Blues: symptoms, causes and treatment. The benefits of the blues, the difference from depression

Blues is a feeling attributed by a person to the negative pole of emotional experiences, noted in negative manifestations. Synonymous concepts are the experience of melancholy, hopelessness, apathy, loss of meaning or happiness in life, but none of the concepts can fully replace the state of blues in terms of their semantic content. Blues is not related to a depressive state and is not classified as a painful experience on the psychiatric spectrum that requires medication.

This condition has no age, professional, gender-role or any other restrictions. A cure for the blues has not been invented, since in every life situation it is caused by various factors, and accordingly, it is necessary to look for different methods of rehabilitation. What works for a teenager who is disillusioned with love will be completely meaningless for a depressed workaholic who has retired.

Meaning of the word blues

Blues is an emotional state characterized by apathy, tearfulness, and lack of any desire to engage in creative activities. Usually, the ideal position for a person moping is lying in bed or on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket and watching melodrama. The vast majority of people, falling under the influence of the blues, lose the need for friendly communication, the world around them seems to take on gray tones, and bright colors fade.

What does the word mope mean?

Fuscal describes the condition that causes blues as a Sunday change of mood. An intelligent blog very accurately conveys the feelings of the vast majority of people working on weekdays. We can say that in this case the person is influenced by the reluctance to go to work, say goodbye to the weekend, and be an element in the eternal cycle of days of the week. In this case, we can say that moping means showing indifference to a weekend evening, an inability to get the maximum benefit and pleasure from it, and spending it on negative thoughts about how you don’t want to go to work.

In a broader sense, to be mopey is to be in such a state that you do not want to show interest in life or take part in any everyday issues. This is a state closely related to indifference towards the entire world around us.

Interesting. Some clients of the psychological office say that during the blues, it seems to them that their soul is freezing, they want to wrap it up, warm it, and give it the opportunity to thaw.

The desire to keep warm


Moping people (about 10% of the entire planet are prone to this) experience the following mental symptoms :

  1. fast fatiguability;
  2. irritability;
  3. dissatisfaction with oneself and others;
  4. drowsiness;
  5. despondency;
  6. apathy;
  7. tearfulness;
  8. absent-mindedness.

On the part of the body, you can observe low blood pressure, fatigue, heaviness, and dizziness. The body seems to want to freeze and irritably resists any attempts to stir it up.

The overwhelming melancholy leads to the fact that a person begins to eat away his bad mood. Food gives us pleasure by triggering the production of endorphins. As a result, the depressed person often gains excess weight, which can lead to even greater mental distress.

This condition is also accompanied by a decrease in libido. This affects the relationship with the partner - the couple quarrels out of nowhere, and the lack of sexual intercourse only aggravates their situation. Someone who is in painful melancholy may even begin to look for “adventures” on the side, believing that the matter is in his cooled feelings.

The difference between the blues and depression

Everyone knows what the blues are, but not everyone can distinguish it from depression. Moping is common even for children. Most often, these emotional states occur in October-November, depending on the region. The earlier deep autumn begins with piercing winds and prolonged rains, the more likely the blues will begin. Children are no less sensitive to this, especially those who study in the first shift. They have to go to school in the early morning, still dark, regardless of weather conditions. After a fun and carefree summer, few people face the start of the school year without emotional adaptation.

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During the off-season, when daylight hours are shortening and nature is preparing for hibernation, people, as part of the world, feel these changes for themselves. If it was during this period that the blues attacked a loved one, you should not worry too much, because usually it does not last longer than three days and goes away on its own, just as it began. It is not accompanied by severe nervous disorders that pose a health hazard.

Depression, unlike the blues, is a dangerous and severe nervous disorder that rarely goes away on its own without qualified medical care. It is recognized as a mental illness and always has more serious causes than the change of season or temporary laziness. The precursors of a depressive state are always deep mental trauma, a sharp and unpleasant change in life circumstances, or severe stress.

Important! During depression, a person may experience suicidal thoughts, he often completely refuses to eat, and also begins to lead an antisocial lifestyle that threatens the life and health of the patient himself.

If moping is, according to those who are moping, a feeling of chilliness in the soul, then depression takes over the body and mind under the slogan “there is nothing to lose” or “it can’t get any worse anyway.” This is precisely why depression is dangerous, dulling the instinct of self-preservation.

Learn intimacy

Intimacy allows us to open up to another person, to let ourselves be seen with all our shortcomings - what we most desire and fear in our relationships. It is a process rather than a one-time event or condition. We talked about the universal need for a balance between intimacy and autonomy, but every depressed person I knew needed more intimacy. She heals.

Depressed people fear intimacy more than others. We put on a mask because we are sure that our true self should be ashamed, it is worth nothing. Thanks to long practice, we begin to wear this mask all the time, and no one knows what we think, what we are really like inside. We can deceive everyone around us and appear to be loyal, generous and caring, but deep down in our souls we will be sure that this is all a game. But if you do this your whole life, who are you kidding? Where is the real me - the person everyone loves, or the secret me hidden inside? I affirm that you show the real you to the world. You are responsible for him. The inner self is an artifact of depression, guilt and shame, nothing more than a trick of the brain, but it can dominate life if we don't tell someone about it.

If you simply open up and show your loved ones our secret fears, doubts, imperfections, you can go through a corrective emotional experience - you will be loved and accepted, despite the secrets that you are ashamed of. The gap between our public and secret selves decreases, and subsequently may disappear completely, and we will become a harmonious whole. No secrets - no shame.

Causes of this condition

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Many people who have experienced this condition recall that the blues are a feeling that is very reminiscent of melancholy. This is true, because it is melancholy that often becomes the true cause of a minor state of mind. For different age groups of the population, the causes of the blues can be:

  • non-resident students getting used to independent living already develop blues by the end of September associated with homesickness, parental warmth and friends;
  • parents who sent their child to study in another city or serve in the army experience a feeling of spiritual emptiness associated with the absence of the most dear family member, with parting with him;
  • a change of place of residence or foundations due to insurmountable circumstances, depriving a person of the usual pleasant moments.

Additional Information. For an athlete, the closure of a fitness center in which he spent a considerable amount of time can cause blues, especially if getting to another one is either completely impossible, because there is no other one, or is very inconvenient.

Student blues

Related complaints

  • Decreased mood;
  • Loss of sexual desire, attraction;
  • lack of energy or drowsiness;
  • Thoughts about suicide;
  • Feeling that you are to blame for much or everything;
  • Feeling of loneliness, abandonment;
  • Feeling of depression, “blues”;
  • Apathy - lack of interest in something;
  • Feeling trapped or hopeless;
  • Excessive anxiety for various reasons;
  • Feeling of inexplicable, debilitating fatigue;
  • The future is hopeless;
  • Tearfulness.

Why it's good to mope sometimes

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Nothing in nature has a constant value, energy, like water, flows from one state to another, day turns into night, summer turns into winter, oceans evaporate and rain, everything in nature has its own cycle. Likewise, human nature cannot constantly experience a surge of strength, good spirits and freshness of thinking. The human psyche is in great need of relaxation, rest, and a change of regime. That is why, at the first signs of a change in condition, you should not think about how to quickly get rid of the blues. It is necessary to give the body the opportunity to experience this state, to immerse itself in the world of other emotions, to feel the difference between positive emotions and a mild disorder.

After a person understands from his own experience what the blues are and what were its causes, he will be able, firstly, to analyze the segment of his own life path in which such a situation arose, and secondly, after he manages to cope with the problem, to feel the taste of life even more sharply, the world around him will become brighter, because everything in it is known in comparison.

Autumn without the blues

The essence of the concept

Blues is a condition characterized by a reduced emotional background, despondency and reluctance to do anything about a specific situation. Often people suffering from the blues feel powerless and tired even after short periods of emotional unrest. This condition does not occur overnight. It has the ability to accumulate and get out of control. This usually happens precisely when a person is most susceptible to negative conditions.

Sometimes it is enough to watch a sad film for the first symptoms of oncoming sadness to appear. The mood is increasingly spoiled at the most inopportune moment. People susceptible to these symptoms have the habit of exaggerating all the troubles that happen to them and practically do not notice joyful events.

Seasonal influence of blues

The off-season is a time to mope. In addition to the changing colors outside the window, the body is affected by the lack of previously available fruits, which enriched the body with essential vitamins and minerals all summer. Vitamin deficiency, the end of the holiday season, the need to wrap up in warm clothes - all these are peculiar references to the blues, from which few people manage to escape.

Such a concept as the blues is also a spring problem, because when nature wakes up to a new life, hormones begin to rage in the body. The simplest explanation for emotional indignation during this period is that love relationships are not working out and the disappointments associated with this. The lack of available vitamins (not only in the form of fruits, but also vegetables, which autumn was rich in) contributes to a deeper depletion of the human body’s resources, which, in turn, significantly reduces the quality of immunity, and as a result, increases susceptibility to various kinds of infectious diseases.

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There is a common phenomenon: when our stress increases (in the fall, for example, we have to keep ourselves warm all the time), we imperceptibly begin to “dump the ballast.” We refuse routines: warm socks, clothes, things that are pleasant to us take time. We stop going to sports and start meeting with friends less often. We think: “Now everything will get better, and I will again include these wonderful things in my normal life.”

Here we make a mistake: these are the very things that provide resources and allow us to recover, fill life with meaning, make it the way we want. When we give up on them, we subtly give priority to something else—for example, we start working more or compulsively surfing the Internet—even though we think we’re reducing the load.

How to deal with the blues

Blues should not be considered a disease. The body needs this state to restore vitality, maintain reserves and use available resources more economically.

From the point of view of religion, the blues are a source of sadness, which is a sin, which makes it unacceptable either for church ministers or for the laity. Religion explains this by saying that sadness can empty the heart and introduce doubts about the correctness of the chosen path. Some abbots at joint meetings with psychologists come to the consensus that depression as a disease of the soul can be considered sinful.

Interesting. Many people do not know whether the name of the condition is correctly spelled: “chondra” or “spleen”. Hence the logical question: how to correctly write “moping” or “chondria”. When looking for an answer to it, you should understand the meaning of each concept, because both spellings are correct, the differences are only in the meaning of each. Blues is the very state of mind that worries people. Chondrule is the main element of the structure of celestial bodies - meteorites, which has a round shape. Some types of grain crops that have round grains get their name from it.

Methods of treatment and prevention

The best defense against emotional disorders is prevention. As autumn approaches, it’s worth thinking about redistributing lighting in your home. In those rooms where a person spends more time awake, you need to measure the brightness of the light sources. Most people don't even think about the fact that dim lights in the living room, kitchen and bathroom contribute to poor morale. Emotional fatigue accumulates in poorly lit rooms. Therefore, it is necessary to provide bright light to the rooms.

Many light sources are good

Psychologists talk about how to overcome the autumn blues at their trainings. An effective way to avoid personally encountering a problem in October-November is to plan a vacation to the sunny coast during this period of time. This way to overcome the blues is not only effective, but also beneficial for the budget. The autumn period is not considered popular for no reason. The sun no longer burns the skin, but it still warms up even Russian resorts well enough to enjoy the warm waves and get a tan. Prices for accommodation in hotels and private inns are several times lower than in the summer.

Faced with the definition of the blues, what it means, from personal experience, you need to be able not to fall into more complex emotional disorders and at the same time not rush to get out of it. A person quickly gets used to everything good, and without a fly in the ointment it is impossible to understand how sweet honey was.

Form of expression

Symptoms of emotional fatigue are very specific and indicative. They cannot be confused with anything else. Blues makes itself felt through frequent irritability (and for no reason), mood swings that occur several times a day, and feelings of anxiety about one’s own health or appearance. Sometimes people are so immersed in their own experiences that they are ready to make a problem out of a trifle, greatly exaggerating its significance.

No matter how the blues manifest themselves, it is important to recognize it at the very beginning in order to prevent it from developing into a syndrome of chronic fatigue and self-dissatisfaction. Most often, a state of internal discontent appears in the autumn period

This is due to the fact that the summer heat gradually leaves, solar energy no longer warms. That is why it is at this time that existing chronic diseases worsen and physical ailments arise.

Set your priorities

The more of your allotted time is spent doing things that give you the opportunity to get what you really want from life, the happier your days will be. The more time you spend doing trivial or unimportant things, the more unhappy you will feel. But you can’t get everything you want, and it’s impossible to please everyone. We have to make a choice.

Think about how your depression skills are preventing you from achieving your goals: you give up too quickly, you are distracted by anger and fear, you cannot concentrate; due to your soft character, you allow others to interfere in your life and prevent you from achieving the desired result; Have you mastered the art of procrastination so much that you don’t even begin to change anything? Get angry with yourself. Don't allow yourself to be led by your bad habits and make a serious effort to follow your own priorities.

Walk when it's hard

Autumn reminds us that we are still living beings and dependent on natural cycles. This recognition in itself is very unpleasant and humiliating for many, so people regularly ask me: how to fly into autumn without losses, as they say, skipping, without shortness of breath and with a smile on your face? No way. I would pose the question myself differently: how to make these losses minimal, recognizing that in the fall the body will try to go into energy-saving mode, we will get less sun, we will start to get tired faster, and the general background of our mood will dim?

The first rule is that as soon as things get hard, we get up and go for a walk. In any weather, at least in circles around the office, or better yet, along the streets, looking at people and shop windows, like in childhood. Freezing in the fall is not harmful, but not moving or moving only from the office chair to the car seat is harmful.

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