“A man asked me to start a relationship”: how should he...

Every girl dreams of the attention of the opposite sex. But sometimes it happens that a proposal to date comes from a guy with whom a representative of the fair half of humanity does not want a romantic relationship. How the girl behaves under the circumstances will determine whether they will remain friends in the future or turn into bitter enemies. In our article we will talk about how to avoid negative consequences and politely and honorably refuse a guy or man’s offer to date without offending him.

What to do if a guy writes “let’s meet”?

The desire to meet coming from a guy indicates that he is interested in communicating with you. This interest could be:

  • romantic, when a fan dreams of meeting you;
  • friendly, when a good friend or male colleague asks to see you.

Have you found out the nature of your interest? Great - now let's talk about whether the man will ask you to date.

If a guy writes that he wants to meet on business, answer as directly as possible - agree or refuse the offer. And in order not to offend the young man with a refusal, use the author’s PDA technique, which is often mentioned in articles on the official website of Pavel Rakov.

But here's another situation. A guy I know writes “let’s meet” - and this is clearly an invitation to a date and a hint at the possible development of a relationship. You cannot respond to such a proposal in the first seconds, no matter how much you might like it. You remember, my dears, that a man is a hunter who is interested in conquering you? But what kind of conquest can we talk about if a woman agrees to a meeting so quickly?

How to understand that a guy wants an open relationship

You should not hope that after a few weeks of dating a man will offer to go to the registry office and register the marriage. However, if more than 6 months have passed and he still hasn’t introduced you to his parents and loved ones, it means he doesn’t have serious intentions.

You can determine that a guy wants an open relationship based on a number of signs:

  • the chosen one is indifferent to the interests and problems of the girl. He doesn’t care where she works, what films she prefers to watch, what she likes to do in her free time;
  • he is quite satisfied with the current state of affairs. He acts as he pleases and does not take into account the opinion of his partner;
  • the chosen one meets with other girls and does not hide it, hugging and kissing them in front of the girl.

If you notice this behavior in your boyfriend, then most likely the man only wants to maintain an open relationship.

Such a connection does not lead to anything serious, and the relationship gradually fades away. True, in some cases the relationship may end in a civil marriage.

Ignore him within reason!

Ignoring works especially well when the proposal for a meeting is made over the phone. In this case, you may simply not respond to a message from a man. Without receiving any response, the guy will definitely call back and ask about the meeting again. You shouldn’t agree to it right away either. Tell your man that you have a friendly party or business dinner with colleagues planned for tonight. But tomorrow or the day after tomorrow from 18 to 20 he can try his luck again.

Ignoring is a powerful weapon, but do not abuse it, my beautiful ones. Receiving one refusal after another, the guy will decide that you are not interested in him and will go to try his luck in communicating with other girls.

The guy suggested an open relationship, what to do

Men are hunters by nature. They are impressed when they have to overcome difficulties. The more valuable the prey becomes for them.

Modern morals have spoiled the representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Young girls relaxed men with their easy behavior. Many people find themselves in bed with their partner already on the second or third date. Why be surprised when a man offers not to create difficulties for anyone and continue an open relationship.

It's much more convenient for him. There is no need to go beyond personal comfort, strain and conquer your chosen one. If you wanted, you came, if you wanted, you left. Everything is simple, but the woman suffers from inattention and emotional emptiness. Even if a girl skillfully hides it, there is a deep bleeding wound in her soul, because, unlike a man, sex and love are inseparable concepts for a woman.

But sex alone cannot keep a man. If your partner is really in love with a guy and has been dating him for a long time, you should be patient and try to build a promising relationship. Try to change yourself first.

Look at your behavior and communication style with a critical eye. You could stop insisting on your own point of view, agreeing with your partner in everything and fulfilling his whims. Or you demand too much, throw tantrums for any reason, get jealous and constantly interfere in his personal space.

You are busy with household chores all day, and in an effort to please a man, you have forgotten about your own “I”: you have stopped buying new things, gained weight, and do not use cosmetics.

Remember, to increase a man’s interest, you need radical changes in your life. Change your image: dye your hair (from white to red or turn into a scorching brunette), change your wardrobe and makeup.

Find fun things to do: learn to drive, join a dance group, buy a gym membership. A man should see that you have many friends and acquaintances who are interested in your life, and that the light has not converged on him like a wedge. Don't sit at home. Go to visit, meet with friends, but know when to stop. The chosen one must be sure that you love him.

If a guy sees that you are successful with other men, he may suggest replacing your open relationship with a permanent relationship. For the girl, this will be a good prospect for legitimizing the union after some time.

There is a second option: the man suggested an open relationship immediately after meeting, but you are not interested in a partner. Then don’t tempt fate and immediately refuse the dubious offer.

Only the girl can decide whether to agree to an open relationship with a man or to find a worthy lover who sees in you not only a sexual partner, but also an extraordinary person with her own desires.

If a man starts talking about meeting in person

The situation is a little more complicated when a guy offers to meet in a personal conversation with you. The main difficulty is that if the offer comes unexpectedly, you will not be able to calmly navigate. If you are afraid of appearing easily accessible, ask for a short “delay.” For example, say that you need to check your plans for the day, and invite the fan to return to this issue a little later. This way, you will have a few minutes or even hours to put your own thoughts in order and adequately respond to a man.

The meaning of open relationships for men

Representatives of the stronger sex often do not want to tie the knot. Fearing the loss of freedom, the guy offers his chosen one an open relationship, which assumes that the partners act at their own discretion, without accounting for their actions and behavior. Despite the fact that the guy and the girl consider themselves a full-fledged couple, they do not limit personal freedom, including sexual relations.

It would seem that both would benefit. In fact, a similar situation arises when a man does not truly love a girl. If a guy is ready to share a partner with other representatives of the stronger sex, this is a relationship without a future.

The woman finds herself in the role of an alternate airfield, and the chosen one turns into an energy vampire. The weaker sex is weak to feel male care, support and love. In most non-committal relationships, this mutual understanding does not exist.

If a man proposes an open relationship, then he belongs to one of three types:

  • an infantile person who is afraid of responsibility;
  • a misogynist who has had negative experiences in previous relationships;
  • an egoist who puts his own interests first, primarily the satisfaction of sexual needs.

The psychology of men forces them to look for a winning situation everywhere, so an open relationship is the best option for them. They get everything they want without bothering their heads with other people's problems.

How to respond to different types of guys?

The man who offers to date can be anyone - a handsome guy you like, an ex-boyfriend who wants to return the relationship, an acquaintance to whom you are indifferent. Below I will tell you how to deal with each of them.

  1. His feelings and yours are mutual. In this case, wait until the man makes himself known again. There is no need to take the initiative on your own; this will scare away the young man and make the process of winning your heart less interesting. The game of cat and mouse with a man, which we already talked about today, will be appropriate and will spur his desire to win your heart.
  2. The ex-man suggested starting the relationship again. What was the reason for your separation? If these were misunderstandings, the reasons for which he rethought, then give the relationship a second chance. But if your ex-boyfriend or husband raised his hand to you, allowed himself insults, or cheated on you, then it is better to refuse him.
  3. A guy you're not interested in. Let's say you're already married or in love with another man, or maybe he's just not your type. Refuse tactfully, or invite the guy to remain friends if the situation allows it.
  4. A man with whom you are undecided. To get started, read the article “Love or sympathy”, and having found out the nature of your feelings, act as suggested in the points above.

If a young man you don't know invites you to a romantic meeting

, and you: a) If you’re ready to agree, first find out his name. Offer to arrange a two-by-two meeting - ask to come with a friend, and come with a friend, choose the place and time of the meeting yourself. If something goes wrong, your girlfriend will help you out, and meeting on your territory will give you confidence in the event of an unforeseen situation. Unfortunately, nowadays it’s scary to trust strangers.

Read also: CONSCIENCE - what is it. What means

b) If you are ready to refuse, say so directly. Lie that you have a boyfriend if you don’t have one. Don't give out your phone number or hint at anything. If a person doesn’t understand, just leave.

How to refuse?

And again my PDA technology will come to your aid. Let's see how it works, using the example of a man with whom you would like to remain friends without taking the relationship into a romantic plane:

  1. Compliment: You are an intelligent and caring man who can be called a wonderful friend.
  2. Program: and I am a woman for whom it is very important to find a companion who fully meets my criteria.
  3. Compliment: and I’m sure that in the near future you will definitely meet the girl of your dreams, because you are so wonderful!

You can learn more about how and what to interest a man at the start of a relationship in the section “Secrets of dating and first dates.” And in my course “Secrets of Women's Happiness” every girl will learn to solve complex issues about relationships. You will learn how to attract a worthy man, weed out losers, be able to arouse interest in the opposite sex and get out of difficult situations with dignity when communicating with guys.

Tell me, what does it mean to you if a guy asks you to meet? How do you respond to such proposals from different men?

How to refuse a guy’s offer to date without him being offended: answer options, phrases


  • Dear (person’s name), I don’t want to upset you and lose you, but for some reason it seems to me that nothing will work out for us. You are a wonderful person and it is very important for me not to lose you. Please remain patient and perhaps if we maintain our friendship and trust, one day we will be able to feel like one.
  • Sorry, (person's name), but now I don't see us as a couple. I beg you. Just don’t be offended, because I really appreciate and love you and that’s why I don’t want to lose you. I want you to always be by my side, because you are my best friend. I hope for your understanding and patience.
  • No matter how offensive it may sound, I will answer you “no”. I believe that our friendship is not yet “ripe” for true and romantic love. Let's check our feelings a little more so we know exactly what we're ready for.
  • Sun! I consider you my close person. I can always trust you with secrets and mysteries. Complain and cry. Please don't leave me or turn away, even if I tell you no.
  • A person must do what he feels and is confident in. I don’t feel like we are a couple and, nevertheless, you are important and necessary to me. Don’t leave my life, just understand me and believe that it will be better this way.
  • My dear, I am discouraged and confused, because I truly considered you my best friend and brother. I can trust you like no one else. But I can't love you like a man. I'm not ready to date you now.
  • (Male's name), I sincerely hope for your understanding and sympathy. It’s so painful and unpleasant for me to say “no” to you. But this “no” - it comes from consciousness, and not from the heart, because I love you. This is true. Let's not rush, let's wait and test our feelings.
  • I will disappoint you, but don’t rush to give up! I value and respect you very much, but I have to refuse, because now I’m simply not ready for such a serious relationship. I hope for your understanding and I don’t want to lose a good, kind friend in you
  • Sorry for speaking bluntly, but I don’t agree to a serious relationship and family. I have plans and goals that I must achieve before I become completely owned by my husband and children. If you have enough patience, wait and maybe we have a future in the future.
  • Dear (man's name)! I am, of course, very pleased to receive such an offer from you. But I have to upset you with a refusal, because if you feel that this desire comes from you 100%, then you don’t even think about it! I constantly doubt about us.
  • I ask you in advance not to be upset. For now, my answer is no. I asked myself this question before and, you know, I don't see us as a family. Some traits in us are not entirely compatible and not very compatible. There are two options: either work on it or look for other people.
  • Dear (person's name), I'm sorry, but I will upset you. You and I are great friends, but we make a monstrous pair. Both you and I have a lot of shortcomings and, what’s most offensive, we don’t want to put up with them. Yes, in some ways we are compatible, but these little things will not allow us to connect our lives.
  • My answer is no. However, this is not a harsh word that hurts and hurts the ear. My “no” means that I don’t want to get married yet. In addition, I believe that you should also be “ripe” for this decision, not only in word, but also in deed.

Disadvantages of living together4

  • the girl feels like a wife, and the guy considers himself free without a stamp in his passport;
  • she is waiting for the wedding to happen now, and he is satisfied with everything;
  • there is no escape from endless questions from relatives and friends, everyone is waiting for the wedding;
  • the couple may begin to quarrel over trifles, which will turn life into unbearable conditions;
  • When separating, it is difficult to divide common property.

Act quickly2

Rejecting an offer to date is usually extremely inconvenient for both parties, and it can be tempting to ignore the situation completely. Do you think if you pretend it didn't happen, the problem will go away on its own? Unfortunately, staying silent and hoping that the guy will eventually "get the hint" is a very cruel and wrong strategy that can backfire.

You need to answer confidently and as quickly as possible. You shouldn't wait for the right moment, because it doesn't really exist. The longer you wait, the more difficult and unpleasant this situation will be for both of you.

It may be difficult for the other person to move on unless he gets a firm, clear “no” from you, so the best thing you can do is give him that opportunity.

Another mistake that girls make in this situation is agreeing to one or two dates, and then just silently disappearing, instead of solving the problem. But by doing so, you will only hurt that person. This is generally the worst way to break up with someone.

If the person is unfamiliar to you or you have not seen each other for a long time, you can use a refusal in the form of a text message. Thus, the blow can be softened by the neutrality of the text, and the person will experience an unpleasant moment alone with himself. There is no reason to come into direct contact with someone you don't know well to refuse.

But friends and colleagues should respond personally. A good friend deserves a face-to-face response. It will also make future inevitable encounters less awkward. Communicating in person will help the other person see your facial expressions, body language, and hear the tone of your voice.

You recently broke up with your boyfriend

After a difficult breakup, we have ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, you want to quickly fill the void with a new romance, but on the other hand, fast-paced relationships usually fail immediately after a breakup. You constantly compare the new guy with your ex-lover and find flaws, behave differently, cannot open up to him and suspect him of cheating.

Or, on the contrary, you expect too much from this relationship, and then you are disappointed. It's better not to say "yes" to a guy if he asked you to date until you've moved on from your previous relationship. There are, of course, exceptions to the rules, but usually, trying to knock out a wedge with a wedge, we get burned even more.

But that doesn't mean you can't date a guy who wants a relationship with you. Keep him at a distance, and try to figure out whether a future with him is possible, or whether you’re just lonely and want to show your ex-boyfriend how quickly you forgot him. If a guy really needs you, he will wait. If not, then you don’t need it.

Phrases for dating that will make a man ask you out on a date

A situation familiar to many women: sitting at the table opposite HE is the man of your dreams... For half an hour you could laugh at his jokes, but you sit, he finishes his coffee and leaves.
That's all. So that “medieval” stereotypes do not prevent you from attracting the attention of a worthy man, let’s say goodbye to misconceptions. I have prepared 14 tips that you can “try for yourself” tomorrow or even right now.

Berry out of your field

You've been alone for a long time and still can't meet the right guy. And then he appears - a guy who is ready to carry you in his arms, but at the same time you see that he is not exactly the one you need. Either you don’t have a soul for him, or you see obvious shortcomings in him that don’t suit you - but it’s clear to you that you’re unlikely to be together.

You have two options: immediately refuse him harshly and not waste time, or if you have absolutely nothing to do, say “yes.” Perhaps you need to take a good look at people before you like them. Give the guy a chance to prove himself and appear before you in a more favorable light.

It happens that the best romances happen with guys we didn’t pay attention to, but feelings arose gradually. Sometimes it’s better than throwing yourself into the deep end and then being disappointed in the person.

How to answer the question in an original way: “Can I meet you?” ?

The most common question.
But in any case, the answer is difficult to give and here’s why. Imagine if you want to give an affirmative answer. But natural modesty does not allow this. He : “Can I meet you?”

You modestly and curiously:

  • Give it a try. I'm most curious what will come of it.

You , without neglecting caution:

  • I would like to see your passport. And then we’ll decide what to do with you.

You are humorous:

  • I haven't been asked a question like this in 100 years.

You with modesty:

  • Meet me. Only at pioneer distance.

A little more seriously, to give yourself time to recover from the sudden proposal.

“Can I meet you?”

  • Agree. You can immediately invite me to the restaurant. I'm not on a diet.
  • May I ask you why we are making this acquaintance with you now?
  • Perhaps this is the only thing I will allow you.
  • Get acquainted. Get started. I'm noting the time.
  • Let's do it another time. Because today I don’t allow anything to anyone, it’s such a day.
  • Dating is a serious matter. I only allow it to good people. You are a good man?

Refusal. It happens. It is impossible to meet everyone who wants to.

“Can I meet you?”

  • It is forbidden. Today, according to my horoscope, I didn’t have an acquaintance planned.
  • It is forbidden. Not today and not with me.
  • Walk past and guess why.
  • I really don’t want to say “NO” to you, but I don’t know how to lie.

"It is possible to get acquainted?":

  • No. I only meet people on the Internet. It’s much more reliable this way; no one can reach me through the screen.
  • I understand why you need this. Why do I need this? Can you tell me?
  • What an interesting proposal. Already the tenth today.
  • I already answered this question for you yesterday.
  • Quiet. My husband will come over now and together we will decide what to answer you.
  • How I would like to answer you correctly and politely, and therefore I will answer: “Goodbye. Have a good evening."
  • I just wanted to ask you a similar question.
  • Usually it starts with “Girl. What time is it now?". And you immediately revealed your intentions. How impatient you are!
  • I don't meet people on the street. Only at my home and with my dad.

What a surprise!

The first date with the man went well.
It doesn’t matter where it happened, the main thing is that the atmosphere is filled only with positive emotions. When she returns home, all her thoughts will be filled with this man. Every moment will be remembered - down to the smallest detail. But the woman won’t think about anything serious yet, because it’s too early for that. Two weeks have passed since the first date, and now he is asking me to get married. For a woman this will be a surprise. It is this proposal that will make the girl think about how serious her chosen one’s intentions are.

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