There are so many important things to do, and there’s also sick leave. Has she already asked?

The interlocutor tries to refer to other problems and present himself as a victim of circumstances.

Question to question

– Will you be at your sister’s wedding?

- And it is necessary?

Stupid and inappropriate clarifying questions from the interlocutor reveal a lie in him.

Liar doesn't go into detail

– Where were you so long yesterday? My father and I were very worried and didn’t sleep all night.

- At Marina's.

The answer to the question is too short, without the details you expect from it. The person answers only one of the questions in the correspondence and you have to ask again.

A liar emphasizes in his speech what he wants to lie about

– Did you take money from your uncle’s wallet?

- No, I didn’t take THIS money.

The interlocutor emphasizes nouns with pronouns, so he artificially emphasizes the persuasiveness of his speech.

Another question is why they are using you?

There are a lot of men with resources, but not all of them are used. And if you notice that a girl is constantly lying and taking advantage of you, think: why and why do I let other people use me?

I'll give you a hint. It's a matter of low self-esteem.

Even if you subconsciously admit that you are not good enough to receive love just like that, anyone, especially a cunning girl, will instantly fail. And he will use you in the tail and mane. And you will continue to deserve love.

All clear? Then let's move on!

How to develop intuition against lies

Developing your own intuition against lies is not as difficult as it initially seems. You just need to believe, and then gradually gain experience. It is possible to believe in intuition at the moment of accepting a fact: there is a possibility of knowing something without having an explanation of how the knowledge was obtained. Anyone understands that 2*2=4, but not everyone can explain and prove it.

The question immediately arises: how can you understand that a person is lying and not telling the truth? According to the opinions of various psychologists, a person who is a liar will in some cases give out false information.

Following two principles will help you understand lies:

  1. The first is the implementation of observation.
  2. The second is regular communication with people.

It is possible to learn the observation method not only from various books on psychology or studied material from certain areas, but from one’s own life experience.

Interesting book:

Communication with individuals is necessary to observe their behavior and understand the initial stages of lying.

Why does my ex-husband avoid communication?

In many cases, after a divorce, a man tries to break off relations with his former family. This usually happens when the husband initiates the separation. He is burdened by constant quarrels and an eternally dissatisfied wife. He is getting a divorce to gain freedom and does not want to hear anything about his ex-wife. Resentment towards his wife also interferes with communication with his children, while he either lies or does not speak to anyone at all. Often after a divorce, men go to their mistresses, now devoting all their energy and time to building new relationships and a new family. This is another reason why ex-husbands do not communicate with their previous families, they simply do not have time.

When a man tells a woman: “You are my only one,” girls, know that he is lying! Even if a man has the most beautiful woman, he still looks to the left. Still looking. It's in our nature. How can I explain it to you without offending anyone... In short, even if you have been vacationing in the Maldives all your life, you still want to go fishing for a day in Astrakhan. If you eat marbled beef, it’s still once a year, up, and fell for dumplings. Later, of course, you will regret it, but you ate. And when I ate it, I liked it. Pavel Volya

Another reason that forces men to break off relations with their ex-wife and children is regular employment. After all, they now have a different way of life, they must manage to do all the things themselves, both at home and at work.

How to understand that a person is lying through correspondence on VKontakte

In the case of communicating with a stranger, when you have never met in life, it is not possible to guess a lie. Using these points, many scammers try to deceive people by posing as beautiful women, millionaires and princes from Nigeria.

Regardless of these points, you can try to figure out the deceiver using several methods:

  • Timing. It may not be direct evidence of lies, but it does make you wary. During a casual conversation with a stranger, a pause may occur. It will especially appear after asking a complex question that requires an accurate answer. The resulting pause in response indicates an attempt to lie. Or it is possible that the person simply walked away from the computer to do household chores.
  • Reluctance to dive into details. This, again, is not accurate proof that the person speaking is lying. The interlocutor begins the story with a mention of important significant events, and at the same time does not want to talk about what he experienced, perhaps he is simply lying. There is also the opposite option. The topic that affects a person can bring up painful memories and sad emotions. As a result, he does not want to talk about what happened. In this case, it is better not to put pressure on your interlocutor.


When an interlocutor lies, he wants to give the impression of a reliable person who can be relied on. In general, appearing to be someone he is not. Then he resorts to the following trick: he begins to take care that the sentences are composed correctly, without spelling and punctuation errors.

Correct spelling gives him confidence that he has deceived his interlocutor and that no one can catch him in a lie. You should be especially wary of such a metamorphosis if previously the person often made mistakes.

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How to believe a lie?

The lie is carefully thought out and reimagined so that it can be penetrated. Further decisions and actions must be thought out down to the smallest details. A lie will turn out to be true when you can bring it closer to real events and actions.

It is possible to believe in fiction. It's worth repeating the lie several times. You should repeat the deceptive speech until two perceptions of what was invented - two real ones - appear. The process is labor-intensive and complex. The process of self-hypnosis can last from a couple of hours to three days. The only way to hide the truth and not give yourself away.

In case of successful deception, once carried out, the process is repeated in practice throughout life. Definitely those around you will not guess about the deception.

Three life hacks: how to catch her in the act

  1. Mr. Nezhdanchik. Find out the approximate schedule of her day, be always aware of her plans. And... do something unexpected. Call and invite her somewhere at the moment when she should be free. Stop by her place at night - just to give her flowers. Do you understand the logic? If a girl has a little secret, she will be shocked by your kicks.
  2. Ringing. Call her at inconvenient times. Like “say good night,” otherwise you can’t sleep. Or when she went for a walk “with her friends” - call and ask if she can pick her up after. If she constantly fusses over such calls or stupidly doesn’t pick up the phone, there is a reason for questions.
  3. Listen carefully. Here you will need your ears and the ability to add two plus two, compare facts and create logical chains. She will tell you everything herself, she is not Stirlitz. All you have to do is detect logical contradictions, but decide for yourself what to do with them.

What emotions accompany lying?

The emotions that accompany lying can vary. Overall, there is confusion and anger. The most common emotion is confusion. It arises from a person’s forced need to lie, especially to those whom he values ​​and loves. Anger appears in case of deception; a person tries in every way to find out the truth. This emotion acts as a reductive maneuver.

There are emotions that cause difficulties in the process of deceiving a person. The most important thing is tenderness. Understand whether a person is telling the truth or not, perhaps by looking at the gestures and facial expressions used.

You won't be able to lie while feeling angry. A person who is able to control his emotions may not show them at all. He remains quite calm inside.

I understand that he is lying. Should I send it right away or just talk?

It's up to you to decide, you're a grown man. I can say one thing. If she is lying to you, then you yourself allowed her to behave this way. She saw that such behavior would work with you, and went after your ears.

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I highly recommend that when you catch her for the first time, even in the slightest bit of pussy, you show her that things won’t work that way. Do you want to tell her right away, like, squirrel bunny, what the hell is this?

Or act more subtly if the situation is not critical. Some time after she tries to deceive you, gently whisper in her ear: “I know the truth, I burned you. Stupid, don't do that again. Never."

Gently but firmly let her know that disrespect will not work here. A little something - with things to go out.

Who lies more often, men or women?

Without a doubt, men, women, old people and young children are susceptible to lies. This quality does not depend on gender and age.

Men tend to lie more often about certain events or actions taken in their lives. For example, bragging about catching a big fish, or about buying an expensive car. And among women, lies are more often associated with their emotions and experiences.

So, they can say about their indifference to some event that happened, although it is completely unpleasant for them. For example, a friend put on the same dress, but of course the other woman wouldn’t like it. Regardless, she won't reveal her feelings.

Long answer

If you are communicating with your grandfather, then receiving an answer in half an hour is, in principle, normal, because he needs time to find and type each letter. In other cases, late responses eloquently indicate that you are dealing with a deceiver. He just needs some time to come up with something more or less plausible. By the way, the same applies to long typing. Most likely, the interlocutor repeatedly edits his answer.

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What body language can tell you

I would like to clearly identify the nonverbal signs of deception, but, unfortunately, professional liars try not to use gestures that indicate hiding the truth. Many physiological elements, the presence of which supposedly indicates that a girl is lying in a relationship, may be present in your beloved due to individual characteristics.

It is believed that a person who lies blinks frequently. There are several other categories of people who are characterized by frequent eye movements - contact lens wearers and those with dry eye syndrome. We urge you not to rely on body language when trying to catch your chosen one in a lie, since spy games can do a disservice.

Social networks to help invisible lies5

In the modern world of the Internet, any person has an account on a social network. This is not only a way of self-expression, but also communication, sometimes with the opposite sex. And since there are sites specifically for correspondence and dating, the thought of having a virtual fan still creeps in. Verifying a girl using this method amounts to creating a false account in the name of a non-existent person. This is where the communication takes place:

  1. A man first fills out his profile in such a way as to hide any connection between “himself.” There should be no mutual friends or acquaintances. The institutions and schools where the young people studied are not indicated.
  2. Then the “victim’s” account is examined. It should also be noted that the number of men and women in the friends section does not indicate the maintenance of communication. Perhaps some pages are just distant friends or classmates with whom communication is not maintained.
  3. Next you need to start a conversation. If the girl gives in, you can move on.

An important point in correspondence is the truthfulness of words. Checking whether a woman is telling the truth is quite difficult. The only wording that can mean she is lying is if she informs her interlocutor about her status. Single or not in a relationship at all. This can be understood from different angles: either the person just wants to flirt without obligations, which will not go beyond the screen, or he is trying to lead a double life.

To expose the girl, young people make an appointment in a cafe or restaurant, where they then come. It helps to leave all the i's dotted.

Unexpected gift4

When presenting a woman with a bouquet of flowers anonymously, she still thinks about her beloved. If she has another boyfriend, she will definitely find out whether he was involved in the gift. And only then will he express gratitude to his man.

Since husbands rarely give flowers delivered to the office or other institution, women tend to doubt. The truth is that the faithful woman will refuse flowers or immediately thank her husband in a surprised voice. The unfaithful woman will pretend that she doesn’t know who the gift is from, but she will never think about her man.

The conclusion can be drawn in two ways: the girl never received signs of attention. The guy did not bother to accustom his chosen one to beautiful gestures and actions. It often happens that a man begins to sort things out, already knowing the truth in advance, or trying to reveal it.

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