In what cases and for what is hypnosis used for children?

The psyche of a child is absolutely different from that of an adult. It is formed through the acquisition of a mass of new knowledge. Information cannot always be correctly analyzed and assessed due to its age. At the same time, there is increased impressionability and a vivid imagination, which contributes to the emergence of various phobias or neuroses. Hypnosis for children allows you to relieve them of fears, normalize the internal state of the body, avoiding serious complications.

Recommendations for use

Therapy using suggestion shows good results in the treatment of behavioral, mental, and emotional disorders. This allows you to use it to get rid of many ailments.

Indications for the use of child hypnosis:

  • manifestations of a neurotic nature (hair pulling, nail biting);
  • restlessness, excessive activity;
  • difficulties in establishing relationships with peers in an educational institution;
  • the emergence of conflict situations with parents;
  • lack of adequate self-esteem;
  • various fears that develop into phobias (fear of the dark, public, animals);
  • severe excitability;
  • addiction to the Internet or games.

After a course of hypnotherapy, there is a decrease in the level of inflated sensitivity, the level of self-awareness increases, and neurotic disorders are leveled out.

Using hypnotherapy

Parents need to understand that hypnosis for children is not a solution to every problem. The efforts made by the hypnotist will not replace treatment with medications for acute somatic diseases. Hypnotherapy should not be used if the child has mental problems.

The hypnotic method of treatment is distinguished from other psychological methods by its obvious advantages.

He has proven himself excellent in resolving problems of the psychological, psycho-emotional and behavioral spectrum. Experts recommend child hypnosis in cases of:

  • with negative habits, for example, a child bites his nails;
  • to solve problems that affect concentration, attentiveness, and memory;
  • with difficulties in communicating with other children;
  • for fears associated with educational activity: anxiety before exams;
  • with obvious phobias: fear of heights, darkness;
  • after traumatic events: parental divorce, death of a pet;
  • for daytime activity disorders: unjustified manifestation of aggression;
  • when addicted to games.


Hypnosis for children involves the use of special techniques. Patients aged from 3 to 9 years require a special approach. Here there is a difficulty with the clarity of the formation of the child’s thoughts and their logical presentation to the interlocutor. Children cannot specifically describe the situation that worries them. The interaction between the young patient and the hypnologist becomes difficult. Hypnosis for children 10 years old and younger requires a specialist to have a lot of experience, patience, skill, and the desire to achieve the desired result.

Another important condition is the establishment of a trusting relationship and mutual understanding between the doctor and the child. The child should feel the therapist’s sincere concern about the problem being solved, the sharing of fears, and the desire to provide all possible help.

Eliminating disorders in childhood using suggestion has objective advantages over other methods:

  • getting rid of phobias in difficult cases;
  • no side effects or harm to the growing body;
  • safety for the psyche.

Parents should not worry that children will suffer under hypnosis. This method is relevant for patients who are afraid of any medical care, including injections and taking pills. During sessions, children usually behave calmly, sometimes with interest.

Hypnotherapy guarantees stable results, unlike the use of traditional medications. To eliminate the symptoms of children's fears, tranquilizers are used, which are characterized by obtaining a quick effect that soon goes away. The suggestion is aimed at working through the patient’s subconscious, gently leveling the existing problem.

The main advantage of child hypnosis is the absence of side effects. Taking this nuance into account, many parents choose it as a safe way to treat their child.

Features of child hypnosis

Hypnosis puts a person into a state intermediate between wakefulness and sleep. This way you can have a strong impact on the unconscious. Trance changes the functioning of the brain, which eliminates barriers activated during wakefulness. The internal processes of the body are also included, which children, due to their age, cannot understand or feel.

The treatment is effective for children due to their natural suggestibility and developed imagination. Among the main advantages of the technique are:

  • safety during the procedure;
  • atraumatic methods;
  • no side effects.

Hypnotherapy does not cause stress in children. Most of them are afraid of traditional medicine with injections and doctor’s examinations. They tolerate children's hypnosis calmly, because no physical manipulation is performed on them.

This therapy has a long-lasting effect and durability. It treats the cause directly, not the symptoms like medications.

Efficiency and real help

After a course of hypnotherapy, school-age children get used to the team more easily, become more actively involved in the learning process, and develop creative abilities and other talents. Children with an aggressive disposition become calmer and react more adequately to difficult situations. Unbalanced patients find a common language with relatives and become more confident in their own abilities.

Simple hypnosis for children demonstrates a high rate of effectiveness in getting rid of somatic disorders and treating stuttering. It is appropriate to schedule sessions in the following cases:

  • neurotic headaches;
  • sensitivity to meteorological changes;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • metabolic diseases (diabetes, excess weight);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • skin problems;
  • enuresis;
  • speech mutations;
  • insomnia.

Hypnosis for children 8 years of age and older helps reduce the manifestations of pain in the body and normalize metabolic processes. In patients with neurotic disorders, a course of suggestion allows them to forget their fears and phobias forever.

Another area of ​​hypnosis for a child is the stimulation of small athletes. Suggestion sessions allow you to strengthen emotional and volitional indicators and strengthen faith in your own victory. At the same time, concentration on the goal is activated, and the desire for adequate competition increases.

We recommend you the famous psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valervich Baturin, who not only relieves various psychosomatic disorders, but also practices sports hypnotherapy.

A child hypnologist will help creative individuals develop existing abilities, find new ideas in the depths of the subconscious, and the potential for their implementation. For teenagers, a course of indoctrination will provide a path to determining their future profession, revealing their aspiration and desire for something they haven’t even thought about.

At what age are childhood tics most common?

Most often, childhood tics begin around the age of 6 years. This is the classic age for their debut. But sometimes this happens earlier. In my practice, there were cases of the onset of tics at the age of 2 years and even earlier, when a tic developed in an 8-month-old child, who also had cases of tics in the family.

In general, starting school is always a problem for a child. Children now go to school from the age of 6, and this is the period of the first hormonal crisis that occurs in a child. Children are physiologically not very stable at this moment, and an additional new school load is imposed on them. Therefore, many diseases, not only tics, manifest themselves at the age of 6-7, with the start of school.

Parental Involvement

The success of hypnotherapy largely depends on the willingness of parents to be absent from the sessions. This is not a doctor’s whim, but a logical necessity. Often the behavior or individual characteristics of parents are the root cause of mental disorders and fears of children. The worldview of adults sometimes simply prevents their offspring from understanding what is happening and correctly comprehending the situation that has arisen.

Many fathers and mothers instill in a child from an early age information about his incompetence, laziness or stupidity. Such attitudes are laid down in the children's subconscious, provoking further phobias and disorders. The second prohibition for hypnotic sessions with children is video recording. This process will distract the young patient, preventing him from listening to the hypnologist’s information, which will negatively affect the final result.

What are the causes of tics? Is it true that this is a reaction to fear?

More often, causes of a hereditary nature are identified when there are tics in the family, either in the father or in the mother. Against the background of such increased readiness, the trigger - the triggering mechanism for the tic - can be fear or stress. Their appearance can be provoked by difficulties at school, prolonged stress, and emotional stress that accumulates. For example, problems in relationships with a teacher or children in kindergarten are also chronic stress for a child. Often, against the background of an existing predisposition, tics develop after an infectious disease - ARVI. Sometimes a tic begins for no obvious reason, as if out of the blue. Boys are more likely to suffer from tics.

The exact mechanism of tic development has not yet been established. One of the hypotheses is a violation of the exchange of neurotransmitters - substances that transmit information from one nerve cell to another. Because of this, the coordinated work of some subcortical formations of the brain, which are responsible for the occurrence of violent movements, is disrupted.

Hypnotization techniques

How to hypnotize a child 7 years old and older? There are several methods for this. The first of them is fascination (fascination with the gaze). The method can be used in combination with conversational suggestion. The technique is effective for group classes; monotonous stimuli are not used here, since they only distract children, complicating the procedure for inducing trance.

The non-directive method of suggestion, which involves the introduction of imagination, ideas, playful and fairy-tale elements, is becoming increasingly popular. Before starting treatment, contact should be established between the child and the hypnologist. Alternatively, the small patient answers questions by raising a specific finger. Next, they proceed directly to hypnosis.

Visual representations

This type of hypnosis for a child is implemented in several ways:

  1. Instilling thoughts about a favorite place where he wants to come at any time.
  2. Animal counting. Use the image of a favorite puppy or other animal, imagining that the child is in a cozy place.
  3. Associations with a long road, the beginning of which symbolizes the start of life, and the length of which symbolizes the future.
  4. Television fantasies on the theme of your favorite show or cartoon that does not contain scenes of violence and aggressiveness.

The information required for suggestion is inserted directly into parts of the conversation (depending on the problem being solved).

Auditory impact

In hypnosis with an auditory example, fragments of recordings of the child’s favorite songs or music are used. While listening to them, a suggestion session is conducted. At the beginning of the procedure, they simply turn on the piece and listen to it in silence with the little patient. Then they pronounce soft and soothing words that plunge the client into a trance.

Combined technique

Developing ideas about favorite sports, such as cycling, also works well. The hypnologist suggests to the child that he is on a picnic with his loved ones in a well-known place. They have delicious food and drinks with them.

Further installation is based on the fact that the patient imagines playing with friends, he is surrounded by beautiful things. One option is to add fairytale fantasy. Let it be a flying carpet spread on the ground. It is very comfortable and soft, allows you to travel anywhere in the world, and the child is its pilot. It can fly high into the clouds or soar low to the ground.

Fairy tale therapy and ideomotor technology

Child hypnotists at the initial stage of developing their capabilities can put patients into a trance (under the supervision of a specialist) using the magical world of fairy tales. To do this, you need to combine the story itself, the client’s problem and the required hypnotic phrase. This version of suggestion is aimed at children 4–12 years old, who will change their understanding of the environment in their sleep. Fairytale therapy allows you to finely tune a child’s consciousness to responsiveness, affection, and receptivity to the grief of others.

Hypnotherapy for children is not a panacea for solving all problems and illnesses. However, this procedure allows you to most loyally penetrate the subconscious of a small patient and resolve the situation gently and painlessly.

Hypnotizing children

The difficulty is that children, of course, are very suggestible, but respond to hypnosis differently depending on their age - perhaps this has to do with how mature the cerebral cortex is. It can be argued that it is easy to hypnotize children over nine years of age. During puberty, the ability to succumb to hypnosis weakens somewhat, but then returns again.

Since children quickly react to all kinds of irritations, it is difficult to expect that it is possible to turn off their consciousness for a long time, but it is possible to influence this process. It must be remembered that children react to the slightest changes in the behavior of the hypnotist.

This means that the hypnotist must especially carefully control his thoughts, since they may be expressed involuntarily and transferred to the child. The child feels the hypnotist’s uncertainty especially clearly; this may call into question the effectiveness of hypnosis. If you exude unshakable self-confidence, then hypnosis is sometimes successful even on very young children. I have repeatedly managed to hypnotize seven-year-olds, and once even a four-year-old girl.

Choosing a technique for introducing a child into hypnosis

It is very important to choose an appropriate introduction technique, adapted to the child’s world of ideas. For children under ten years of age, I generally use the technique of indirect hypnosis. I ask parents to bring their child’s favorite toy to the first session and under no circumstances mention that the child is going to a hypnosis session. Perhaps parents should pretend that they themselves will be hypnotized. You can tell your child that his teddy bear or doll is sick and needs to be treated.

Example of indirect introduction to hypnosis

After a short conversation with the parents, I usually turn to the teddy bear and ask what hurts him. The child willingly tells what the bear is “sick” with. I continue to talk with the bear and tell him: “You are sick, and we will cure you. Come on, lie down on the sofa and close your eyes.” The child lies down next to the toy, but cannot close his eyes.

Then I continue the conversation, turning to the child: “The bear is so small and stupid, he doesn’t know how to close his eyes and lie still. Come on, show him so he knows how to do it. Show it to the bear and let him look.”

The child willingly demonstrates to his toy how to go to bed and how to close his eyes. Here I begin the introduction to hypnosis, as I usually do, but every time I refer to the bear.

For example, like this: “Now you will show the bear how to lie quietly with your eyes closed. The bear will learn this from you, but you have to show it to him for a long time so that he understands. That's it - now close your eyes and lie quietly, like a mouse, until I tell you that you can open your eyes. Then your teddy bear will learn everything correctly.

...You lie calmly, calmly, and now show the bear how to breathe calmly. You breathe calmly and evenly, completely calmly and completely evenly, and your arms and legs lie freely and do not move. They are completely calm and motionless, and your breathing is uniform and free, absolutely uniform.

Your eyes remain closed all the time, and you calm down, you feel calm and good. And the bear felt good and calm. You showed him so well how to calm down. You will also show the bear how great you can lie quietly with your eyes closed. You are completely calm, you breathe calmly and evenly.

The arms and legs do not move and are not tense. And in a dream you imagine something good. Everything I tell you, you will hear clearly and you will do everything. You will immediately do what I tell you. This is very important, otherwise your bear will not recover. So immediately do everything I say. You cannot do otherwise. Whatever I say, you will do immediately. You will do everything I tell you now so that your bear is healthy.”

In almost all cases this is enough to initiate hypnosis. Now you can start treating your baby directly. If, say, his parents complained that he was doing poorly at school, you can begin hypnosis with the following words:

“Your bear is now very attentive at school, he wants to become smart and smart. And now you will listen to the teacher very carefully and carefully do all the tasks. You will no longer be distracted in class.

If you know the answer, you will always raise your hand so that the teacher notices how diligently you began to study. And at home you will do your schoolwork with concentration and attention, without distractions. You will start playing only after you have completed all your homework. From now on, you will write more accurately and beautifully than before. Every day you will write more accurately and beautifully. You still write neatly, but you will write better and better.”

After the necessary suggestion has been made, do not forget the encoding stage - for introduction to hypnosis in the next session. You can say, for example, like this:

“You remember everything I said, and you will follow everything carefully. You will do what I say now. From now on, all it takes is for me to stroke your hair and your eyes will immediately close. You won't be able to keep them open anymore. You will immediately become calm, as you are now. You remember this very well and will always act as you do now.

So the next time I stroke your hair, your eyes will close immediately. You will again be immersed in this wonderful state of peace, just like now. You remember this very well and will always act this way. Now I'll count to three. After this you will open your eyes. Your arms and legs will become light and mobile again, you will feel invigorated and rested. One-two-three... Open your eyes! You are fresh and energetic, you feel great.”

Second session after coding

If you do this, then at the next session it will be enough to stroke the child’s hair, and his eyes will immediately close and a hypnotic state will occur. But first, I tell the child exactly what I will do so as not to violate the trust that has been established between us. For example, I say:

“I'm glad you came to visit me again. Now I will run my hand through your hair, and your eyes will immediately close. You will again plunge into the wonderful state you were in last time. As soon as I run my hand through your hair, it will close, your arms and legs will stop obeying you, you will plunge into a wonderful state of peace, even deeper than last time.”

Introduction to hypnosis using a fairy tale

If the child is very young, it is recommended to start hypnosis with a fairy tale. Here's an example of how this is done:

“Today I will tell you a fairy tale. This is a fairy tale about a little girl, as little as you. This girl didn't want to study at all. Come on, lie down comfortably on this sofa, close your eyes and listen...

Once upon a time there was a girl who did not want to go to school. And I didn’t want to do what the teacher asked at all. She wanted to run through the streets and play. The parents were very upset by this, because they wanted to have a smart girl. One day this girl met a smart old man. She told him that she didn't like going to school. The old man shook his head and said to the girl: “You may not understand it now, but when you get older, you will need all the knowledge they give at school.

Then you will cry for not listening to your parents. You won't find a job. Because you didn’t study anything, and you won’t have money. You won't have enough money to buy food or nice toys. But while you are still little, you have a lot of time and you can change everything. If you study hard and do your homework well, then you will earn a lot of money and be able to buy yourself all the beautiful things you want.

And one day a beautiful and smart person will appear in your life, whom you will really like, and you will get married. He will be very proud that he has such an intelligent and diligent wife. He will love and pamper you very much. You see how important it is to go to school and do your homework well. And since you understand this, then from today you will willingly go to school and study diligently..."

The little girl promised the wise old man to study diligently and always do her homework carefully. She thanked her for the good advice, started going to school with pleasure and joy, and became a smart girl who had all her wishes fulfilled. You also want to be like this girl. You will be willing to go to school and do your homework first, and then play with toys. Parents will be very happy. And later all your wishes will come true.”

You will find that during hypnosis, few people are as willing to play along with you as children. The main thing is to penetrate into their world of ideas. Then in every case you will be successful.

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