Psychology of suggestion: how to get your way? Impact tools

What is suggestion? What can it be like in the process of communication that develops between people? What is self-hypnosis really? Answers to these and other questions will be given in the article.

In general, suggestion is not only a method of persuasion. It is used for education, working with various psychological disorders to improve people's condition. It can also be a tool of manipulation, a means of controlling the thoughts of one person by another. What types of suggestion are there, what is the psychology of this type of influence in communication between people, is the view of it as a means of controlling consciousness fair - we will talk about this today.

The power of suggestion

Suggestion has enormous power. This tool is used not only for good intentions, as in the example shown, where we were talking about the treatment of psychological trauma. Suggestion is almost like hypnosis. The higher the degree of suggestibility of people, the worse it is sometimes for them. The problem is that almost all of us are suggestible people. The peculiarity is that we often learn something unconsciously as part of a purposeful act of suggestion.

What do you associate with the phrase “Take a break!”? We're pretty sure it's Twix. Yes, this is about marketing a chocolate bar: “Take a break, eat a Twix!” There are plenty of examples. To show everything more clearly, let us introduce an example of an experiment on suggestibility. It shows that in fact, 9 out of 10 people are suggestible. This explains the power of suggestion as almost undeniable and even unshakable.

We do not urge readers to be afraid or wary of anything. We simply want to show that many people are characterized by a tendency to perceive what is suggested to them. The consequence is our controllability. We sometimes unwittingly become simply participants in scenarios conceived by someone.

An example follows. Be prepared to follow the steps exactly. The result will surprise you. Let's start step by step:

  1. Make yourself comfortable. Let this be your desktop at your computer. The first step is this: clear the table of unnecessary things (cups, a pack of cigarettes or anything else - it doesn’t matter).
  2. Take a piece of paper and a pen. If they are not nearby, create a new document in the text editor that you usually use.
  3. Make a list and list the 5 things that are most valuable to you.
  4. When you're ready, try to clear your head of unnecessary thoughts. This is important because then your mind must be completely clear.
  5. Relax your body. This is a necessary addition to clearing your head of unnecessary thoughts.
  6. Take a leaf and tear it into as small pieces as possible. If you created the list in an electronic document, save it and then delete it.

Was everything done? You are well done! The experiment is completed. There will be no results. You just did everything we asked. You said goodbye to the things you hold most dear without a second thought. You are a suggestible person. By accepting the idea that this is an experiment to help you understand the essence of suggestibility, you have shown that you are a suggestible person.

Don't be mad at us, please. We stand for understanding and respect for readers.

Did you do everything as we asked?

Yes. I am a suggestible person.


Yes, although I felt (felt) a catch.


No, I just read (read) and imagined (imagined) everything.


No, I did not (began) tear the sheet of paper (delete the document).


Voted: 5

Natural trance

Almost everyone has either personally been in such a state or observed other people in it. A man is riding on the subway, immersed in his thoughts and dreams. He has a vacant look, now he is motionless and sees nothing in front of him. This is a natural trance. You can approach a person and encourage him to perform this or that action even before the moment the brain “woke up”.

Some people immerse themselves in this state consciously - through meditation or prayer, often by performing monotonous movements or pronouncing monotonous phrases for a long time.

Many hypnotists use pendulums, rotating objects, etc. to immerse the patient in this state.

After the object has fallen into a natural trance, it becomes more suggestible, more responsive to external stimuli. This could be the speech of a hypnotist, which sounds monotonous, but in an orderly tone.

Telling something to a person in a monotonous voice, accompanying the speech with repeated movements, you can put the interlocutor into a trance, even in the middle of a busy street. As soon as his gaze becomes “absent,” you can, without changing the speech tempo and intonation, order something to be done or instill certain information.

This method works especially well if a person is in a relaxing environment or when the atmosphere around is equally rhythmic and monotonous. This could be the sound of rain, the sound of train wheels, etc.

Forms of suggestion

Suggestion can be different. Its forms depend on the nature of the impact on a person and a number of other factors. The following are the most common forms.


Self-hypnosis is usually understood as a person’s psychological influence on himself. It can be both useful and dangerous. With the help of self-hypnosis, for example, you can increase self-confidence, cope with depression, or you can fall into apathy (by instilling in yourself the thought of your own indifference to everything).

We can say, in this way, that negative self-hypnosis and positive self-suggestion stand out. In the first case, the matter concerns the destructive influence of attitudes, often accepted unconsciously, on the individual. In the second, the situation is the opposite: thanks to positive self-hypnosis, you can overcome complexes, difficulties, and problems.


If we consider contrast as a method of suggestion, we can discover its identity with figures of contrast. This is about prohibiting, for example, negative relationships by citing positive scenarios of interaction between people. The calculation is to show with one bad phenomenon or object that there are much better phenomena and objects. The basis is the principle of the opposite effect.

Here is a more specific example: sociologists often say that single-parent families are very bad, using as an example those where there are both parents and children grow up. They don’t want to instill anything in us, but everything works exactly like this: first in the minds of some people, then in the collective consciousness the idea that two-parent families are better than single-parent families becomes predominant. This is something of a stereotype, but even in this representation the suggestion is not fair. There are unhappy married couples with children, and there are single-parent families whose members consider themselves the happiest people.

There is another point of view on opposition as a tool of suggestion. We won’t go into details, let’s give a simple example: a child and parents. The latter are trying to instill in their child something that they consider true and necessary. If a child resists suggestion and does not perceive what adults want to instill in him, the opposite effect occurs. The point is that the little person begins to act not in the way that is required of her, but differently. Banning smoking and reprimanding smokers will almost certainly lead to a child trying it sooner or later. This is a trivial situation, but this is often what happens.

Authoritative suggestion

In the case of this type of suggestion, authority, prestige and status, the experience of a person become the “drivers”. A good example is the relationship between adults and children. Children often adopt manners, habits, thoughts, and behavior patterns from their elders, and receive knowledge and ideas about life from them.

In any case, the suggestion of authority can be either direct or indirect. Let's return to the above example: if a parent teaches a child something, then the authoritative suggestion is direct; if a parent does something one way and not another, and the child at the same time learns a model of action, then the matter concerns indirect authoritative suggestion.

Mass indoctrination

Often the so-called instinct takes place here. How often do you think about the following: “What will people say, what will they think?” If often, then you should immediately understand what mass suggestion is. A person who cares about public opinion tends to obey the laws of the crowd. He behaves as a hypnotized person behaves, but collective suggestion does not always work if there is a specific source.

Often it is most fair to talk about the dominant norms, the framework of morality, ethics, as well as the attitudes prevailing in society. Remember the example of a complete or single-parent family. A society where an intact family is a value will collectively think accordingly, that is, single-parent families will be considered inferior.

What is characteristic of a few people interacting within a particular social group will almost certainly sooner or later become characteristic of others. In a sense, marketing, advertising, public relations and other areas of human activity, including propaganda, are based on this principle.

Methods of persuasion: the influence of external factors on a person

Every day we are faced with conviction. For example, food manufacturers want us to buy their butter and cheese, and film studios want us to attend the premieres of their films in cinemas.

Since methods of persuasion are the main component of our lives, we often cannot always notice how we came under their influence and the influence of external factors. This science has been studied since ancient times, its ultimate goal was to force another person to calmly assimilate a certain argument and accept a new judgment of the elements of his worldview system.

Methods and types of suggestion

Speech and non-verbal methods are highlighted, with the help of which you can influence the mind and train of thought of a person. Sometimes people don't realize that they are being told something, sometimes it's the other way around.

The following provides basic information about the three methods and types of suggestion: mental, verbal and non-verbal.

Mental suggestion

This is about the case when suggestion as an act of action is carried out using the simplest tool - thoughts. This method works not only with direct interaction, but also at a distance, that is, in a remote format.

The peculiarity of the method is that there is no suggestion as a direct form of influence. The introduction of attitudes or ideas by a suggestive person into the subconscious of the subject of his “work” is carried out exclusively mentally. It seems impossible, but this technique is often used by professionals.

The point is this: one person begins to think about instilling some thought into another. He uses only his thoughts. There is no belief, there is only a thought that is “sent” by one person to the head of another. It is customary to believe in the effectiveness of the method. Here is a simple mental suggestion technique as an example:

  1. Concentrating on the subject is the first step.
  2. Forming mental contact is the second step.
  3. Transfer of information is the third.

We cannot talk about whether the method works or not. The information is presented in order to familiarize readers with the form of suggestion.

Verbal or verbal suggestion

In this case we are talking about direct suggestion, but sometimes it can take an indirect form. Also, verbal suggestion can be either open or hidden. Here are detailed examples:

  • direct verbal suggestion. The suggestor's verbal cues are clear to the recipient (“It seems like we need to do this. You know what I mean?”);
  • indirect. This is different from the direct verbal method (“It would be nice to do that, but I'm not sure. You'd like to do that, wouldn't you?”);
  • open. In this case, the person at whom the suggestive signal is aimed can choose action scenarios (choice from a limited or unlimited number of options, etc.);
  • hidden suggestion. In this context, we are talking about hidden commands, that is, messages “issued” by a suggestive person to others in a veiled form (“I can’t be sure that this is good, but this is what these people do, they do it well”).

The person using the technique is often in a relaxed state, but when it is necessary to create the necessary emotional state or impression, the principles of expression are used.

Nonverbal suggestion

This is an influence that is carried out with the help of gestures, gaze, and certain poses. Visual contact or any other non-verbal method is what is used and works within the framework of common non-verbal suggestion techniques.

Here are the methods of verbal suggestion with examples:

  • catalepsy. An example is suggestion, carried out by introducing a person into a relaxed state;
  • levitation. An example is the use of a person’s imagination for suggestion;
  • pauses. By pausing in a conversation, using a nonverbal gesture with a certain message, a person can hint to another about some idea, lead him to certain thoughts.

Which method do you think is the most effective?

I think it's mental.


It seems that only verbal suggestion works.


I believe that sometimes non-verbal gestures are much more effective than words.


Voted: 5

Psychological techniques

The method of persuasion, examples of which are presented in the article, is widely used by psychologists. Let's look at their main techniques:

  1. Fundamental. Direct speech to the interlocutor, who is openly introduced to the necessary information that serves as the basis for evidence of the truth.
  2. Contradictions. Identifying inconsistencies in the arguments of the persuaded and carefully checking personal arguments for consistency in order to prevent a counterattack.
  3. Drawing conclusions. Arguments are not revealed immediately, but gradually. Seeking agreement at every step.
  4. Pieces. The arguments of the person being persuaded are divided into strong, medium, and weak. The former are mostly not touched upon; the main target is the latter.
  5. Emphasis. Emphasizing certain points in the arguments given by the interlocutor (“you say it yourself”).
  6. Ignoring. It is used if the fact that the interlocutor cited cannot be refuted.
  7. Two-sided argumentation. To be convincing, they talk first about the advantages and then about the disadvantages of the proposed method of solving this issue.
  8. Boomerang method. The interlocutor is given back his own arguments, but directed in the other direction. Arguments for are turning into arguments against.

How to make suggestion more effective?

To get a positive result, regardless of what methods of suggestion are used, you need not only to train, but also to follow a number of rules. However, it is still more appropriate to talk about rules that work for individual methods.

When it comes to mental suggestion, for example, it is practice and faith that become most important. Without them, the act of mentally trying to suggest something to another person will be a waste of time.

When it comes to verbal techniques, an aspect such as experience becomes important. Without it, it will be almost impossible to inspire others with words alone.

In the case of non-verbal suggestion, it is important to note that the relaxed state of both the suggestor and the suggestible, and the quality of his gestures, are of great importance.

Here are some general tips:

  • you need to try to turn off logic and critical thinking in the suggestible;
  • the suggestor must believe in what he is trying to inspire in another person;
  • training and practice are the key to success. For this reason, it is important to constantly develop in the field of suggestion in order to achieve certain heights.

Requirements for promotion

Please pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is necessary to encourage the child’s actions that set an example for others.
  2. With this method, age and personal characteristics must be taken into account.
  3. Encouragement is effective only from authority figures or microsociety.
  4. The method cannot be used on the same children.

In this principle, the main thing is that children or employees feel a sense of pride and satisfaction for good results in work or school.

Recommendations to help protect against suggestion

Here are ways to protect yourself:

  • Always evaluate everything exclusively from a critical point of view. Critical thinking is important;
  • Remember first of all what goals you are pursuing. Don't give in to others if there are signs of attempts to manipulate;
  • if it begins to seem to you that a person is trying to suggest something, but you cannot resist, stop the act of communication;
  • if it seems that thoughts are starting to change, distract yourself from the topic of the message or message of the suggestor, immerse yourself in your own memories.

We advise you to first develop critical thinking. The ability to think critically is something that will help you not only in protecting yourself from suggestions, but also in other things, in many life situations.

Why do this?

Unintentional persuasion and suggestion can be found even in everyday life. Almost everyone has at least once encountered the fact that when they thought about a planned call to a relative, that person called himself a couple of minutes later. You can also often notice how, when a thought appears about something, a friend who is nearby suddenly begins to talk about that very topic. Such situations are not uncommon and can be perceived as the best evidence of suggestion.

However, such influence cannot be called sufficiently useful or effective. The real reasons for meaningfully managing other people may be much more significant. Moreover, everything depends on the suggestor - if his intentions are evil, then the suggestor may even suffer.

Why do you need to inspire at a distance:

  • Changing a person's views or beliefs for the better;
  • Adjusting the life of the suggestor in the right direction;
  • Drawing attention to certain problems;
  • Development of emotions, sociability and other personal qualities;
  • Help in getting rid of bad habits;
  • Improving human health, influencing his psyche.

As mentioned above, malicious intent cannot be excluded. Some may use suggestion to cause harm or gain personal gain by causing harm to another person.

For a closer acquaintance with the features of suggestion, it is recommended to read the book by V. M. Bekhterev, a famous psychiatrist and physiologist, “Suggestion and its role in public life.”


The following are answers to questions that people have when thinking about the topic of suggestion.

Suggestion and Persuasion: Differences

Suggestion is based primarily on mental and emotional reactions. Conviction in any case requires evidence and logic. In the first case, there is no room for reaching agreement; everything is based on accepting information as a priori correct. In the second, critical thinking, compromise, agreement and more take place.

Is it possible to get sick from self-hypnosis?

We cannot say unequivocally whether this is possible or not, but we are ready to give an interesting example. Let us introduce the concept of nocebo (the antithesis of the concept of “placebo”). Both concepts are exclusively psychophysiological in nature. The nocebo effect was first identified in experiments with placebo (an imitation drug without pronounced medicinal properties). Volunteers in one of the experiments believed that they were receiving a placebo, while they deliberately complained about far-fetched side effects provoked by self-hypnosis. Their health was seriously deteriorating. The nocebo effect is often discovered during experiments aimed at testing drugs.

What are the values ​​of suggestion?

In general, suggestion is a tool with the help of which knowledge is transferred and assimilated by people. Thanks to suggestion, the worldview of each of us is formed, moral positions, norms and moral frameworks that dominate in certain social groups are formed. There is no need to talk about value: there are many examples of when suggestion is used solely as a tool to achieve selfish goals.

About coercion

Methods of persuasion and coercion require their correct use on the interlocutor. These two techniques absolutely cannot be separated from each other; there is a dialectical connection between them, a single objectivity of character, and their use is determined by the level of development of relations in society.

The technique of coercion is a method of influence that has two factors: moral - psychological and physical. It is essentially similar to belief. After all, in both, the main task of the presenter is to get the interlocutor to start thinking like him. As when using the method of persuasion, in coercion a person first justifies his immediate point of view, resorting to various evidence. Therefore, they are considered to be the main ways of psychologically influencing one’s interlocutor.

The act of persuasion is almost one of the most difficult and requires certain rules. The main point in this process is to argue the position and strive to make it accepted by other people. Methods of coercion and persuasion are designed to force the interlocutor to do what you need.

Who can be indoctrinated and who cannot?

Strictly speaking, with great talent and skill as a suggestor, almost any person becomes a suggestend, that is, an object of suggestion, but everyone is susceptible to suggestibility to varying degrees. The easiest way to work with a person is:

  • those with low self-esteem and fear of being judged by others;
  • inclined by nature to occupy a subordinate position, led;
  • possessing high emotionality, lability of the nervous system;
  • trusting;
  • dependent;
  • not having strictly logical thinking.

To understand what kind of personality is in front of you, you need to conduct a series of psychological tests. Sometimes such a person can be seen without testing for behavioral characteristics. He sits on the edge of his chair, is in no hurry to express his opinion, is nervous when communicating, and is inclined to take a conciliatory position. Most often, this is a melancholic person - a person with a weak nervous system and a pessimistic outlook on life.

Potential leaders, strong personalities, among whom choleric and sanguine people predominate, are rarely suggestible. They are characterized by self-confidence and the ability to defend their position. However, under certain conditions you can also work with them.

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