What to write to a man so that he offers to meet

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  • 19-01-2022
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Flirting by correspondence is interesting and exciting. But how can you make a guy or man more likely to be ready for a date, because not everyone has the patience for a long exchange of messages in a chat. In most cases, women want to go on a date and see the candidate for their hand and heart in person.

We have put together a collection of phrases and expressions that will help entice a guy to ask you out on a date. Happy hunting, girls!

Method 1: give a compliment

One of the easiest ways to interest a guy/man you like and make him want to ask you out on a date is to give him a compliment. Representatives of the stronger sex melt from pleasant and polite words, no less than girls. You can highlight physical data, mental abilities, some of the latest achievements - buying a car, getting a new position, etc.

1.You have a wonderful figure, you could become my trainer...

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✅ Online fortune telling “Will he write or not”

✅ Online fortune telling: “Why did he change and grow cold towards me”

✅ Dzhigan: “I actually lost my mind”

✅ What to write to a man after a long silence: examples

2. Where else do they give out such luxurious cubes? Your abs are mesmerizing.

3. This luxury car is perfect for this guy.

4. Your thoughts in the last post are very close to me. I share this point of view.

5. I didn’t dare write to you for a long time, I was embarrassed.

6. If a guy takes care of his appearance, this indicates that he is not married...

7. The color of your eyes captivated me. I can't get over your photo.

8. Do you always look so luxurious?

9. A man who knows how to cook is especially admired.

10. I would like to take some private fitness lessons from you...

11. Anything suits a handsome man, especially a suit.

12. Are you tired of conquering women here yet?

13. I thought all the good-looking men had been taken away long ago. It's nice to realize that I was wrong.

14. I will dream about you...

15. This look highlights your athletic physique.

16. Smile more often, it suits you.

17. I usually don’t compliment men, but there are always exceptions...

18. You have such strong hands...

19. A person with such principles inspires confidence and admiration.

20. Who will get such beauty?

Preparation: can a girl invite a guy for a walk?

If you have a question - can a girl invite a guy for a walk at all, then you should think a little. After all, situations are different. First of all, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do you know the guy enough to ask him out?
  • Is the guy at least a little interested in communication?
  • How does he behave towards other girls? Shy and hesitant or openly interested?

This is what preparation is all about. If after answering these questions it becomes clear that the young man is indifferent and not particularly interested, then the girl should not take the first step. You need to wait a little in order to find out more about this person: which girls he likes, which ones irritate him, his interests, favorite pastime, character traits, temperament. Then the girl needs to show that she has the necessary personal qualities, is interested in the same and is passionate about it.

Having decided to take the first step, she must remember that young people also pay attention to how the lady looks. You need to become feminine, neat and attractive - this will help to charm and arouse the guy’s interest, he will agree to a meeting. It is important to be able to emphasize your strengths, not your weaknesses. However, it is important to remember about the internal component - prepare a couple of interesting topics for dialogue. As they say: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind.”

If a girl still decides to invite a guy, then she should adhere to the following plan:

  • Make sure the young man is single and not dating anyone.
  • Plan the date and place of the meeting, as well as leisure activities.
  • You need to be prepared for the fact that the guy may work that day or at a certain time, or he may have other things to do.
  • Be positive and confident.
  • If a young man is not sure and is thinking about a meeting, then do not insist.

There is no need to show your love - it is better to remain calm around him, be proud, confident, brave and interesting. In this case, he will not think that he can play with the girl’s feelings, but will treat her with respect and consideration.

Method 2: hinting at a fun meeting

If you have been corresponding with a certain man or guy for a long time, and he just doesn’t dare to ask you out on a date, take matters into your own hands. Hint to your interlocutor that the meeting will not be boring.

21. It’s so boring at home, but the soul cries out for adventure...

22. I don’t understand those who decide to get married after the first date. There are so many interesting things in life.

23. And I’m all alone at home...

24. After 8 pm I am completely free...

25. I would take several lessons from such a fitness instructor...

26. I don’t believe you are as charming in real life as in the photo?

27. Can I offer you a cup of coffee? Since morning…

28. I downloaded an erotic film, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to watch it alone...

29. Today I spent half a day in a lingerie store, trying on a new collection...

30. After a glass of champagne I’m not myself...

31. Today is a great day to have fun...

32. I don’t like greedy and boring men, if you know what I mean...

33. A beautiful car, I will look luxurious in it...

34. Winter is my least favorite time of year. It is impossible to show a tan...

35. It’s not for nothing that Friday is called “the libertine”...

36. On Saturday evening, married people or extremely boring people sit at home...

37. I plan to have fun this evening...

38. I was going to a party, but everything was cancelled... And I got ready...

39. The soul asks to dance, I think how to please the old lady...

40. Does this cook work from home?

Is this normal?

Asking a guy to go out first is a completely normal situation. Just don’t complicate everything from the first seconds of communication: you are not a couple yet, don’t plan a future together, don’t owe each other anything and are just going to have a good time if you agree. The standard situation is when a boy invites a girl, and then, in the process of communication, they see where it leads. When a girl invites a guy for a walk, nothing changes: if the date is successful, a couple will be formed; if not, it means it didn’t work out.

Method 3: feign helplessness

To encourage a guy to invite you on a date or meeting, let him know in your correspondence that you need his help, physical or moral. Most people have rescuer syndrome and it definitely triggers them.

41. Hello, it seems to me that only you can help me in this situation.

42. Today the computer stopped responding to any of my requests. Can you tell me what to do with it?

43. I don’t know a more professional car mechanic than you.

44. I’m planning to buy a new car, but I can’t figure out which brand to look at.

45. I wanted to send you a photo, but I couldn’t figure out the functionality of this application. It seems that I need specialist advice.

46. ​​Today I was returning from work and almost became a victim of hooligans.

47. They promise heavy snowfalls, but I still haven’t installed winter tires on my car.

48. I just need to take a break from work, otherwise my head will explode.

49. Today I had to enter into a not very pleasant discussion with a man in a store who behaved incorrectly.

50. I bought a new TV, but I can’t cope with the channel settings.

51. I’m a little busy, I’m planning to nail the shelf myself.

52. I didn’t think that I would have to perform men’s duties around the house.

53. I injured my leg during training, I think I’ll spend the next 2 weeks at home.

54. I can’t move my arm, I’ll probably have to call a doctor at home.

55. Don’t know what to do if I don’t have electricity in my apartment?

56. I caught a little cold, so I didn’t answer you.

57. Household chores have accumulated and there is not enough time for the Internet.

58. My car made strange noises today. I don't know how to describe this phenomenon.

59. If restarting the computer does not help, what should I do?

60. I wanted to fix the closet door and accidentally ruined everything completely. Can you tell me the number of a good master?

What qualities does a girl need to dare and invite a guy for a walk?

The girl invited the guy to go for a walk.
The girl must be decisive. A modest woman would not dare to take such a step. What other qualities does a girl need to dare and invite a guy for a walk? Here is the list:

  • Confidence in yourself and your actions
  • Ability to remain calm
  • Emotional preparedness for both positive and negative outcomes

Don't be upset if he refuses. Ask immediately about the reason; perhaps he simply does not have time or there are other circumstances. Then it’s worth agreeing on another time or day. Or try your luck another time. It is also important to prepare for the invitation. Read on to find out how to do this.

Method 5: every joke contains a share of the joke

There is a theory that men do not understand hints at all. Therefore, in order not to waste time and not get upset because of the lack of initiative of a potential suitor, say directly what is required of him, or joke. It is known that every joke is only a joke. Examples of such phrases:

81. If someone asked me on a date today, I would definitely agree.

82. I haven’t been to the cinema for a long time...

83. I saw the announcement of a new play, I don’t know who to go with.

84. A new Italian restaurant has opened in the center, everyone praises it.

85. Today is Friday - a great time to drink wine in good company.

86. I haven’t been on a date for a hundred years.

87. I wonder if modern men still invite women on dates?

88. I know a coffee shop where they brew the most delicious coffee in the city.

89. A walk in the park wouldn’t hurt me right now, my head is tired at the end of the week, I need a reboot.

90. If one handsome guy offered to drink coffee, she would say that she was already ready...

91. I like driving around the city; conversations in the car are much more intimate than on social networks.

92. The meeting was cancelled, but I really wanted to get to the new cafe on our street. Now I was left without company for the evening.

93. I accept any of your proposals...

94. I want to ride an electric scooter, but I’m afraid of falling. I will only make up my mind if someone is holding my hand next to me.

95. I would happily spend Sunday morning in the park, watching how nature and the city wake up along with it.

96. Have you been to the new observation deck? I won't be able to reach her...

97. There are no plans, if you suddenly decide to ask.

98. If you suggested going to the cinema. I would agree.

99. To get to know each other better, you should see each other more often...

100. I haven’t been on a date for a long time, I wonder how it’s going...

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How do men feel about this?

Most young men are wary of the fair sex who independently invite guys on dates. The subconscious quietly whispers to them that such girls are accustomed to taking the initiative and will not want to obey a man.

It’s a rare guy who won’t ask himself the question of how many people have already been invited on a date by a girl who freely offers her company.

In order not to shock men, representatives of the fair sex have long learned to build a chain of events to receive an invitation.

Develop yourself

What does it mean when a man calls you for lunch and doesn’t show up for a date? You haven't interested him enough. This will not happen if you continue to develop and invest in your marriage rating. I talk more about this in the online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness.” I give my students a step-by-step technique for developing happy relationships and teach them to be in demand, successful, and attractive to guys at any age.

Do you have any secrets or tricks that you use to get a guy to ask you out to dinner? Share in the comments!


Dress feminine

The outfit should emphasize your assets: beautiful hips, high breasts, long legs. Don’t confuse sexuality with vulgarity: I talked in detail about what clothes to choose for dating and first meetings in the article “How a girl should dress on a first date if she wants a serious relationship.” Try adding a bright accent to your look: an unusual scarf, a stylish detail. This way you will attract additional attention to yourself and give the guy a reason to approach you, give you a compliment, and start a conversation.


Like any energy, the energy of love is formed by a difference in potential. To intrigue and remain interesting, you need to alternate between “plus” and “minus”. Let me explain: they gave a compliment (they gave a “plus”, attracted attention) - disappear from sight (this will be a “minus” and will create tension). When you have achieved your goal, the man called for dinner, agree on your terms. Thank you sincerely, but say that you can only allocate two hours for the meeting from 18 to 20. This will make you unavailable, and therefore more desirable.

Let's speak frankly

The last way to ask a guy out is to be frank and just ask him out. The ideal way to immediately put everything in its place and get an honest answer from the object of your adoration.

From a male point of view, this option has a lot of advantages: some guys are embarrassed to invite the girl they like for months, and when she herself offers to meet, it’s just a gift for them. Just don’t need to assure the object of your unearthly love, this can scare away the chosen one. You just need to indicate your sympathy and offer to spend time together in order to find out whether you are suitable for each other or not.

When my husband walks alone

If the situation “my husband walks without me” is familiar to you, our tips will help you change it:

  • Share your husband's interests;
  • Behave with dignity in the company of his friends;
  • Do not engage in a showdown when spending time together;
  • Capture the atmosphere and mood in the company;
  • Look beautiful and well-groomed.

If you fulfill these conditions, your husband will spend time with you.

In the event that hints could not force the guy to be active, proceed to open action - call him yourself. If you refuse, you will have to choose another partner.

Social media

The next stage is monitoring social networks and starting correspondence. In order to establish meaningful communication via the Internet, you need to avoid platitudes: “hello” and “how are you?” Such messages are answered rarely and without enthusiasm.

We need to come up with something more original and definitely personal. Standard phrase: “Have you had a hard day today too?” - also, in principle, a banal, but quite personal question, as a result of which a lively conversation can begin.

How to invite a guy to go out via text? The safest option for a shy girl is to find out about some street events and celebrations and ask her crush if he will go to them? If the answer is yes, you can ask if they will meet there. You definitely need to clarify what kind of company he will be in: it is one thing if he is with a couple of friends, and completely different if he is with a new passion.

More confident girls can afford to simply invite a guy for a chat - if he answers in the affirmative, then this is considered a full-fledged date.

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