Make the obvious incredible: how to easily surprise your boyfriend or husband with simple things

In this article we will tell you:
  1. The value of gifts in a love union
  2. Possible surprises at the beginning of a relationship
  3. 4 ways to find out a man's desires
  4. 6 options to surprise a man from a distance
  5. Win-win options to surprise your beloved man in bed
  6. An effective way to surprise a man for dinner
  7. Interesting gifts and impressions for an anniversary
  8. The opinion of psychologists on the importance of gifts “just because” and during a difficult period for a man

How you can surprise a man is a question that every woman asks herself, striving to bring joy to the life of her loved one. It doesn’t matter whether the couple is legally married, or whether people are just beginning to show sympathy for each other. Gifts and attention have special value, and the fair sex always strives to realize this.

In this article, you will learn why it is important to surprise the man you love, and how this affects the relationship as a whole. You will also find recommendations that will help you learn about your partner’s desires and give him an unforgettable gift for a celebration or just because.

Why is it so important to surprise your chosen one?

You need to surprise both the guy with whom you have recently developed a relationship and your beloved husband.

Men are designed in such a way that they need to constantly receive new experiences.

During the period of courtship, when the woman is still somewhat of a mystery, the partner experiences genuine interest in her.

But, as the relationship develops, this interest slowly fades away. This doesn't mean the feelings go away. On the contrary, they become stable. But some liveliness of communication is gradually lost.

The more people get to know each other, the more often they begin to experience feelings of boredom. This is more common for men than for women. For this reason, it is so important to learn how to surprise them by introducing a little variety into your daily social time.

Unexpected surprises from your beloved woman will not only bring joy and arouse interest, but will also remind you that there is a worthwhile and loving soulmate nearby.

This will only increase the value of the relationship in the eyes of a man.

DIY gift options for your loved one

In such gifts, the basis is your passion for the cause, because the time spent and efforts made are always noticeable and pleasant to a loved one.

DIY gift options for your loved one

Four suitable options:

  • One hundred reasons for love. You can describe your feelings on pieces of colored block paper, cut out pieces of paper in the shape of a heart, or roll up small scrolls from scrap paper. Put all the “100 reasons for your love” in a jar, a beautiful box and present it to your loved one.
  • Useful thing. Practical men will be pleased to receive a hand-knitted scarf, gloves, sweater or warm socks for the winter from their beloved girl.
  • Tattoo. For some men, a tattoo stamped on a girl’s body in honor of him becomes the most memorable surprise for the rest of her life. This is a serious step that not everyone will take. A modest drawing of the date the relationship began or his initials can be printed in a place hidden from other eyes.
  • The bouquet is not made of flowers. Bouquets made from small souvenir bottles with alcohol look great as a gift. For men who prefer to relax on the weekend with a bottle of low-alcohol drink, you can easily make a bouquet from a battering ram wrapped in newspaper, like in gift wrapping.

How to surprise a guy

Before you arrange something magical for your man, make sure that it will really bring him pleasure and joy, and not the other way around. Think carefully in what conditions your partner will feel comfortable, what will definitely bring him pleasure and what will delight him.

How to find out? Very simple.

Start a casual conversation with him about his desires, something he has been dreaming about for a long time, but has not yet been able to achieve. Tell us about some of your ideas and carefully monitor his reaction. It might even make sense to ask his friend or brother for advice.

Don't get hung up on your dreams and fantasies. Remember that they may be completely different for you and your partner. You dream of a romantic dinner on the roof, and he wants to go to the sauna with beer and fish.

Another option for finding out what he dreams about is to listen carefully. Did he recently say that he was tired of the bustle of the city and would like to go out of town? Great. Use this to please him. Or he mentioned that a concert of his favorite band will soon be held in your city.

If you don’t want your relationship to fade and lose its sparkle over time, don’t forget to praise your loved one. It is important for a man to hear that you appreciate his efforts and efforts.

Orgasm control

This is another practice closely related to BDSM. It brings very vivid sensations to a man. The point is that you caress a man’s penis with your hand or mouth, but when you feel that an orgasm is about to come, you stop.

Or you squeeze the penis with the pads of your index finger and thumb in the place where the head meets the shaft, and hold for ten to fifteen seconds until the orgasm subsides. At this moment, the man experiences sensations close to orgasm, but then they go away.

After several such sessions of postponing orgasm, you allow your partner to cum fully, without delays or obstacles. Due to the fact that the orgasm was delayed several times, the sensations in the end are very bright and strong.

Surprising your loved one: appropriate surprises at the beginning of a relationship

At the beginning of a relationship, any woman has the main task - to charm and conquer the heart of her loved one so that all his thoughts are only about you. How to surprise your loved one at the first stage of the development of a novel? We will offer the most appropriate options:

Surprise dinner

If you have already become quite friendly, and the guy has walked you home more than once and even visited you, try to surprise him by inviting him to dinner. But dinner should be unusual. You can make a surprise in two directions: - find out from his friends his favorite dishes and prepare dinner from them, or make a themed evening meal - for example, arrange a Thai dinner Caucasian or Italian cuisine.

Of course, you must carefully prepare for such a surprise: try to prepare the dishes before the day on which you schedule dinner to ensure that you avoid mistakes on the day of the event eat, learn how to set a table beautifully, how to decorate dishes, how to decorate a room.

Such a surprise will not only surprise your man, but will also pleasantly please him: the male sex loves it when women take great care of them.

If the guy is a gamer

You can surprise a guy in simpler ways. If you have never approved of his hobbies for computer games, and he was well aware of this position of yours, you can easily surprise him by presenting him with a new disc with a trendy game and offering to play it together.

It will be a good surprise if a girl who doesn’t like football too much suddenly gives the young man tickets for tomorrow’s match and goes with him herself, not forgetting to wear the T-shirt of the guy’s favorite club , as well as getting excited about other fan paraphernalia. Such an act will show the man how dear he is to you and at the same time will surprise him beyond measure.

Give some extraordinary gift

It’s best if you make this gift with your own hands - for example, knit a warm sweater or sew a fashionable tie.

Such methods are perfect for surprising a young man at the first stages of relationship development. There is nothing shocking or overly extravagant in the listed methods - you should generally refrain from shocking antics if your relationship is only a month old or even more than that.

If a girl starts making strange surprises in the first days of meeting her, the guy will, of course, be surprised, but at the same time he will think about her normality.

A short story about your feelings, relationships

A video with your beloved should reflect actual feelings, display a familiar interior, a favorite chair or a pet. The owner of the house can record a short story with her participation. Let the cutlery be placed in it on the dining table in anticipation of the arrival of your loved one. A conversation on Skype will simplify communication, but will not add as much zest as a recorded romantic video made as a gift for your chosen one.

Other surprise options for your loved one

Remember the main rule: you should not surprise a man exclusively on holidays. Give him surprises and gifts regularly and then you can be calm - a guy will never leave a woman who is able to be so attentive, so caring and so different oh.

We will offer you other surprise options that may please your beloved man:

Photo printing

The male sex is no less sentimental at heart than the female sex. Therefore, you can prepare the following gift for your man: buy a white tea set and order a photo print on it - and for the images, choose photographs of the best moments of your family life.


Modern men are constantly busy with activities and worries, but this does not mean that they do not miss children's entertainment and friends from school or college. You can surprise a man by inviting him to play paintball with you or by organizing a meeting for him with childhood friends - taking into account the development of information technologies, this is not at all difficult. .

Dinner for a real man

A romantic dinner is wonderful, but if you arrange romantic meals every weekend, candles, flowers and wine will not only get boring, but will also cause a fair amount of irritation.

Organize a romantic dinner for men: beer, shank, chips and french fries.

A man will definitely be surprised that you understand the needs of the male soul so well.


You can try to surprise your loved one this way: in the summer, everyone usually goes out for barbecues and to the river, and in the end, such a standard set of entertainment can get boring. Buy tickets to the indoor skating rink and spend the evening on the ice.

Rest from you

Surprise your boyfriend by the fact that without scandals and reproaches, you will allow him and his friends to go to a sports bar, go fishing or fishing, go to a football match. Men understand perfectly well that most women perceive such events with negativity, and begin to prepare in advance for long moral teachings, tears and reproaches.

Imagine his surprise when all he hears from you is wishes for a pleasant rest!

Love and care

If you know for sure that your chosen one has worked hard and is physically and mentally exhausted, do not drag him on a romantic ski trip (of course, this is great, but not this time), it is better to bathe him in your care.

Let him sleep, bring coffee to bed, download his favorite movie, cook dinner according to his mother’s recipe, in the evening - a warming bath and massage, and at night - kind words in his ear.

It will definitely be appreciated, but how exactly, try it and find out!

The cure for routine

If, on the contrary, the husband has a sedentary job and a routine has become firmly established in his life, a shake-up is needed: paragliding, an ATV race, a group outing for paintball.

The thrills experienced together will bring joy to both!

Family tree

This idea of ​​a surprise for your loved one is especially good for family men. From time immemorial, men have been concerned about procreation and are sensitive to their surname; now many connections have been lost, and the history and roots of many families have been forgotten or lost.

Work hard, search, collect information, then beautifully design and present the history of your betrothed’s family.

Such interest and serious attitude towards his surname and family will evoke a response of gratitude in the heart of his loved one.


Think over and organize a quest to find a gift: place notes throughout the house (you can also do it in nature), which will bring you closer to victory step by step. Only here it is important that the “treasure” is adequate to the intrigue, and the prize found is definitely pleasant for him (a long-awaited item, a ticket to the stadium, a loved one who wears only a drop of perfume, an ultrasound of his unborn son, whom he does not yet know about, etc.) P.).

And then the boyish joy of your loved one from participating in the adventure is guaranteed!

Letter of confession

Strong and courageous halves are often much more romantic than ladies think, they just don’t always show it. They will definitely be touched if they receive a tender handwritten (!) letter - unexpectedly, for no reason - with words of love, and most importantly, gratitude.

Sensory stimulation and deprivation

Simply put, blindfold your partner and tease with touches. This is often coupled with bondage, but it's not really necessary, it just adds a touch of control transfer to sensory deprivation play.

Why it works: the inability to see greatly enhances the sensations. Plus, your partner doesn’t know what you will do in the next moment, and this heightens all senses, adds an element of adrenaline and surprise.

What you can do with a partner who is blindfolded:

  • Play with unexpected touches. Either you caress his penis with your palm, then suddenly you stop and start kissing his neck, lips, nipples. This is a great opportunity to explore your partner’s entire body without hindrance.
  • Use feathers and tickling. Gently rub the feather over sensitive areas: armpits, neck, nipples, abdomen, perineum, penis, feet. Tickling aggravates sensations, making them almost painful.
  • Feathers can be replaced with fur or even your hair if it's long enough.
  • Touching with different types of fabrics.
  • Playing with temperature: touch it either with an ice cube or with hot, wet lips. The sensations will become even sharper, brighter.
  • Massage oil will give you interesting sensations: it will make everything more slippery and hot.

Or, if a man doesn’t like being in such a vulnerable position, you can allow him to do all this to you, having prepared everything necessary.

Read: how to get your period easily and easily

There is no need to surprise

No matter how much you want to surprise your loved one, it is better to refrain from some surprises at all stages of your relationship.

For example, jokes about your pregnancy or the fact that you are having an affair with another man will never go unnoticed for you. You are an endless dupletic Cuppan, you are going to be touched and fed to do not like a man in a man, but in a near future, to sort it out for a sowing. ANIA.

If you think that you can surprise a man by inviting all your friends or all your family to visit, it means you don’t love him that much and are trying to understand.

You give such a surprise first of all to yourself - after all, these are your friends and your family. If you want to surprise and delight, don’t be selfish and think about the desires and dreams of your loved one, and not about yourself.

It is not difficult to surprise your loved one, it is difficult to do it correctly, to predict what a man will like, what, on the contrary, will irritate him. In order not to make mistakes with surprises, you need special heartfelt sensitivity and true love - then you won’t need any advice from anyone - you yourself will know how to surprise your man and bring newness to relationships.

Master the Kama Sutra

The Kama Sutra is not only about how to bend your bodies into amazing poses, but also about the spiritual connection with your partner. Try not only the poses, but also the breathing practices associated with them to experience (and give your man) a new sensual experience.

For example, the simplest thing: slow down your breathing before orgasm and consciously tense your vaginal muscles. This enhances orgasm because it increases blood circulation, supplying the genitals with blood. Both men and women can do this.

Offer it to a man - he will definitely gasp at such an offer.

How to surprise your loved one in bed

There's no such thing as too much sex. The more you surprise your loved one in bed, the longer your relationship will retain the spark of passion. But we should not forget that a man does not always want and is ready for love pleasures; this is an old stereotype.

Agree, after a hard day at work or a long business trip, he would rather just lie in your arms, watch a movie or read a book.

If you decide to please your loved one in bed, then all your imagination will come in handy:

  • You can arrange a romantic dinner by candlelight, an erotic massage and more according to plan.
  • Or it could be a new sex game, with a costume and a script.
  • Or maybe you just decided to go to a late movie and had a moment of passion in the parking lot.
  • Give free rein to your imagination and don't be afraid of anything.

Surprise dinner

To prepare such a surprise you will need:

  • Paper;
  • Pen;
  • Pomade;
  • Set of linen;
  • Stockings;
  • Shoes;
  • Light dinner;
  • Candles.

You need to start preparing in the evening: write a few notes of frivolous content. For example, briefly describe what awaits your beloved man in the evening.

You should write at least two or three notes and hide them so that the man finds them gradually, throughout the day. This way he will be thinking about you all day. For added spice, you can leave a kiss on each note and apply lipstick on your lips.

It’s also worth starting to prepare for his arrival in advance. Find recipes that are delicious but not heavy. A well-fed man is, of course, a satisfied man, but if the dinner is too heavy, he may simply fall asleep. Don’t forget about the beautiful table setting - plates, glasses, candles, tablecloth.

You can add fresh flowers.

Your appearance should match the theme of the evening. Start with your hair - loose hair is best. Makeup can also be made bright, even provocative (for example, brightly painted lips).

What to wear is up to you. You can surprise your man by meeting him in gorgeous lace lingerie, stockings and high-heeled shoes, you can throw a silk peignoir on top, which will only create the illusion that you are dressed. Or you can wear your favorite evening dress.

During dinner, have an interesting conversation, hand feed the man and ask him to treat you. You should not touch upon work or household issues. Also, don't bring up any issues. Remember that the main goal of the evening is to surprise your man in bed.

Interesting gifts and impressions for an anniversary

The anniversary of your relationship is approaching. It is better to give a gift not of a material nature, but a gift of impression. Consider the time of year, the climate in which you live, your capabilities in terms of money, as well as how old and what kind of character your man has.

During the summer and warm spring periods, the following events are well suited:

  • A trip on a boat or yacht from a river company. It is financially accessible and causes pleasant impressions and surprise, especially for the first time.
  • Picnic in nature, for example, in the forest. It could be a deserted, quiet place far outside the city or within its boundaries. Cooking for a picnic will be required, but this will not be difficult, since being in nature subconsciously sets people up to be active and proactive.
  • Travel or tourist walk. You can even go on vacation to a neighboring region, and not just abroad. The choice of leisure activities depends on your mutual interests. This is a great way to reboot your social life, forget about everyday problems and strengthen your love feelings.

In the winter season, snowmobiling, skiing or snowboarding are great options. It all depends on whether you both enjoy such active recreation in winter. If not, perhaps visiting a theater, museum, or other quiet event together will suit you. Or maybe you two will have a great time watching the premiere of a new movie at home. And in this case, the man’s surprise may well be enough, because the plot of the movie is new.


Oh, there are no limits to your imagination! Emails are not always multi-letter in nature. Please your man and, in addition to the standard greeting phrases, send him an encrypted piece of the puzzle. This could be a part of the body, the updated interior of a room, or any picture that has meaning for the two of you.

I recommend sticking with body parts, as this method will get him home in half the time. Skype is your chance to reveal your femininity and animal passion that he has never seen. Use your webcam to:

  • spend romantic evenings. Put on a chic dress, do your hair and makeup, and stock up on candles. Wine and a pleasant conversation with your loved one will brighten up his evening away from you and give a pleasant feeling of closeness;
  • arrange private dances. Yes, yes, what else can people do when they are far from each other? That's right, turn on spicy music and tune your chakras to sexual steps. Trust me, your date's jaw will drop;
  • have breakfast together. Who said that breakfast together at a distance is impossible? Wake him up with a call and feed him! Naturally, this will be virtual, but the very fact of the care shown will surprise the husband and put him in a positive mood. When he wakes up, he will see tea and a couple of sandwiches on the table, and then your satisfied smile. But you will be sure that the faithful will not miss the meal, but go to the kitchen to scrape the bottom of the barrel for company. There is no point in eating shawarma on the go!

How to choose a gift for a man

On the first date, you can give your man something related to his hobbies and enlargements. If you are not yet very well versed in the interests of the young man, a small present will be enough to show your interest in further communication.

In this case, the gift must be:

  • unusual;
  • memorable;
  • modest;
  • soulful;
  • symbolic;
  • and, if possible, should correspond to the interests of the man.

To choose a good present, you should first decide what it will be: a cute romantic trinket or a simple but practical item for everyday use. The first category includes, for example, key rings and refrigerator magnets. Functional gifts include writing utensils or phone accessories.

The next question is how you are going to present this gift. You can put it in a beautiful gift bag or wrap it in wrapping paper, or you can give it as a joke, as a prize for completing a task or answering a difficult question.

On a first date, it is quite appropriate to give something intended not specifically for the man, but for both of you. It should be something that will help you bond.

Here is a list of what you should definitely not present to a young man at the first meeting:

  • expensive things because it will make the guy feel obligated;
  • too cheap products, “consumer goods”. Such a gift is unlikely to bring positive emotions;
  • things that are easy to misunderstand. For example, you should not give souvenirs with football symbols if you do not know which team your companion supports.
  • meaningless objects. If you don’t have any ideas for an original and symbolic gift, it’s better to do without it altogether.

A surprise presented on the first date should please a man and become one of the brightest moments of your communication.

Modern technologies to help

To return the love of your husband (for a woman) or to seduce a single guy (for a girl), you can use modern technical means, for example, a telephone and a computer. If a guy and a girl are separated by distance, you can use the old proven method - write a love letter. Only you can send it not by Russian post, which is sometimes famous for its slowness, but via the Internet, through any postal service. The gentleman will certainly support such communication and send a response message.

What not to do?

We have already found out how to pleasantly surprise a guy from a distance. What should you not do? Do not do it:

  • Give flowers, even incognito, if such romantic impulses are not appreciated. If the guy is not a florist or an agronomist, then this sign of attention will pass him straight into the trash bin. Perhaps it will sit on the table in a flower vase for a while out of politeness. The emotions will end there.
  • Sing serenades under a window or balcony, which may interest neighbors or cause a backlash in a young man.
  • Organize a kidnapping in order to take a loved one somewhere. Guys in masks are unlikely to leave warm memories of their arrival.
  • An unexpected reduction in distance to a minimum in the form of an arrival can take a person by surprise, especially if this event exceeded all possible expectations.


So how else can you surprise a guy from a distance? A letter in an envelope will help in this matter, especially if this is the first message in paper form received from the hands of the postman. You can write poetry, rhyming is not difficult at all. Your own composition mentioning important events and names will add color to the poetic rhyme. An attached photo from a romantic photo shoot will interest a guy, especially if separation depresses both.

Delivery services

What tips can not only surprise your other half, but also pleasantly please? If you know where exactly he is staying and what the address is, use local delivery services en masse. It's not as expensive as it might seem at first glance!

  • Arrange for flower delivery if an important date has arrived (birthday, promotion, anniversary). I’ll tell you a big secret, but more than 60% of men blush when they are given flowers, even if they deny it;
  • send a cup, pen or pillow with a romantic (or only you understand) phrase;
  • … Socks! They are always and everywhere needed, especially if your loved one never finds a match;
  • The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. But if you have already found a path to it, it is important to make sure that it is not overgrown with moss. Deliver to your husband’s room or temporary apartment a package of his favorite cookies, cake or... Canned food. And what is practical and does not need to be heated! What methods will definitely be useful to you?

Proven Tricks

  1. Radio station. If your spouse often travels by car, call live, tell him how you miss him and ask him to play his favorite song;
  2. signs with inscriptions. Connect social networks and ask friends or strangers to take a photo with a sign in their hands, for example: “Sasha, I miss you so much! I can’t open a single jar in the house without you!” This will definitely please him, and Ego will give him a standing ovation;
  3. unexpected meeting. Girls, poke your memory with a stick and try to remember the film where She puts on a cloak over luxurious lingerie and comes to visit Him. Weak? He needs to think that you are still at home in pajamas and slippers. In the meantime, buy a weekend ticket and meet your husband with all the guns, balloons, musicians and confetti. The main thing is surprise.

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