Resource state: ways to enter and always remain in it

The article explains:

  1. Internal and external human resources
  2. The essence of the resource state
  3. Main types of resource states
  4. Where to start achieving a resource state
  5. 7 ways to achieve a resourceful state
  6. 7 tips for achieving a resourceful state
  7. 4 recommendations for maintaining resource status

A resourceful state allows a person to live life, breathing deeply, enjoying all the gifts of the Universe. If we have the strength and desire to achieve something, then this is the main indicator that we are “in resource.”

In the age of modern technology, it is not difficult to find high-quality webinars or online groups led by psychologists that will help you achieve a resourceful state. However, in reality, each of us can get what we need on our own. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Internal and external human resources

All human resources are divided into internal, which are also called abilities, and external, which are also called capabilities. Their totality is aimed at achieving certain goals and performing actions. This could be work, training, meeting people, hobbies, etc.

Both external and internal resources are strongly interconnected. Opportunities support your talents and abilities, but it is well-developed abilities that allow you to restore all opportunities if they are missed for any reason. Despite a certain symbiosis of external and internal forces, a person needs to have some source of energy from the outside that will feed his internal resources.

Let us consider both resource states of a person in more detail.

1. Internal human resources

To put it simply, this is the internal state of a person, his world order, all his innate talents and experience accumulated over his life.

These resources usually include:

  • Skills.
  • Knowledge.
  • Character.
  • Habits.
  • Peculiarities.
  • Hobbies.
  • Value system.
  • Willpower.
  • I believe.
  • Mental and mental health.
  • Experience.
  • Self-esteem.
  • Confidence.
  • Erudition and intelligence.
  • Outlook on life, etc.

The ability to overcome life's difficulties, make contact with others, develop your skills and increase your experience, achieve goals - all this relates to an internal resource state. In addition, it includes hidden potential and exceptional personality traits. If internal resources are well developed, then a person can easily overcome problems and difficulties, has stress resistance and inner strength. Otherwise, the person will be weak-willed, overly emotional and unable to overcome life’s difficulties. Such people give up immediately as soon as they encounter an insurmountable obstacle on their path; they have no goals or motivation.

2. External human resources

External resources include all those factors that make it possible to restore human energy from the outside world. Each person may have their own sources of strength, but a number of common principles can be identified:

  • Family.
  • Native.
  • Friends.
  • Colleagues.
  • Films and TV series.
  • Books.
  • Hobby.
  • Work and business.
  • Internet friends.
  • Classmates or classmates.
  • Sports partners.
  • Various connections.
  • Favorite artists, etc.

Support from external resources is not always clearly expressed. Often we ourselves do not notice how we are filled internally, thanks to the above basics.

The main principle of external energy filling is to concentrate on what is there, and not on what is missing. Low-income people should focus their attention on supporting loved ones and relatives, and not on searching for rich acquaintances.

Replenishing psychological resources

When the physical resource is replenished, it’s time to take care of your soul.

A psychological resource state is a state of confidence, joy, when a person feels vitality and energy, and the ability to complete assigned tasks. Our positive emotions and good mood multiply our strength.

How to help yourself be in a resourceful state? “First, find out what drains him,” says Olga Turovtseva. - Analyze different areas of your life. Pay attention to what you are wasting energy and effort on without getting anything in return. This could be some activities, projects that last for years, communication with specific people, close relationships in which you invest too much, but do not feel the return. Once you discover where your resources are going, you can think about how to fix it constructively and safely.”

Main types of resource states

There must be balance in everything, including the human body, therefore the resource state is considered in the following complex:

  • Physical well-being – health, strength, endurance and vigor.
  • Psychological attitude – self-confidence, motivation, desire to achieve your goals.

Controversial attitude causes rest. There are times when work goes like clockwork and there is no need to interrupt; you complete your tasks quickly and efficiently. However, rest is a necessary part of flow work, since without it emotional burnout and physical loss of strength can occur.

Life in the Flow. How to understand that you are in the Flow, a simple test!

It often happens that it is not possible to normalize your resource state. In addition to lack of motivation and energy, there may be other factors that negatively affect effective work, such as stressful situations, illness and fatigue, or lack of financial stability. How can you bring your resource state to balance? There are several ways.

Take care of yourself

An important point necessary to maintain resources is to pay attention to yourself, how you feel emotionally and physically, and what you want at the moment. This helps you track your condition, which means you can come to your aid in time. Very often, in the whirlwind of activities, we do not allow ourselves to slow down and listen to our bodily sensations, emotions, and needs. Therefore, we miss our body’s signals that it needs rest, physical relaxation, and emotional release. An effective way to replenish physical resources is sports, fitness, walking, dancing. An active lifestyle gives us a surge of good mood, vigor, and energy.

Where to start achieving a resource state

First of all, you need to understand what exactly brought you into a state of imbalance. For example, these could be:

  • Attempts to establish control over all areas of life, both one’s own and those of loved ones.
  • Feelings of anxiety, guilt and responsibility.
  • Self-devaluation and low self-esteem.
  • Psychological problems from the past and blocks.

This can also include wasted time, such as watching too much TV or being stuck on the phone.

Lost resources are well compensated by a day dedicated to your desires, be it reading a book, taking care of yourself and your body, going on a date or spending time with your child. Creative activities, such as drawing or knitting, are great for restoring energy.

You need to remember the sensations that you experience during these activities, and in moments of burnout, remind yourself of this. This will help you get active and, at a minimum, finish your work.

Don't strive for perfection

Down with perfectionism! Are you used to setting high standards for yourself and doing everything perfectly? This, of course, is commendable, but this approach to life and work takes a colossal amount of energy from you. “Think, maybe there is an opportunity to soften the demands on yourself, doing something with greater ease and with less effort,” says Olga Turovtseva. - Reconsider your beliefs and work through the attitudes that force you to be the first everywhere, deprive you of the right to make mistakes, force you to abandon what you planned if anything goes wrong. Allow yourself not to be perfect all the time.”

Learn to take care of yourself

This applies even to small things. Each person will express this concern differently. “Learn not only to listen to your own body, but also to anticipate your desires and create a comfortable environment for yourself,” says Olga Turovtseva. “For example, take a comfortable position, put a glass of water next to you, ventilate the room, give yourself the opportunity to distract yourself during hard work for a few minutes to warm up.”

5.Clean up the space

According to Feng Shui, unnecessary things serve as a barrier to changes in your life, as they energetically clog up space. Inspecting old items will lift your spirits, get rid of unnecessary ballast and memories of the past, and prepare your home for positive changes.

The main rule for such cleaning is not to be greedy. Throw out at least 30 items from each room. Start with those items that remind you of unpleasant moments: why do you need a wedding dress or your mother-in-law’s dinnerware after a divorce? It’s the same with your wardrobe: if over the past two years you haven’t found a reason to wear your stunning dress, feel free to part with it. Donate books to the library that don't fit your new interests.

And you shouldn’t transport packages with unnecessary things to the dacha or garage - part with them for real, completely.

Take the first steps.

When there is a goal-mission, then you need to take the first step. Take small steps, those that you can do. Consider everything: your living conditions, your daily routine, your capabilities. Then these steps will be comfortable and easy for you. And you will get closer to your goal step by step. It is worth starting to do them immediately, right away, in the next few days. So that your goal does not fade, and the energy that you have revealed in yourself paves the way forward for you.

It’s so nice to see the results of your work, it’s very inspiring.

These can be completely simple and doable steps.

-Find information on the Internet about training courses. -Buy a useful book and start reading it. -Ask friends who have the experience you need, what and how they did. -Make a plan for your advancement or find a specialist who will help you formulate your goal and your true values.

There are periods of ups and downs, but the main thing is not to stop and search, accepting everything in your life as an invaluable experience. And you will definitely find your favorite thing, perhaps in a place where you didn’t even expect to find it. Don't give up, be brave and search.


Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author. In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

6.Turn on do not disturb mode

After an inspection of your apartment, do it in your gadgets as well—every minute updates to your news feed and an endless stream of (not always necessary) information can be the cause of your nervousness.

Quit uninteresting chats, cancel irrelevant app subscriptions, unsubscribe from unnecessary updates - all these notifications are just annoying. Remove unnecessary files from your desktop, sort photos by chronology, clear spam from your email.

Pay attention to your phone book: first, delete or block toxic individuals who give you headaches after communicating with them. Then erase contacts that you cannot remember. Believe me, more important and interesting people will soon take their place.

Rely on your positive experience

In order to fill yourself with a resourceful state, you can connect your memory and imagination. “The peculiarity of our psyche is that positive thoughts and images, even imaginary ones, can really change our mood and well-being for the better,” says Olga Turovtseva. - Remember any situations when you did something well, you achieved a goal, you felt at your best, or some pleasant events, places where you felt good. Look back at the photos that bring back fond memories.” Turn to your positive experience whenever you feel a wave of self-depreciation or emotional fatigue.

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