Main types of psychological impact and influence

Concept of influence

Psychological influence is a concept that is often used in psychology and sociology. It means a process that results in a change in the behavior, attitudes, intentions, desires and ideas of an outsider.

Mechanisms of psychological influence help in realizing the potential of intragroup or mass interaction. The concept implies the use of methods of disintegration or group differentiation.

Features of psychological influence:

  • is spontaneous, unconscious in nature;
  • not subject to social control;
  • used for specific purposes (positive or negative);
  • is an intermediate state of man.

The topic of psychological influence is especially interesting for entrepreneurs, advertisers, marketers and businessmen. With the help of influence mechanisms, they can sell their goods. The results of activities of representatives of these professions depend on the ability to use tools of psychological influence.

The concept of psychologically constructive influence implies that the influence should not have a negative impact on the individual. Mandatory requirements are psychological literacy and correctness.

Impact on humans is often used by people in everyday life. Usually with selfish intentions or for the purpose of obtaining benefits. Knowing the characteristics of your interlocutor, achieving the desired result is not difficult.

What influences a person’s susceptibility to manipulation?

The influence of culture on the formation of personality and methods of influencing it:

1. Education. Parents teach us not to be debtors, to be obedient and to respond to the limits of what is permitted. It is in childhood that feelings of awkwardness, shame and guilt are laid down, which manipulators are used to putting pressure on. Remember your upbringing, teach your children to distinguish a request from impudence and boldly say “no” to any manipulation.

2. Stereotypes. We are accustomed to living by the rule: “The more expensive, the better quality” and thereby driving ourselves into the hands of unscrupulous sellers, who play on our prejudices with high prices. Yes, it often happens that a high price is justified, but not in everything and not always. The science of selling has gone further and learned to give people what they want - the feeling that they have bought a really worthwhile thing. This is how discounts, gift sets and cheap devices at exorbitant prices appear.

3. Mass culture. Sellers do not need to talk about the quality of their products; it is enough to advertise that this product is in demand and loved by other people. A product that connects consumers as one is destined for success.

4. Suggestion. The more often a person sees advertising and hears the slogan of a certain company, the more often thoughts about purchasing arise.

5. Inaccessibility. If something is inaccessible to a person, then the desire to acquire it grows at a high speed. Thus, we are manipulated by stores by raising prices or not bringing goods for some time.

The physical and social environment dictates to us what is supposedly necessary to maintain self-esteem, but in fact, all this is just a way to subjugate, to force us to do what we don’t want. With the advent of the media, manipulating people has become much easier, and for those who still suffer from trust in advertising and good operators, counting will prove to be a true panacea.

Main types

In psychology and sociology, a distinction is made between directed and undirected psychological influence. Directed methods include such methods of psychological influence as persuasion and suggestion. To the undirected – infection and imitation.

You need to know the differences between criticism and suggestion. Criticism directly points out what should not be done, while suggestion points out how to do it. Criticism and suggestion also differ in subject matter.


Aimed at removing certain fears. It is necessary to remove obstacles to the path of information to human consciousness.

Persuasion is a type of influence, the purpose of which is to influence the individual on the human psyche through appealing to his personal judgment, satisfying his needs with the help of other people.

It is realized through communication with the desired object. The main purpose is to change a person’s views on certain things. The person who initiates the conversation is the first to attempt to talk.

The basis of belief is the individual’s conscious attitude to certain information, its introspection, criticism, and evaluation. Conviction is built on a system of arguments. They are formed according to the laws of logic and must be justified by those who induce the conviction.

This type of influence is best implemented during discussions, group discussions, and arguments. Basic requirements for persuasion:

  • consistency;
  • subsequence;
  • argumentation;
  • validity based on scientific evidence.

The success of this type of influence directly depends on the skills of the person who carries it out. If the belief was successfully introduced, then the individual will accept and will be guided in the future when choosing something by new information. In the process, the worldview is transformed.

Persuasion is most often used in parenting and scientific debate. It requires a lot of effort and the use of various oratorical techniques.


The oldest method of influence. Most often used in relation to large groups of people - at stadiums, concerts. Particularly effective during rallies, protests, strikes. It develops most quickly in a loosely knit team, where the level of organization is poor or completely absent. The main sign of infection is spontaneity.

In the process of such influence, the communicator conveys to the person his mood, mood, emotions, and motivations. This is realized not through communication, but through the emotional environment. The process of changing the mood of one person to another is unconscious.

In psychology, the phenomenon of contagion is explained as a way of transmitting the emotional state of one individual to another at the psychological level. It happens that both people want to carry out the infection at the same time. The one whose emotional charge is stronger will be successful.

The degree of crowd infection depends on:

  • level of development;
  • the strength of the communicator's energy charge;
  • psychological state;
  • age;
  • beliefs;
  • degree of suggestibility;
  • self-awareness;
  • emotional mood, etc.

Infection resembles a chain reaction. Initially, one person may become infected, transmitting an emotional charge to another, etc.

This type of influence is easiest to implement in a crowd, because in such a situation a person becomes more vulnerable. Criticality in assessing and perceiving information is narrowed.

Sometimes speakers use infection in their trainings. Their goal is to motivate listeners, to literally infect them with their vital energy.


Suggestion is considered the most dangerous type of influence. This is the main instrument of influence in various types of hypnotherapy. With its help, you can force a person to perform certain functions, change the type of behavior, thinking or opinion about an object.

Suggestion is to reduce the individual’s criticality towards the information received. Because there is no desire to check its authenticity.

Suggestion is very effective if a trusting relationship between the interlocutor and the doctor is established. Therefore, before introducing suggestions, the hypnologist tries to build contact with the patient and only then begins to induce a trance and impose certain patterns of behavior or thoughts.

An important feature of suggestion is that it is not aimed at the ability to think, but at the willingness to accept proposals, new thoughts, contradictory statements and implement them. There are 2 forms of this type of influence - autosuggestion (self-hypnosis) and heterosuggestion (influence from the outside). A distinctive feature of self-hypnosis is that it is conscious self-regulation.

The results of using suggestion are influenced by the following indicators (in relation to the speaker):

  • authority;
  • status;
  • strong-willed qualities;
  • self confidence;
  • categorical tone;
  • expressive intonation;
  • self-confidence;
  • ability to persuade, etc.

Suggestion is actively used when presenting information to the media. Another popular source of implementation of this tool of influence is advertising. It is implemented with the help of bright, short and memorable slogans. This is necessary to achieve your own benefits.


One of the most popular forms of behavior in interpersonal contacts. It develops due to the complex nature of one of the interlocutors. Wanting to become better, he begins to copy the behavior, manner of communication, walking, intonation, pronunciation and other unique characteristics of another person.

Imitation influences the process of socialization of the individual, his upbringing and development. Young children and adolescents who do not yet have an accurate vision of themselves or a formed character are very vulnerable to this type of influence. They imitate those around them and those they consider authoritative. These are manifestations of conscious imitation.

Unconscious imitation is the result of active influence on the psyche. Counting on a certain reaction, initiators stimulate it using various methods. This impact is twofold. Depending on the person who uses imitation as a tool of influence, the result can be positive or negative for the other individual.

The most famous manifestation of imitation is fashion. This is a form of standardized mass behavior of people. It arises due to the imposition of certain taste preferences.

Minor types of psychological influence

One of the frequently used methods of influence is rumors. These are messages that come from a specific person. They are usually false and used to humiliate another individual. Often they are not supported by any facts. People perceive rumors because they want to quickly get the information they need.

Building Favor

This technique is often used by traders and sellers to sell their goods. They make favorable judgments about a person, especially about his appearance. They can additionally use imitation, copying a person’s behavior, his gestures, facial expressions, and manner of communication.

The communicator does this to create a positive impression of himself. In the process of forming favor, the following techniques are used:

  • attention;
  • compliments;
  • seeking advice;
  • playing along with identified complexes, etc.

The success of this type of influence depends on the first impression. The second important key to success is self-presentation.

In order for the formation of favor to have the desired effect, you need to have excellent communication skills. You need to be able to find an approach to a person, see his weaknesses and put moral pressure on them.


A situation where a communicator makes a request to someone. He can do this calmly or obsessively. The result of influence depends on the relationship between individuals.

Often this is an appeal with a desire to satisfy the needs of the communicator. The secret weapons are a gentle voice, a calm tone, a smile and maximum sincerity and openness.

The ability to say “no” is important. Having this ability will help avoid conflict situations and relieve a person from having to justify his choice. There will be no shouting at each other either.


This is an open type of influence. Designed to show your best qualities, professional skills and abilities. This method is used by people with a sense of self-worth. In the process of influence there is an open demonstration of professionalism and qualifications.

A common goal of self-promotion is to gain the competitive advantage necessary to achieve one's own goals. It can happen voluntarily or involuntarily.

Self-promotion is often implemented on:

  • conferences;
  • meetings;
  • negotiations;
  • interviews;
  • public speaking.

This influence technique is often used by politicians when running for a certain position. Their goal is to gain recognition from citizens.


This type of influence is needed to force people to work or perform certain actions. Forms of coercion may include threats, blackmail, and imprisonment. The most brutal forms are physical harm, violence, restriction of freedom of action.

In addition to physical means, moral ones can be used. These are humiliations, insults, subjective criticism in a rude form.

The victim perceives coercion as strong psychological pressure and the taking away of necessary goods for a normal life. The threat can be deadly or precautionary. This implies the possibility of social sanctions or physical beatings.


One of the forms of releasing emotional tension. A sudden, deliberate attack is carried out on a person's psyche to make him irritable, nervous and aggressive.

This type of influence is often used by athletes, especially when the sport involves physical contact between 2 or more people. Speaking of attack, it should be said that resistance to other people's influence is resistance to the influence of suggestion.

The main tools of influence during an attack:

  • negative statements;
  • rude, offensive judgments;
  • ridicule of life or certain qualities;
  • a reminder of defeats or shameful incidents from the biography.

The person using the attack may impose his opinion on the communicator or give him advice. Often such an individual gets pleasure because he hurt another.


Usually used to convince a person that his thoughts are wrong. The speaker, by presenting specific arguments, tries to convince a person to change his decision.

Main requirements for argumentation:

  • accuracy;
  • correctness;
  • reinforcement with proven and recognized facts;
  • brevity.

This type of influence is often used by teachers in educational institutions. Trying to convince a student of his mistake, they begin to make a lot of arguments. The right to answer is usually given when a person has already thought about everything and is ready to voice a counterargument.

Another option for using argumentation is in the field of advertising. It is carried out together with persuasion. Initially, advertisers describe a product or service, and the need for its purchase is proven using arguments. They are a detailed description of the advantages of the advertised object.


One of the most frequently used influence techniques in everyday life. Manipulations are hidden incentives to experience certain states.

With the help of certain phrases, the communicator tries to influence the choice and decision-making of another person. He does this for selfish reasons to achieve his own goals.

Methods of protection

Psychological influence is often used for bad reasons. International terrorism testifies to this. People are being zombified and they are doing monstrous things. People who are insecure, with low self-esteem, and who think stereotypically are more susceptible to the influence of others.

In order not to depend on the influence of others, it is necessary to develop critical thinking, expand your horizons, learn, and be aware of your desires and aspirations. It is necessary to strive to do no harm when influencing and to do so effectively.

It is important to consider that each person sees circumstances differently. Respecting your partner’s opinion, his vision of the situation, and refusing to put pressure is the right strategy for fruitful interaction in the context of the psychology of influence.

Types of psychological resistance to influence

The first type is ignoring. This is deliberate inattention, absent-mindedness in relation to the interlocutor. Characterized by a lack of reaction to any actions of another person.

It is perceived as a sign of disrespect on the part of the interlocutor. In certain cases, it is the only correct behavior in an awkward situation. Used to forgive tactlessness on the part of others.

Other types of psychological resistance to influence:

  1. Constructive criticism. Used in a controversial situation to prove one’s own rightness. With the help of criticism, they justify the incorrectness of actions, thoughts or goals. Must be supported by facts. Otherwise, it will not be constructive criticism, but an obsessive subjective opinion.
  2. Counterargumentation. This is an attempt to persuade someone with the support of certain facts. Used to challenge someone else's opinion, which completely contradicts the thoughts of the interlocutor. A prerequisite is support by scientific or internationally recognized facts.
  3. Confrontation. This is a direct opposition of thoughts. It is carried out in a direct (hard and verbal) form or in a hidden form with the introduction of non-verbal techniques. Often used by psychologists when conducting cognitive behavioral therapy.
  4. Refusal. A specific indication by the interlocutor of his dissatisfaction or disagreement. Usually taken with the purpose of refusing to fulfill another person's request. May be spoken in a soft and calm tone. In another case - in an authoritative, menacing voice. Helps to avoid the fact of dismissal or beatings.
  5. Psychological self-defense. Specific designation of your boundaries without listening to others. Helps prevent controlling behavior. In the process, verbal and nonverbal techniques are introduced in the form of verbal formulas and intonations. The purpose for which psychological self-defense is used is the need to eliminate oneself from participating in conflicts and maintain calm. This way a person gets additional time to think about the criticism and manipulations he has heard.
  6. Creation. Creating a way of thinking can also be arbitrary. It involves the implementation of previously unused decisions and unpredictable actions. It manifests itself as a desire to be unique and not to fit in with others. Used against imitation. Formed under the influence of a craving for self-expression.
  7. Evasion. This is the desire to avoid any form of interaction with the initiator. The reasons may be personal hostility or a negative attitude towards such an interlocutor. Any meetings are avoided. There is a reduction in time regulations and conditions for conducting a conversation. Such an attitude of a partner towards another in attempts to avoid meetings is necessary for personal peace of mind.

Another frequently used method of confrontation is energy mobilization. It manifests itself as resistance to attempts at suggestion, transmission, imposition of certain actions, patterns of behavior, type of thinking and other factors.

This is the transformation of any negative emotions into anger, rage and aggression. Sometimes this happens because a person does not know how to react to a certain situation due to his lack of information. This helps to tone up your emotional state.

Entrepreneurs often use a counter-influence technique called creativity. This gives them a competitive advantage over others and allows them to create unique products. Imitation is something that a young entrepreneur needs to get rid of first.

Some tips on how to avoid possible manipulation on the street

  • If you see a sales representative who is beautifully dressed and standing on the street offering his product, do not believe it. Good companies have offices and do not sell products on the go.
  • If a person meets you and gives you some goods, even if they are of small value, do not take it. Remember to give back and don't let others oblige you.
  • Do not engage in conversation with those who are trying to sell or sell you something. Ignore, if the manipulator understands that you have taken the bait, he will enter into a long debate and, in the end, crush you with his experience.

  • Try to avoid meeting with intrusive salespeople; they know how to publicly put people in an awkward situation and get their way. One time they made a mistake, and another time they took the tenth route.
  • Do not allow them to steal your time and money, do not agree to presentations, tastings and the like, remember, this is just a marketing ploy.

The psychology of influence is something that everyone needs to know in order to distinguish manipulation from good intentions.
Yes, we all face every day that they want to build happiness on us, but knowledge will help us avoid serious losses and disappointments. Methods of psychology of influence are actively used in politics, journalism, marketing, advertising, trade and other industries. Learning to correctly convey your thoughts and be understood is an art that will help you live in the modern world. Psychology of influence was last modified: April 20, 2022 by Elena Pogodaeva

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