Lecture on the psychology of communication on the topic "Types, levels and functions of communication." communication models. Channels and means of communication"

We constantly communicate with other people, and a lot depends on this communication. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to develop effective communication skills and understand the psychology of communication.

In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the classification of communication levels compiled by Anatoly Borisovich Dobrovitch, Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of popular books on psychology and psychotherapy. We are confident that you will find this information useful.

First level: primitive

At the lowest level, the interlocutor is still perceived as an object, and he is assessed on the scale “needed - hinders.” If the interlocutor-object interferes, there is a desire to get away from him as quickly as possible, without explaining anything. The inner world of the individual is not considered at the primitive level of communication. Speech is usually fast and terse.

This level is “primitive” also in a bad sense. The attitude towards the interlocutor is openly expressed, even if this may offend him; the interlocutors often interrupt each other and do not comply with communication norms.

Let’s say that a drunkard gets attached to a person going to work. It is unlikely that they will say hello and goodbye, and also try to examine each other’s inner world. By all indications, this is an example of a primitive level of communication.


This is another area where manipulation is common. The “Child in the Family” technique is often used by lazy husbands. Did your wife tell you to go to the store? He won't buy what he needed. Then the wife will go to the supermarket herself, so that she doesn’t have to get on her nerves and go shopping again. Of course, not all men are so vile. And you can easily find out that a woman is married to just such a “frame”. When naming the number of children, she will include her husband in it.

A technique called “Offended” also takes place in such an area as manipulative communication. Examples are numerous. One of the spouses, feeling that his other half will soon turn to him with a request to do something that he does not want to do, suddenly becomes offended. Who would approach an upset person to ask for something?

In general, the role of communication was initially positive. Only people ruin everything. With your manipulations. Many people get carried away by them, and then wonder why their relationship collapses. Here, for example, is another technique called “If you weren’t there.” Both husbands and wives actively use it. In order to make the partner feel guilty and begin to control him. “Why did I marry you? Look how they looked after me, and there were even businessmen! And I wasted my youth on you,” are such phrases rare? No. Maybe it will be possible to manipulate her once, but abuse will lead to divorce.

Second level: manipulative

As the name suggests, at the second level of communication the interlocutor is perceived as an object of possible manipulation. The manipulator tries to control his victim, sometimes unconsciously.

An example of the second level of communication would be interaction with a sales consultant. You already follow the norms of communication, but you still treat each other indifferently and do not try to get to know each other as individuals. At the same time, the sales assistant is trying to influence you psychologically so that you make a purchase.

Communication. Types of communication

Olga Alimova

Communication. Types of communication

Communication problems have always been relevant, but today they are increasingly becoming a special subject of research. Such attention to the problems of communication is not at all accidental: communication permeates essentially all aspects of society and human , it begins to be recognized both as a value and as a “blind spot”

many humanities.
Increasingly, there is an awareness of the fact that the “private”
problem of
communication is becoming increasingly important in the modern world, and the solution to many, many vital human problems and even partly the future of culture and civilization largely depends on the fruitfulness of its solution in theory and practice. It's no secret that communication is an important part of doing business. We regularly communicate with colleagues, bosses, children, and parents. Through communication we find out their needs , show ourselves, present our results. Business communication is definitely an art in which a sense of tact and a sense of contact with a partner plays a significant role. At the same time, certain techniques and developments have already appeared that recommend how to express your thoughts correctly and clearly. Which words are best suited to the chosen topic. In what cases should you focus on your partner’s personality, and in what cases should you focus on his activities? There is practically no period in a person’s life when he is out of communication . We have to communicate in writing and orally, in person and by telephone. Each type of communication has its own techniques and methods.
Purpose of the work: to consider the basics of communication : its structure, concept, essence, types .

1. General characteristics of communication , its functions, structure and means

Communication is the process of establishing and developing contacts between people, which is generated by the needs for joint activities. In Russian psychology, communication is understood in inextricable unity with activity. Communication is a reality of human relations that presupposes any types of communication as specific forms of joint activity of people.

At the same time, in Russian psychology there is another approach to understanding the category of communication . According to this approach, communication is understood as subject-subject interaction. In general, it is recognized that any activity always directly or indirectly includes subject-subject relationships, and the process of communication is determined by the subject, for example, the subject of conversation (B. F. Lomov)


In the process of communication , information is exchanged, its interpretation, mutual perception, mutual understanding, mutual assessment, empathy, the formation of likes and dislikes, psychological influence, the implementation of regulation of joint activities, etc. The specificity of communication is that in its process there is a mutual disclosure of the subjective worlds of partners. In communication , partners self-determine and self-present.

When studying the structure of communication , three levels of analysis are distinguished.

At the first level (macro level)

analysis considers
communication with other people as the most important aspect of his lifestyle. At the same time, social institutions , ethnic and family traditions and norms are analyzed.
This level is close to sociological research and is the main one when studying the direction of an individual’s activity, motivational sphere and interpersonal relationships. Second level of analysis (meso level)

involves the study of individual contacts that people enter into when they jointly solve a particular problem. At this level, the features of the dynamics of mental processes and human states are studied.

several phases during the period . The initial phase consists of the formation of common coordinates (reference images, reference points that determine the development of the further process, in relation to which the behavior of each of their communication communication process is formed , including the distribution of functions between its participants. This phase sets the general strategy of their behavior. The third phase consists of coordinating or synchronizing the temporal characteristics of mental processes and states. Also at this phase, a common fund of knowledge, skills and abilities is formed. Communication includes mutual management, control and correction. As a result of communication , either some commonality of participants, or their incompatibility and contradictions are discovered.

Third level of analysis (micro level)

includes the study of elementary units
of communication (associated acts of communication , including not only the actions of one person, but also the associated assistance or opposition of a partner). Analysis of speech communication allows us to identify simple types of cycles that form complex forms of interaction: message - attitude towards it ;
question answer; motivation to action - execution. The phenomenon of communication is monolithic and everything that defines it exists in an indissoluble unity, but researchers are still trying to isolate its individual elements. communication process how complex and diverse this phenomenon is. For example, psychologists distinguish cognitive, emotional and behavioral components in the structure of communication . B. D. Parygin identifies 3 parameters of communication :

•content and focus: communication can be identifying and isolating, promoting and opposing;

•form: verbal and non-verbal communication , direct, interpersonal and indirect;

• ways of connecting content and form in the process of communication : imitation, infection, persuasion.

G. M. Andreeva identifies three interconnected aspects of communication :

• the communicative side of communication - consists of the exchange of information between people, the transfer and reception of knowledge, opinions, feelings;

• the interactive side of communication - consists of organizing interaction between people, i.e. when participants in communication exchange not only knowledge, ideas, but also actions. For example, you need to coordinate actions, distribute functions or influence the mood, behavior, beliefs of your interlocutor;

• the perceptual side of communication - which manifests itself through people’s perception, understanding and assessment of each other.

Communication is a multifunctional phenomenon. There are several classifications of its functions. B. F. Lomov identified three functions: information - communicative, regulatory - communicative and affective - communicative.

The first function is to transmit information. It assumes the presence of interacting subjects, one of which transmits information, and the other receives it.

The second function relates to the regulation of behavior. In the process of communication regulates not only his own behavior, but also the behavior of other people, and also experiences influence from them. This function is mainly implemented in the mutual adjustment of the partners’ actions. Such phenomena as imitation, suggestion and persuasion are associated with the regulatory-communicative function.

The third function relates to the emotional sphere of a person. Human emotions arise and develop in conditions of communication . Communication can determine the level of emotional tension and emotional release. Often, a person’s very need for communication may arise in connection with the need to change his emotional state. In the process of communication , there is a change in the modality and intensity of emotional states, their mutual strengthening or weakening, the rapprochement of partners’ states or their polarization.

Functions such as people getting to know each other, organizing and managing joint activities, forming and developing interpersonal relationships, etc. are also highlighted. A. A. Brudny highlights the instrumental function of communication (necessary for the exchange of information in the process of management and joint work, syndicative (provides group cohesion, translational (necessary for training)

and self-expression.

According to the purpose of communication , the following functions are distinguished:

• contact (establishment of contact is assumed as a state of readiness to maintain a relationship, to receive and transmit a message );

• informational (exchange of messages , opinions, decisions)


• incentive (stimulating the partner’s activity to perform any actions)


• coordination (mutual orientation and coordination of actions within the framework of joint activities);

• understanding (understanding the meaning of the message , as well as the experiences and states of the partner);

• emotive (arousing the necessary emotional experiences in a partner, changing one’s own experiences and states, that is, exchanging emotions);

• establishing relationships (awareness and fixation of one’s place in the system of relationships and interpersonal connections);

• exerting influence (changing the partner’s state or behavior, his decisions and intentions)


Means of communication are behavioral manifestations that are addressed to the partner during communication . All means of communication are divided into two large groups: verbal (verbal)

and non-verbal.

Verbal and nonverbal communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities, including the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, perception and understanding of another person. Consequently, the main purpose of this process is for people to contact, search and find common ground with each other, interact with each other in the process of joint activities, so that they exchange information and strive to understand each other.

Verbal communication is the most studied type of human communication. In addition, this is the most universal way of transmitting thoughts.
A message created using any other sign system
“translated” into verbal human language Verbal means of communication are written and spoken language used as sign systems. Written speech is that which is taught in school and which is used to be considered a sign of a person’s education. Written speech is cumbersome and often contains cliches and bureaucracy. The advantages of written speech become decisive where accuracy and responsibility for every word are essential. To skillfully use written language, you need to enrich your vocabulary and be demanding about style.

Oral speech, which differs from written speech in a number of parameters, is not illiterate written speech, but independent speech with its own rules and even grammar. The main advantage of oral speech over written language is economy, i.e. fewer words are required to convey the same idea in oral speech. Savings are achieved through different word order, skipping ends and other parts of sentences. The disadvantages of verbal expression of thoughts are speech errors and ambiguity.

Nonverbal communication is communication without the use of speech and language, the only instrument of which is the human body. The transmission and reception of nonverbal information can be carried out both consciously and unconsciously. Nonverbal communication is also called nonverbal behavior.

The main means of nonverbal communication are posture , movements and gestures, facial expressions, gaze, voice characteristics and spatial behavior. Nonverbal methods of communication have both biological origin and are formed in culture. Some theories of the origin of language consider nonverbal communication as the ancient basis for the emergence of speech.

Nonverbal communication has fundamental differences from verbal communication and is characterized by the following:

• realized simultaneously through different senses (polysensory nature)


• evolutionary – historical antiquity (existed long before the appearance of speech)


• relative independence from the meaning of words;

• involuntary and subconscious;

• independence from language barriers;

• features of psychophysiological mechanisms of perception;

• features of acoustic coding means.

Nonverbal communication allows you to convey a wide range of information. Thus, with the help of non-verbal means, one can get an idea of ​​a person’s racial, national and social affiliation, physical and psychological state, emotional attitude of a person, psychological climate in a group, etc.

Nonverbal behavior makes it possible to obtain deep information about a person’s temperament, his energy, tendency to dominance, and self-esteem.

2. Types of communication

Types of communication are distinguished in accordance with the goals of communication , the subject of communication , the conditions in which communication , the subjects of communication , the means of communication and other criteria.

According to the nature of communication , i.e., according to the specific mental state and mood of the participants in the communication , B. D. Parygin identified such types as business and gaming, social-role and personality-oriented, spiritual and utilitarian, traditional and innovative communication .

A. A. Leontyev, when classifying types of communication, proceeded from the fact that communication is always carried out in the conditions of a sociocultural environment, a certain social community. Communication is always social in its essence, even when the purpose of communication is the satisfaction of biological needs.

A. A. Leontyev distinguishes three types of communication : socially oriented, subject-oriented (group)

and person-centered.
These types of communication differ , first of all, in their goals: performing functions in accordance with a social role, certain objective activities, interpersonal cognition and understanding of people.
Depending on the content, goals and means used, the following types of communication :

1. According to the content of the act of communication : material, cognitive, conditional, motivational, activity.

In the process of material communication , objects and products of activity are exchanged, in cognitive - exchange of knowledge, conditional - exchange of mental and physiological states, motivational - exchange of motives, goals, actions, interests, motives, needs, activity - exchange of actions, operations, skills. .

2. According to the purposes of communication, they distinguish : biological, social, spiritual.

Biological communication is a type of communication in which the biological needs necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the organism are satisfied. Social communication is a type of communication whose purpose is to expand and strengthen interpersonal contacts, establish and develop interpersonal relationships, and personal growth of the individual. Spiritual communication is a type of communication whose purpose is to satisfy the highest, spiritual needs of a person. There are as many private goals of communication as there are subtypes of different human needs.

3. By means of communication there are : direct, indirect, direct, indirect, verbal, non-verbal.

Direct communication is a type of communication that is carried out using natural organs given to humans by nature (hands, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.)

Indirect communication is a type of communication that is carried out using special means and tools to organize communication and exchange information. Direct communication is a type of communication in which personal contacts and direct perception of those communicating with each other are carried out in the very act of communication . Indirect communication is a type of communication in which communication is carried out through other people acting as intermediaries. Verbal communication is a type of communication that uses primarily verbal means of communication . Nonverbal communication is a type of communication that uses predominantly nonverbal means of communication .
4. According to the types of social orientation of a person, they distinguish: social-role, personality-oriented, business.

Social-role communication is a type of communication in which its participants appear to each other as bearers of social roles, representatives of certain social groups. For example: nurse - patient. Their relationships are regulated by the rules of behavior established in society , which reflect their rights and responsibilities.

Personality-oriented is a type of communication , the goals and content of which are determined by the focus on understanding the personality of the communication . Participants in communication appear to each other as individuals, that is, they reveal to each other their intentions, motives, opinions, passions, individual characteristics, and attachments. The subject of person-oriented communication is the psychological problems of communicating people, their interests and needs. During this communication , the attention of those communicating is focused around problems that deeply affect a person’s personality: the problem of the meaning of life, determining one’s attitude towards a significant person, towards significant events occurring in life, etc.

Business communication is communication that is included as one of the elements in some kind of joint productive activity and serves as a means of improving the quality of this activity. The content of business communication is the content of activities that are performed jointly. The purpose of business communication is cooperation. It involves not only the use of ready-made communication that organize people to perform joint activities, but is also a condition for the development of thinking techniques and new forms of behavior.


Thus, we can conclude that communication acts as an interaction between people, a factor in personal development, a process of information exchange, a means of understanding another person, a means of satisfying needs.

Some social and economic transformations of modern society negatively affect the mental and personal development of modern children. The general trend of modern childhood is that adults ignore the specifics of preschool age and its special importance for the full development of the individual. In connection with changes in socio-cultural living conditions in recent decades, there has been a gap between generations of children and adults, a lack of emotional and meaningful relationships with parents, the collapse of children's communities , the active introduction of information technology into the everyday life of children, increasing the value of intelligence, etc. For a small child, television, a computer replace play, active productive activity, communication with close adults, having a negative impact on the development of the psyche and personality of the growing child. person.

The modern family is concerned about the early development of the child, the formation of physical health, and obtaining a prestigious education. Modern parents are raising an “individualist”

They strive for their children to be successful and to be able
to “achieve something in life themselves
However, parents do not take into account that individualism, as a person’s leading position in relation to society , prevents the child from learning to build harmonious relationships with people around him. Without understanding the other, without taking into account his interests and needs, joint activities and full communication with peers .

Third level: standardized

Formal and superficial communication. At this level, people participate in communication from the perspective of a role, and not from the perspective of their personality. That is, the boss and subordinate are communicating, not Anton and Andrey.

This level is also called the “mask” level. These “masks” can be not only professional, but also any other roles with which a person covers his personality.

Of course, when a person puts on a “mask” in communication, he becomes insincere and closed. He does not show his real feelings, does not express his thoughts. After communicating at a standardized level, it is difficult to say what kind of person your interlocutor really is.

Business and work

This is the area in which manipulative communication occurs most often. And it is completely common. The leader does not influence his subordinates by force - he controls them psychologically, creating in them the illusion of freedom and independence.

Whatever the goals of communication of this type, manipulation is always built according to one scheme or another. An excellent model was created by American psychotherapist Eric Berne. He created an interesting diagram with three ego positions. They are conventionally designated by scientists as “Parent” (P), “Adult” (C) and “Child” (D). How does the scheme work? Can be understood with an example.

Let's say a meeting is organized at a company. And the manager is also required to go there, as he was informed about. But he just doesn’t want to. The position of the “Parent” is: “I have to go - it’s my responsibility. And an example must be set for subordinates.” At the same time, “Adult” assures: “Meetings are a waste of time. My desk here is full of reports.” And the “Child”’s position is: “If I don’t go, the boss will be very angry.” As a result, the following decision is made: the manager goes to the meeting, but takes the papers with him so that he can sit further away and work on the spot. It turns out to be a reasonable compromise.

This simple diagram is an auxiliary tool for transactional analysis of manipulations. There is a slight psychological struggle and a question of choice, as well as the distribution of positions.

Fourth level: conventional

Cultural, polite and ethical communication. Both interlocutors have the desire and readiness to communicate. As a rule, communication at the fourth level takes place on equal terms (or close to it). There is no obvious manipulator and no obvious victim.

The interlocutors treat each other with respect, try to understand someone else’s point of view and, if opinions differ, strive to come to an agreement. Open and sincere communication.

We can observe a conventional level of communication at a business meeting of business partners and sometimes in family circles or among friends.

Impact of fear

Fear and lack of awareness of the addressee make it possible to cleverly manipulate his actions and actions. For example: “If you don’t go to college, you will become a beggar,” “You are an excellent specialist, but another applicant has appeared for this vacancy.” All invented fears come from a lack of information. By listening to the manipulator, the recipient makes a big mistake. Sometimes behind such influence lies the desire to force a person to do something better, without additional motivation or funding.

Fifth level: gaming

There is genuine interest and sympathy for the interlocutor. A characteristic feature of the fifth level of communication is saturation with feelings and emotions. As a rule, those people who communicate at the gaming level are those who have known each other for several days.

The fifth level of communication is characterized by goodwill, tact, sensuality and sensitivity, care and compliance. Most often, interlocutors try to show their best side and create mutual affection for each other. That is why this level is called the game level.

An example of the fifth level is communication between a woman and a man at the stage of falling in love.


People who need something serious from their opponent build entire plans, by following which they will be able to achieve what they want. This usually takes a lot of time, since there is something significant at stake that you can’t just get.

This occurs in the sphere of personal relationships. So, for example, a greedy girl, who most of all in her life dreams of a carefree but rich life, was lucky enough to meet a wealthy man. With her constant declarations of love and fidelity, she binds the “victim” to herself more and more strongly. True, such people are not stupid, and they will have to do things to prove their “serious and sincere intentions.” But in the end, by cunning it is possible to achieve the desired. The manipulated person is deprived of willpower. And the “organizer” of the scam gets the opportunity to control it.

Sixth level: business

There is a love for the common cause here. People united by a common goal are open to each other, communicate as equals and are always ready to help.

The business level of communication is distinguished by the openness of its participants, mutual trust, fidelity, sincerity, mutual respect and, as they say, “a sense of comradeship.” “Masks” at this level have no meaning.

At the sixth level, old friends and spouses who have already passed a stormy, passionate period communicate.

mass media

Above, family, everyday and professional communication of the manipulative type was briefly discussed. Now you can turn to the media. The press is the fourth estate, and initially this definition was noble. Journalists have always done useful work, informing people about everything that is important. But today there are more and more media outlets that do not hesitate to manipulate society. Which believes them. Some media do this in their own interests, while others turn to individuals for “help” who benefit from this.

If on the most authoritative resource of the country, during the period when presidential elections are planned in this state, they publish voluminous and substantiated information that candidate N is, to put it mildly, unworthy, then there is a high probability that people who trust this media will not support him will vote. When a beautiful advertisement for a certain product appears on a well-known channel, its sales begin to increase. And there are quite a lot of such examples. Not to mention notes, news and articles in which their authors use all the previously mentioned techniques - influencing emotions, rhetorical questions, appealing to the conscience and personal perception of the reader, style of presentation and much more.

About the transition between levels

The level of communication may vary. And both from bottom to top and from top to bottom. You can also communicate with the same person on different levels in different situations: for example, if you work with your friend in the same place and he is your boss, then at work you can communicate at a conventional or standardized level, and in your free time - on the gaming or spiritual.

In order for the article to be truly useful to you, we suggest that you analyze all your contacts in the next few days and determine the level at which communication took place. Does it suit you? Do you want to upgrade or lower it? Based on the level descriptions, how can you do this? These skills will definitely help improve your communication.

We wish you success!

Common phrases of manipulators

Phrases like these are often uttered by manipulators, and people who interact with them will probably remember the times they heard them.

  1. You are too sensitive/sensitive. A classic example of gaslighting: the manipulator tries to portray the victim’s reactions to his own words as something wrong, defective, trying to make her believe that there is something wrong with her.
  2. Phrases starting with “You are.” “You’re a girl,” “You’re a man,” “You’re a programmer,” “You’re a mother,” “You’re a doctor.”
    These and similar phrases essentially became a meme on the RuNet. The person using them seeks to apply pressure using established stereotypes about genders and professions in society and to obtain the necessary reaction from the victim.
  3. If you do this, I'll do this. “If you lose weight, I’ll definitely marry you,” “If you break up with this Tolik of yours, I’ll give you money to pay for university.” A person says all these manipulative phrases in order to satisfy his own needs and at the same time “re-educate” his victim.
  4. Disparaging statements. “Ha, I found a problem! People without arms and legs somehow manage, but you can’t find a job,” “I’d like your problems.” The manipulator devalues ​​the victim’s difficulties while getting the desired reaction.
  5. I am joking! Usually pronounced after a series of insults of varying degrees of veil. In this case, the manipulator seeks to offend the victim, and then expose her reactions as inadequate and at the same time look innocent.
  6. You are incredibly selfish. Of course, it is beneficial for the manipulator that the person he influences shows sacrifice, compliance, pleases him, and does not stand his ground. This is why he pronounces such phrases.
  7. You don't know how to accept criticism/Learn to accept criticism. Also pronounced after a series of insults passed off as supposedly critical remarks.

Nonverbal components

This is body language, visual and acoustic perception of communicating objects, conveying emotional information. Body signs help to verify whether it is true or false, and to predict the impression in advance. To interpret gestures, follow the rules:

  1. “Read” not individual gestures, but as a whole.
  2. Interpret hand movements in the context of what was said. Hands crossed over the chest do not always demonstrate readiness for contact. A person who is frozen and trying to calm down a nervous tremor behaves in a similar way.
  3. Take into account national characteristics and temperament. Some constantly gesticulate, others keep their hands in their pockets and formulate thoughts for a long time.
  4. When scanning poses, do not attribute personal experience to another person.

Thinking people consciously control their facial expressions and postures. To confuse, make sure that words and actions are not congruent. Examples of inconsistency include assurances of a good mood with a downcast face, or assurances of a sincere relationship with averted eyes.

Types of nonverbal communication

This type of communication appeared along with language and words. To obtain the necessary information, most of the information is important to have a synchronization technique. When using the same words in speech, copying gestures, facial expressions, speed of speech, tonality, trust arises on a subconscious level. Knowledge of non-verbal methods allows you to:

  1. distinguish feigned feelings;
  2. remove communication barriers;
  3. create an informal atmosphere;
  4. adapt to the style of communication.

Facial expressions

One of the main components expressing the emotional state and attitude to what is happening. You can read the feelings you are experiencing from your face, like from a book. They are described as: involuntary drawing of the eyebrows, wrinkling of the forehead, nose, pursing of the lips. Raised eyebrows convey surprise and admiration. Drooping corners of the lips indicate grief or sadness. Clenched jaws demonstrate resentment.


It’s hard to imagine an enthusiastic conversation with your hands at your sides. Emotional impulses accompany body movements. They are sincere because they are not controlled. Even a handshake provides information about the interlocutor. The hand held palm down shows superiority; upward - agreement to a passive role; given vertically, it is a partner arrangement. Every movement is associated with a train of thought and feeling. Common gestures:

  1. assessors: touching the chin, running the index finger along the cheeks, walking;
  2. self-controlling: bringing the hands together on the lower back, squeezing the hands, clasping the fingers in the table top or armrests.
  3. dominant: sticking out thumbs, sharp swings of arms.


The meaning of the body is important. The manner of standing, walking and sitting carries a lot of additional information. If the interlocutor sits with his body leaned forward, then this expresses concentration. Leaning your back and crossing your legs shows disinterest. The ready pose is recognizable by the hands on the hips; body bent forward, hands resting on knees.

Impact of guilt

Guilt is most often used by manipulators in family life. By experiencing it, a person seeks to compensate for the damage caused. For example: “You were walking and having fun with your friends, and I am alone and babysitting the child, and creating comfort for you,” “It’s better for you to rest today, and I can do your work for you.” The manipulator will constantly press on the feeling of guilt or find new episodes. The recipient in such a situation will try to level out the discomfort and will fall into the same trap over and over again. The feeling of guilt subsequently gives rise to aggression, so the manipulator should use such psychological influence with caution.

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