Conscious living - what is it? All levels of consciousness, how and why to raise them

Mindfulness - what is it?

The word “mindfulness” has become very fashionable lately. Many people use it all the time, but, by and large, don’t even think about what mindfulness actually is and why it is so important.

Is there a connection between mindfulness and desire fulfillment? How does mindfulness help our dreams come true? I suggest you figure it out together with the guru of mindfulness - Osho.

I recently read his book “Mindfulness. The key to life is balance” and in this article, especially for you, I have collected key ideas, the most effective practices, fantastic tips and secret tricks from it.

I am sure that these recommendations will allow you to achieve a state of awareness, take a fresh look at many things and understand why some of your desires and dreams do not come true.

But before we move on to Osho's book and his recommendations, I want you to carefully study this. There are certain rules that are important to know if you want to dream of an apartment or a rich husband, attract money or go on a trip >>>

Who is Osho?

First of all, I would like to introduce you to Osho himself, if you are still not familiar with him.

He used different names throughout his spiritual career. He was best known throughout the world as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. But in the last year of his life he began to call himself Osho, which literally translates as “teacher” or “monk.”

Osho is an Indian religious leader, mystic and spiritual mentor. A man who preached absolute enlightenment and liberation through meditation.

Osho wrote many books about self-development and enlightenment. His most famous works:

  • "Love, freedom, loneliness";
  • “Awareness. The key to life is balance";
  • "The Blue Book of Meditations."

I recommend that you read these and his other books and listen to his advice. I will voice some of them in this article.

Today we'll talk about:

  • What does it mean to be mindful;
  • Why does any person need to be in a state of awareness;
  • How to achieve awareness and spiritual awakening in 7 steps;
  • How meditations affect a person and why use them;
  • How to manage your own reality while in a state of awareness.

Read on, all the most interesting things are yet to come!

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Finding yourself is far away

In pursuit of awareness, people often choose to go to distant lands and “search for themselves.” But disappointment often sets in, because Zen does not come with space. He comes with the realization that place has little to do with the feeling of inner harmony, because we always take ourselves with us to every place on earth. And with a fairly long stay in a seeming paradise, a period of “on your own” inevitably begins. If you don’t deal with your demons at home, they will definitely catch up with you anywhere else.

This is not to say that you shouldn’t travel. You definitely need to travel, just for a slightly different purpose. Don’t look for awareness there, but simply trust the world with an open heart. Open not only your eyes, but also your soul. Accept the new and unknown. Enrich your philosophy with a radically different approach to life. It’s like putting on lenses for the first time when you’re pretty tired of myopia (myopic friends will understand;))

What is mindfulness?

We are accustomed to believing that after waking up we are conscious, which means we are aware. We woke up, and here in front of us is the reality in which we live: work, family, affairs, conflicts, tasks, people around us.

But what if I told you that you continue to sleep even after you wake up and get out of bed?

Of course, you may not believe me. And perhaps they are even ready to argue with me. But let's first read an excerpt from Osho's book:

One of the most important things to understand about a person is that a person sleeps. He doesn't wake up even when he thinks he is. His awakening is very fragile; his awakening is so tiny that it is not worth taking into account at all. His wakefulness is just a beautiful, but completely empty name.

You sleep at night, you sleep during the day - from birth to death you go on moving from one sleep pattern to another, but you never actually wake up.

What does all of this mean?

The fact is that many people do not even suspect that they are “in a dream” literally every day. I'm sure you're sleeping too. In order to wake up, you first need to understand what awareness is.

Mindfulness is an understanding of what is happening around you right now, a sense of present time. This is a state when all your attention is concentrated on the moment “I am here and now”, on how you feel, where you are, who is next to you.

This is the pleasure of waking up and drinking a cup of coffee, admiring the beauty of nature and silence, the noise of cars outside the window, a simple walk in the park. This is feeling and living every moment.

Leaving your comfort zone

One of the popular tools for achieving awareness is getting out of the well-known comfort zone. Getting out of your comfort zone as a way to become happier, an opportunity to meet unusual people and gain new experiences that are difficult to obtain in the ordinary world. And in this way achieve awareness.

But, as practice shows, the attainment of awareness is not directly related to the experience or to the people that we meet or receive when leaving our comfort zone. And with the fact that in this situation we most clearly and truly consciously perceive everything that happens to us, that is, we do not need to make an effort to be Here and Now. We are in such conditions already here and now.

But in ordinary life, you have to try very hard to be as conscious, because we do so many things semi-automatically. Although, in order to practice mindfulness, it is enough to simply notice everything ordinary that is around, and it really takes on new and bright colors.

Your actions and thoughts

Did you know that scientists have proven that almost 50% of a person’s waking time is in a state of “autopilot”, performing all actions automatically.

Every day, all your thoughts are occupied with something else - anything, just not the delights of the present moment.

Unbeknownst to yourself, you automatically woke up, brushed your teeth, had breakfast, got dressed and ran out of the house to run errands. The body is here, but where are your thoughts?

Ooh, your thoughts are busy:

  • Yesterday;
  • An event that is coming in the future;
  • The angry watchwoman who was rude to you a week ago;
  • Problems at work;
  • Conflict in the family.

In other words, you are anywhere - in the past and in the future, in problems and conflicts, in victories and defeats - but not in the present moment. This is what it is - a waking dream. Are you sleeping now.

The first thing you need to learn to return to a state of mindfulness is the ability to calm your mind, stop your thoughts and enjoy the world around you in the moment.

Osho writes:

Silence is the place in which one awakens, while the chaos of the mind plunges one into sleep. And if your mind is still asking questions, it means you are sleeping. Sitting silently, in silence, when the mind disappears, you can hear the birds chirping, and no work of the mind, complete silence... it is the birds singing, chirping and no work of the mind, inner silence, then awakening comes to you. It doesn't come from outside, it grows from within. Otherwise, remember - you are dreaming.

So, whenever your thoughts are disordered and make too much noise, there is no doubt that you are dreaming.

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Our vibrations

Each of us is at a certain level of consciousness. It is equivalent to the vibrations that we emit. It has long been proven that all living things vibrate at a certain level and send their emotions into the world. Essentially, vibrations are our predominant emotions throughout the hour, the day, and our entire lives. It is believed that the world around us also vibrates and sends emotions in response. Everyone is familiar with “what goes around comes around” - it applies in this context, just not so literally. Scientists have proven that those emotions, thoughts (vibrations) that we send into the world return with double returns.

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Why is it important to be in a state of mindfulness?

It is important not just to be aware of yourself once a day, it is important to be in this state constantly, to remember yourself always.

You are alive only in proportion to how aware you are. Awareness is the difference between life and death. You are not alive just because you breathe, you are not alive just because your heart is beating. Physiologically, you can be kept alive in a hospital, without any consciousness.

Memories of yesterday, fears about the future and a lot of random thoughts that flow in a stream - all this takes up a huge amount of energy and leads you astray.

Agree, it’s difficult to make your dreams come true when your mind gives you 1001 reasons why what you want won’t come true. This internal dialogue is essentially empty and meaningless. But it is strong enough to negatively affect you and deprive you of what you want.

How it works? The fact is that during such a “dialogue” with your own mind, all your thoughts are focused not on what you want, but on its absence or unattainability, on the fact that what you want will never happen to you and it is impossible to realize it. This is how seemingly “harmless” thoughts prevent you from making your dreams come true.

In addition, to fulfill our desires we need a lot of energy. We are mercilessly deprived of a huge amount of energy only because we spend it on endless scrolling of useless thoughts in our heads and internal anxiety.

In other words, mindfulness will give you purification, enlightenment and accumulation of energy.

Osho recommends focusing on the moment “here and now” and what is happening to you at this moment.

You go: be aware of yourself. You listen, you speak: become aware of yourself. When you are angry, be aware that you are angry. The very moment there is anger, be aware that you are angry. This constant memory of yourself creates a certain energy, a very subtle energy in you. You begin to be a crystallized being.

Unawareness is the path to suffering

Why are people often dissatisfied with the state of things? Why, even when achieving outstanding results, do they feel disharmony and emptiness inside?

Perhaps you are also familiar with this condition?

We are unhappy because we are not aware of what we are doing, what we are thinking, what we are feeling - at every moment we are constantly contradicting ourselves. Action moves in one direction, thinking in another, feelings in a third. We are constantly falling apart, becoming more and more fragmented. This is precisely what suffering is - we lose integrity, we lose unity.

If there is no harmony in your life, it will be unhappy and contradictory. You will live in suffering and "seek painkillers" to make this suffering less painful.

For this reason, people start drinking, resort to drug use, and lead an antisocial lifestyle. This is how they drown out the feeling of disunity that is tearing them apart from the inside. In an unconscious state, people can commit various illegal actions and even kill another person.

People live in suffering. There are only two ways out of it: either become meditators - alert, aware, conscious... this is a difficult matter. For this you need a backbone. The cheaper way is to find something that will make you more unconscious than you already are, so that you can stop feeling suffering...

I think now you understand why in order to live a happy, harmonious and fulfilling life, you need to become aware.

Find out what is stopping you from becoming rich and living in abundance >>>

Full list with description

  1. Shame (1-20). People at this level have very low self-esteem, feel humiliated, unworthy, inferior. They have paranoid thoughts that develop into phobias, depression and panic attacks. Some become cruel, nervous, angry towards life, and show aggression towards others. If a person vibrates at this level for a long time, he can become a socially dangerous subject who commits illegal actions against people. People with such vibrations are deeply unhappy.
  2. Wine (30). People experience feelings of remorse and guilt for their thoughts, emotions, actions and any other manifestations. They also feel the obligatory need to bear punishment for their unworthy life. A striking example of the manipulation of the guilt of a huge number of people at once is politics and religion. Vibration 2 is the vibration of human destruction.
  3. Apathy (50). A constant state of despondency, sadness, sadness and helplessness. People look at life hopelessly and treat it as a difficult time. Their vibrations are also low.
  4. Grief (75). Feelings of loss, sadness, sadness and regret are prevalent here. People who have lost loved ones, relationships, jobs, money, and so on often vibrate at this level. Life's view of the world is a tragedy. People are despondent and revel in their grief, unable to shift their attention to anything else.
  5. Fear (100). Emotions at this level are constant anxiety. People see the world as frightening and dangerous, and regular vibrations at the level of fear lead to paranoia and obsession. Vibrations - fear of life, other people, losses, aging, illness, and so on.
  6. Desire (125). The main emotion is thirst, not in the literal sense. I want everything: money, feelings, clothes, love, cars, power, health, what others have, and so on. Marketing and advertising play perfectly on this feeling. Vibrating at this level, people fall into slavery, because desires are endless. The outlook on life is often one of disappointment, because it is simply impossible to have everything. Desire is a higher level, because it motivates action.
  7. Anger (150). The level emotion is hatred. Anger develops into hostility and resentment. Vivid examples: disputes in the family, on social networks, in stores, and so on. This emotion can be not only destructive, but also creative. For example, societies fighting for various rights.
  8. Pride (175). Here we are no longer talking about positive pride that develops into joy. This refers to pride, condemnation, contempt. Vibration at this level leads to arrogance, comparing oneself to others.
  9. Courage (200). Confirmation of merit is a key condition. This is the first level of vibrations where a person begins to use power to create rather than destroy himself. The starting point is when we begin to wake up from sleepwalking. A person feels courage and begins to see the world as exciting, interesting, and full of possibilities. He no longer feels like a victim like in previous levels. This is the path to growth and understanding that our happiness is in our hands.
  10. Neutrality (250). The main emotions here are safety and trust. People look at the world unbiasedly, calmly and see its true essence. They react equally neutrally to successes and failures. There are two sides of such vibrations: on the one hand, acceptance and positivity, and on the other, despondency and detachment.
  11. Readiness (310). High level of optimism. A person accepts his life and the events in it, but not just neutrally, but strives to do something good. The strength of vibration at this level is intention.
  12. Acceptance (350). This is the second point where a person not only wakes up, but he has already woken up and begins to live consciously. The main vibration is the desire for growth and perfection. At this level, people have no judgment about life and others, no comparison and doubt. Here the emotion of forgiveness manifests itself, and the outlook on life becomes harmonious.
  13. Search for meaning (400). The main emotions are rationality and understanding. This level is also called the level of the mind. When a person strives to learn, find out, get to the bottom of the truth. His views on life make sense and he processes a lot of information.
  14. Love (500). It's about love for everything in this world, outside of it and for yourself. The feeling of love without conditions or reasons. People vibrate at a level of reverence, integrity, and intuition awakens. According to statistics, only one in 250 people reaches this level.
  15. Joy (540). The main emotions are compassion and serenity. A person lives in a feeling of inner joy, which arises regardless of the external manifestations of the world. It is believed that deeply spiritual people vibrate at this level, who have dedicated their lives to caring for the world and all living things.
  16. World (600). The level emotion is happiness. The line between reality and the spiritual is blurred. People who vibrate at this level become geniuses in their field and spiritual teachers. It is believed that only 1 in 10 million people reach this level.
  17. Enlightenment (700-1000). Level is the pinnacle of the evolution of human consciousness. People like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna vibrated at this level... States of merging body, spirit and mind with the entire space of options, a sense of existence outside of time. Awareness of life, how I am what I am.

How to achieve a state of mindfulness

Now that you understand that waking dreams are bad, let’s move on to the next steps and answer the questions:

  • How to stop living on autopilot and wake up?
  • How to become aware and be in this state always, and not from time to time?

For answers, let's turn again to Osho and his life advice.

Step #1. Watch your body

Osho recommends starting your journey into awareness by paying attention to your body, as this is the easiest thing to do.

The first step in mindfulness is to become very aware of your body. Little by little one becomes alert in every gesture, in every movement. As you become more aware, a miracle begins to happen: many things that you did before simply disappear.

Step #2. Track your thoughts

After you learn to control your body and monitor its reactions, move on to your thoughts.

Then begin to be aware of thoughts - the same must be done with thoughts. They are thinner than the body and, of course, much more dangerous. And when you become aware of thoughts, you will be surprised by what is happening inside you. If you write down everything that happens in you at any moment, you will be in for a great surprise.

When you learn to be in a state of mindfulness, your body and your thoughts will be balanced. The endless internal dialogue will stop.

Step #3. Learn to be aware of your feelings, emotions, moods

This is the most difficult, but extremely important step.

Once you become aware of all these three layers, they combine into one phenomenon. And when these three layers become one, begin to act in complete harmony, vibrate together, you can feel the music of all three: they become an orchestra - and then the fourth thing happens.

What is this “fourth”? What does Osho mean? This is complete awareness.

It is she who allows us to awaken from sleep.

And only in such awakening does a person learn what bliss is. Bliss is the goal, awareness is the path to it.

Of course, at the initial stage it will be difficult for you to control your actions, thoughts, emotions and feelings. It will seem to you that it is impossible to do this, and simply observing yourself is not enough to achieve awareness, because the usual internal dialogue will always be noisy in the background.

What to do in this case?

Osho offers several additional steps that will allow you to achieve awareness through special states.

So, if it is still difficult for you to enter awareness through controlling your thoughts and observations, take the following steps, which will greatly simplify and speed up your awakening.

Step #4. Live in joy

The simplest and shortest path to awareness is through a state of joy. It is much easier to be aware of yourself precisely in moments of happiness and inspiration, sincerely enjoying positive emotions.

If first you can be aware of your joyful moments, then depression, depression will not come. The door to the state of awareness is in the state of ecstasy. Therefore this is the easiest way.

How to put this into practice? it happens? In moments of happiness, try to stop the internal dialogue. Concentrate on pleasant sensations, pleasant emotions. What feelings are you immersed in at the moment? How do you feel? Realize this.

If you are asking questions about how to enjoy life sincerely and fully, then first of all think about what it means to “enjoy life” for you personally, what your personal happiness is, how it is felt in your body and in your thoughts.

Be aware of your feelings and emotions in moments of joy. This will allow you to easily return to a state of happiness and remain in it constantly. After all, it is awareness that will help you prolong the state of euphoria.

On the topic: how to become happy and why is it beneficial?

Step #5. Use relaxation

Mindfulness and relaxation are closely related to each other. One cannot exist without the other. When you begin to follow Osho's recommendations and become more and more aware of yourself, you will feel yourself relaxing. And when the practice of relaxation becomes regular, you will begin to understand and feel how your mind calms down and you awaken.

But! Important advice: do not try to get into awareness through relaxation. On the contrary, become aware of yourself and you will quickly fall into relaxation.

Step #6. Use meditation

Meditation is a great way to turn off your mind, stop your thoughts, and become more mindful.

When the mind is without thoughts, this is meditation.

Any meditation begins with clearing thoughts, and only then comes relaxation of the whole body, automatically.

Why Meditation is Essential for Mindfulness

Thanks to meditation, we come to awareness, stop the internal dialogue, accumulate energy and connect with our higher self, with the divine principle.

We find ourselves in the flow of the space of options for absolutely all events - this is a real creative workshop where you can create your life and reality.

Each meditation has a positive effect on the entire body, promoting its healing and restoration, relaxation and tranquility. There are many forms and techniques of meditation used to achieve various goals: there are meditations for attracting what you want into your life, there are meditations for cleansing from internal blocks, there is even a special healing meditation - the list is endless.

All you need is to choose your own meditation that is ideally suitable and comfortable for you, that matches your goals and corresponds to your intentions.

Start meditating. I recommend doing this daily. Meditating twice a day - in the morning and before bed - would be ideal.

Here is one of the wonderful morning meditations that I personally use. It allows you to recharge yourself with energy and positivity for the whole day.

You can conduct meditations in complete silence, or you can listen to meditations in which a voice in audio format will guide and guide you.

Step #7. Be aware of what you are doing

An important condition on the path to awareness: you must
stop performing any actions automatically, unconsciously.
What do we do automatically? For example:

  • We brush our teeth;
  • We eat;
  • We smoke;
  • We walk along a familiar route (almost without looking at the road);

and hundreds of other actions performed in “autopilot” mode.

This approach is fundamentally wrong.

All you need is to make your actions conscious:

  • If you brush your teeth, feel the whole process: how you hold the toothbrush, how it moves, what the toothpaste tastes like;
  • If you are having a meal, feel the taste of the food with all its subtlest shades, notice to yourself how you hold the cutlery in your hands, how gradually you feel full;
  • If you smoke, feel your every movement: how you look for cigarettes and a lighter in your pocket, how you light a cigarette, how you take a drag;
  • If you are walking somewhere, feel your every step, pay attention to what landscapes surround you, what panoramas open up, what you hear.

The only thing you need to learn is observation. Watch! Watch every action you take. Observe every thought that passes through your mind. Observe every desire that comes over you. Observe even minor gestures - how you walk, talk, eat, take a bath. Continue to observe, in everything, everywhere. Let everything become an opportunity to observe.

Don't allow yourself to do anything automatically in your sleep. Stop being a robot!

In his book, Osho says very important words filled with deep meaning:

Be total in your actions, and if you are total you will have to be aware; no one can be total without awareness. To be total means not to think about anything else. If you eat, you just eat; you are totally here and now. Food is everything: you don't just stuff yourself with food, you enjoy it.

Body, mind, soul - they are all in tune while you eat, and there is harmony, a deep rhythm in all three layers of your being. Then eating can become meditation, walking can become meditation, when you fetch water from a well it can become meditation, when you cook food it can become meditation. The little things are transformed: they become luminous actions.

Conscious Living Quotes

“Being aware of your actions can save you a lot of wasted time and unpleasant situations.”

“Living consciously means paying attention to your choices, decisions and actions. This will help you make better choices."

“As you walk, look up at the sky and notice the color of the sky and the shape of the clouds.”

“Don't be afraid to be optimistic. It doesn't cost you any money or time. It's free and makes you feel better, more confident and more energetic."

“Meditation is the gateway to a world of inner freedom and bliss.”

“Clear thinking produces certain results. Confused thinking leads to lack of results.”

“Make mindful living a way of life by becoming more mindful of your thoughts and your actions.”

Author: Olga Vasilyeva. Photo: Instagram, StarlifeTV, YouTube. If you are the author of one of the photos and do not agree with its publication, contact the administration and we will correct the error.

How not to fall out of awareness?

Use your memory.

Remember that you are dreaming and need to be awakened. Turn to yourself again and again - to your sensations, feelings and emotions in the moment now.

Create a strong intention
to be mindful
. And you will always remember that you need to observe yourself, your actions and emotions. Observe the beauty of this world.

At the same time, you shouldn’t blame yourself for the fact that from time to time you forget to track changes and fall out of awareness. Focus not on what you can't do, but on what you achieve by taking small steps every day.

An important law to remember

There is one fundamental law that hypnotists call the Law of Reverse Effect. Its essence is this: if you are very afraid of something, it will definitely happen to you. If you take on something without learning the basics, the exact opposite will happen.

Many people avoid many things and fall into these very things. Try to avoid anything, make great efforts, and you are sure to fall into the same pit. You can't avoid it; there is no way to avoid it.

Be relaxed. Don't try hard, because it is in relaxation that you can be aware, not in trying hard. Be calm, quiet, silent.

Where does tension come from and how does it arise? From our thoughts and fears! They are the ones that affect the body, making it tense.

Mindfulness takes you away from conclusions. This means that the body begins to relax. You can do the exact opposite: just relax and the tension will disappear by itself.

There are two kinds of tension - bodily tension and mental tension. Both need to be released before you can begin to relax, which will lead you to awareness.

Change the lens of perception

Thus, by increasing our level of awareness, we begin to live a happier and fuller life. We begin to see the world and ourselves in it more clearly, which makes it easier for us to make important decisions that are aimed at changing our lives for the better. We can already interact with the world without the anger, resentment and fear that are characteristic of people with low vibration levels. When we encounter failure, we no longer bury our heads in the sand, but trust the space of options, the world and ourselves. This means we are confidently stepping forward, which will undoubtedly lead to a more productive, happier and richer life in every sense.

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Awareness is the key to fulfilling all desires

I'm sure now you understand what mindfulness is and why it is vital.

Listen to the advice of the legendary Osho: practice mindfulness, meditate, become awakened, increase your energy - and you will receive a universal key to the fulfillment of all your desires.

Believe me, nothing slows down the materialization of your plans more than clutter in your head and an “automatic” state.

Think about how often and what specific actions you perform automatically. Write your answers in the comments.

Fight the waking dream, choose to wake up and become aware, truly enjoying life.

Mindfulness is the key to your happiness, success and prosperity.

Benefits of Mindful Living

So, a person leading a conscious life is able to:

  • Break out of the circle of problems and mistakes that always lead to the same result and take up precious time;
  • Realize your fears and causes of troubles, overcome obstacles and change beliefs that have a destructive impact on life;
  • Become wiser, increase your self-esteem and get rid of bad habits;
  • Move away from the duality of thinking and actions and become a more holistic person;
  • Gain confidence in yourself and your abilities, increase willpower and faith in success in any endeavor;
  • Learn to work with your subconscious;
  • Come to an understanding of your true purpose and find your Path;
  • Learn to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

It is obvious that the development of awareness in everyday life is an extremely useful and effective skill, the beneficial effects of which are reflected not only in changing the quality of external life, but also in the development and enrichment of the inner world. But what do you need to do to start leading a more conscious life? There are several effective strategies for this.

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