185 best SMS to your beloved girl so that she can’t think about anyone else

  • 1153
  • 14-01-2022
  • Author: Mysekret Team
  • 0

Today it is much easier to meet or start a conversation with a girl you like, because all you have to do is write to her on a social network. How to start a conversation and admit to a girl that you care about her, we’ll talk further.

So, before you admit to a girl that you like her in correspondence, you need to prepare. There are a number of nuances. For example, messages for a stranger and a girl with whom you have a friendly or work relationship should be different.

  • In the first case, when we write to an unfamiliar girl, you can flirt from the very beginning. We choose an original greeting and immediately indicate our sympathy.
  • If you really like a girl you know, you shouldn’t immediately go on the attack. You should start a conversation on a neutral topic, and then, noticing her favor towards the conversation, write a compliment or a confession that you like her. Then invite you on a date / walk / to a cafe / to the cinema.

Passionate to make your beloved cry and smile

Day gives way to night, night gives birth to dawn, but it is impossible to emerge from the magic of our joint desires.

Our streams merge into one silver river of love.

Who filled you with this magic that you want to fall into forever?

Next to you, my body tenses and vibrates like a voltaic arc.

The lavender-vanilla aroma of your silk hair intoxicates your blood, and when you touch it, small electrical discharges penetrate to your core.

The warmth of your tender palms penetrates the depths of my soul, causing divine trembling and vibration of the body.

My ladybug, and my butterfly, my squirrel, swallow, bunny, beloved puppy, your touching efficiency, bursting laughter, tears, your moans have settled in my memory forever.

Who created you like this, a jewelry dragonfly in a solar stone, unexpectedly flying out of an amber drop and just as suddenly returning to it. A mystery of nature that I am ready to study and solve throughout my life.

You are like intoxicating, exquisite, expensive champagne in sparkling streams of emotions.

Every moment spent with you is equal to infinity!

I am your faithful Sancho Panza, your Othello, your Casanova. I will fulfill all your desires, secret and obvious.

You are the Star that fell into my palm. You warm and burn, I’m ready to receive these sweet burns every hour, just don’t fly away from me back into the world of cosmic constellations!

The most beautiful words for a girl

Although I didn’t feel it in reality, it seems to me that your lips are the sweetest in the world!


If one day I had not found myself at the crossroads of loneliness, I would never have been able to drown in such charming eyes!


Your kiss is a sip of water among the sultry dunes. So much pleasant, but still not enough!


Dear girl, I don’t hope for anything, but I want you to know that your beauty seemed to me the most important decoration of this world!


Never in my life have I been able to meet such a bright, affectionate and at the same time charming girl!


You are like a bouquet of the most exquisite flowers. You evoke a sea of ​​emotions and everyone is on the verge of bliss!


I looked at your hair under a microscope and read the word beauty between the DNA strands!


Sometimes you can be frivolous, like a little girl, and I like it. After all, then you can also become a child and fool around a little


Your voice is like sweet poison, every time I want to listen to you more and more!

You probably spent a lot of effort on looking so beautiful: that’s what I fell for.


I once made a wish on a falling star that I would meet my love. And being here with you, I understand that wishes come true.


The green color of your eyes, like a lighthouse on the ocean shore, raises the tone of my entire consciousness.

Tender words of compliments to the girl you like. Words of admiration for the girl!


You are like semi-dry red wine in a crystal glass. So tender, playful, soul-intoxicating and priceless at the same time!


You are beautiful, like a sunrise, everything is so harmonious, gentle and unimaginably beautiful!


And who said that there are only angels in heaven?! This is not true, because I see an Angel on earth!


Gait. Your walk is like a light sea breeze. Which gently walked through my dreams.


Your voice, like a gentle balm, flows through my soul into the very depths of immeasurable bliss.


Your friends are probably always jealous of you?! It’s impossible to do it any other way, because you are the best in all respects!

I want you: oh, what am I saying? It’s just that when I see a beautiful girl, I get tongue-tied.


I sent an angel to watch over you. The angel returned a few minutes later and I asked him why. He said, "Angels don't watch other angels"


How to say pleasant and affectionate words to your beloved girl in your own words? Tender words of compliments to the girl you like.

Is it necessary to start a correspondence at all?

Advice for men: answer the following two questions for yourself:

  1. What will you lose if you write to your ex?
  2. What will you regret if the correspondence never happens?

After answering these questions honestly and sincerely, you will be able to make the right decision about whether to write to your failed soulmate.

Advice for women:

  1. Evaluate the time period after the breakup: how long has it been since your last conversation? If we are talking about a matter of days, don’t rush, take a break. In the case when months or even years have passed, you can first take an interest in matters, and only after that act according to the situation.
  2. Analyze your own feelings. Why did you express a desire to resume correspondence? Are you bored, want to give it another chance, or just take revenge by boasting about your success in your personal life? Understanding the other person's feelings and finding out if they want to reconnect, at least virtually, is critical to success.
  3. If you still experience physical attraction to your ex and are driven solely by the desire to “have fun without obligations,” pay attention to which party is more worried, in particular, if you yourself were the initiator of the breakup.
  4. Are you wondering what he's doing? Act depending on how your relationship ended: bad - be careful, normal - use general phrases.
  5. If the impulse to write to your lover is spontaneous and does not have serious grounds, think before acting frankly. Perhaps this is just temporary nostalgia, and not even for a person, but for individual qualities of his character, the loss of which you still cannot come to terms with.

What NOT to write?2

  • A firm “no” to vulgar jokes! If communication with the girl you like is just beginning, then even one insignificant vulgar hint can reduce the further development of the relationship to nothing. In this case, it does not matter how funny and amusing the joke itself is. She is unlikely to make a girl smile. But it’s easy to blacklist you and stop communicating.
  • Making fun of flaws, even in a cute way, is unacceptable. Such messages will only offend the girl and, as a result, kill your hope for a future together.
  • It is important to avoid messages on specific (for example, political or prison) topics. Even if, in your opinion, this is the funniest joke that can instantly cheer you up.

General rules

How to correspond with your ex-partner:

  1. Before you mindlessly use emoticons—fashionable graphic depictions of emotions—think about how they might be interpreted by the recipient. As soon as a relationship loses its former character and stability, an emoticon can “play a cruel joke.” Therefore, during correspondence, it is better not to skimp on words, but to reduce the number of cartoon stickers to a minimum.
  2. Pay attention to spelling and punctuation of written language. Yes, it is not necessary to painstakingly calculate every comma, but it will be better for you that your ex-partner read exactly what you wanted to say, rather than jumping to hasty conclusions based on his own mood (based on an indistinct string of words).

  3. Maintain a certain pace of correspondence.
    Virtual communication should not be too fast and thoughtless, otherwise it can lead to overly intrusive communication. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct the conversation casually, without nervousness and tension, trying to maintain an optimal speed that is convenient for both parties.

  4. Fix a specific information transfer limit. Determine for yourself the optimal volume of messages to maintain parity, appear cultural and tactful. However, you should not overdo it with abbreviations for the sake of the established framework and abuse monosyllabic phrases a la “clear/understandable.” Brevity and conciseness should also be within acceptable limits of reason.
  5. Choose topics for correspondence wisely. If the interlocutor is minimally interested, do not put pressure or force him to communicate. Be prepared to make several attempts if communication is a must. Ask detailed questions, warm up the dialogue (without provocations!) and carefully monitor the reaction of your other half. In the absence of common ground, it will be difficult to build a dialogue through correspondence.
  6. Manage the communication process, not only adapting to your interlocutor, but also taking the reins into your own hands, if circumstances and the “degree” of the conversation allow it. Try to catch changes in the communication process in a timely manner so as not to aggravate the situation, but rather to smooth it out.
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