How to enter an altered state of consciousness in 10 seconds

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Good day, dear friends and visitors of the blog “Space of Inner Strength”! Today we will learn to enter an altered state of consciousness, or alpha state, and we will learn how to do this in 10 seconds. My record for entering the alpha state is 7 seconds, and into a deep state (2-3 seconds for relaxation, the same amount for entering a regular alpha and then a couple of seconds into a deep state of altered consciousness).

Then we will move on to practicing the theta state, although it is possible that you will fall into this state already in the first technique.

The alpha state of the brain allows you to quickly relax the body, enter into deep meditation, receive answers from the subconscious, and effectively reprogram destructive programs. In this state, it is recommended to work with visualizations, affirmations and other techniques.

To begin with, you just need to learn how to enter an altered state of consciousness, and then reduce this time to a minimum (10-15 seconds or less). I entered this state in 7 seconds when I was in a calm state.

I’ll tell you briefly about brain frequencies for those who don’t know what we’re talking about. Brain frequency is waves with a frequency of approximately 0.5 to 40 cycles per second, or 1.5 to 40 Hz. This frequency determines what state we are in: awake, drowsy or deep sleep.

The lower the frequency or less, the closer the person’s state becomes to sleep. The higher the frequency, the faster and more active our brain works.

Don't confuse brain frequency with human frequency. These are completely different systems.

Conventionally, brain frequencies were divided into 5 parts. The brain emits gamma, betta, alpha, theta and delta waves. Now let's take a closer look at each wave.

Gamma waves are the fastest. Their frequency is 30-45 Hz. These waves are generated by the brain in both hemispheres. Consciousness at this frequency works at its maximum. It is believed that these waves begin to be produced when a person needs to simultaneously work with different types of information and at the same time connect them with each other as quickly as possible. As gamma waves decrease, the ability to remember begins to decrease.

Betta waves are generated by the left hemisphere of the human brain. Their frequency is from 14 to 30 Hz. They are responsible for logical thinking, concentration, and decision making. Betta waves provide the opportunity to be active in society. They speed up brain function and enhance information processing and absorption. They also enhance the overall energy of the body, excite the nervous system, eliminate drowsiness and sharpen the senses.

Alpha waves. It is with them that we will work today. When you begin to relax with your eyes closed and various images begin to appear in your mind, your imagination begins to work actively and alpha waves appear. Their frequency is from 7 to 14 Hz. Alpha waves are generated by the right hemisphere of the brain.

When an adult is in a relaxed and comfortable state and at the same time retains conscious activity, a sufficient number of alpha waves are produced. Essentially, this is the state before falling asleep.

At this frequency, a person can effectively cope with the tasks assigned to him. Alpha waves greatly enhance the ability to perceive a large amount of information, develop abstract thinking, and help self-control. This frequency is also good for relieving stress, nervous tension and anxiety.

Alpha waves help connect the conscious mind with the subconscious mind (or soul). At this frequency, so-called joy hormones are produced, which help reduce pain and are responsible for a positive outlook on life, happiness, joy and relaxation.

Theta waves bring the body into a state of deep relaxation. This is a state of sleep where dreams can occur. Their frequency is from 4 to 7 Hz. If you master conscious entry into this frequency and conscious stay there, solving many issues will be much easier. I have not yet mastered this state. For now, alpha is enough for me.

In the theta rhythm after heavy exercise, the body can quickly recover. At this frequency, a feeling of bliss and peace appears. Theta waves are generated by the right hemisphere of the brain. They are the boundary between consciousness and subconscious.

Theta waves promote the manifestation of paranormal abilities. They enhance emotions and feelings, and also allow you to program and reprogram the subconscious, and get rid of negative and limiting thinking. For people involved in self-development, mastering this frequency can be of great benefit.

Delta waves. This rhythm begins to work during deep sleep. In the delta state, the body undergoes intensive self-healing and self-healing processes. Delta waves are generated by the right hemisphere of the brain. Their frequency is from 0.5 to 4 Hz.

An altered state of consciousness (ASC) begins with the alpha frequency and at the border of alpha and theta waves.

It is at these frequencies that it is good to reprogram the body. It would be ideal to work at theta frequencies, but this is actually sleep and requires long-term training.

Now we will learn to enter a deep alpha state without a computer and special music. In this state, you can recover in literally 10-15 minutes, find solutions to problems, get answers to troubling questions that you cannot get answers to in a normal state, reconfigure your entire body, reprogram internal programs and beliefs, and tune in to events.

Preparation for practice

You can enter the alpha state while sitting or lying down, whichever is more comfortable for you. If you fall asleep quickly in a relaxed state, this technique is best done while sitting. During your first training, before entering altered states of consciousness, you do not need to set any goals. To begin with, you just need to get good at walking into this state. Before class, we remove all irritating factors: turn off the phone, intercom, close the doors so that relatives do not disturb. Clothes should be loose. If extraneous sounds are still present, wear headphones.

A good time to do this technique is before bed, when everyone in the house is calm. The position should be comfortable; arms and legs should not be crossed.


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How to enter the alpha state - practice

We close our eyes and make the first count from 3 to 1 as follows. First, take a deep breath and, as you exhale, mentally pronounce the number 3 three times (three, three, three) and imagine the image of three in front of the inner screen. Let this image be the one that comes to you. Concentrate your attention on the number. At this time, you relax your body from head to toe.

If you don't know how to relax, first practice relaxing to the point where you can do it in a few seconds. I'm not writing about deep relaxation. Primary general relaxation is enough.

After this you need to lie down for a few seconds. Next, take a deep breath and as you exhale, say the number 2 three times (two, two, two). All the same. With number 2, you relax your face, cheeks, jaw, back of the head and eyelids. Notice the relaxation of the eyelids. Then lie down for a few seconds or a little longer, as you wish.

Then comes one. We also say the number 1 3 times, not forgetting about the image of the unit. Now we are not relaxing anything, but simply concentrating on one.

Then we lie down for a few seconds and begin the second countdown from 10 to 1. Now there is no need to take deep breaths and exhales. We do everything easily and relaxed. Let's start with ten. We also mentally pronounce the number 10 and imagine it. After 2-3 breaths while exhaling, we mentally pronounce the word “deeper” and mentally, as it were, fall into the depths, into something pleasant, like into a pillow.

Then we do the same with nine. We also mentally pronounce the word “deeper” and dive into the depths again. This is what we do with all numbers.

If at some number you start to get confused and forget what your score is, then you are already in alpha.

This can happen on any number. Once this has happened, there is no need to count anymore. Feel this state. There should be no active thoughts. If thoughts appear, just watch them as if from the outside and they will go away. A large flow of thoughts takes you out of a state of altered consciousness.

If you missed the alpha and fell asleep, it's okay. You just need to practice. If you didn’t get into this state the first time, you are in the state you will be in. It will still be alpha, just not deep.

The state of deep alpha is very pleasant, which is difficult to describe. This is a relaxed state with indescribable depth; it feels good and pleasant. When you get into deep alpha, you will understand this.

Stay in this state as long as you want. If time is limited, you can set an alarm clock with a pleasant melody.

In a normal alpha there is a period when you are overcome by love and happiness. Just observe this state and go deeper. If you want, you can remain in this state, but it is easy to slip through it, it is fleeting. For me, this state happens within a few seconds. Although this state of love may not exist, we are all different.

Sometimes 10-15 minutes in deep alpha can replace 1-2 hours of sleep.

In altered states of consciousness, various images may appear. Observe them and remain aware at the same time so as not to fall asleep. After some time, watching the images, it may dawn on you, you may understand something that you never understood, an interesting thought or idea may come to you, the necessary information that you have long forgotten may emerge in your memory.

Image and imaginative thinking

Every person has imaginative thinking . An image is a collective concept: thoughts, feelings, sensations, smells, tastes, impressions.

Imagine a cat. The image of a representative of the cat family immediately pops into my head .

— Someone has a sweet, gentle domestic cat . Soft and woolen. And it’s immediately cozy and warm inside, like home. - And someone has a tiny kitten . A long-awaited gift from parents. And in my soul there is joy and childish delight. — Someone has a cat that has desecrated all the sofas . And he treated the carpets shamelessly. Ew, impudent and stinky!

This is the volume and movement that unfolds inside a simple word - cat. Imagine if these words are love, family or life. Oh, these are huge layers , but we will go gradually.

Solving Problems Using the Alpha Brain State

In this trance state, you can tune in to solve the necessary problems and simply observe thoughts and images.
Once you learn to enter a deep alpha state, you can master problem solving through this technique. Before practice, tune in to solving the desired problem, otherwise you may not remember this in the alpha itself and immerse yourself in the alpha. If you have found a solution to the problem, immediately get out of this state, otherwise you may not remember later. With the help of an assistant, you can do great things, including writing books. To solve simple one-answer solutions, just enter alpha and observe what is happening there. We received an answer and left alpha.

If you need to receive a large amount of information, it is difficult to remember it. In this case, an assistant would be an ideal option. You received a piece of information in alpha, spoke it out loud and immediately entered alpha again. The assistant wrote down the information.

A new piece of information arrived, was spoken out loud again, the assistant wrote it down again, etc. Thus, you will practically not leave this trance state and dictate information to the assistant. Of course, you can also use a voice recorder for this.

It is very easy to get out of the alpha state. A little effort of will and you are already in betta. When leaving alpha, try to endure this wonderful state that you will have.

Thus, you will become stronger and happier, stress and problems will affect you less and less, you will become a more confident person. I prepared some fragments of texts on this blog using the alpha state.

Most people get into the first shallow alpha the first time. As I already wrote in the article about neural connections, it takes 21 days to create new skills. I recommend that you start practicing entering an altered state of consciousness for 21 days. Ideally, this should be done 3 times a day for 3 weeks.

When I started learning to enter a deep alpha state, I practiced 3 times a day and the day came when I entered deep alpha. I immediately felt this and, out of curiosity, looked at the calendar of my classes. And what do you think? It was 21 days of classes. This may be a coincidence, but it seems somewhat natural.

It is very pleasant to do this practice before bed. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to enter this state 3 times a day. If you want to learn a new ability, look for conditions for practicing. Do this practice at least once a day, but daily. Once you have established this skill, daily practice will no longer be necessary. In order to enter an altered state of consciousness in 10 seconds, it took me about 2 months of daily practice.

The subconscious can do anything?

I would not simplify everything so much and reduce it to a primitive scheme. Even the model that I described above cannot be considered an ideal reflection of the mental space of oneself. In any case, this is just a diagram. But it is sufficient to understand and work with these structures.

After all, we need to realize how we are structured and then improve. You have probably come across the opinion that man is created in the image and likeness of God, and accordingly there is nothing to improve in him. He is already perfect. Of course he is perfect in this sense, as a creature. However, a person is endowed with free will and self-expression. And what will he do on his responsibility. We, as a rule, spend most of our lives not knowing what we are doing. Hence the problems and illnesses. However, there is no reason to despair. Today you have already learned what we can do and how to improve the process of our life.

Entering Theta

Very often, when entering alpha, a person falls into the theta state. With experience comes control of these states, but if the previous exercise is not enough for you, continue with this addition:

While in alpha, bring your attention to the tip of your chin and keep it there. This will move you to the theta frequency. At first this may take 5-10 minutes, but over time this time can be reduced to a few seconds. Instead of the chin, attention can be transferred to the third eye area.

Also a very good way to get into theta is to practice on awakening. Once you are awake, but not yet fully conscious and open your eyes, you are in the theta state. To remember this in the morning, you need to create the intention to remember it before falling asleep. When falling asleep, it is a very convenient moment to pass through this state and maintain it.

In order to make it much easier to enter an altered state of consciousness, you need to learn to feel your energy, your energy centers, and be able to manage your emotions. If you want to master these abilities, download the book “ The Reference State of the Chakras ” and you will discover a new interesting world within yourself.

Author of the article, Lyubomir Borisov

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Metaphorical cards

One of the best techniques for working with the subconscious is working with images. Metaphorical cards are a set of different illustrations, with different directions. These could be cards reflecting childhood experiences; emotional experiences (usually images of natural elements); maps about the destination or choice of path (depicting many roads) and so on. A conversation with the subconscious in this case occurs when a person begins to look at a particular card with a specific request. Each person in the same picture can see heat, cold, danger, and love. Because the picture will interact with each one in its own way. There are quite a lot of techniques on how to communicate with metaphorical cards. But all of them are aimed at talking with the subconscious of the one who works with the cards. Through cards, a person very often receives answers, insights, and the real state of things in his life. He begins to communicate with the subconscious as with something real and living inside him, but in the language of images.

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