How to prove to a guy that you love him: Methods, situations and mistakes

Do you need to prove your love?

Yes or no? This topic can be debated for a long time. It just all depends on life experience. Some people in life quickly received reciprocity, while others had to withstand the tests of time, achieving the feelings of that person, without whom the sun fades and the ice cream is not sweet.

According to prevailing stereotypes, it is men who must prove their feelings. But representatives of the fairer sex are doomed to remain silent and suffer, in the hope that the guy himself will guess and pay attention.

The only thing is that even the most insightful people have not yet learned to read minds. And if you remain silent about love, then you can “miss” your happiness, as they say, “but love, like a dream, passed by.”

Taking care of a man with pleasure

In order to properly show love to a man, it is important for a woman not to forget about herself! Self-care, clean and harmonious clothes, hobbies, beautiful appearance - many women do not neglect all this. And, as for ordinary household chores, this is where a glitch occurs. Washing, ironing, cooking, keeping the house clean - all this causes real negativity in women. Try to change your attitude towards what is happening, learn to enjoy everything you do for your comfortable life together!

Turn on your favorite tunes when you iron, buy beautiful dishes to make it a pleasure to cook and set the table. Listen to audiobooks while cleaning; in a word, combine business with pleasure! Make sure that household chores are easy and relaxed for you.

Basic methods

There are several love languages. As the hero of the famous movie said: “Saying means more to you than doing.” Yes, some love with their ears, some value time and attention, and for some, gifts are important. After all, a gift is not an easy thing, it means that the person was thinking about you in your absence, which means it is also about love.

Touches, hugs and kisses can tell more than a thousand confessions. “Everyone chooses for themselves,” so it’s important to correctly determine the way to prove to a guy that you love him.

In words

“There are many words on earth...”, why not use them to tell the guy about your feelings.

Men love compliments, they love to be praised. Maybe I should just admit it? But, as experience shows, saying “I love you, what more?” is not always enough.

Not only women, but also men have to deal with deception and betrayal in relationships. And even if they talk less about it, the wound in the soul leaves a deep mark, especially if the deception was from a loved one. That’s why the guy to whom the girl spoke beautiful words, swore fidelity and love, and then betrayed him, does not believe the words. For him they are empty.

It will take time to find the path to the soul of such a person, “whose heart the experience visited and forbade to be forgotten.” And the words addressed to him must be special. “I love you!”, “You are so cool”, “We will always be together” - these phrases will fly past your ears like the wind. You will need something that can truly hook you, prove sincere interest in your partner’s personality. And this can only be noticed by a woman who sees not with her eyes, but with her heart, who is ready to prove her love to a guy.

Read How a girl can become sexy and desirable in the eyes of any man

And to be honest, it’s worth talking about feelings. “I need you”, “I’m waiting for you so much, I miss you so much”, such a manifestation of love can melt even the iciest heart.

By actions

It’s even better to back up your words with actions. Duels and other actions involving the use of physical force, aimed at eliminating competitors and turning the whole world upside down, should be left to the men themselves. Women have their own, less risky ways to prove love.

Delicious coffee prepared according to a “secret recipe”, a favorite dish, even if it requires bird’s milk or a star apple to prepare it. Poster with treats and declaration of feelings. Thanks to such daily “nice” actions, a man begins to understand how kindly you treat him. And it is not necessary to wait for weekends or holidays to show attention; let each of them be filled with you and your care. Then, falling asleep, he will make only one wish - “Let her be in my next day.”

Original ways

And if everything is clear with romance, then we move on. It's good to shake things up a little. You can prove to a guy that you love him not only with care, but also in original ways. And any craziness is welcome. The more unusual the idea, the more it will be remembered. “I’ve never had anything like this before!” — this is the impression the guy should be left with after your surprise. So get creative. What can you offer?

Diving with sharks will probably be too much, you still need to prepare for this, but scuba diving will do. If a guy doesn’t like the underwater world, then you can offer him a hot air balloon flight. You are alone, in an unusual environment, emotions are going wild, your hearts are practically bursting out of your chest, and at that moment you admit that you love.

If he is not a fan of extreme sports, then you can arrange relaxation. A bathhouse with oak brooms, a relaxing massage, a swimming pool, hot tea or cold beer - this is also memorable and tells a man “how she understands me.”

Remember how in school years boys tried to sneak a note with the treasured “I love you!”, So, men also don’t mind receiving such a message. You can leave it in a place where the guy will certainly find the note, but not right away. Maybe he will decide to send you a reply in the same way. The game is captivating, and note that it is only your game.

Dance has always been a frank declaration of love. Even if you don't have any special abilities, you can learn a few moves, choose the appropriate outfit and create the right atmosphere. Music, candles, you... This brings you very close and it is likely that the man will want to join you in the dance.

Look what you can give

  • Myself

You are the coolest gift, even though sometimes in character you are not a gift.

  • Sweets

If he has a sweet tooth, you can’t help but give him sweets. Give and please.

  • Handle

The conversation is about an ordinary pen, which is usually used to write.

  • Mobile

His old phone number is probably worn out. Update. He will be happy.

  • Poetry

You yourself know that you have a penchant for rhyming. All that remains is to put this mechanism into action.

  • Book

What does he like about you? In short, give me a book about that. Let him flip through and read.

  • Souvenirs

The choice is huge. If you wish, you can purchase several souvenirs.

  • Clothes

Tie, trousers, shirt, jeans, T-shirt, panties, vest, jacket, shorts. What do you like best?

  • Shoes

What shoes does the chosen one like? So, based on his tastes, give him shoes.

  • Electric razor

Don't wait for recognition: buy and give.

  • Case

If he doesn’t have it, give it to him. It won't be redundant. A backup option is better than the only one.

  • Compliments

Remember how he did not spare you such gifts. Now you too, get even, beauty!

  • Good news

If you have news, share it and don’t be greedy! The beloved should be the first to recognize her.

We prove our love depending on the situation

Situations are different, life generally likes to arrange surprises, so you have to act based on their circumstances.

How to love a man correctly

How to prove love if you are not together

A woman's willingness to wait has always been the surest way to prove her love to a man. They waited at all times: from a campaign, from work involving the risk of life, from the army, from war - “you just knew how to wait like no one else.” Men appreciate this quality when a woman is ready to wait and remain faithful.

At the same time, it is important to maintain contact, be interested in your partner’s affairs, and be proud of him. Even if due to certain circumstances you are not together, this does not mean that you cannot love.

Read 8 effective ways to make a man jealous

Prove love if you are a couple

The times when men climbed through the windows of the women they loved are somehow a thing of the past. In the modern world, the initiative has passed to women. Who is stopping you from using it for a good cause?

You shouldn't climb through the window, but you can appear in those places where the man of your dreams jogs or where he usually drinks coffee on a break. If he is walking his four-legged friend, then show how interested you are in dogs.

Let your presence and communication become necessary for him, like a breath of air. A pleasant conversation, the right advice, a compliment, time in this case works for you. You need to act unobtrusively, it’s not your fault that you live in the next building or like the same coffee, from the same machine.

Fact! People tend to show interest in those who are interested in their personality.

If love is at a distance: how to prove it by correspondence

“Love knows no boundaries and distances, of course, if it is love,” only those who have already passed this test have the right to say. What should you know about long-distance love? It is not simple! Situations where people who have tender feelings for each other are separated by kilometers are not uncommon.

Previously, lovers wrote letters and waited impatiently for the postman. Nowadays there are social networks for communication and you can correspond day and night, that is, there are more opportunities to prove to a guy that I love him.

Important! It is worth considering two points. First, if you don’t know a person in real life, then be careful. Suddenly the object of your love turns out to be not at all who he says he is, maybe he’s not even a man. Don’t rush to trust him with all your secrets, your heart and the keys to your apartment.

And the second point, even with a loved one it is difficult to maintain live communication by correspondence, there is a risk of reducing everything to three phrases: “Hello!”, “How are you?”, “Good night.” Talk about what happened to you, specifically choose significant moments, ask for advice, try to be positive, complaints are tiring, especially if they are heard every day. And don’t forget to praise the man in different forms and remind him of your love.

A man should be sure that you always have time for him, that you are happy to communicate with him, that with you he can relax and smile, even if all day long black cats lined up to cross his path.

How to prove to a guy that I love him via SMS: if he doesn’t answer calls

If a man doesn't answer his calls, then he's either busy or simply ignoring you. Most likely, you know the reason for his behavior. If a person is truly dear to you, then your heart will tell you what words you need to find in order to melt the ice of alienation.

There is no need to write reproaches or offensive messages; it is not the best idea to sort things out via SMS. It is better to fill the messages with tenderness. “With you I’m ready to go to the ends of the world”, “You are the best man in the world”, “I’m behind you like behind a stone wall”, you can allow more intimate content, but not cross the line. When choosing an SMS text, remember that the telephone was invented to make communication closer, and not to break it.

Read How to hint to a guy about sex without losing your feminine dignity

Both work

However, it is always worth remembering that a relationship requires the work of both members of the couple, and not just the girl. As they say, you can't clap with one hand. If a young man does not try at all to maintain the relationship, it is worth thinking about whether this is love, or maybe just a convenient and pleasant pastime of two beautiful young people.

Many of us need proof of love from time to time. As a rule, they are wanted by those people who themselves experience the most sincere feelings, but are not confident in their other half. It is usually unusual for men to demand actions or words of love from girls, but in difficult periods of a relationship it is simply necessary to show your loved one through words and actions that he is truly dear.

You can often hear the opinion that only guys should look after and take steps in developing relationships, and girls are not obliged to prove anything to anyone, their only job is to happily accept signs of attention. In fact, this is a misconception about relationships, and such an attitude will not lead to anything good. Psychologists say that both partners should work on the relationship. And this is true, since couples where one experiences trembling feelings, and the other only allows himself to be loved, as a rule, break up after some time.

It’s good when a woman, through words and deeds, helps a man understand that he is truly loved. This encourages him to respond. Mutual care helps you easily get through turning points in a relationship and not lose your true feelings.

What not to do: popular mistakes girls make

There is no need to impose. It might just turn people off. “Wherever you look, she’s everywhere.” A man may feel trapped and without the right to choose. And this, oh, how unpleasant. And then he will do everything to escape, that is, the effect will be the opposite of the desired result.

When declaring your love for a man, you should not flirt with other guys. Some girls believe that in this way they can increase their own rating and prove their relevance, but no. This is more likely to alienate your partner than to interest you.

You should not blame him or ridicule him, even if the man is in an awkward situation, especially do this in front of witnesses.

No need to shout. It is interesting that, according to statistics, there are fewer divorces in couples where the woman is not used to speaking in a raised voice.

Don’t take your bad mood out on a man, respect him.

Examples of nice words

Men do not like long and flowery declarations of love. But they also need to say nice words. First of all, consider the character of your loved one.

Favorite can be called:

  • Little Bunny, Baby Doll or My Lion, Macho;
  • Brave, kind, wise, gentle;
  • Antoshka, Pashenka, Olezhka, etc.

Calling a serious brutal man a “bunny” is not a good idea. But you can tell your lover how much you admire his strength, courage, and figure. If the guy is knowledgeable in scientific fields, praise his abilities. Admire him and ask him about something where he will prove himself to be an expert.

In what cases is there no need to prove anything?

If you are used, if you are not appreciated, if instead of happiness love brings suffering, if the place is already taken, if you waste yourself and get nothing in return. If you feel internally that everything is in vain.

Love is the invisible threads that connect two people, and if, despite all the efforts and evidence of love, a man continues to stubbornly not notice you and, as Stanislavsky repeats: “I don’t believe it!”, stop and think about whether this is your man, maybe It’s better to let him go to open up space for a new meeting.

Be the one who will delight him

Many women focus their attention on the way they express love, but do not attach any importance to their own person. For a man, it is important not only how love is expressed, but also by whom.

Start loving yourself

It is quite difficult to love a person who does not love himself. If you are not a full-fledged person within yourself, then no man will be able to perceive you as a confident, worthy woman.

Self-love to a reasonable extent will make you a balanced, harmonious personality, but completely surrendering yourself to “sacrifice for the sake of love” will lead to disappointment and imbalance.

  1. Pay attention to yourself.
  2. Take care of your body and the body as a whole.
  3. Have relaxing evenings and don’t let them turn you into a driven racing horse.

This video describes the five qualities that a man likes most in his chosen one. It is these character traits that a woman needs to work on in order to achieve a positive result in a relationship. Thanks to these practical tips, you can not only correctly present your feelings, but also preserve them.

Become feminine

Your loved one should not see you as a man. In our culture and folklore there are many proverbs and parables about a strong woman, so to speak, “she will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut,” but no sane man would want to build a relationship with a “man in a skirt.”

All your actions regarding the expression of love should emphasize your fragile and delicate nature. Don't be afraid to show your loved one your weakness and helplessness. Let him be a protector in the house, your breadwinner and provider. This trait belongs entirely to the male sex, and therefore there is no need to claim it.

Quite often, husbands leave their wives and go to young girls precisely because they see in them such traits as courage, strength, caring, and protection. However, they do not pretend to take these positions and enjoy second place.

Take care of yourself

Your rich inner world is definitely important to him, but often he is not able to see it behind a dirty head, unkempt skin and a rumpled and awkward outfit.

Men, unlike women, love with their eyes. It is important for them not only to hear pleasant words, but also to see a beautiful “picture” in front of them. If you think that appearance is important only at the first stage of a relationship, then you are mistaken. Strive to delight your loved one all the time with your bright and beautiful outfits, well-groomed body and beautiful makeup.

Wear things that your man likes

Most guys are visual people. It is extremely important for girls to look in such a way as to please their man. Listen to comments, advice, compliments, but don’t take them too seriously; rather, take them as a guide to action.

To prove that you love, wear high-heeled shoes and clothes that a man likes. This should be done regardless of whether you have been dating for two weeks or have been together for many years. By putting on a sexy red dress, a girl attracts attention and shows her partner that she wants to be desired.

Flirting and coquetry - about the benefits of the ability to make eyes

The easiest way to let a man know that a girl likes him without being intrusive is to smile, approach him, and look into his eyes. Not every girl will decide to take such a step. Men rarely understand subtle hints.

But despite this, the ability to “speak” with your eyes is a basic skill in the art of flirting. Such experience will be beneficial, even if the man himself takes the initiative. For many representatives of the fair sex, it is a problem to remain calm in male society. Although slight confusion during acquaintance will also allow the chosen one to understand that he likes him, excessive embarrassment should not interfere with communication.

Touch each other4

Such simple gestures as holding a hand, stroking a hand, hugging, or simply snuggling speak of a special closeness between people and are very important. Each of us has a personal space, access to which is allowed only to those closest to us. It is important to use this right constantly, on a subconscious level, demonstrating how dear and close you are to each other.

Seek advice

It is important for a man to feel like a significant part of your life. Involve your loved one in solving simple and complex issues. Ask for opinions on how best to act in a given situation. This is a good way to strengthen affection and prove your feelings.

The ability to easily talk about everything in the world and be interested in your partner’s point of view creates an atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust in a couple.

Hugging More Often

According to doctors' studies, hugs lasting more than 15 seconds provoke the release of oxytocin into the blood. This hormone is responsible for feelings of affection and love. During hugs, people experience a surge of joy, tenderness, and other positive emotions.

Touch makes it possible to physically feel the support of a loved one.

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