A soft man: pros and cons, how to build relationships correctly

Gentleness is a positive quality of a person’s character, which is manifested by the ability to Feel, act Wisely, and remain calm, both in ordinary and difficult life situations

What does soft character mean?

Many people value a gentle character very much, considering it to be a blessing. This is a rare phenomenon that is not often seen these days. A gentle character is:

  • When you choose peaceful methods to end a conflict because you know that violence leads us nowhere. It only increases the quality of hatred.

  • When people and their feelings are more important to you than just physical issues and materials. You are a person, a thinking person.
  • When you have a constant desire to help others in the best possible way, because when you see pain anywhere, you bring out the mother within you who is always ready to nourish others.
  • Sometimes people can take advantage of your gentle nature by playing mind games and realizing that you have powerful intuition and you know it, but you still decide to help them because you are strong enough to not allow others to weaken your strength.

Being a gentle person is good, but you must also become stronger. Don't get too attached to anything, and also try not to expect anything in return. Otherwise it will end up hurting you. This is why people these days don't consider a gentle nature a good quality (they don't want to be offended).

The material world and technological progress give rise to merciless mechanical hearts

Gentleness always emphasizes an attentive attitude to the needs of another person, his intentions and desires; it touches people and inspires them with its respect. Gentleness of heart is the desire for everyone to feel good. Gentleness creates Strength and Generosity, helps strengthen one’s inner strength and self-confidence, and gives peace of mind in thoughts and actions.

Courage and courageous actions are very often combined with gentleness of character, and a courageous person is more capable of Generosity than others. One can envy a gentle person - he experiences and feels the unforgettable taste of Happiness that appears through selfless activity, the desire to help people, guided only by the voice of the heart.

Pros and cons of a soft character

Advantages of a soft nature:

  • It's easier for people to contact you.
  • You are not easily hated because you are not the one who starts arguing or starting fights. Since you love peace, you are mostly away from quarrels and similar situations.
  • You are usually perceived by other people as more "mature".

The disadvantages include:

  • You find it difficult to deal with some things. Your calm and quiet nature causes other people to put you last on their priority lists because they know you won't yell at them, cause a scene, or retaliate.

  • You may find it difficult to say no, ignore someone, or disagree with someone.
  • You are not perceived as powerful or as having leadership qualities, even if you are.

Why is it sometimes worth being tough?

As mentioned above, rigidity is most often formed under the influence of external factors. This quality is in great demand in cases where it is necessary to focus on solving a problem, casting aside worries and possible doubts. This personality trait can become entrenched under the condition of predisposing factors, for example: demandingness, high organization, responsibility, straightforwardness and a tendency towards perfectionism.

Rigidity as a character trait is urgently needed for people holding leadership positions in any business sector. Such a boss will be an ideal leader for a work team, since he can optimally organize the work process and discipline his employees. Under the leadership of a tough boss, subordinates clearly know their responsibilities and strengths, understanding that they should not count on groundless concessions.

If we talk about toughness of character as a sought-after trait in everyday life, its benefits are especially noticeable in critical situations. If a person has difficulties at work or financial problems, then it is internal rigidity and composure that helps to pull oneself together and begin to look for a way out of the current situation.

In the process of raising the younger generation, parents often have to show firmness, and sometimes even harshness, especially in cases where it is necessary to establish certain rules and restrictions, for example, for a teenager.

How do people with gentle personalities achieve success?

In recent years, researchers have discovered that the most important skills are those of a person with a gentle personality. These are intangible skills. You can't measure them, but it's all about building relationships, being able to connect with other people.

If you can't do this, if you can't resolve conflict, if you can't manage and prioritize different tasks, then you really won't be successful in the workplace when you have to do more with less and when you're constantly working and communicating with people without interruption all day long.

Even if you work from home, you need to be even more connected to the people you do business with.

Last year, a study showed that seventy-one percent of employers prefer to see in their employees a high level of emotional intelligence, which is inherent in people with a gentle character. You must be able to do your job, but to get to the next level, get promoted, promote yourself, and get what you really need, you must focus on your soft skills and develop them over time.

Recommendation for showing Gentleness in family relationships

When someone comes home from work tired and hungry, it is forbidden to talk about anything. First you need to feed the person, let him rest, and then ask. THIS IS A CLASSIC OF LIFE that we all sometimes forget about! The beloved wife, without showing gentleness with her Husband, turns into an irritant and an Enemy, and receives in response irritation, anger and negative Emotions accumulated over the whole day. The simple truth is to let irritability and negative events go to the liver and kidneys for the natural disposal of these negative Hormones.

How to add toughness to a soft character?

Here are some recommendations that will help you make your soft character tougher (in the good sense of the word):

  • Listen first, but don't forget to speak up.
  • Let your actions speak for you.
  • Accept praise, but always give credit.

  • Stop looking for approval from others.
  • Learn to say no.
  • Put your comfort before the comfort of others.
  • Don't let unkind people take advantage of your responsiveness.

Soft Virgo woman. Virgo woman characteristics

All about Virgo

Virgo man

Compatibility Virgo

The Virgo woman has, first of all, intelligence and sharpness of mind, which is why she is able to turn into a useful adviser, providing assistance in situations where others have already accepted defeat. With all this, public fame for Virgo is an unnecessary phenomenon that should be avoided.

The opinion of the majority is not an authority for her, and her own logical reasoning is much more important when making decisions. High demands on oneself and on others can make communication with such a person not very easy and pleasant. Only ideal people can avoid caustic remarks.

Virgo shows a particularly bad attitude towards foul-mouthed people, people who cannot express themselves correctly, and those with a sloppy appearance.

Virgo woman in love

In relationships with men, Virgo is often plagued by difficulties associated with misunderstandings with their partner. This mainly happens under the pressure of the mind, which constantly takes precedence over emotions. In turn, men are attracted to the representatives of the sign by poise and femininity. Even having imbued with feelings for a person, Virgo remains closed, without revealing her whole soul. Only a man who has a whole set of positive qualities can become her companion.

Virgo woman compatibility

  • Compatibility Virgo woman Aries man
  • Compatibility Virgo woman Taurus man
  • Compatibility Virgo woman Gemini man
  • Compatibility Virgo woman Cancer man
  • Compatibility Virgo woman Leo man
  • Compatibility Virgo woman Virgo man
  • Compatibility Virgo woman Libra man
  • Compatibility Virgo woman Scorpio man
  • Compatibility Virgo woman Sagittarius man
  • Compatibility Virgo woman Capricorn man
  • Compatibility Virgo woman Aquarius man
  • Compatibility Virgo woman Pisces man

What kind of men does a Virgo woman like?

Pickiness in men is one of the main qualities of a Virgo woman. She is able to discern the true face of a person even behind the veil of the most beautiful courtship. She always monitors the gentleman’s clothes, and it is not the brands that are of interest, but cleanliness and neatness. The level of upbringing and education of a man does not go unnoticed. Discipline and punctuality are mandatory qualities. What is required from the companion is the ability to become an interesting conversationalist.

A woman born under the sign of Virgo is distinguished by natural frugality, so overly expensive gifts can sometimes push her away rather than bring her closer. The rationality of spending is much more important for her. External attractiveness does not play a big role.

Kindness, sincerity and hard work are the traits the manifestation of which will help a man win the heart of a Virgo. There is no place for a lazy person next to her.

Virgo woman in marriage

Due to too picky a search, women born in this zodiac sign risk being left alone in life, but those who have made their choice in favor of a particular man can really make him happy. Not excluding flirting within the limits of what is permitted, the Virgo woman is very jealous of fidelity and does not allow adultery.

Virgo will always help her husband move up the career ladder and achieve new successes in society, promptly restraining him from all sorts of adventures and dubious proposals. She will turn out to be an excellent adviser, not inclined to throw tantrums in a fit of jealousy. Practice shows that the level of jealousy for Virgos is indeed lower than for other women, and natural secrecy does not allow every slightest suspicion to spill out.

Children for a Virgo woman

The Virgo woman's maternal instincts are relatively modest. Such a mother is very responsible in the process of child upbringing, and is limited to no more than a couple of children (most often one child). Due to her character traits, Virgo worries too much even over trifles, to which the other person will not pay any attention.

Virgo strives to instill in the child, first of all, hard work, to develop his intellectual abilities, and therefore jealously monitors his school performance. Always surrounds you with care, sometimes even beyond the norm. Often, a lack of understanding of the child’s interests and needs leads to conflict situations.

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