Courage is a state of omnipotence and permissiveness. All about courage

Author of the material:

Inna Trofimova

writer, psychologist, gestalt therapist

There are moments when personal effectiveness goes off scale, and the consciousness is filled with a feeling of omnipotence. But sometimes, on the contrary, at a crucial moment there is not a single sensible thought in your head. This is perhaps one of the most incomprehensible problems of the state of courage. It cannot be imitated. Courage can be caught or caught like a bird of happiness. We talk about the nature of this condition and how to spur it without harm to the body in the article.

What is courage?

Courage is an emotional state in which a person does everything easily, beautifully and naturally, involving others in his actions and conveying to them his confidence in the success of the business. That is, it is not a carefully planned action, but a fleeting, exciting experience of a joyful trance, accompanied by a sense of personal advantage. There is a feeling as if the fire is both inside and in the hands. And then the person is, as they say, “carried.” People experience a similar state in the impulse of creativity, creation, public speaking, or play.

The word comes from French circus slang, as it was necessary for successful performances. Later it acquired a somewhat negative connotation and was interpreted as a casually cheeky boldness “for show . Perhaps because it was believed that you could only be in a state of courage if you were drunk. In modern colloquial speech, instead of the word courage, the Western analogue – drive – is often used.

Courage is perhaps the most amazing and unpredictable of states. And also one of the most ancient, embedded in the ancestors at the level of instincts. Courage originated as a herd emotion that helped people make unconventional decisions, show courage, and survive. In a state of courage, people committed reckless, crazy actions, led and defeated opponents in an unequal battle.

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Courage changes a person from the inside and gives a powerful psychological impulse , necessary when you need to step over the line of physical capabilities. This state has one more advantage: it breaks internal stereotypes. At the peak of emotions and activity, a person becomes internally liberated and takes actions that help change his life. Perhaps this is why it is believed that it is impossible to gain courage after careful preparation or logical reasoning.


Not only teenagers, but also fully mature people need a fuse in order to feel confident in a new team, in a society where more successful or richer people gather. In order to overcome the constraining feeling of fear and uncertainty, we begin to behave more relaxed and cheeky than usual.

In Western psychology, for example, the state of courage is achieved in a different way: a small goal is set (to please one of those present), after which positive emotions are activated (joy from a new acquaintance, from new circumstances, surprise, delight) and the spontaneity of expressing these emotions increases. Fear goes away on its own, and its place is taken by the belief that you are able to overcome your anxiety.

How to catch courage at the right moment?

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Those who have “been in a mood” at least once in their lives describe this state in different ways. Some say that the Muse visited them. Others compare courage with inspiration, causing the eyes and heart to “burn with fire.” Still others say that they accomplished their feats precisely in a state of courage, because “the city takes courage.”

Yes, there must be courage in life. To jump out of bed in the morning with the thought “I can do anything.” But once you get into the swing of things, the main thing is not to overdo it. The condition is associated with the release of a large amount of adrenaline into the blood : the heart begins to beat faster, the pressure rises. Prolonged action of the stress hormone leads to excessive consumption of internal energy. Moreover, to relieve overload, the body triggers a reverse reaction - relaxation. Inspiration is replaced by lethargy, relaxation, and sometimes emptiness and apathy. So experiencing courage for too long and often unsafe for health.

Many creative people claim that alcohol, drugs or other stimulants activate the inspiration gene. But it is possible to miscalculate here. You may not become a genius, but you will certainly become addicted. Therefore, it makes sense to learn to enter into courage consciously.

Find your place of power.

Each person has his own favorite places where he is enveloped in a wave of warm memories. This could be a nearby cafe or an old house in the village where they went on summer vacation. You need to make a list of your favorite places and note next to each one - it causes peace or elation. Then it will become clear where to go for inspiration and where to go for restoration.

Find energy eaters.

As creative people say, “Shostakovich could not have written his symphony with the TV on.” Surprisingly, the same things can take away energy and increase it. For example, memories. Some fill you with positive emotions, encourage you to get off the ground and create. Others are exhausting, making you regret the past. In order to show off at a crucial moment, personal energy eaters need to be neutralized in time.

Load all the senses.

It is worth starting a hobby that is different from your main occupation. To do it just for fun. If you're drawing, draw boldly, only what you want. If it’s sports or dancing, strain yourself to the point of pleasant exhaustion. If cooking is cutting, boiling, baking and feeding your loved ones. This will help you not to get hung up on your mission and enjoy the simple joys of life.

Remember the result.

In a state of internal balance, the body mobilizes forces that add excitement to achieving the goal. To show off usefully, you should choose goals that are clear and achievable, but require additional effort. And also remember about the golden mean: the task should be difficult enough to test your strength, but not exhaust you.

Transform energy.

Real masters know how important it is not to dissipate energy over trifles, but to accumulate it for decisive action. When they need to transform themselves, get used to the role, and feel like a hero, they transform fear into excitement, and anger into courage. It’s more difficult for a beginner in this business. First you will just need to observe, record the images and ideas you spy. At one point, what has accumulated inside will resonate with the world, the environment, and the goal. As a result, the energy (physical, mental, mental) will result not in an ordinary scandal, but in another masterpiece.

Communicate with people from different areas of interest.

The support group literally makes you move forward. To loud cries of “You can do it!”, “You are the best!” it is impossible to mark time. But it is equally important to communicate with enthusiastic people who are far from the usual range of interests. New acquaintances will give you a lot of interesting unexpected ideas, unique experiences, a new perception of reality, a new way of looking at things.

Push yourself.

You can create additional conditions for yourself under which adrenaline will flow into your blood. For example, make a bet or make a public promise. When the escape routes are cut off, the body itself mobilizes and raises the level of adrenaline. But such methods should not be abused. This can lead to adrenaline addiction, when old methods no longer work.

Avoid things that kill your courage.

Excessive haste, painful defeats, criticism from others first kills inspiration, and gradually begins to attract failures. And so, instead of new plans, a person torments himself with self-criticism. In order not to write yourself down as a pathological loser, you need to not only love what you do, but constantly improve your skills. After all, it is impossible to swagger in a matter in which you understand little.


  • Courage is an amazing state that expands horizons and helps overcome internal fear.
  • It will not be possible to catch courage by order, but you can create the conditions for this state.
  • To enter a state of courage, you need to look not for external, but for internal sources of energy.
  • Courage is meaningless if it does not bring visible results.

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We first experience excitement in childhood, when we play. We pretend to be knights and princesses and try to dominate the household. But we are quickly brought down to earth - “that’s enough, I’ve played and that’s enough.” Then youth - it often goes away completely on the rise

They do all kinds of extravagant acts in order to attract the attention of their loved ones, and even just friends. It is precisely for the state of courage that we love this segment of our life so much: when “the blood is boiling” and nothing is scary, and the state of flight, and there is no limit to perfection

Excitement gives us inspiration and a sense of freedom, allowing us to be spontaneous, liberated, improvise and create.

Then this state goes away somewhere. Either the hormonal levels are normalizing, or the instinct of self-preservation is becoming more acute. And we show off less and less, and more and more only in the crowd, so that it is not so noticeable.

Nevertheless, there are people for whom this is a way of life, and they are able to infect others with excitement. They say that such people “have a fiery engine instead of a heart.” They always “burn”, they are the life of the party, charismatic and optimistic. They are able to show us that there are no limits to our capabilities, and carry us away to conquer new goals. Strictly speaking, their courage is narcissism, into which they involve us, those who surround them.

Then, of course, they will rethink their behavior and wonder how they could do such a thing. But when they hit the epicenter of courage, they won’t even doubt that they are doing everything right.

By the way, to confirm that courage can arise as a result of emotional infection, one can cite the use of marches in parades. The rhythm of the marches promotes emotional upliftment, the release of adrenaline into the blood, and the parade participants truly feel like a united, great, invincible people.


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Passion, drive or common sense?

First of all, the feeling of courage is familiar to those who play sports or often speak in public. Any athlete, even a beginner, knows very well that winning requires not only good physical preparation, but also attitude. When your strength is at its limit, tension is at its maximum, and your heart is about to jump out of your chest from fatigue and stress, you need to use all this correctly to get an additional charge of vivacity and energy. You see the goal ahead, you stop feeling tired, you literally already feel like a winner and sweep away everything in your path. This is courage.

How to achieve this magical courage? In fact, there is nothing complicated here. Catching courage does not at all mean reaching a different level of perception of reality or achieving some unprecedented state. Sometimes such people are said to behave contrary to logic or common sense, which is partly true. The more you think and weigh the pros and cons, the more unrealistic the goal may ultimately seem.

Courage and logic are rarely compatible. The secret is simple. You give yourself the necessary positive attitude, believe in your strength and go to victory as if you have already received everything you dream of. That's all!



There are people who live “correctly” for themselves day after day and do not experience any “flight” or inspiration. But I want to.

To begin with, you can try to remember at least some desperate act, even in early youth. And it doesn’t matter that someone will rate the “desperation” of this act as one on a scale of ten. The main thing is that for the person himself it is something out of the ordinary. Let’s say you once came up to meet a girl. First and last time. But they came. Stepped over your fear.

Try to remember this state - from shaking in your knees to your heart jumping out of your chest. How they carried on well, although they wanted to fail in that very place. This artificially created “prowess” is courage, self-affirmation. Thanks to muscle memory, the body remembers the fuse state as successful. Next time, just turn your shoulders and walk with a “macho” gait, and the feeling of confidence will begin to return.

It doesn’t matter what you wear, but it should be clothes that are unusual for you. Wearing such clothes intensifies the feeling of fear of being judged by others, creating a risk for social status, that is, the release of adrenaline is triggered. Excitement flares up in the presence of those who support you. The feeling of unity, commonality of views, emotional background - all this reinforces your energy. In sports, this support group is the fans, who by their mere presence and chants significantly raise the morale of the team.

Well, the last way is to initially accept all possible outcomes of the situation. Even negative ones. And in any negative outcome, find a positive moment for yourself. If it turns out that as a result of courage you have nothing to lose, it will be much easier to overcome your fear.

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