Make yourself interesting: how to develop a sense of humor and learn to laugh

Independent exercises for Hasya Yoga

Quiet laughter

  • You can turn on leisurely, gentle music
  • Starting position: stand straight, straighten your shoulders
  • Close your eyes. Imagine a beautiful landscape. Think about the small details. If it's a sunny beach, feel the warmth on your skin. Imagine how the waves hiss and roll onto the sandy shore
  • Laugh. Quiet at first, then louder
  • Did you laugh? Take a few deep breaths and exhalations. Don't forget to breathe correctly, that is, deeply.
  • Repeat three times

  • Starting position as in “Silent Laughter”
  • Take a deep breath. As you exhale, tighten your stomach, its lower part, and say: “ha.” The exhalation should be short. Repeat 30 times
  • Then laugh out loud
  • Repeat the exercise 2-3 times

  • You will need a mirror. Stand in front of him. Imagine your mouth being zipped shut. When you open it, you will start laughing
  • Unzip an imaginary zipper with two fingers. You'll want to laugh. Close the zipper quickly. Stop laughing
  • Can be performed in pairs and unfasten the zipper for a partner
  • Number of repetitions: 3 - 4

Laughter is good for the health of body and spirit. Therefore, spend 10 - 15 minutes daily on hasya yoga exercises. These simple and fun activities will quickly change your life for the better.

A beautiful laugh attracts attention and immediately attracts everyone around. If he is too loud or rude, then this, on the contrary, can push him away. How can you make your laughter beautiful and contagious?

How to identify shortcomings?

To change and correct your laughter and make it beautiful, you need, first of all, to determine what exactly needs to be changed, that is, to identify shortcomings. There are several ways to do this. The first is a frank conversation with friends, loved ones or family. Just ask someone who has known you for a long time and is not afraid to tell you the truth to describe your laughter. Let him tell you what he likes and what, on the contrary, irritates or confuses you.

The second method is suitable for shy natures. Invite your friends over, come up with some fun activity and place a camera somewhere in a corner or other secluded place, immediately forgetting about it. Don't think about filming, relax and laugh. After the party, watch the recording and rate your laughter. List everything you liked and didn't like.

If you are embarrassed by the camera and you cannot relax, constantly thinking about it, then just read a funny joke or watch a funny movie or video and laugh in front of the mirror.


How to learn to laugh beautifully and correctly? Try following a number of tips that will definitely help you make your laughter sincere and beautiful:

  • Record your laughter on video or on a voice recorder. In order to do this, you only need to install the camera in an inconspicuous place in the room where you will have company. Try to forget about her and behave naturally with your friends. Remember that the camera magnifies any shortcomings in your behavior. Watch a recording of your behavior, analyze the volume of speech and the tone of laughter. This way you can identify shortcomings and then correct them.
  • An analysis of the reasons for your embarrassment to laugh sincerely will help you learn how to laugh beautifully. Ask those around you about the shortcomings of the laughter they hear from you. It may be that you are covering your mouth with your hand or your teeth are slightly yellowed. This problem goes away on its own after a trip to the dentist. If your laughter is accompanied by a grunt or looks like a cackle, then you should control yourself and work on all your sounds. Of course, laughter that is out of place generally indicates a person’s lack of culture. What is needed here is a person’s desire for self-development, otherwise it will not be possible to overcome such a deficiency.
  • A temperamental person often laughs very loudly. Try not to open your mouth wide or throw your head back. This way you will create a barrier to sounds and will not understand how to laugh correctly. You should cry faster than deafen everyone around you with your loud laughter.
  • Immediately get rid of snorting, wheezing, squealing and, excuse me, neighing. Such funny features of your laughter can simply scare away everyone around you who does not know you. The beauty of manners immediately becomes taboo with such a specific laugh. In this case, self-control methods help: discreetly pinch yourself on the arm - this will distract you from the subject of laughter and restrain inappropriate sounds.
  • Watch the position of your lips. After all, the wider you open your mouth while laughing, the greater the likelihood of spitting at your interlocutor, and you may even make an unpleasant sound. Don't purse your lips too much, but also try to restrain yourself from doing the wrong thing. If you just smile broadly, you will hear a completely different, melodic and pleasant to the ear laugh.
  • Practicing in front of a mirror will also help you understand how to laugh beautifully. Don't laugh artificially and stage-like. You need to have a sincere and natural laugh that will delight the ears of those around you.

How funny is it to laugh in company? Be sincere, calling and full of emotion in your laughter. Then others will want to laugh with you. Know how to feel humor, smile, appreciate jokes and just enjoy your time. After all, there is nothing better than sincere and charming laughter in a company, which adds beauty and aesthetics to every person’s manners. I hope that we have helped you understand how to laugh in any situation, and that our material will be useful to you.

Humor is a subjective concept

. There is no standard criterion for humor. For others to find it funny, YOU must first find it funny

. If you have fun, people will have fun too. They get involved in your humor.

What's stopping you

You are hampered by fears, tightness and high standards for laughter. Don't try to be this brilliant guy whose jokes are all very, very smart and subtle. After all, then you yourself will hardly laugh. Which life is better - laughing more or laughing less? Let go of the bar and laugh heartily! This is better! Why these restrictions - supposedly you have to be a brilliant and smart guy. Get rid of it and learn to laugh at everything!

Your mind will always find excuses not to laugh. It's all ego and limiting beliefs, barriers in the head. Let go of ego and personality, have fun. You can interpret everything in a funny way. Literally everything! Young children are always cheerful and laugh often; society has not yet instilled seriousness in them. This exercise will help you learn to laugh.

You can watch a lot of videos on how to learn to laugh at everything for your own pleasure and never worry about it again.


Another effective technique is repeating the same phrase with changing speed and emotional tone. For example, you have been waiting for a phone call from a young man for two days and are terribly worried. “He hasn’t called for two days!” - pronounce the sentence first sadly, then in surprise, then with the delight of a wife who has escaped from under the yoke of a jealous husband, then with a questioning intonation. “Really, he doesn’t call such a charming woman for two whole days?! What a disgrace?!” Improvise, coming up with new intonations and roles. How would a tragic actress, blonde, milkmaid Manya, the heroine of some cartoon pronounce this phrase... Try to say a sentence quickly, quickly, slowly, slowly, drawing out the words. Eventually you will find it funny.

How does hospital clowning work?

It’s hard to laugh, and sometimes even smile, if you’re sick: when you live from injection to injection, from one procedure to another, when you’re surrounded not by loving parents and a cozy environment, but by people in white coats and hospital walls. How to cheer up a child who is not laughing? The hospital clowns know this.

Hospital clowning is an international project for the rehabilitation of children who are undergoing long-term and aggressive treatment or simply need adaptation to hospital conditions.

Hospital clowns distract children from sad thoughts and give them faith that illnesses can recede under the pressure of optimism and will.

Might be interesting

Who are hospital clowns and how their buffoonery on the verge of shamanism and madness helps those who are in trouble

In hospitals, clowns sing, dance, control puppets, perform magic tricks, tell fairy tales, and make fun of the fear of medical procedures with their viewers. After such fun performances, children are left with a feeling of magic, kindness, energy, which changes their mood and well-being for the better.

Photo from open source

Professional hospital clowns are not just actors with red noses, but good psychologists who undergo special training. They know how to work with the mood and psychological characteristics of different children. Not every child in the hospital is ready to make contact, so there are always at least two clowns: White - Red, brothers and sisters.

Some hospital clowns also provide psychological assistance to adults: cancer patients, people on dialysis, and those living in nursing homes.

Patch Adams - the first hospital clown

The founder of hospital clownery is the American doctor Hunter Doherty Adams, better known as the clown doctor Patch. During medical school, he spent a lot of time in hospitals and was surprised at how expensive and boring they were. In hospitals, the treatment of wealthy people was much better than that of poor people. The difficult hospital environment led to rapid emotional burnout among patients.

After graduating from college, Adams founded the hospital of his dreams - cozy, fun, free, open to anyone 24 hours a day. For treatment, not only medical methods were used, but also non-standard approaches. Patients painted, gardened, had picnics in nature and laughed for a long time. In such a free and positive environment, they not only recovered quickly, but also became happier.

Then Adams realized: to be happy, you need to be cheerful and make others laugh, and he began to engage in hospital clownery. In 1985, Patch Adams, together with like-minded people, began organizing clown trips to different countries, including the Soviet Union.

Since then, Patch Adams and his team come to Russia every year and perform in hospitals, hospices, and orphanages in Moscow, Taldom, St. Petersburg, and Grozny.

Patch Adams in a Moscow hospital. Source

In Moscow, Adams loves to walk in a clown outfit along the city streets, dance lezginka on them, and visit Red Square. In 2010, law enforcement defenders did not understand such humor, and Patch sat in the police department for about an hour. But what is jail for the funniest man in the world?

Patch Adams dances Lezginka on Urus-Martan Street in Moscow. Source

Organizations of hospital clowning in different countries

There are more than 30 hospital clown organizations around the world. Among them:

  • Big Apple Circus, USA. This is the famous New York circus, which became the first official organization of hospital clowning. In 1986, they created the Clown Care program, intended for children in hospitals.
  • Zdravotni klaun, Czech Republic. The charity includes 86 professional clowns. They regularly collaborate with scientific institutes. In 2022, a clinical study was conducted at the Motol University Clinic on how clowns affect children who have undergone surgery. It turned out that hospital clowning improves the psychological state of young patients and their parents.
  • Rire medecin, France. The organization was founded in 1991 by "Giraffe Doctor" Caroline Symonds, who began her career with the Big Apple Circus. The organization's 103 clowns provide emergency care in 46 pediatric departments in 15 hospitals in France.
  • Soccorso Clown, Italy. For more than 20 years, Soccorso Clown volunteers have been visiting hospitals, children's hospitals, and nursing homes around the country. The organization's volunteers participate in clinical studies, one of which, for example, proved that the presence of clowns reduces the level of anxiety in children before surgery. Soccorso Clown has won many awards, including the Russian Terra Incognita Prize, which is annually awarded to the best projects in the field of art, education, education, and charity.

Hospital clowns have been working in Russia for more than 15 years, and they appeared thanks to Konstantin Sedov, a man who traded a law degree for a red clown nose. While studying to become a lawyer at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, he ended up in the university’s theater studio, where they taught clownery. He became a hospital clown after the terrorist attack in Beslan in 2004, which claimed the lives of 186 children. The tragedy shocked Konstantin, he decided to connect his life with children and began working as a clown at the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital.

In 2011, Sedov founded the Hospital Clowns organization in St. Petersburg, which exists with money from sponsors and caring people. Today it includes hospital clowns from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, and Ryazan. There are 29 hospitals under their patronage. Every month the guys conduct about 6,000 meetings with young patients.


Advice from psychologists

In the “before” photo (when he arrived) - it was a constrained smile, we could barely force him to smile - just look - his smile is strained.

There are such patients when you look for a way to their heart for quite a long time and not easily, because they are secretive people. But at the moment the orthodontic equipment was removed, something happened that can be called “the man revealed himself.” It was the revelation, because the smile finally shone, we finally achieved what we wanted. And everything worked out for us.

It is necessary to talk about one more miraculous power of a smile. It can lift the spirits of even the person from whom it comes. Psychologists advise immediately after waking up to smile at yourself - warmly, dreamily and sweetly stretch. It is also worth thinking that the coming day will be positive and successful.

Only after this can you get out of bed and begin your daily morning routine. It is very important that this seemingly trivial ritual becomes daily. You will see how your life will soon change, because you will begin to think positively. Smile, laugh as often as possible, and not only in front of the camera.

We hope that after reading this article, you received an answer to the question of how to smile beautifully, and you will be able to shine with a radiant smile. And one last piece of advice. Look closely at the smiling face of the child, kind and sincere. Children do not know how to smile under duress, which is why their smile is so real. Try and follow their example.

The stronger sex also dreams of a beautiful facial expression in order to defeat girls on the spot. Men should not bare their teeth; it is better to let sparks of laughter “fly” from your eyes. To make it feel natural, think about something sexy.

Smile with your eyes, leaving a mystery, this is very attractive to the opposite sex.

Lower the bar on what you can laugh at

All humor topics are interesting. You can see everything as funny. Set yourself a low humor bar. You can see something interesting and funny in everything : someone sits funny, someone speaks funny, someone writes funny. Everything can make you laugh. Just lower the bar on what you can laugh at.

Some people have very high standards for what is funny. The standards are too high. Get rid of it. Some people are very hard to make laugh . They have too high demands on their humor , there are such problems as: the joke must be very good, I must clearly understand what I am talking about, there must be certain words on the same topic, and so on.

Sometimes people are afraid of being judged and what people will think of them if they laugh hysterically. People cannot relax, let go of everything. Most people are afraid of how their voice will sound if they laugh too loudly . Some people don’t even know what their voice sounds like when they laugh hysterically, because they’ve been restraining themselves all their lives.

Why do laughter yoga?

IMPORTANT: Hasya yoga is a branch of yoga that combines breathing techniques and laughter exercises.

  • Laughter is very good for health: you can lose weight from it, get sick much less often and have healthy nerves
  • But in order for the benefits of laughter on the body to be stronger, you need to laugh continuously for at least 15 minutes. Even during a funny talk show, this is not easy to do.
  • But during laughter yoga classes, it will be simply impossible to remain serious among laughing people.

Why do laughter yoga? This technique was invented by Madana Katharya. This Indian doctor noticed that after a daily dose of funny jokes, his patients felt much better.

Over time, the technique has improved. Now the laughter yoga course combines breathing exercises, basic yoga asanas and, of course, exercises to induce laughter.

Laughter yoga exercise

Nowadays, laughter yoga courses are offered in many health centers. Therefore, the set of “funny” exercises may be different everywhere.

Most often, classes begin with a set of asanas. Warrior, downward facing dog, tree and others. Then perform a set of breathing exercises


Then there are exercises for laughter. Here they are:

  • Talking on the phone

The group is divided into pairs. Two people sit down next to each other and start talking on an imaginary telephone. At the end of the conversation, you need to laugh and look your partner in the eyes.


  • Greetings

Participants begin to walk around the hall. When two people meet, they try to be happy with each other. You can shake hands, hug or pat on the back. The main thing is to look natural.

friendly greeting

  • How does a crocodile laugh?

Participants take turns imitating the laughter of various animals: chicken, lizard, fish or crocodile.

Some courses require participants to try laughing like an inanimate object.

Pretend the cat laughs

  • Meter-long laughter

Participants move freely around the hall at arm's length.

Starting position: stand straight, hands at your sides. Then the arms are raised to the sides. You need to raise your hands up in three steps.

Every movement is an exhalation with a loud “ho.”

option for performing a meter laugh

  • Chain

Everyone lies down on the floor. Each participant places his head on the stomach of another person. At the coach's command they begin to laugh. The vibration of laughter is transmitted to everyone. At the end everyone laughs.

option for performing a meter laugh

  • Affirmation

IMPORTANT: Affirmation is a statement, a positive formula. When repeated many times with expression, it improves a person’s condition.

Participants stand in a circle and simultaneously say loudly: “I am the happiest person in the world!” Repeat several times. And at the end they laugh out loud.

Some health centers also add daily tea and exercises to the course for relaxation and peace.

Advice from a valeologist

  • If you want to maintain youth, do not lose your peace of mind over trifles, laugh more often.
  • One of the effective complexes of morning exercises for 7 minutes: 3 minutes you should make all sorts of grimaces while standing in front of the mirror, 2 minutes laugh, remembering something hilarious, 2 minutes - complete relaxation, silence (you can take a “dead” pose from yoga). Effect (besides cosmetic): achieving a positive attitude that will certainly bring you health and good luck.
  • An appropriate joke that causes laughter during the most serious lecture (a protracted business conversation or an overly heated argument) will best relieve tension and increase interest in the problem.

Galina Lazareva Article from the October issue of the magazine “Vitamin of Happiness”.


Part 1

  1. Smile more.

    Studies have shown that it is much easier to laugh with a straw in your mouth than with a straw between your lips. It will be much easier for you to laugh if you are used to smiling. This is because our body subconsciously reacts to a smile and is expected to be followed by laughter.

    • A common facial expression for many people is a frowning face. Learn to smile while working, jogging, and even while reading. Make smiling your normal facial expression.
    • When you arrive at work, try smiling at every colleague. This is a good way to prepare yourself for laughter, especially since it is a sign of politeness.

  2. Surround yourself with cheerful people.

    You're ready to have a wonderful evening with friends when a friend of a friend starts complaining about his job. If you get upset when people dump your problems on you and don't make you laugh very easily, it will be even worse if you surround yourself with such depressed people. Instead of hanging out with these people, hang out with your daredevil friends who make you laugh.

    • Control “bad” conversations. If you find yourself around people who constantly complain, try changing the topic of conversation. If everyone is talking about what they don't like, talk about what you like. People tend to repeat and follow example, so one person can cause collective laughter without difficulty. Ask a stupid question or tell a funny story and you'll see how easy it is.
    • You shouldn't get rid of sad friends, but try to find new ones who make you laugh and are ready to laugh. Next to them you will laugh too.

  3. Watch comedies and funny TV programs.

    Even if you prefer dramas or horror films, take a break from your habits and watch a comedy, for example, with Jim Carrey. Find something that makes you laugh uncontrollably and have a better time doing it than brooding over the plot and being upset by the melodrama.

  4. If modern comedies aren't your thing, watch some of the classics. Perhaps you will be inspired by something from the comedies of the last century.
  5. No matter how old you are: Tom and Jerry are always fun. Grab yourself a bowl of sugary cereal and enjoy your childhood Sunday morning.

  6. Turn off the news.

    It is very difficult to laugh if every morning you are told about cruelty in the world and economic inequality. Instead, listen to comedy podcasts or comedy radio programs, and check the news online later in the day.

    • If you cannot do without news, try to find a program where they are described in a positive way. You will be aware of events, but the form of presenting this news will be much easier.
    • If you can't live without a morning newspaper, start your day with fun news and a life stories section. And then move on to more serious news. Switch from the first to the second to maintain a good mood. And don't overdo it with bad news.

  7. Part 2

    Learn to relax

  8. Laugh at yourself.

    Learning to laugh at yourself is one of the biggest differences between happy and depressed people. If you can turn awkward moments, mistakes, and shortcomings into opportunities to laugh at yourself, they won't affect you.

    • Laughing at yourself helps you differentiate between “who you are” and “what you do.” Everyone can mess something up at some point, but that doesn't define you as a person. And laughing at yourself tells both you and those around you that this is not the end of the world.
  9. Don't worry about how your laugh sounds.

    Everyone has their own unique laugh, so if your laugh is polite and expresses genuine amusement, you don't have to worry about having a "terrible" laugh. After all, such a thing does not exist.

    • If you worry about your laughter and constantly worry about what people will think of you, then you will find it difficult to relax and have fun. If you hang out with people who make fun of someone for laughing, it's worth finding new friends.
  10. Make time for yourself.

    You may be a busy person, but if you learn to take time for yourself and spend it being yourself, your mood will greatly improve, you will be calm and always ready to laugh. Ambition and work are undoubtedly good things, but only in moderation. So learn to balance your goals and aspirations to be the best with a willingness to laugh at yourself and the ability to enjoy life.

    • Make sure you do something you enjoy every day. Relax by turning on your favorite music and drink your favorite drink. Control your mood.

Part 3

Practice laughing

  1. Make yourself laugh.

    When you're alone at home or driving to work, try laughing a few times as realistically as possible. Very often, your body needs something like a push to get into the mood for laughter. Even if you have nothing to laugh about, just force yourself - this is how you will take the first step towards laughter, which has health benefits.

    • Start with three quick "ha's" and force yourself to laugh a few times. You'll be surprised how quickly a "special" laugh can turn into a real one.
    • Think of something funny that you laughed at in the past. Play this moment while laughing to stimulate it.

It is well known that laughter improves the mood of both yourself and those around you - but only if you know how to laugh beautifully.

When you smile, your body produces endorphins

The reasons for the production of joy hormones lie in certain movements of the facial muscles, which the brain reads. As a result, it stimulates the production of endorphins, which lift your mood and reduce stress levels. Interestingly, if you pretend to laugh or fake a smile, the brain cannot recognize the difference and only pays attention to the position of the muscles. As a result, the hormones are released anyway, and you feel happier, even if your smile was not entirely sincere at first.

Stock up on fun things

People stock up on healthy foods to avoid the temptation to eat unhealthy foods. By following this simple principle, you can also stock up on good comedies to keep you from getting discouraged.

It may seem wrong to have to prepare in advance for a laugh. However, once a bad mood sets in, you are not motivated to choose comedy.

Even if you look through everything you find, it may not seem funny. So take the time to pack fun things ahead of time. This will allow you to fill yourself with laughter when the mood turns sour.

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Keep fun items in an easily accessible place so you have them when you need them. Stock up on comedy before medical treatment or a difficult task at work. Buy yourself tickets to a comedy show. You will help your brain shift its focus from negative to positive.


This humorous approach perfectly helps to maneuver in today's changing world. You just need to understand where and when to use self-irony. Take, for example, the same advertisement. For the entertainment industry and product manufacturers, self-irony is just what the doctor ordered. But such a trick will not work with a serious notary office. They also don’t joke when it comes to health and finances – this is, at the very least, inappropriate.

The presence of self-irony contributes to the creation and strengthening of interpersonal relationships. But if, for example, a girl laughs at herself too artificially, a lot and often, then this does not indicate her positivity at all, but rather the manifestation of a defensive reaction and a kind of attempt to hide her complexes.

What is a good sense of humor

Let's start with the definition that Wikipedia gives us.

A sense of humor is a psychological feature thanks to which a person can notice contradictions in the world around him and evaluate them from a comic point of view.

Humor comes in different forms. There are many studies that have aimed to measure the level of humor and subject it to evaluation. This was done by disciplines such as sociology, linguistics, psychology, and anthropology. Some believe that humor serves to relieve tension and stress, while others argue that it is a physiological defense mechanism.

However, it is difficult to argue with the fact that humor is a very subjective thing. In addition to traditional “white” humor, there is also so-called black humor, which is often used within certain communities, for example, between doctors, police officers, criminals, etc.

When defining a good sense of humor, I would rely on the fact that it is primarily a feeling (from the word “feel”). That is, you need to feel where it’s funny and where it’s not at all. When can you joke, and when is it better to refrain from making jokes? Perhaps this is a good sense of humor.

In addition, an extremely important component of this quality is the ability to laugh at oneself. The ability to have a positive attitude towards yourself and those around you. Otherwise, it will no longer be a sense of humor, but causticity and prickliness.

How to start laughing and smiling more often?

This is not difficult to achieve. As mentioned, the brain cannot detect the sincerity of a smile, so the more often you consciously force yourself to smile, the better you will feel. Watch funny comedies and television shows. This will give you a boost of humor in your life. Conversely, try not to watch sad programs and news. Spending time with family and friends will fill you with happiness. You will look at life more positively, which means it will become easier to smile. Look for reasons for joy and smiles yourself - you are probably surrounded by many cute and funny things. If you consciously pay attention to them, you will be able to laugh and smile more often without much effort. Spontaneous joy is a valuable feeling that you can achieve on your own.

Girls always want to attract the attention of the opposite sex, so they try to pay attention to their appearance. They do beautiful hair, apply makeup, take care of their figure, but not only this is important. If she makes incomprehensible sounds at the same time, then this repels men, and she loses his interest in her person.

How to become more witty and learn to joke: practical tips

A witty joke
The development of a witty person always begins with a change in worldview. Get rid of everything that burdens and constrains you. Learn to see the funny in the minuses - then they will become pluses. Get rid of any self-consciousness about yourself and society. Learn to quickly select the appropriate words. This doesn't just apply to jokes. Learn to generate ideas and turn unpleasant situations into a joke. How to become more witty and learn to joke?

There are many tricks needed to become the god of humor. Here are just a few of them - practical tips:

Proverbs and sayings:

  • Any of them can be altered and made funny.
  • For example, “And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe” can be transformed to “And the sheep are safe, and the wolf is not harmed.” Certainly not the funniest joke. But a certain hint of wit can already be traced.
  • Or: “Repetition is the mother of learning” - “Repetition is the mother of learning, but Botox is a perversion.”
  • We just change the ending of the saying, and we get something interesting and more fun.

Direct meaning:

  • There are many quotes in the Russian language with a figurative meaning.
  • For example, the phrase “Support me” may be met with the answer “Are you falling?” That is, one person interprets the meaning figuratively, and the other answers directly. It's quite funny.
  • For example: “Look at me! I'm like a cucumber today - Yes, I see. Green and with a pimple.”


  • This applies to words and letters in sentences.
  • Let’s say we call the Snow Maiden – Ognesruchka or Ognesuchka (Fiery Bitch), or call coffee with milk – mofe with kolak.

Learn some words in a previously unfamiliar, funny language:

  • Then you will be able to insert incomprehensible and funny words when appropriate.
  • For example, the usual Russian word for “ball” in Armenian would be գնդակ (gndak). It is read as "gendak".
  • Agree, playing football not with a ball, but with a handicap is much more fun.
  • Also, Japanese and Chinese are perfect for this - languages ​​of any people whose words in the Russian version may seem funny.

Modernize old expressions with a modern twist:

  • For example, if there used to be an expression “Stay dumb”, then it can be transformed to “stay without a selfie on Instagram”, “stay without Tik Tok”, “get likes but not have subscribers”, etc.

Great exaggeration:

  • Can be used in many life situations.
  • Example: “You sing so badly that even my deaf grandmother noticed that you were out of tune,” “It was such a strong smell that even at the North Pole the Chukchi covered their noses.”

Finding analogies and premises:

  • “This woman is so plump that her husband specially pumped himself up to carry her in his arms.”
  • “Yes, Tanya, your salary is really small - Yes, it’s more than the dignity of your ex.”

Accepting your flaws and making jokes about them:

  • “You are so small that you breathe into my navel - Small and remote, but completely gone to the root.”
  • “You are so plump. How do you get through the door? “And you’re so skinny that you use a fishing rod case instead of an evening dress.”
  • One way or another, a witty person should not be ashamed of his external shortcomings, he simply must treat them with humor.

Below are even more interesting tips. Read on.

Everyone perceives humor differently

If you are now fun and cool, for someone you can be boring and uninteresting at the same time.

Others may think you have a great sense of humor because you are a high value guy and they react to you.

The point is that you cannot specifically say whether you are having fun now and what kind of fun it is..

Even if you are bored now, someone from the outside may perceive you as a great joker and prankster.

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Correct perception of humor

The correct perception of humor is how YOU alone see the funny in everything and no one else . See the world with your own eyes. See humor in everything and you will always feel good.

Don't identify yourself with any particular personality type. To define yourself means to limit yourself. Be water, be everything! And then you will have a strong presentation and expression of yourself that will allow you to resonate with all people.

Have a positive outlook - all jokes work as long as I say it . You love yourself so much that you value what you say and people get involved and love you too . If you hate yourself, they will hate you too. If you are interesting to yourself, then you will become interesting in the eyes of others.

Take risks

Allow yourself for one day to be whoever you want, the kind of person you want, without adjusting to the interests of others, but only completely following your desires. True, in the worst case scenario, you will have to restore your reputation over the next few days, but it will be worth it. In a good situation, a person will see that his present, with all its extravagant manifestations, is perceived by those around him very willingly.

For example, you can come to karaoke with friends (especially those novice comedians who have had a bear in their ear, and not alone, but with friends) and say a few ironic phrases about your complex relationship with music. The wish will come true. Instead of, as usual, not taking part in the chants, those around you will begin to support and invite you to the microphone. You no longer have to restrain yourself; you can sing to your heart’s content, both without a voice and without hearing. Friends themselves asked when they were honestly warned about their lack of talent.

A funny person in communication - how to become one: tips

Witty joke
Here are some more tips from humor experts that will definitely come in handy for those who want to become an ironic and funny person in communication:

  • Self-censor

You must produce only high-quality humor. After all, there is nothing worse than hackneyed, bearded jokes. If you have a choice - to say some kind of heresy or show off a joke from 70 years ago, then sometimes it is better to refrain from it. Also think about whether the joke is funny and appropriate.

  • Learn to let go and control the audience

You need to joke freely, having complete control over the audience. You need to develop confidence and artistry. After all, unconvincing wit can work against you.

  • Make jokes sincerely, don’t be pretentious

Indeed, in this case, the joke will not only not be funny. She will become disgusting.

  • Operate with surprise

The most successful jokes seem to people to be those whose outcome they cannot predict.

  • Don't repeat yourself

Otherwise, you risk becoming a person who jokes only about dogs or only about politicians. Sooner or later everyone will get tired of such a joker. Moreover, people will avoid him.

  • Don't forget the absurd

In some cases, it is appropriate to play on the “deliriousness” of a joke. That is, the more illogical the statement, the more success it will receive. However, it is important to know the limit between a witty person and a clown.

  • Give yourself a dressing down

Imagine that you are at a stand-up show, where the task of one competitor is to make fun of the other. In this case, there is only you and the mirror. In an ironic way, tell him what you think about him. It is important to get rid of the state of resentment that haunts the ridiculed person. What is it for? Quite often people respond to a joke with a joke. And it will be stupid if you successfully offend someone, but you yourself will be upset and offended by the fact that they made a joke at you in response.

  • Learn to rhyme

This is very helpful in those cases when all the jokes and anecdotes from the Internet are forgotten, but you need to somehow defuse the situation. You can come up with a funny rhyme for almost any word. How funny will she be? It all depends on your experience and talent. As they say: “a refrigerator is an alarm clock in the night, a food eater, smile on your smile.”

  • Get your jokes right

Imagine that you are off to a great start. People are having fun and interesting. The audience eagerly awaits the climax and denouement. But closer to the middle, your fuse wears off. You bravely “reach out” to the end and end up not funny at all. Even boring. It turns out that “you also need to be able to finish” (and this is another attempt at a joke). That is, the action should last so that the person is intrigued and waits for the outcome, and does not get bored in the middle and lose the thread of the conversation. Your joke should come as a flash of insight—not as an uninvited guest.

  • Ask someone to coach you

Let this person say the words that come to his mind. And you try to immediately try to joke about these topics. For example: the interlocutor says “Oleg Gazmanov”. You: “Small spool, but expensive,” “Grown boy,” etc. You can try to joke about his jumping and captain. Essentially, these are the same associations. Only not your personal ones, but spontaneous ones. Second example: “Olga Buzova” - “Past the notes, but a big mouth.” In this case, there are even 2 techniques: associations and rhyming. It’s also an exaggeration – after all, although Olga, of course, is not an academic singer, she’s not as good at everything as the joke claims.

  • Live surrounded by jokes

Take inspiration from your life. You have probably noticed that many famous humorists begin monologues in the form of a story about themselves: “I once went to the store,” “Before, when I was still in school,” “During the times of my stormy youth,” “I got married as "A school friend." This is no accident. First, people find it easier to understand jokes in story form. Secondly, they feel that real life will be described. Therefore, they can find analogies with their own past.

People don't become witty in one day. It's long and hard work. That is why you should not set yourself the goal of becoming “the best joker in the world.” It's better to slowly but surely improve your sense of humor and watch your progress. Jokes more, don’t be afraid, train with your family and friends, so that later you can confidently show off your humor “on the big stage” and in front of strangers. Good luck!

What should a woman's laughter be like?

How can and should a girl laugh?

  • First of all, it's quiet. Loud laughter irritates many people and is very stressful, in addition, it can disturb others.
  • Secondly, with restraint. Of course, unbridled fun is great, but only in the company of old friends and not in a public place.
  • Thirdly, feminine. A woman's rude laughter is an indicator of bad taste.
  • Fourthly, it is pleasant and elegant. During laughter, no extraneous sounds such as grunting should be heard.

Learning to laugh

There is one useful exercise.

Always laugh loudly, openly, from the heart everywhere . Don't be afraid to look a little ridiculous, strange and stupid .

Some people want to learn to laugh beautifully - this is nonsense.

Let laughter open, and you will open yourself.

Don't hide or suppress it, laugh with real natural laughter, just the way it is .

Nothing will happen, no one will do anything to you.

Open up to the world. Thanks to laughter, you will lose your inner heaviness.

Maintaining a “mini smile”

Maintaining a light and relaxed smile for a long time is the easiest way to learn to smile naturally. Smile at random people on the street, watching their reaction - such a small smile should cause a smile in return.

The upper teeth should lightly touch the lower lip and the cheeks should be slightly raised. It is important to first learn how to maintain such a calm “mini-smile”, and only then move on to trying to smile widely and joyfully - the way Hollywood stars smile.

What can you achieve with a sincere smile?

A sincere and attractive smile helps you achieve success in any area of ​​life.
It adds charisma to men and natural charm to women, so it plays one of the leading roles in the art of seduction.

In everyday life, a sincere smile is a win-win way to win over your interlocutor and inspire trust. No wonder the famous song says: “friendship begins with a smile”!

A smile helps to overcome stressful situations. Even if it is very difficult mentally, you need to try to smile through your tears. After this, a certain signal will be sent to the brain and the condition will begin to improve.

It is important to be able to use a smile correctly in a work environment.

A soft and modest, almost childlike smile will help you avoid annoying mistakes, while an open and confident one will help you make profitable deals with business partners.

A sincere smile is a reflection of positive emotions, confidence and love of life. Smiling beautifully is an art accessible to everyone. To do this, you need to monitor the health of your teeth and care for the delicate skin of your lips, as well as train your facial muscles. However, this is not enough. It is important to always find a reason for joy in everything - because only in this case will the smile be truly radiant, with cute little dimples on the cheeks and eyes shining with happiness.

So you've decided to change your laughter. Perhaps you just don't like the way it sounds, or perhaps your laughter annoys those around you. Try to understand what is “wrong” with your laugh: is it too loud, too funny, or too sinister? Listen to other types of laughter that may suit you and try to imitate the one you like best.

What to do if you're already laughing and can't stop

Imagine something scary

Imagine something very scary, preferably in color and in as much detail as possible. This will help you switch gears and stop laughing or smiling inappropriately.

Think about something very boring

Remember what you had for breakfast this morning. Mentally list what you are currently wearing or what objects surround you. Think about what you planned to do this week. Start distributing expenses or counting expenses in your mind.

Concerning little things will interrupt the nervous reaction, and it will be easier for you to control yourself.

Keep your hands busy

You can start twisting the watch on your wrist, fiddling with your hair, straightening your clothes, rearranging objects on the table. Such actions also help to distract yourself and put your feelings in order.

Laughter is the source of happiness

  • Laughter makes a woman more attractive
  • Do you want to strengthen your relationship with your loved one? Just laugh together more often! This will help you understand each other better, which means it will strengthen your connection.
  • Helps overcome stress faster than any sedative
  • Experts have found that laughter increases productivity and creativity.

Laughter is the source of happiness

Laughter prolongs life and cures diseases

  • Laughter also engages dozens of muscle groups. Particularly good for training the abdominal muscles
  • Laughter improves immunity
  • Laughter relieves fatigue. If you haven’t gotten enough sleep, laugh, you’ll feel better in five minutes

IMPORTANT: 5 m of laughter = 40 m of sleep.

The result is good health and long life.

health benefits of laughter

Laughter yoga is a quick way to get rid of the stress of negative emotions

Laughter yoga is a healing technique founded by Indian physiologist Madan Kataria. In 1995, Madan became interested in scientific work on laughter therapy and decided to test its effect in practice. The scientist and his like-minded people went to the nearest park to laugh and fool around. This is how a club appeared where humor lovers gathered and told funny stories to each other.

But over time, the club's popularity began to decline. Many jokes were repeated, some of them were offensive.

Then the doctor suggested that the club members not tell jokes, but depict different forms of laughter - force themselves to laugh. And it worked!

Artificial laughter noticeably improved one's well-being and lifted one's mood.

The body doesn’t care at all whether laughter is caused by a fun event or an effort of will. Any type of laughter stimulates the parts of the brain that are responsible for overall health and mood. The body just loves to laugh! Artificial laughter always flows into natural, joyful giggles.

The “artificial laughter” technique was supplemented with exercises and breathing techniques from yoga. This is how laughter yoga appeared, which is today recognized in many countries around the world.

The motto of the followers of laughter yoga is “We laugh not because we are happy, but we are happy because we laugh.” There are no classical poses in laughter yoga; each instructor has his own technique. It may include meditation, visualization, and dance techniques. In some schools, the lesson plan looks like this:

  1. Breathing warm-up.
  2. Imitation of laughter and exercise.
  3. Relaxation - relaxation and recuperation.

Laughter yoga exercises often resemble scenes from the theater of the absurd. As instructed by the trainer, people pretend to be in a kindergarten for a walk, a flash mob, drive invisible cars, steal and eat sweets. At the same time, they cackle and giggle.

One lesson lasts from 30 minutes to an hour and a half - this is enough, the organizers are sure, to reduce stress and improve immunity. Laughter yoga is a complete replacement for cardio training: 10 minutes of laughter = 30 minutes on the rowing machine.

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