Cupid's theorem: how to prove to a girl that I truly love her

Photo: UGC Any man whose relationship lasted longer than a month has faced the problem of how to prove to a girl that you love her. Men and women evaluate the behavior of their chosen one differently. This causes disagreements and quarrels. Let's tell you in more detail how to show your love to a girl.

Prove your love with your actions

Some girls want beautiful words, while others ask for strong actions. If there are accusations against you that your words do not match your deeds, then take these tips into account before you prove that you love a girl:

  1. Mind your manners. With your friends you can burp deliciously, scratch yourself in different places and behave as you want, but a girl needs to see a real prince and gentleman next to her. For her, you are the ideal man with whom she is in love, so the resonance of your behavior and her feelings is puzzling. It's not that hard to open the door for a girl or concede the choice of a movie.
  2. Show her your affection, dependence on her. Call every day, give her the attention she is missing.
  3. Demonstrate reliability, show that you can be relied upon: solve her problem or at least listen and give advice. Believe in her, encourage her endeavors, provide support.
  4. Trust her: suppress attacks of jealousy in yourself, give her more freedom. Respect her as a person.
  5. Be attentive not only to her appearance, but also to her feelings. Don’t brush aside claims and worries: even if outwardly they are far-fetched and empty, something more serious may be hidden behind them.
  6. Give her more of your time. Just be included in the communication, and not busy only with yourself or the contents of your phone.
  7. Help her in everyday life: cook, clean.

If you are already doing all this, and she is unhappy, then move on to the next point.

"I'm good. Even if my results are bad"

Women, due to their emotionality, tend to focus on “love” experiences. The root of these experiences is the absence of the resource attitude “I am good.”

I recently read a psychologist’s opinion about Alina Zagitova’s sporting failures and her complex psychological state. The specialist noticed that Alina does not share the concepts of “I” and “My result.” The recommendation was the attitude: “I am good, even if my sports result is bad.”

This is a familiar situation for many, on different scales of personality, of course.

Use romance to prove you love

Girls love melodramas and love novels in which all obstacles are overcome. She wants it to be like this in her life too: quarrels and stormy reconciliations with your romantic actions. If this is not the case, then the girl thinks that this is not true love or that you don’t love her. She needs proof, so let her have it:

  1. Give her flowers. Just like that, without any special reason, but not after her reproaches that you don’t love her.
  2. Give an inexpensive gift with a hint of your feelings. Let it be an album with your videos together, a mug with a picture of your couple. As an idea: a mug that changes the color of her dress from colored to white. Say that the gift predicts the future. Show your imagination!
  3. Make a romantic dinner. Not necessarily with your own hands, the main thing is the atmosphere and setting.
  4. Have a romantic date.
  5. Watch a crazy act from a popular movie and do it for her. Maybe you recently watched a guy climb up to a girl on an aerial platform or write a confession on the pavement under her window. Subconsciously, she wants something so beautiful addressed to her.

This way you will add variety to your life. Why not become the hero of an exciting film for a while, even if it is about love, and not in the spirit of Marvel.

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It all starts with unconditional love for your child.

Unconditional love for a child is when we love despite his behavior. There is a lot of respect in such love, it gives a sense of balance, which is expressed in the fundamental calm of the person. If they love only when the expectations of parents, teachers, and mentors are met, then uncertainty and low self-esteem grow inside the child.

Later, such conditioned “love” is activated by some events, people, actions.

As a child, they tried to “earn” the love of their parents and friends - in adulthood, the scenario “I’ll be comfortable and good” comes into play. And the internal attitude “You can only love me for something” leads to a constant need for confirmation of this from your partner. And not always from a man, a husband, but also from management and colleagues.

The result is a vicious circle, a vessel that, in principle, cannot be filled.

How to use your behavior to convey love

If you are puzzled by the question “how to prove to a girl that I love her,” then most likely you missed these points in your behavior:

  1. Show your emotions and feelings, even if they are negative and you are angry that she didn’t call you or you are overwhelmed with jealousy. Feel the edge. The girls are put off by the guy’s calmness and lack of reaction to her provocations. Let her be glad that she has power over you. Participate in her games, show the necessary emotions, but do not forget about control and how she perceives your actions.
  2. Be kind to her. It is with others that you can be adamant, but it is important for her to know that she is in a special position.
  3. Take care of her. This will help you prove the sincerity of your feelings.
  4. Be honest and don't lie. After lying, it will be difficult to prove that you are serious and really love her.
  5. Remember important dates and anniversaries.

If a girl asks you to prove that you love her, it means something went wrong in your relationship. She may be too bored and monotonous. It’s better not to wait for problems, but to work on the relationship in advance.

Ways to prove your love

How to prove your love to a girl:

  1. Memories are your true friend. If there is a crisis in your relationship, turn back. Pay attention to the moments that previously caused violent feelings in the girl. Maybe it's romantic walks under the night sky or flowers every week? Or maybe she was delighted with the endless declarations of love or compliments? If you decide that you can now relax, leave such thoughts. Without wood, the fire of love will turn into a candle stub, which will soon burn out and disappear.
  2. Compliments. If before your feelings were not filled with romance, but now they are completely under threat, start with the simplest thing: give your loved one a compliment about his appearance, abilities, talents, character. Let your chosen one understand how much she means to you! Be sincere - lies and falsehood are difficult to miss. Therefore, make sure that the girl does not doubt your words for a moment. How to do it? Tell her in person or write a letter by hand - the second option is more romantic.
  3. Actions. Words are, of course, good, beautiful and pleasant. But some girls have lost faith in them so much that they may not believe your sincerity. If your beloved does not respond to compliments, then she needs physical evidence of your attitude towards her. Actions can be varied: from a gallant attitude in the form of opening doors for a girl to real help if the girl’s family needs male strength or finances. In general, always be there. Let her know that she can rely on you at any time, regardless of the time of year or day.
  4. Plan for the future. Every girl secretly dreams of a wedding. And if a guy doesn't propose to her, she may be upset deep down, but not show it. As a result, discontent will still spill out someday. We are talking about a serious relationship if you are sure that you want to spend a long life together with this person and babysit your grandchildren together. If you've been dating for a year or two, propose marriage to her. Let the girl know that you see her as a future wife.

She's just bored: 3 options that will replace evidence of feelings

To prevent a girl from showering you with reproaches, use these options to cheer up your relationship:

  1. Constantly give her new emotions: not only good ones, but also contradictory ones. She won't love you just because you're there.
  2. Make sure you have common interests.
  3. Thank her for what she does for you. The first time she prepared a delicious dinner, you said “thank you” to her and admired her culinary talent, but time has passed and now you forget to thank her for simple everyday things. The same thing with other manifestations of her feelings and care: learn not to perceive everything as normal.

Here's how to prove to a girl that you need her. But don’t forget that both should work on the relationship. If she demands evidence, beautiful words and deeds, but does not give anything in return, then the feelings are doomed. Remain a man and do not allow yourself to be manipulated and used. It’s easy to be a real man next to a real woman, and vice versa: you have the power to turn even a capricious beauty into a reliable life partner. I, seduction coach, Alexander Galevich, will teach you how to manage your relationships. Already 20,000 men have benefited from my experience and got everything they wanted!

How to show a girl that you care about her

According to psychologists, relationships from a male and female perspective have significant differences.

In the male opinion, the fact of a relationship is already a demonstration of the seriousness of intentions. Women, in turn, need depth and constant confirmation of spiritual closeness with a man.

The reasons for requiring proof of love for a girl may be as follows:

Low self-esteem

Under the influence of low self-esteem, the girl constantly wants to confirm her own importance on an ongoing basis.

Sad past experience

There is often a situation where a girl transfers the problems of a past relationship into her present one. Let's assume that a past relationship ended due to a lack of emotion. For this reason, in current relationships, the girl is more demanding in expressing feelings in order to avoid psychological discomfort.

Excessive emotional excitability

It is expressed in inventing problems, and then in the desire for her partner to solve them.

Lack of attention

As a child, the girl was deprived of attention from her father; having matured and entered into a relationship, she tries to supplement the lack of love, demanding more attention from her lover.


Not only a man can contain the quality of an owner, but also a woman. Therefore, she can behave demonstratively in order to arouse jealousy in her chosen one.

ThetaHealing and Unconditional Love

During theta-healing sessions, a person learns to feel the unconditional love of the creator for himself and in himself. When there is internal filling with high vibrations, confidence and balance come, and vain expectations from anyone from the outside go away. There is no need to look outside for evidence of what is inside.

In what cases is there no need to prove anything?

If you are used, if you are not appreciated, if instead of happiness love brings suffering, if the place is already taken, if you waste yourself and get nothing in return. If you feel internally that everything is in vain.

Love is the invisible threads that connect two people, and if, despite all the efforts and evidence of love, a man continues to stubbornly not notice you and, as Stanislavsky repeats: “I don’t believe it!”, stop and think about whether this is your man, maybe It’s better to let him go to open up space for a new meeting.

How to recover from the need for proof of love?

If you ask your man, even jokingly: “Do you love me?”, then it’s time to think about whose love you are really looking for and whether you are looking for it there. Likewise, if you have a clear need for constant praise and recognition at work.

What to do about it?

An honest and frank conversation with a partner, a psychologist, and yourself is the remedy that will save you. Of course, it is important to be aware of your feelings and have the courage to voice them. If it doesn’t work out, then a psychologist can help. An experienced specialist will help you identify emotions and hidden needs, and then build a correct conversation with your partner.

The beginning of a new romance


The beginning of a new romance is not always realized by a girl. The silly beauties are really imagining a wedding dress and children, although they have so far been accidentally hit with a shoulder. Smarter girls are in no hurry to consider even an invitation to spend an evening together as the beginning of a serious relationship.

The right tactic at the beginning of a romance would be to consistently identify your beloved’s fears and gradually extinguish them one by one.

What do girls fear at the beginning of a new relationship?

Finding yourself used and abandoned

This is exactly what girls hear from their grandmothers and mothers since childhood. Many of them will hide their sympathy until their last breath, just so as not to hear “I told you so” from their mother. Not a single man at the very beginning of the novel can promise wedding bells at the end. But anyone can show a girl that he understands her fears and respects her wishes. It’s very simple: don’t ask her whether they will go to her or him after the first cup of coffee, choose places for meetings where the friend will not find herself in an awkward situation. Don't ask questions about deadlines. When the girl understands that the guy is determined to take care of her, she herself will start talking about the most important things.

In the digital age, girls are afraid of publicity

If love has flared up, you want to show your chosen one to everyone. But feelings can flare up at different rates, and the girl has the right to this. If her upbringing requires restrained behavior, that deserves only respect, doesn't it? You shouldn’t flood social networks with photos of them together, or secretly film her on camera: all this puts pressure on the girl. Isn't it better when she chooses to be with you on her own, without gentle prods with a stun gun?


It is not customary to ask questions about such personal things, but everyone has read the statistics on intimate diseases in the press. It would be nice to accidentally mention some kind of examination at work and accidentally show her a recent certificate: it will be much easier for her to trust.

Of course, no one has canceled the proven tactics with candy, flowers and restaurants; it all still works great. But a girl’s key need is to feel protected. A one-time event with a huge bouquet or an expensive picnic will touch her heart, but constantly sitting on the beans because of the whims of an unapproachable beauty has never helped anyone. This stupidity is clearly visible to girls. Stupidity is repulsive, proven.

What not to do: popular mistakes girls make

There is no need to impose. It might just turn people off. “Wherever you look, she’s everywhere.” A man may feel trapped and without the right to choose. And this, oh, how unpleasant. And then he will do everything to escape, that is, the effect will be the opposite of the desired result.

When declaring your love for a man, you should not flirt with other guys. Some girls believe that in this way they can increase their own rating and prove their relevance, but no. This is more likely to alienate your partner than to interest you.

You should not blame him or ridicule him, even if the man is in an awkward situation, especially do this in front of witnesses.

No need to shout. It is interesting that, according to statistics, there are fewer divorces in couples where the woman is not used to speaking in a raised voice.

Don’t take your bad mood out on a man, respect him.

Make plans for the future

The seriousness of your intentions in a relationship with a girl can best be proven by conversations and making plans for the future

. There is no need to be afraid of this: assumptions and dreams of living together liberate and make two people even closer. Even if your lady seems like an incorrigible bachelor, such conversations will definitely seem pleasant to her, because somewhere, even in the farthest corner of her heart, she understands that in the future you still need to start a family.

Many women are touched by the dreamy stories of their loved ones, in which the family life ahead of them both is described in every detail. And if during such a conversation you bring up the topic of children, then there is no doubt that you have acquired your darling for yourself.

However, you still need to be careful

and learn more about the character and temperament of your beloved, as well as take into account age and try to take actions according to the situation. For a girl under twenty years old, such talk about children can be off-putting.

Nowadays, morals are completely different and views on life have changed radically. But still, a guy’s desire to meet his beloved wife’s family can raise him in her eyes and be taken quite seriously. This will serve as further proof of your feelings.

The course of action is simple: take every opportunity to ask your sweetheart to introduce you to her parents

Seeing the serious attitude, careful consideration, sincere interest in the family and the emotions associated with the visit, your loved one will understand how important it really is to you.

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