What girls like in guys: how to become her ideal

Useful tips

There are a lot of things that girls like, but we have selected the most popular ones to let guys understand how to look after a girl, how to show care so that she appreciates you and understands that you are the one.

Some things will seem obvious, others not so much. However, read the entire article to be aware of how to build and maintain a great relationship with a girl.

Here are the most important things that girls like in guys:

The ideal guy in a girl's dreams

From childhood, girls begin to dream of a prince and endow him with an incredible number of qualities. As adults, they know exactly what kind of men they like. A girl is attracted to many qualities in a man, which are rarely combined in one person. So, what is the ideal of all women?

If a guy wants to be the center of attention and wants to please any representative of the fairer sex, then he must follow simple rules. Quality and features that will win the heart of any beauty:


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  1. Stylish appearance. Properly selected clothes that highlight your figure.
  2. Slender, fit and tall man.
  3. A slight stubble will add a special charm.
  4. Wealthy men attract every girl. Wealthy guys have more opportunities to win the heart of any woman and guarantee a good life.
  5. Dark or light brown hair.
  6. The presence of movable and immovable property indicates strength, intelligence and determination.
  7. Intelligence and education. It is not necessary to have a higher education, but it is necessary to be reasonable and adequate.
  8. Decisiveness, business acumen, courage, confidence. Young ladies like conquering men who will not be interested in women’s opinions, but will simply embrace their companion.
  9. When a guy keeps his word, takes action, and doesn't just promise.
  10. Girls are caring and attentive.
  11. Women like kind, generous, friendly people.
  12. A girl should feel a personality in a man, that he is capable of achieving success and taking care of her and future children.
  13. Strong guys are always attractive. This applies to the moral and physical side.

The ability to stand up for yourself

The stronger sex is called “strong” because it must be able to stand up for itself and for its beloved. A girl should feel protected. She won't date a man who doesn't know how to fight back. Timid, uninitiative guys will not attract a woman either. Energy should be bubbling inside you, literally spilling over and infecting everyone around you. Then you will always be “on horseback”. Popularity with the fair sex in this case is guaranteed.

Remember, girls love leaders. Those who always lead, play a leading role in companies and get everything from life easily and without problems. Therefore, try to develop leadership qualities in yourself.

What girls don't like about men

In order to understand what all girls like in guys, you need to know what they absolutely cannot stand.

If you have at least one of these characteristics, then it can prevent you from becoming the coolest pickup artist:

  1. Unkempt look. This may include unwashed hair, unpleasant odors, and dirty clothes. This repels any normal person.
  2. Stupid actions. Men who reason short-sightedly and biasedly show a complete lack of intelligence.
  3. Vulgar jokes and behavior. If a man pesters you or makes indecent hints immediately after meeting you, this repels the girl.
  4. Aggressive and rude. This also includes guys who constantly get into conflicts.
  5. Mama's boys. A man who listens to his mother in everything, sets her up as an example and makes her a deity is the one whom 9 out of 10 women will pass by.
  6. Balabol. If a guy likes to talk too much about something other than business, he looks unserious. It’s also bad when he doesn’t keep his word and makes promises left and right.
  7. Braggart. He flaunts other people's achievements, for example, the wealth of relatives, the acquisitions of parents.
  8. Long hanging hair. If a man is not a rock star, then long hair is not associated with the hero of a romance novel.
  9. Glamor boys. He actively uses manicures, pedicures, cosmetics and competes with the girl.


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Reliability and devotion

These qualities are necessary in any relationship. Devotion is love and loyalty to your loved one. Reliability is moral stability. A devoted and reliable guy is able to remain faithful to the lady of his heart; you can rely on him in any case.

Most girls value these traits even higher than masculinity. There is a stereotype that men cannot be devoted and faithful through their polygamy, but this is far from true.

Positive traits

Bad boys are very attractive to girls; the brutal image of a man arouses interest. But a psychologically healthy woman dreams of a positive partner who will make her truly happy. To do this, he must have a set of mandatory qualities that attract a woman to a man.

Sense of humor

Women are attracted to cheerful men by their ability to lift the spirits of those around them. Humor helps in life, especially in relationships. If a guy can turn a situation into a joke, this skill will help him avoid conflict. A witty young man will defuse the situation when a girl’s pantyhose creases or her heel breaks. A sense of humor makes a man the center of the company; of course, a woman likes it when her companion is paid attention to.

Even when meeting his parents, a cheerful guy will be able to bypass strict interrogation and win him over.

But keep the line, because if you try to win a woman only with funny stories and anecdotes, then you take on a frivolous appearance. You will simply become like a clown. Constantly making fun of your woman is not a good idea.


Guys with charisma stand out from the crowd, which is what attracts the attention of girls.

A charismatic man has the following qualities:

  • has his own point of view;
  • has a special magnetism;
  • self-confident and thoughtful about his decisions;
  • is always positive, knows how to accept negative situations with dignity; Women especially like this in men;
  • takes care of appearance, health, methods of communication;
  • It is constantly evolving and getting better.


Women give 100% to relationships. A partner often becomes the center of the universe for a girl. Of course, she wants reciprocity, so that she is the only one loved. Loyalty in everything is what girls like in relationships. Trust must be on an emotional and physical level. When a man pays attention to other women, meets people on the Internet, flirts, it breaks the heart of his beloved. For a girl, such behavior is an indicator of uselessness and unloving.

Moral betrayal leads to disappointment, while physical betrayal can destroy relationships, kill trust and love. For a woman, this is the biggest fear and the most common reason for separation.


If you want to know about the tastes of young ladies, you will be a little surprised. Men believe that appearance does not matter to the fairer sex. But the first impression of a person is created by assessing his clothes and appearance. For a girl, it is not so important what style a man prefers, although standards of decency must be observed. If he comes to a dinner party in a tracksuit, his companion will not like it. Women pay attention to cleanliness and neatness, well-groomed hands, hairstyle and clothing style.


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Well-mannered men are definitely attractive to women because being polite is perceived as a sign of sympathy and respect. When a guy behaves with dignity with a girl, her friends and parents, then she wants to be proud of him, she will not be ashamed to appear with him in society. A young man who respects his lady will not use swear words, rude expressions and vulgarities. He will choose phrases and try to create the best impression of himself.

A man who controls his emotions and behaves with dignity in a conflict situation deserves the sympathy of women.

Self confidence

A real man exudes confidence in his words and actions. He allows the girl to relax, because behind him she feels like behind a stone wall. This quality is valued by women more than beauty and wealth. The companion is ready to follow the guy to the ends of the world, and he knows where he is going. Ladies like it when a man makes decisions in a couple and takes matters into his own hands in a difficult situation. Every girl wants to feel weak and tender, to be protected by a guy who can take responsibility.

A self-sufficient man looks others boldly in the eyes and behaves relaxed. This is exactly what attracts girls to confident men.

The result of the dream

It often happens that a girl sacrifices her dreams in the name of a relationship. For example, she refuses to enroll in a prestigious university so as not to move to another city, but to stay with her loved one, or gives up an activity that she likes in order to please her boyfriend. At the same time, in society, unfortunately, women’s dreams are not given serious importance at all, unless we are talking about marriage and motherhood.

A guy who wants to make his chosen one happy never laughs at her dreams, but supports her in every possible way and, if possible, helps her on the way to their realization . For example:

  • gives a master class for painting classes;
  • praises creativity;
  • notices the progress made, etc.

And if a guy is able to make this dream come true (for example, organize a trip to the sea, give a ticket to a concert of his favorite band, etc.), then the girl simply cannot resist such gallantry.

Work on yourself

If a man wants to become attractive to women, he should use a modern four-step self-improvement technique.

Step 1: what do I want to change?

Analyze what you lack to win girls. Make a list of qualities you might like in a guy. You can look at yourself from the outside and think if you, in the girl’s place, would date someone like you. What are you missing? Identify the traits you would like to acquire. If you just pretend and don't work on yourself, you won't be able to impress a lady. To appear confident, you need to actually become so. Highlight the qualities that you lack to be popular with the opposite sex.

Step 2: How to force yourself to take action

You have determined what you want to change about yourself. Now you need to want to become better and stronger. To understand what your new qualities will give you, answer the following questions:

  1. What will happen if I become different? What will change in my destiny?
  2. What will happen in my life if everything remains the same?

Answer in detail, analyzing everything carefully. Think about prospects that will make you work on yourself.


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Step 3: work plan

Conscious changes in a person are possible only with clear planning. Daily actions, even small ones, will begin to change your life. The main thing is to organize work on yourself. If you don't have clear ideas, change won't happen. You will begin to sabotage your work, because enthusiasm quickly disappears, so at first you need to force yourself to act according to the plan.

Step 4: Live Newly

Start doing what you set out to do. Move in the intended direction for at least 10 minutes every day. Don’t ignore trainings, exercises, self-analysis, practices. Meet your new self every day and praise yourself for the changes. Move towards your goal, then you will definitely succeed.


A tight-fisted man is usually lonely. And this has nothing to do with the fact that women are materialistic. Just think for yourself: would you like to live with a person who saves even on matches? Most likely no. Of course, you don’t need to shower the girl you like with expensive gifts, but pampering her with sweets, flowers, and various trinkets will not go amiss. Don't skimp on dates. It doesn't have to be super expensive, but it is important that it be original and interesting. Girls who date guys solely for money are best avoided. You can immediately see such money hunters: they are capable of starting to “pump” quite large sums and expensive gifts from you already on the first date.

Psychologist's advice

If you have already started working on yourself, then take advantage of the advice of professionals to more effectively win the sympathy of women:

  1. To get a girl to like you, you need to be yourself. If you follow the advice, do the things you might like in guys, but don't actually have those qualities, the truth will still come out. Sooner or later you will get tired of pretending. There will be disappointment in the relationship. You need to be sincere and honest, and if you don't like your own qualities, then you should work on them.
  2. Don't devalue your friend's hobbies and likes. For example, many girls love flowers. If you don’t want to give bouquets to the woman you like, then at least don’t say that this is a useless gift.
  3. Keep your word. If you promise but don't deliver, then over time the woman will stop trusting you. The opinion of you will deteriorate.
  4. When a woman expresses her views on life, shares her opinion, you should not criticize her. If she is next to you, it means she likes you, and she speaks in order to evoke sympathy.
  5. When you want to please a girl, you need to approach the organization of a date wisely. If two people find themselves in conditions where they can experience unique emotions, then they will experience a release of adrenaline and endorphins - hormones “responsible” for feelings. Approach your meeting with a girl with imagination, then she will definitely fall in love with you.
  6. Watch the construction of your speech. If you like to talk, then use questions that involve your friend in the conversation and build a full-fledged dialogue. Talk to the young lady about her. When she talks more, she feels inclined towards you, you become closer to her. Interest in your interlocutor and her life is the key to her heart.
  7. Give the woman more compliments and admire her achievements. React positively to her statements. If you want to win the young lady over, then don’t get into an argument, even if you don’t agree with her opinion.
  8. Tell the woman about your plans and intentions. You can even embellish your accomplishments. Your goal is to win the young lady. There is nothing stopping you from living up to your words in the future.

If you didn't succeed in getting a girl to like you, there's nothing wrong with that. Don't set yourself the goal of achieving it, no matter the cost. Maybe your destiny awaits you in the next woman. If you strive to become a better person, then be sure to win the heart of your partner. For this, of course, it doesn’t hurt to know what kind of guys attract girls and work on yourself.

Sexual compatibility of partners

Intimate life is an important part of a relationship. In this regard, much depends on the types of temperament and understanding of the partner’s desires. It is generally accepted that there are three types of temperament:

  • Low frequency. Carriers of this type of temperament do not need a lot of sex.
  • Mid-frequency. Where the need for sex is already much greater.
  • High frequency. When people have an excessively high level of sexual energy.

It is believed that identical types or those located nearby are best combined. For example, low and medium or medium and high. But it is much more important to listen to your partner and talk about your desires, then there will be harmony in bed.


If a guy takes care of himself, takes a shower every day and puts on something really stylish and tasteful, and not the first thing that fell out of his closet, then he automatically becomes sexy. This is true! Few people get excited by the sight of a dirty man with dirty hair, teeth that haven’t been brushed for days and a T-shirt that smells of sweat. Finally, start looking after yourself and then you will be able to see from your own example that opposites have begun to attract.

Correct dialogue

Representatives of the stronger sex often get lost during a conversation because they don’t know what not to ask women. During a conversation, sometimes a situation occurs when a guy insults a girl’s dignity without meaning to. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of your companion. And if you see that the woman is embarrassed, nervous, or in no hurry to answer, quickly change the subject. The list of prohibited issues includes the following statements:

  • Past relationships (especially intimate ones). If a girl wants to broach this topic, she will do it herself (and this is her mistake), but under no circumstances should you encroach on such juicy details of her personal life. You can ask about a serious relationship, but very delicately.
  • Questions about health and chronic diseases. This topic may be appropriate if you are already planning to start a family and give birth to healthy children (the health status of each partner is very important here). But if you are at the dating stage, the question will seem tactless, since the girl will perceive you as a man looking for a servant. Here you can replace the wording with a question about a woman’s attitude towards medical workers.
  • Exact residential address. Telling a stranger about where you live is, to say the least, reckless. A girl may perceive you as a maniac or as a person encroaching on her freedom (desire to control). You can get by with talking about the area of ​​the city, this will be enough at first.
  • Questions about cosmetic surgery to improve appearance. Even if you suspect that a girl is not like this by nature, try to limit yourself to compliments about her beauty.
  • Intimacy on the first date. This topic should not be raised at all, since your companion may immediately leave you without waiting for the end of the evening (arguing about this is an unpleasant and thankless task).

Questions about salary, clarification of age, weight, religion, and pointing out shortcomings will also be ridiculous and tactless.


If you don't know what to say to a beautiful woman so that your words reach her very heart, stop with compliments. Every representative of the fair sex dreams of hearing pleasant words addressed to her. It doesn’t matter at all whether this girl is a romantic creature or has a career, compliments from a man are always received with pleasure and satisfaction. You can do an experiment and notice her beautiful eyes. The result will appear instantly, the eyes will sparkle with a beautiful light and the woman will look at you with an open gaze, trying to demonstrate her “mirror of the soul” from different angles (either looking away to the side, then again piercing you with playful rays and flirtatious sparkle). The same can be said about her hair. And you will immediately see how her hands will automatically reach out to straighten her hair or twirl unruly curls. The main thing is that the compliments are sincere and come from your heart.

What's on a woman's mind?

To understand what kind of men women like, you need to answer three questions:

  • If you were a girl, would you want a man like you?
  • Would you like your son to be like you?
  • Would you want a guy like you for your daughter?

If you were a girl, would you want a man like yourself?

Knowing all your advantages and disadvantages, try to answer this question as honestly as possible. And if your answer is negative and you are not happy with yourself, this is already a good reason to think about it. Women should like you not only in appearance, but also have masculine qualities.

Would you like your son to be like you?

So that he completely copies your behavior model? Have you been doing what you do? So that he has the same hobbies, so that he spends his free time the way you spend it?

Would you want a guy like you for your daughter?

Do you want him to treat her the way you treat your girlfriend? So that he would look after her the way you do? To give the same gifts, say the same compliments, give the same time and attention?

If your answer to all 3 of these questions is negative, then you have a problem, guy.


The question of how a man can communicate with a woman in order to look attractive in her eyes has more than one answer. First of all, she should be interested in you. You must be cheerful and have a great sense of humor. This does not mean that you need to constantly joke and endlessly tell jokes. Just show a good mood, turn into a joke any ridiculous situation that may arise (especially in the initial stages of dating). Respect her as an interlocutor, and also treat everyone around you with respect. Try to maintain a dialogue, allowing the girl to speak. If a guy conducts a monologue-style conversation and endlessly tells stories from his life, such an interlocutor is unlikely to arouse a woman’s interest. You need to make the conversation casual and exciting so that your companion will feel at ease and fun with you.

Shared values6

A woman believes that she and a man have the same life values ​​and the same dreams for both. That they both dream of a quiet house outside the city, three children and a front garden. Or that they both want to travel the world before they're 50. Priorities do change with age; for a loving couple, they adapt to each other. Dreams can also become common if you talk about them, and most importantly, ask. One has only to ask a woman what she dreams about, and her eyes light up and the question is already perceived as a proposal. She can talk about her dream in great detail. It's easier to make dreams come true together.

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