Fear of the number 666 - hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobia

Hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobia is the fear of the number combination “666.”
Its roots come from religious beliefs and superstitions. This word is very difficult to pronounce, however, people in the world really suffer from this type of phobia. The phrase is a combination of two Greek words: "hexiekatohexintahexi" - "666", and "phobos", meaning deep fear and disgust.

What is fear called - definition of the concept

Hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia is a specific phobia where a person experiences extreme irrational anxiety or fear when faced with the number “666.” His reaction to this number is so strong and overwhelming that it can disrupt not only his daily life , but also that of people close to him.

The ominous symbol "666" was first pronounced in the Book of Revelations 13:17-18, as "the number of the beast." This served as the basis for the fact that it has been embedded in the human subconscious for centuries, becoming a source of fear among many, especially poorly educated people.

The modern manifestation of the number "666" is used in pop culture, which is an additional fear trigger. Many horror films use it as a premise for supernatural plots in doomsday scenarios that rely on the number's apocalyptic connotations.

Hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobia has its origins in both religious beliefs and superstitions. Some experts question whether it should be classified as a specific phobia and view it as a fear based on superstition.

The place of this phobia in psychology and psychiatry

This phobia is successfully treated by both psychologists and psychiatrists , it all depends on its stage and the depth of the physical and psychological impact on a person’s behavior and life.
If the disease is caused by deep superstitions, then the help of a psychotherapist and methods of exposure and cognitive behavioral therapy are sufficient to treat it.

Thanks to them, the patient gradually learns to recognize the onset of an attack, change his way of thinking associated with the phobia, thereby managing the reaction.

Psychotherapy is usually the initial stage of treatment for this phobia ; if the disease is advanced, then this level may not be enough and drug treatment will be required.

Drug therapy is considered an important part of the complex treatment of advanced and protracted hexacosiohexecontagexaphobia and is based on the use of synthetic and natural pharmaceuticals: those that improve the general condition of the patient, antidepressants, sleeping pills and others.

Important ! You need to know that drug therapy can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist.

Synonyms and related concepts, their similarities and differences

Hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia has many related concepts , so the doctor, when examining the patient, must check that the phobia belongs to this type, and not to others with similar symptoms:

  • Arithmophobia, caused by fear of any numbers;
  • demonophobia, caused by fear of demons;
  • bipolar personality disorder or manic depression;
  • paranoia, often reaching the point of delusion and irrationality;
  • Triskaidekaphobia or fear caused by the number 13.

How to get rid of hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobia

Fear of dolls - what is this phobia and what is it called?

To stop being afraid of a combination of three sixes, you need to make an effort. The form of fear that drives the patient to despair, when he literally opens the mail with trembling hands, where there are supposed to be digital indicators, requires the intervention of a specialist - a psychotherapist. If a person feels that he can overcome the phobia on his own, he should follow a number of recommendations:

  1. You should make the most of your time. Then there will be no extra time to look for numbers where there are none, to add up things that won’t make three sixes.
  2. Instead of looking for the number of the beast, psychologists advise looking for positive phenomena and events, paying attention to the good moments in life.
  3. It is not recommended to conduct research about this phobia, because you can find some kind of evidence of the existence of unwanted signs, which will only increase the fear.
  4. It is recommended to read articles on self-development and emotion management and practice them.

Therapy using psychoanalysis and cognitive experiment

These methods will help identify the root causes of fear, which will allow you to work through it and overcome it. They are based on identifying behavioral, cognitive and physiological manifestations of phobia. Their combination will help to understand the phobia in more detail. Observing the changes, specialists make observations on the basis of which treatment tactics will be proposed. However, a person is prone to self-deception, and at other times he may give the wrong signals or answer questions insufficiently honestly, although he will be sure that he is telling the truth. On the other hand, the mere fact that the patient turned to a specialist for help speaks volumes; the latter only needs to spend some time collecting information.

Hypnotherapy sessions

Phobia of the number 666 can be relieved through hypnotherapy. It is carried out in order to understand where the patient’s phobia came from, since most fears come from childhood. Moreover, it is quite likely that some phobias are based on associative memory. Likewise, hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia could manifest itself due to a minor incident in early childhood, but at the same moment something terrifying happened, as a result, a series of events was imprinted in the patient’s mind in separate stages: the number 666 is a negative event that resulted in hostility, disgust, and fear. Hypnosis can help you work through your phobia.

A person is able to suppress a phobia and begin to treat numbers calmly

Hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobia is an unofficial disease that those who are susceptible to it “believe in.” It is not as common as, for example, fear of the dark, but if it is not addressed, the consequences can be disastrous. One of the unpleasant things about a particular phobia is that it is often associated with other fears, for example, the fear of making a mistake or being punished. The phobia can be treated independently, with a psychologist, and also combined - this is drug treatment plus psychological sessions.

Types and degrees of disease

Psychotherapists note several degrees of development of hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia:

  • Alertnesswhich is common to a significant number of people. This degree is caused by matches with this number combination and is quite often of an associative nature.

    This stage is easily amenable to psychotherapeutic treatment.

  • Panic attacks , when the patient faints from the sight of this number, are already the primary symptoms of a serious form of hexacosiohexecontagexaphobia, which requires combined treatment - psychotherapy and drug therapy.
  • Aggression is the most severe degree of physiological manifestation of hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia and requires immediate contact with a psychiatrist, since such strong fear can lead to a suicide attempt or harm others.

Causes of hexacosiohexekontahexaphobia

An excessive passion for various kinds of superstitions that mention the Apocalypse, Satan or other otherworldly forces leads to a pathological condition. This could be the number of the beast, or fantastic pictures of it based on biblical legends, or simply obsessions about the harm it can cause. Many psychologists consider the phobia to be far-fetched and easily curable.

Experts note that this phobia can develop not only among religious people.

Fear of a number combination often affects anxious and suspicious people. The nature of the psyche of this category of patients is such that a person, on a subconscious level, independently looks for manifestations of danger.

Reasons for development

The cause of this phobia is quite difficult to determine . This may be a cultural component, as the number "666" is viewed negatively in many religious contexts.

The trigger for the emergence of an unpleasant phobia can be: a video, a book read, documents with matching serial numbers, and even license plates of a car seen on the road. In fact, people who are tormented by this phobia are in constant search of the terrifying sixes. Thus, they try to prevent dangers that may be associated with them.

The fear of the devilish number 666 may be associated with other fears, in particular about numbers in general; with fear of making a mistake/sinning.

Note ! Driven by fear, “666” try to localize their personal living space, isolate themselves at home, severely limit the circle of normal communication, try to work from home and, ultimately, find themselves in a situation of complete isolation.

The main causes of such a phobia are:

  • fanatical religiosity;
  • family predisposition, when relatives in the family also suffered from this pathology;
  • watching films, books and the Internet.

What is a disease

Fear of the mysterious number 666, i.e. The so-called devilish combination comes from ancient times, when holy books described the apocalyptic beast. They looked for that very combination of numbers in his name or appearance. The number of the beast aroused horror and fear in ancient times, when religion had such power that people were sincerely afraid of disobeying heavenly laws. The thought of going to hell was unbearable, just like everything connected with the underworld. Fear of this number was quite natural in those days. However, today, medical representatives claim that the patient is too impressionable, which means the phobia is far-fetched.

Note! Fear of the number of the beast is not limited to seeing “666.” Hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobes are wary of all kinds of documents, tickets, receipts, where these numbers may be printed.

Fear arises not only among believers. People suffering from hexacosiohexekontahexaphobia include suspicious, superstitious, and even walkers. Sometimes a person living through a so-called black streak in life is ready to blame anything, even otherworldly forces, even the devilish number 666.

Who is predisposed?

Suspicious people, often prone to orthodox religiosity, are prone to hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia .
If a child is raised by people with such a phobia, then the fear is most likely to manifest itself in him. Often fear manifests itself in adolescents as a consequence of watching scary films on similar topics, or participating in ritual ceremonies, fortune telling, and games.

Among adults, women are more likely to suffer from phobias than men .



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The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor. Phobias: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods.


Phobias are an anxiety mental disorder in which a person is haunted by a constant feeling of unreasonable fear caused by certain types of objects, actions or circumstances. This is an absolutely irrational feeling, for which there is no basis, but at the same time all-encompassing and persistent. To date, more than 500 types of phobias have been described. The most common of these are social phobia and agoraphobia.

The vast majority of phobias are classified as mental disorders.

Translated from Greek, “phobia” means “fear, fear.” Natural fear protects a person in situations where he could be seriously harmed or even killed. Every healthy person experiences natural fear from time to time, which is a protective mechanism of the self-preservation instinct. This feeling of fear is completely conscious and controlled by common sense and logic. But when a person begins to fear something that does not pose a real or even potential threat to him, we are already talking about a phobia.

People with phobias may be afraid of thunderstorms, blood, flying on airplanes, crossing the street, being in a confined space - things that most people are completely calm about. Sometimes they experience fear of completely harmless things, such as the dark, water, and even the starry sky.

A person prone to a phobia develops panic, and in the future he feels even greater fear of a repetition of a particular situation, trying to avoid circumstances and objects that cause panic horror.

Emotionally sensitive people with a rich imagination and/or a weak nervous system are prone to phobias. It has been established that for the most part, attacks of severe fear are provoked by one single case when a dangerous (or imaginary dangerous) situation has arisen. Having experienced it once, people try in every possible way to prevent it from happening again.

As a result of the cultivation of negative memories and images, a phobia develops.

Phobias, as a type of neurotic disorder, are a widespread phenomenon, occurring in 5-12% of the population. Most phobic disorders, except social phobias, are more common in women.

Causes of phobias

There are several groups of factors that can influence the development of phobias.


. The influence of genetic factors averages 35-45%, and only for agoraphobia, which is the most inherited form of phobia, this figure increases to 61%.


. In some cases, patients with phobias showed increased concentrations of inflammatory markers, including cytokines and C-reactive protein, which may be associated with an activation of the stress response of central and peripheral immune cells. Social anxiety is further characterized by neuroendocrine changes (increased cortisol levels and decreased testosterone). In addition, the use of psychoactive substances, alcohol and drugs can contribute to the development of pathological fears.


. Tendency to experience negative emotions, fixation on negative events, childhood and adolescent psychological trauma. People with phobic disorders often experience timidity, excessive caution, increased impressionability, and indecisiveness even in childhood.

High levels of social anxiety are associated with lack of social skills and negative self-esteem.
Classification of the disease
According to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, anxiety-phobic disorders are coded F40 (F40.00 without panic disorder, F40.01 with panic disorder).

Phobias that doctors encounter include:

  • Agoraphobia is the fear of any situations from which there is no immediate way to get out and return to a safe place. And also the fear that timely help will not be available. This type of phobia manifests itself in fear of crowds, public places, unaccompanied travel, and movement outside the home.
  • Social phobias are a pronounced fear of being the center of attention of strangers. Characteristic of those who experience anxiety about how they appear in the eyes of others. A person worries that the words he speaks will sound stupid and inappropriate, that his appearance is repulsive, and that no one needs him. This type of phobia manifests itself in a wide variety of everyday situations.
  • Specific (simple or isolated) phobias are all other phobias that represent fear and anxiety about a specific situation or object. A huge number of phobias have been described, the names of which, as a rule, are formed using the roots of Greek words that denote the object of fear. The most famous and common are:
  • nosophobia - fear of getting a serious illness: cardiophobia, cancerophobia, etc.;
  • zoophobia – a pathological fear of certain types of animals, for example, snakes, spiders, rats or dogs;
  • fear of natural phenomena (for example, hurricanes, heavy rains);
  • fear of blood, injections, injuries (eg, needles, medical procedures);
  • fear of situations, including:
  • claustrophobia - fear of closed spaces;
  • phagophobia - fear of choking on food;
  • gypsophobia - fear of heights;
  • oxyphobia - fear of sharp objects;
  • Aerophobia - fear of flying in aircraft.

Symptoms of phobias
The main symptom of a phobia attack is the sudden onset of extreme anxiety, which very quickly takes the form of panic fear.

Common symptoms for all types of phobias are:

  • Autonomic symptoms:
  • strong and rapid heartbeat;
  • sweating;
  • shaking or tremor;
  • dry mouth (but not due to medications or dehydration).
  • Symptoms related to the respiratory system:
    • difficulty breathing;
    • feeling of suffocation;
    • chest discomfort or pain.
  • Symptoms related to mental state:
    • dizziness, fainting;
    • a feeling of unreality of surrounding objects (derealization);
    • fear of loss of control over the situation and insanity;
    • fear of dying.
  • Other symptoms:
    • hot flashes or chills;
    • numbness or tingling sensation in the extremities.

    Social phobias additionally cause the following symptoms:

    • skin redness;
    • fear of vomiting;
    • urge or fear of urination/defecation.

    If a person notices two or more of the following symptoms in himself or his loved ones, there is a need to seek specialized help:

    • unexplained strong fear, panic, anxiety for six months;
    • the realization that such strong fear has no real reason;
    • purposeful avoidance of places, situations, objects, objects due to severe fear;
    • avoidance brings discomfort into daily life and interferes with normal functioning.

    The causelessness and groundlessness of fear only increases the level of anxiety.
    Diagnosis of phobias
    At the initial examination, the doctor carefully collects a life history and listens carefully to the patient, conducts a physical examination (external examination, measurement of height, body weight, assesses the level of physical development, integrity of the patient’s skin) in order to determine the somatic status. To make a reliable diagnosis, the patient's condition must not be explained by other disorders. Otherwise, additional examination is necessary.

    Diagnosis of phobias requires confidential contact between the psychotherapist and the patient.

    During the conversation, the specialist asks leading questions taking into account what the patient is telling. During such communication, it is possible to determine the presence of specific phobias, and sometimes the reason that provoked their appearance.

    In his medical practice, each psychotherapist uses various clinical diagnostic scales and tests, with the help of which it is possible to distribute fears, identify the dominant ones among them, and establish the degree of fear and anxiety.

    The main goal of laboratory and instrumental examinations is to exclude somatic diseases that may cause symptoms similar to those of an anxiety-phobic disorder. For this, the following studies are prescribed:

    • general (clinical) blood test;


    The main signs of fear of the number “666” include:

    • searching for the number 666 where it does not exist;
    • unjustified aggression;
    • panic attacks;
    • self-isolation;
    • susceptibility to the emergence of new phobias;
    • desire and execution of suicide.

    In practice, physical symptoms are also distinguished . The first ones are very intense and begin spontaneously when meeting a number, these include:

    • increased sweating;
    • trembling throughout the body;
    • increased shortness of breath and feeling of suffocation;
    • palpitations and dizziness;
    • feelings of helplessness and confusion in speech;
    • dry mouth and ringing in the ears;
    • high blood pressure.

    Also, a person with such a phobia experiences psychological symptoms in the form of a panic attack , mood swings, feelings of fear of death, dissociation, anger, irritability and other symptoms that interfere with his ability to function in everyday life.
    Often physical symptoms indicate a heart attack, although such a person has a completely healthy heart, so only a doctor can determine the true cause of the illness.

    The first symptoms of hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia may appear in childhood or early adolescence. Many fears that will be discovered during this period are temporary and can disappear spontaneously just as they appear.

    The development of such a phobia at an older age increases the likelihood of these symptoms persisting for a long time; they almost never go away on their own. In old age, they are aggravated by the presence of other medical or mental illnesses.

    Note ! Hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia can be a manifestation of a more serious mental disorder, such as obsessive neurosis, depression, anxiety, personality disorder and schizophrenia.

    Your loved one is hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobe

    If your loved one suffers from this phobia, you should not consider him crazy. The following statements are especially hurtful:

    • "It's all nonsense! Don't create problems for yourself."
    • "You are crazy! Come to your senses"
    • “Just don’t think about it and you’ll forget everything.”

    It is especially dangerous to organize various pranks with the number 666 and joke about this topic in every possible way. There are known cases of suicides due to received envelopes with the number 666 or various innocent people, as it seemed to the sources of the jokes.

    The best way to provide help and support is to understand the seriousness of the situation for the person with this disorder. It is important to be there and guide the patient in a positive direction. During panic attacks, it is worth reminding the person about breathing, pointing out that nothing has happened or will happen from the appearance of this number, and try to have constructive conversations in favor of rational attitudes.

    If the situation gets out of control and the symptoms of a phobia become too painful and regularly use the services of a qualified psychologist and psychotherapist - Andrey Filippov. Consultations can take place in the office or online. If the recommendations are followed, a sustainable result from the treatment is guaranteed. Remember that mental health is an important component of taking care of your health!

    Historical examples of manifestation

    In history one can find many facts of different levels of manifestation of this phobia , including those of a mass nature.
    The most famous fact was the information that former US President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy changed their house number from 666 to 668 after moving to the post-presidential house in Bel Air in Los Angeles, this initiative belonged to the ex-president's wife Mrs. Reagan .

    A mass phobia was observed by priests from the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Australia on June 06, 2006, when several women in labor refused to give birth to children and asked doctors to postpone the birth.

    Interesting historical facts of the manifestation of hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia in the world:

    1. In 1998, the Orthodox Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in the Obruchevsky district urgently asked the local authorities to change the number of bus 666, which stopped at the temple, the request was granted, and the route was given number 604.
    2. In the last century, in Ukraine they demanded to rename the train number 666 Lugansk-Simferopol, the request was granted.
    3. In 2007, the election commission in Irkutsk refused to approve polling station No. 666.
    4. In Krivoy Rog, trolleybus No. 666 was renamed No. 13.
    5. In Nizhny Novgorod, trolleybus No. 1666 was also renamed No. 13.
    6. In 2003, the state highway departments of New Mexico, Colorado and Utah teamed up to renumber the ominous state route US Highway 666 to US 491, citing the "mark of the beast" as a reason travelers refused to travel it, statistics also confirmed. that this section of the road has become the most dangerous.

    How to overcome this fear on your own?

    If hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia does not lead to panic attacks, available relaxation techniques can help relieve the sufferer's anxiety , although this will take some time; phobias cannot be cured quickly.
    Practical advice on how to overcome the fear of “666” based on the advice of psychologists:

    1. Meditation can calm the nervous system and generally relax the body, reduce stress and phobias.
    2. Yoga, similar to meditation, reduces overall stress levels. Even if the phobia appears again, its symptoms will be much weaker.
    3. Progressive muscle relaxation, starting with the legs, rhythmically contracting and relaxing each muscle group, moving up the body to the head in turn.
    4. Visualization (PMR) is the art of imagining a series of calming images in the mind and can help reduce existing phobic reactions.
    5. Autogenic relaxation combines visualization techniques with breathing and exercise. This practice can be taught by the treating psychotherapist.
    6. Your favorite activity, hobby, will be not only interesting, but calming.
    7. Studying the scientific explanation of the myths about the mysticism of the number 666.
    8. Refusal to watch horror films, read various horror stories.

    Important ! In the case where the phobia occurs frequently and spoils relationships with others, in this case it is necessary to urgently consult a psychologist; self-medication will not only not correct the symptoms, but will worsen the course of the disease.

    Treatment of phobia

    If you feel that fear has begun to harm the quality of your life, make an appointment with a psychologist. Traditional therapy combines psychoanalysis and cognitive experimentation. Hypnotherapy sessions can be effective. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe medications for the patient to reduce anxiety. A person in the early stages can heal on their own. It is important to find the reasons for fears. Most often, they come from childhood. An overly impressionable child could take the scary stories he heard too deeply and harbor a horror of Satan’s numbers for the rest of his life.

    You may have become interested in watching themed films that tell scary stories about the apocalypse and its signs.

    If the case of hexaphobia is not advanced, you will only need to turn to documentary literature and take a sober look at your unreasonable fear. Naturally, treatment should take place against a background of stress-free conditions and in conditions of emotional calm. Gradually, you should develop control over your fears and behavior. Panic attacks must be nipped in the bud.

    Go for a consultation with a psychologist

    When should you seek professional treatment?

    As with any type of phobia, the symptoms of hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia range from mild to severe. In most cases, a person will need professional help .
    Treatment and diagnosis of hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia is carried out by psychiatrists and psychotherapists within the walls of a medical institution.

    Treatment is aimed at developing the patient's immunity to numbers . Doctors teach people how to address personal fears and manage panic attacks through talk therapy, training in several relaxation techniques, and in severe cases, cognitive behavioral and drug therapy are used.

    What treatment methods are used?

    Talk therapy with a psychotherapist and relaxation techniques have shown good results in treating mild forms of this phobia. For severe cases of fear of the number "666", the preferred treatment methods are cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), NLP, hypnotherapy and others.

    Using these techniques, the psychotherapist helps the patient change the course of his thoughts in order to achieve the desired behavior. In this therapy, the client is asked to be in a situation that leads to the development of a panic attack, but in a safe environment and under the supervision of a specialist who helps him replay the phobia along with happy emotions and thereby move away from it.

    Important ! Self-help groups are an effective type of therapy where the patient does not feel alone, so the treatment process is more effective.

    Typically, medications are not recommended for overcoming this type of phobia ; some types of medications are prescribed as short-term solutions to relieve side effects such as anxiety or depression. Antidepressants are mainly recommended for the treatment of anxiety.

    Prevention of development or exacerbations

    For many people suffering from a phobia of the number “666”, treatment is not always required, because in life they usually try to avoid the object of their fear.
    This is a feeling of control over your problem. But sometimes it is not possible to completely avoid the situation when hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia arises. At this time, you will need the help of a specialist.

    Understanding the problem allows the patient to better deal with the prevention of fear in order to prevent exacerbations. There is no single package of preventive procedures; they depend on the person suffering from fear and the severity that he experiences at that moment. The attending physician should suggest a combination of preventive methods after carefully studying all the symptoms of the disease in the patient.

    Manifestation of phobia

    As research shows, not only religious people are susceptible to hexaphobia, but also those who are suspicious and prone to superstition. Subconsciously looking for danger, they experience irrational fear and anxiety at the sight of three sixes.

    One should distinguish between the degrees of obsession with a phobia and not confuse a simple fearful attitude towards the number of the apocalypse with mania. If you feel that alertness is turning into attacks of panic, psychosis - you are close to fainting, it’s time to start fighting your fear. Unmotivated aggression and physiological manifestations in the form of tremors and sweating may be followed by attacks of sociopathy, avoidance of going out, attempts to withdraw from society, and ignoring the media. Parallel development of other fears may begin.

    Panic is a manifestation of phobia 666

    Hexaphobes experience a special horror in front of documents, cars, telephone numbers - a diabolical combination may come across there. The patient takes this for messages from Satan. Those who are extremely obsessed may even attempt suicide in such situations. The fear of the terrible number 666 on Friday, which falls on the 13th, is especially strong - such a “black combination” will cause trepidation in almost any person, not to mention hexaphobes. For all their minor troubles and global problems, the obsessed begin to blame this three-digit figure, instinctively looking for it everywhere.

    Fear of Friday the 13th is a related phobia.

    Consequences and prognosis

    Psychotherapists from leading centers in the world note that phobias have a good prognosis when treated with psychotherapy and, if necessary, medications.

    In addition to psychotherapy, auto-training, relaxation methods, sleep and stress management, psychoeducation can also help a person with a severe phobia.

    Statistics for this type of phobia show that childhood phobias pass quickly, 100% of children's condition improves , they recover after five years. Phobias in adults are more difficult to treat, only 43% recover, in 20% the condition remains unchanged, and the rest even experience a worsening of the disease. As a rule, in the latter group, there are many patients who violate doctor’s orders or abuse psychotropics.

    Causes of fear

    Hexakosioyhexekontahexaphobia - this is the name given to the fear of the number 666. Most often, this phobia appears in mentally ill people. It happens that a person is simply cautious about the combination of numbers of sixes. A deviation from the norm is considered when fantastic pictures appear, various obsessions that make you choke with horror.

    The long word hexakosiohexekontahexaphobia comes from the Greek language. This is an irrational fear of the number 666. The pathology arose due to religious prejudices (like the fear of 13). Medical experts consider this phobia far-fetched.

    Superstition is based on biblical scripture (Revelation 13:18). The number 666 is mentioned here. It is a sign of the apocalypse and Satan. The name of the villain is not mentioned; the holy book says that the title contains such a combination of numbers. Satan is the sum of the numbers that correspond to the letters of the name. Fear of numerical values ​​occurs among those who believe in the presence of light and dark forces.

    There is no need to count the numbers of your name. There are many languages ​​in the world, each of which will have a different meaning. The devil's scriptures do not specify language groups for word analysis. Please note that at the time the biblical scriptures were written, there was no decimal number system. This means that the fear of 666 simply did not exist then.

    According to one opinion, the Revelation of St. John was rewritten several times, as a result of which an error was made. In some sources, the number of the beast was 616. There is no official confirmation of this assumption.

    Patients suffering from a phobia think that 666 is a real evil. They don't take into account other facts about the six. In China, for example, the number 6 signifies happiness, not fear of evil. The combination of three sixes at once for the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire means only one thing - positive events, pleasure, joy.

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