What is mentality: health and illness at the mental level

Updated July 23, 2022 788 Author: Dmitry Petrov
Hello, dear readers of the KtoNaNovenkogo.ru blog. There are words and terms that most of us understand only in general terms. But often this is not enough.

Today I want to draw attention to such words - mental and mentality, and explain their essence in simple words.

To some they may seem connected with something mystical (such as the astral body), but here everything is mundane and connected with ordinary people, like you and me.

Moreover, in this publication we will talk not only about mentality in general, but also about the problems of mental health, which not everyone is fine with. And, of course, we will touch upon the issue of identifying mental disorders and their treatment.

Mentality (mental) is...

The word “mentality” translated from Latin (“mens”) means mind, disposition of the soul, consciousness , way of thinking. In the modern explanatory dictionary, this concept is synonymous with the term “mentality” (from the Latin mentalite - mental).

Both are deciphered as a plexus of mind and feelings, reflected in the complex of mental and spiritual attitudes of an individual person or an entire group of people.

In simple words , mentality is the prism through which a person looks at the world. It contains moral values, a set of psychological and behavioral reactions, adaptation features, upbringing, attitude towards religion, and culture.

It is important to note that the mentality of an individual is the experience of many generations of his family, nation, country, and therefore is a mixture of the deep, collective unconscious and individual consciousness.

Mental means mental or psychic.

From the point of view of psychology , mentality is a reflection of the contents of a person’s psyche: in what categories he thinks, how he interacts with the environment and what kind of life he leads. Habits, actions and actions speak about mentality.

The determining factor is the individual’s environment – ​​family and society.

What does “mental” mean in philosophy: there is no specific definition of this concept, since such a category does not exist in the context of this paradigm. However, some theories, implying mentality, speak about the spiritual mood of individual social groups.

Basic elements of mentalism

Mental magic (magic of thought, as it is also commonly called) is becoming increasingly widespread. The same message can send completely different vibrations into the Universe. In accordance with the form of the energy flow, the following components of mentalism can be distinguished:

  • telepathy is the ability to read and transmit thoughts at a distance;
  • telekinesis - influence on physical processes through willpower;
  • telemetry - obtaining comprehensive information about objects that are located at a considerable distance;
  • teleportation - instant movement of objects or living organisms in space;
  • pyrokenesis - the ability to produce fire by effort of thought without the use of any improvised means;
  • levitation - the ability to float in the air independently or lift other objects by reducing weight;
  • hypnosis - the introduction of alien information through complete relaxation;
  • clairvoyance - the ability to predict the future;
  • extrasensory perception - hypersensitive perception of surrounding phenomena.

Illustrative examples

What is mentality using simple examples.

  1. In Russia, at the beginning of every spring, Maslenitsa is celebrated: pancakes are baked for a week, then festivities are held, during which an effigy is burned, which symbolizes farewell to winter. In India, they don’t know about this and, perhaps, its inhabitants would twist their heads if they heard about such a tradition.

  2. Russian platforms are filled with people hugging and kissing goodbye. In France, such behavior at railway stations is strictly prohibited - you can even get a fine. And all because their platforms were once very narrow, and those hugging interfered with the movement of others.
  3. If they come to visit you, then most likely, as a sign of hospitality, you will offer them tea with something tasty, or maybe you will set a rich table with something stronger. In China, a mug of tea is served to a guest instead of the words “Isn’t it time for you to go home?” This is what different mentality means.

True mentalists and charlatans

Mental magic is a relatively new movement that immediately gained wide popularity. With the advent of new knowledge, many gifted people have significantly improved their skills, even predicting the future. Nevertheless, among the true mentalists who train daily, improving their skills, quite a lot of charlatans have appeared who are trying to gain material benefit. So, in order to influence people, the following techniques can be used:

  • oratory with the aim of influencing the audience;
  • acting and affectation;
  • knowledge of psychology and its active application in practice;
  • pronounced leadership qualities and charisma.

All these tricks are not needed by a person who truly possesses such a mystical gift as mental magic. Books, exercises, meditation, daily training - this is what distinguishes a true mentalist. At the same time, he can look absolutely nondescript and behave quite modestly.

Types of mentality

If you settle a group of people on a desert island: they will settle down, they will have their own rules and norms of interaction, values, views on certain events within their society and outside it.

Subsequent generations will adopt their worldview: this is how the mental connection between people of different times is historically formed.

There are different types of mentality :

  1. by the type of structure of society - people of the Middle Ages had a different worldview from modern residents;
  2. by race (Asians, Europeans);
  3. gender mentality (female, male) – women are more inclined to demonstrate their emotions, males are more likely to keep their experiences to themselves;
  4. age (children, teenagers, adults, old people) – childish infantility and old age wisdom;
  5. by religious beliefs (Buddhists and Catholics think differently);
  6. by level of intelligence: intelligentsia, peasants - if you look at them in a restaurant, you can see a significant difference in behavior at the table.

It cannot be argued that mentality is a phenomenon characterized by constancy. The historical change in mentality over time can be represented in the form of the game “Broken Telephone,” when people pass a word or gesture to each other in a chain.

At the same time, everyone brings something of their own, and the last participant demonstrates something completely different from what was originally asked. Therefore, the worldview of modern people is radically different from those who lived several centuries ago.

Exercises with the participation of the subject

Many people want to master such an ability as mental magic. Training begins with independent exercises, after which it is worth involving subjects in the classes. So, the following experiments will be useful:

  • Having laid out several items on the table, try to guess in advance what your opponent will choose;
  • by external signs you need to determine whether a person is telling the truth or a lie;
  • ask the subject to touch one or another part of his body, trying to feel this touch on himself;
  • Practice reading the mind of the subject sitting opposite you.

What is mental health

Mental health is a concept that characterizes the internal state, reflecting the emotional and mental well-being of a person, the absence of mental problems.

We are talking about a spiritual or mental level of health, indicating psychological maturity. What is mental health ?

  1. integrity of mind and body;
  2. the presence of healthy self-criticism (I know what is good and what is bad, I comply with the law and moral principles);
  3. constancy of one’s own identity (I know who I am, what I am, why I am);
  4. lack of internal tension (fears, anxieties, prolonged mental suffering);
  5. harmony with yourself and the world around you - satisfaction from relationships with people and within yourself;
  6. the ability to plan, set goals and achieve them;
  7. good mood, optimism;
  8. control over your behavior, the ability to consciously change it;
  9. calmness, confidence.

If the mental level of an individual is, as they say, “in order,” then he has the opportunity to maximize his potential - to actualize his inclinations and turn them into talents.

Such a person has a high degree of stress resistance, therefore he easily adapts to changes in the environment and successfully copes with difficulties. A person’s work activity brings him pleasure, and at the same time represents a quality contribution to society.


For many centuries, humanity has been intrigued by the specially guarded secrets of predictions and mental magic. Their exposure is not as mysterious and inexplicable as it might seem at first glance. The secret lies in continuously practicing control over your words and thoughts, which contain a kind of life code. Thus, the mentalist has the opportunity to influence not only his own life, but also the destinies and behavior of others.

Of course, innate abilities for manipulation, hypnosis or foresight play an important role. Nevertheless, hard work can lead to success even for a person who does not naturally have such inclinations. It is extremely important to combine the study of theoretical literature with practical training. They can be carried out independently or with the participation of the subject.

Having achieved some success in mental magic, you can program not only your destiny, but also the behavior of other people. By being able to read their thoughts and influence their course, you can achieve significant success in a particular area of ​​activity. Particularly successful mentalists can subjugate several thousand people located in different parts of the world.

Signs of a mental disorder

Human life is filled with unexpected difficulties and negative phenomena that can be difficult to cope with.

It’s good when a person has flexible thinking, is able to adapt to circumstances, without focusing on his suffering due to failures. But often in such situations there are simply not enough internal resources: then homeostasis in the body (what is that?) is disrupted, which is a mental disorder.

Mental illnesses are disorders at the mental level, manifesting themselves in the form of neurotic symptoms (we are talking about initially mentally healthy people).

When a person is faced with force majeure circumstances that he cannot bypass, like water bypassing stones, the following happens: conscious or unconscious disagreement with the situation is resistance. And as we know from physics lessons, any resistance gives rise to tension, which grows every day.

Excessive stress is a large amount of mental energy that requires release.

And she finds it in the form of the following symptoms of mental disorder:

  1. a person feels causeless anxiety - anxiety;
  2. he either cries or laughs - his mood changes very often during the day;
  3. either you constantly want to sleep, or it is not possible to fall asleep;
  4. attacks of aggression are replaced by depression;
  5. reactions become inadequate: irritability over trifles, excessive sensitivity, vulnerability;
  6. a person may experience a feeling of shame, guilt - reproach himself for his condition, but not know how to change it;
  7. mild anxiety, which was initially, takes the form of panic attacks and various phobias (fear of open space, knives, loneliness, etc.);
  8. emotional outbursts lead to the body becoming depleted: a feeling of chronic fatigue appears;
  9. mental functions suffer - attention, thinking, memory, logic, etc.;
  10. gradually the circle of contacts with society narrows (the individual is embarrassed to appear “like this” in public - in case they take him for a crazy person), only family members remain nearby.

What rituals to perform in different lunar phases

Mental magic depends not only on internal, but also on external circumstances. The magic of thought is largely connected with the phases of the lunar calendar. Depending on the stage of development of the night luminary, it is recommended to perform the following rituals:

  1. The new moon is characterized by minimal influence. Any influences made during this period will not bring significant results. Use this time to relax or gain new knowledge.
  2. During this period, start some new business or develop a new life attitude. Any undertaking that was launched during the waxing moon will be crowned with success. Love affairs will be especially successful.
  3. The full moon is the most favorable period for magical rituals. At this time, you can attract the right people into your life, increase your wealth, or increase your internal resources (attractiveness, intelligence, health, etc.). Talismans made for the full moon have the greatest energy and magical value.
  4. The waning moon is characterized by a decline in magical energy. Thus, this is the time to perform rituals aimed at cleansing from negativity and karmic dirt. During this period, rituals of a negative nature (for example, a lapel) are also successful.

How to treat a mental disorder

Mental is mental or mental. This means that it is necessary to treat diseases of this level with a specialist of the appropriate profile - a psychologist or psychotherapist .

How does this happen:

  1. If the disorder greatly affects the body and significantly reduces the quality of life (for example, panic attacks, agoraphobia), then you should first contact a medical psychotherapist. He will prescribe tranquilizers, antidepressants and other drugs that will help put your physiology in order.
  2. Then it is advisable to engage in non-medical psychotherapy - meet with a psychologist once a week for some time (the duration depends on your need). This is necessary in order to understand what specifically in your life you cannot “digest”, try to either change the negative situation, or change your attitude towards it.
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