How to start a relationship with a guy you like?

How to behave with a man? There are documented and unspoken rules regarding human behavior, defining permissibility and education, courtesy and observance of certain traditions - all these types of behavior are communicated to us from childhood, but it is not always customary to tell a girl how to behave correctly with a man, and in some this topic is generally taboo. However, with a certain line of behavior, you can improve the relationship or ruin it completely; by choosing how to behave, you choose the future fate of the relationship.

Dealing with such a sensitive issue starts with determining how to behave with a man at the beginning of a relationship, since it is better to initially build everything in a direction that is comfortable for you, than to then spend years and thousands on your own and couples’ psychotherapy trying to edit what happened. And difficulties usually arise due to the fact that in the initial stages people are rarely quite frank, but try to play some kind of role, certainly somewhat similar to the true picture, but still less voluminous and real. This behavior is dictated by the desire to please, and then you can observe how a woman laughs at jokes that are not funny, eats fast food food, although she had previously strived for veganism, hides her aggressiveness and criticism of her partner, hides some facts of her biography (for example, radical views or love of extreme sports).

Some try to squeeze into the popular image and are touched by children, pretend to be responsive, and enjoy cooking as their last happiness. Such metamorphoses are caused by the desire to hide one’s own shortcomings and exaggerate the qualities considered positive among men, but there are also moments when a woman does not express her frank opinion, confuses her tracks in answering questions in order to maintain her own safety, to cover sore spots that are not yet close to a loved one I don’t want to open it, but it could significantly affect future relationships. Whatever the reason for such theatricalization, the result is the same - the woman cannot stand playing the chosen role around the clock, and the relationship is becoming closer, and if it was not difficult to be a smiling modesty twice a week, then pretending to be the director of a construction company around the clock will lead to the collapse of either a relationship or a career.

Any lie comes to light, in some families this happens after the birth of children and quite a long life experience together, but then the man leaves, faced with irreconcilable traits, or even reconcilable ones, but the fact of deception gives rise to such a high level of mistrust that no further deep interaction is anymore possible .

The essence of men and women

Before meeting a representative of the stronger sex, keep in mind that the essence of men and women is fundamentally different.

Self-sufficient men can be imagined as a train moving at high speed along an individually laid track. His task is to dream, achieve goals, ideals, and choose a worthy travel companion. At the same time, it is not necessary to take into account the opinions of others and adhere to stereotypes.

A woman can be imagined as a machinist. She chooses a passing train and direction. Her task is not only to choose, but also to attract, as well as stop the train for further travel together.

A man must stay on course and provide himself and his companion with the necessary resources. The role of a woman is to create a comfortable and harmonious journey.

If you know how to have the right relationship with a man, you can turn an aggressive lion into an affectionate kitten who will love only you and will never leave you. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says that a man is the head, and a woman is the neck: where the neck turns, the head will look.

Currently, many women have masculine character traits, and the opposite is true for representatives of the stronger sex. “Steel”, uncompromising businesswomen who provide for all relatives are now more in demand than good housewives and devoted wives. And some men prefer to constantly complain and shift responsibility onto the fragile shoulders of the weaker sex.

As a rule, women who do not have much experience communicating with men listen to their girlfriends, neighbors or mother. Usually their advice is a one-sided judgment based on their own knowledge, which is rarely useful.

In this matter, the best adviser is a man with experience communicating with women (both positive and negative). You can learn from a friend who managed to build a long-term relationship based on love and mutual understanding.

Read more: 12 signs that a girl has stopped loving you

What to do so that love does not fade away

If a woman uses the recommendations of psychologists, she will be able to build truly harmonious relationships and maintain love. A relationship becomes special if the chosen one respects the person who took responsibility at the beginning of the relationship.

  • Don't be afraid to ask a man for help. This is difficult for girls who are used to achieving everything in life on their own. Women's requests develop a man and give him an incentive to move forward. Sincere gratitude for fulfilling requests works wonders. A man tries for his other half to receive live emotions of joy and happiness from his beloved.
  • It is recommended to spend time together more often, at least on weekends. A good tradition would be dinner at the same table or reading books or playing board games.
  • You cannot talk badly about a man in the presence of relatives or strangers. Calling your mother with complaints is also unnecessary, because she is biased.

Whatever happens, it is necessary to understand that an endless showdown will only destroy the union. Perhaps tomorrow one of the couple will wake up with the feeling that he is no longer interested in his partner

Being close and supporting a man is the best thing a woman can do to attract attention and earn love.

Selection and evaluation of men

No one takes away the role of hunters and conquerors from men, but the sending of the first impulse, which may be transformed into a relationship, comes precisely from women. Their nature has endowed them with the right to choose, which can become mutual.

During the selection process, men must go through certain filters, which are individual for each woman. Even such qualities that everyone desires in a chosen one, such as attractiveness, reliability, caring, strength and intelligence, are endowed with different meanings.

In any case, when searching for “the one” there are only two selection criteria:

  1. A man who has not yet taken place in life, but has high potential and is quite manageable. In such cases, it is necessary to relax the strict selection criteria and temporarily accept its shortcomings.
  2. The man is ideal in all respects; he does not need to be re-educated. As a rule, to create a relationship with the “ideal option” you need to win tough competition with other applicants. In addition, a woman needs to make him fall in love with her, constantly maintain feelings and have her own position.

After choosing and meeting a man, you must adhere to such behavior so that his feelings do not cool and the relationship does not become monotonous.

Little tricks for developing relationships

Perhaps your relationship has long been frozen at one stage, and you understand that each of your dates is little different from the previous one. So how do you grow a relationship if you've been dating for a while?

Meeting friends

This can be quite a significant step; gradually you will form a common company, which will bring you even closer.

Meeting the parents

This step is even more serious, and often causes a lot of exciting emotions in both the guy and the girl. If the chosen one has decided to take this action, then there is practically no doubt that he is very determined towards you.


Some guys bypass this stage, moving straight to a marriage proposal, but most young people still want to check their compatibility in everyday life with their beloved girl, and in general - to get used to the new status. For a man, living together is almost the same as an official marriage, so you can be sure that if he asked you to live together, he sees you as a potential spouse.

Traveling together

Traveling to other cities and countries not only gives new experiences, but also allows you to get to know each other from new sides.

Talking about the future

Ask the young man how he sees his future, whether he has any unrealized plans. Based on his answers, you can easily determine whether he sees you in his future or is not even thinking about it yet.

How to behave correctly with a man - 10 tips

There are no exact rules on how to properly behave between a woman and a man, because each couple is individual. What is acceptable in one case is not suitable in another.

And yet, over the centuries, certain patterns of behavior have been developed. By using them, a woman increases her chances of a long and happy relationship. Tactical techniques are based on natural instincts inherent in men, regardless of upbringing, nationality and age.


Despite the importance of a woman’s inner world, men tend to pay attention to the appearance of their chosen one.

They are attracted to:

  1. Snow-white smile. If necessary, you need to whiten your teeth.
  2. Figure. A woman should not be either too thin or too fat. Adjust your diet or exercise.
  3. Hairstyle. Even with a long-term relationship, a constantly tightened bun at the back of the head will cause irritation. It is necessary to regularly visit the hairdresser and get haircuts that suit your image.
  4. Use of cosmetics, manicure. At any age, pimples, oily shine, blue circles under the eyes and other defects do not look aesthetically pleasing. Ungroomed hands cause an unpleasant impression. Go to a cosmetologist, a manicurist, use cosmetics.
  5. Hygiene. A woman should always be well-groomed. Clean clothes and body, fresh breath are mandatory characteristics that do not require comment.
  6. Wardrobe. In order not to lose the interest of her beloved, a woman should often change her outfits. It should look impressive both in a restaurant and on a sports ground and picnic. Don't forget to throw away your old sewn robe and sweatpants with extended knees.

Read more: Phrases that can have a striking effect on men

You should not believe the words that people will love you if you are fat, too thin, with hair under your arms, and in other cases. When a more neat girl appears, there is a risk of losing a partner.


Don't argue with men. It is very important for them to feel a dominant position. A woman should see a strong, confident partner who can solve any problems. This inner sense of self, reinforced by the words of the other half, leads to the development of masculine qualities: determination and confidence.

In any dispute, you try to prove to a man that he is wrong, stupid, incapable of resolving issues, and show your superiority. This breaks him, he becomes less confident and feels like a failure.

Give a man the right to make mistakes, while supporting him. If you don’t agree, it’s better to tell him about it gently: “Do what you think is right,” “Can I give you my arguments?”


Eliminate all omissions or hidden grievances - make all claims without insults or shouting.

The phrase: “You see what I said” is especially unacceptable. She shows mental superiority over a man, and makes him stupid and short-sighted. As a rule, after such a saying, the conversation turns to a raised tone, and scandals begin.


You shouldn’t blow a man’s mind by nitpicking about everyday little things (he didn’t clean, didn’t wash the dishes, didn’t shave). Do not resort to psychological pressure. Don't often ask if he loves you, don't call every five minutes, don't write long SMS messages.


Never criticize a man's relatives or his friends. Try to make friends with them and you will find allies in them.

Be feminine. Understand that you can charm a man with warmth, gentleness, a smile, and shining eyes. As soon as a woman begins to “put pressure” on her partner, femininity evaporates.

Try this tactic and you can do whatever you want to your man.


In the modern world, being a good housewife is not at all necessary. You don't hire yourself as a cook, laundress or maid. This does not mean that the apartment does not need to be cleaned or the dishes should not be washed. Your culinary skills shouldn't be limited to making pasta and scrambled eggs.

Nowadays in a woman, femininity, sexuality, the ability to understand a partner, and make concessions are much more valued.

Read more: Openness in relationships: 5 ways to develop it


Without sexual relations, a long-term union is simply impossible. There can be nothing reprehensible or wrong in them if both partners are satisfied. The main thing is to give each other pleasure.

Taboo: never tell your partner about your ex-lovers, much less describe their merits. Don't blackmail with sex.


You should not cause feelings of jealousy. Behavior should be based on the fact that the man sees that the woman has admirers, but belongs only to him. And this is his great luck and happiness. Cheating is usually detrimental to relationships.


Every man wants to be needed. He is pleased to give gifts to his beloved and deal with issues that are important to her.

Men have a completely different mindset than women. They are not experts in women's thoughts and desires. You need to talk to them directly, without hints.

If a woman doesn’t ask for anything, it means she doesn’t need anything, she doesn’t need anything.

Demands must be eliminated; every request must be soft and positive. You should not speak in a stern tone or in the form of an ultimatum. After receiving what you want, do not forget about words of gratitude and appreciation.

The right to one's own life

Each partner has the right to his own life. Otherwise, there is a chance of getting bored of each other.

Let the man watch football, not a love series, drink beer with friends, go fishing.

A woman can go to visit a friend or to the store on her own. Moreover, do not invite your loved one to places where he will not be interested.

Rules for first dates

First time with a guy, how to behave

If you have a first date planned, then try not to be late, adding excitement not only to the young man, but also to yourself. Think in advance about what clothes you will wear. Make sure that the items are in perfect condition and do not require washing, ironing or minor repairs. It will not be very good if, before going out, you realize that there is some defect on the chosen garment. Your task is to be confident this evening, and hasty preparations will do little to help this.

Also decide on the location of the first date. It is not advisable to invite a guy home or go to visit him yourself. This type of date may involve intimacy, and if you are not ready to take your romance to the next level so quickly, choose a walk in the park or an evening in a cozy cafe.

What to talk about with a guy when you're out for a walk

Support the topics he touches on. Ask counter questions, show that you are interested in being in his company. If he asks you any questions, answer in detail, without skimping on emotions. If the guy is silent, then you can also provoke some topics of conversation - about sports, favorite foods, favorite places to hang out, interesting films and much more.

Try to behave naturally and at ease - there is no need to laugh inappropriately for no reason or reason. If you see that the interlocutor is not very willing to support the topic you set, it is best to change it to another. To avoid awkward pauses, before the date, decide for yourself what questions you would like to clarify.

How to behave correctly to get a guy to like you

Be sweet and charming. Let the young man know that you like him. Show concern for him, flirt with him, be interested in his opinion. It is important that the young man feels significant next to you. Undoubtedly, this feeling will cause warm emotions in him, and he will again and again look for a meeting with you.

How to communicate with a guy who loves you

There are two options here, and they depend on whether you have reciprocal feelings for the young man. If you understand that you also love him, but do not yet dare to say about it, then at least show the young man your affection.

If you do not have reciprocal sympathy for the guy, then try to behave delicately towards him. Explain to him that you are very flattered by his attention, and you did not expect such feelings from him, but, unfortunately, your heart is occupied or you are not yet ready for a relationship. Don’t force the guy to live with empty hopes - immediately indicate that you do not reciprocate his feelings.

How to be alone with a guy and what to do next

If you are left alone with your boyfriend, then such a situation is very conducive to more frank communication. If earlier your dates took place in crowded places, then wanting privacy, you can invite him to your home for a romantic dinner. Please note that a guy can interpret such an invitation in his own way - for him it will be something akin to a “green light” that allows him to behave more actively, seducing you. If you are not yet ready for intimacy with your boyfriend, then it is advisable to avoid such solitude.

However, if you are still alone, behave simply and naturally - get rid of possible tension in advance that could be transferred to your chosen one. You can invite your loved one to watch an interesting movie together or just have a heart-to-heart talk over dinner and a glass of wine. Solitude presupposes a romantic mood, so if you decide to invite a young man to your home, do not refuse your lover hugs and kisses, because the situation is more than conducive to such behavior.

How to kiss a guy to make him fall in love

With a kiss, you can really awaken some pretty strong emotions in your lover. A simple kiss on the lips will probably excite him, but you will achieve a much greater effect if you “combine” your kisses. So, you are left alone, how to kiss a guy so that he remembers it for a long time?

Try to start with this area, which is incredibly sensitive. While talking or watching a movie, put your head on the guy's shoulder, then move your lips to his neck and kiss it. Note that we are talking about the area just below the ears. Such kisses can be combined with light, barely noticeable bites. You can accompany your actions with a joke that your boyfriend smells so amazing that you are ready to “eat” him.

After this, you can move on to a passionate kiss on the lips. Note that the palate is a rather sensitive area, so the guy will experience a very pleasant sensation if you run your tongue across the palate a couple of times.

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