Men and sex: the truth and myths about what they like and don't like

Myth 1. A man must seek sex, otherwise he will quickly lose interest in a woman.

Is it true.
“Men are hunters (I mean real men), so the process of conquest is very important for them,” says Anetta Orlova. - Today, of course, no one judges as harshly as twenty years ago, but men have certain ideas in their heads - like cards on which it is written: “a woman for friendship,” “a woman for love,” “a woman for fun.” The most difficult thing is to move from one column to another.

That is, if in his eyes you have already earned the “girl for the evening” stamp - regardless of how good it was with you - he is unlikely to be able to take you more seriously.

By the way, practicing American psychoanalyst Zoe Strimpel came to a similar conclusion. According to her, a man will almost never consider a girl who agreed to sex too easily as a potential partner. According to elementary male logic, he simply “has no reason to strain and start a serious relationship, since everything is so simple and fast with this lady.”


Eyes are a reflection of the essence of a person. A young man who passionately desires a girl seems to be devouring her with his gaze. He looks at her from all sides, demonstrating his interest .

This behavior shows that he wants a girl only “here and now.” Perhaps the guy is already imagining the intimate process in his head. A girl must remember that a man who is committed to a serious relationship will not behave this way. He will not want to lose a woman , since such behavior can scare her away.

The look of a guy interested in sex

Myth 2. The more you ignore a man, the more interested he is in you.

Not true.

This stereotype can play a cruel joke on you. Yes, on the one hand, the object of your interest may trigger the notorious instinct of a conqueror, and he will begin to woo you as if undermined. But, on the other hand, for many men, any refusal - you won’t believe it - scares the hell out of them and, moreover, discourages any desire to enter into a relationship at all. So you need to act carefully, without theatrical gestures and depending on what kind of man you are dealing with.

“For example, when he calls, you don’t need to run headlong to the phone, but, on the contrary, flirt a little, as if nothing connects you,” advises A. Orlova. - If he is really interested in you, he will get involved and play along; if there is not a sufficient degree of interest, he can leave the race and look for someone else from his address book. It all depends on the particular man, on his views on this world, and on the image of an ideal woman he has drawn for himself.

Erogenous zones of men

Properly caressing your partner is an art. Let's summarize what points you need to influence so that he calls you a goddess in bed:

  • head, neck, arms;
  • breast;
  • abdomen (the lower abdomen in front of the pubis is especially sensitive);
  • inner thigh;
  • ears;
  • small of the back;
  • palms and feet;
  • genital organ

Start at the top and gradually work your way down. Do not neglect a single point, smoothly using each of them. Combine their stimulation: head and chest, neck and penis, etc. Sometimes return to places you've already covered.

Vary your pace, strength, and demeanor from playful to submissive. Don’t be afraid to experiment and ask your loved one which parts of his body are most sensitive to caresses.

Myth 3. After giving birth, a woman becomes sexually unattractive to a man.

Not true.

Many couples do experience intimate problems after the birth of a child, but this is not due to male whims, but to banal everyday inconveniences.

“Due to the difficulties associated with the housing issue, three generations often live under one roof, and this is a violation of the integrity of the family and constant stress,” states Anetta Orlova. — In turn, stress is a factor in the emergence of conflicts and intimate problems. Family boundaries must be clear.

In addition, as psychologists say, many men are, in fact, children themselves, and therefore the appearance of a new object of universal attention in the family confuses them and makes them depressed.

— When a man becomes a father, he experiences a crisis, as the woman switches her attention to the child. During this period, he feels abandoned and on this basis may become depressed.

And many “big boys”, having lost the attention of their wives, find solace... behind a computer monitor.

“Long hours of communication with a computer leads to increased anxiety in a person and can also result in apathy and depression,” says Orlova. And depression and sex, as you know, are incompatible things.


When a man is only interested in sex, he does not spend money on a girl . He views her as a disposable partner, so he sees no point in taking the girl to restaurants and cafes or giving gifts.

A man with serious intentions will not skimp on a trip to the cinema or a nice present. He will try to do everything to interest the girl and build a long-term relationship with her.

Greedy guy

Myth 4. All men are polygamous by nature.

Is it true. But not really...

— It is also written down in evolutionary order that a man strives for the greatest number of sexual contacts. So, this is not surprising, although it is very offensive for us women,” says Anetta Orlova.

But that's not so bad. The evolutionary features of male psychology are often superimposed by childhood impressions and traumas. Which, by the way, is already a common problem for both sexes.

“In each of us lives an adult, a child, and a parent. In different relationships, in different situations, our different hypostases manifest themselves. For example, if a man is dating a woman much older than him, perhaps in this relationship he is looking for the attention that his “child” needs - a little boy (as a hypostasis). Most likely, as a child he experienced a deficiency of these feelings or was forced to leave his parents’ home early for another city, explains Orlova.


Sexual contact is a real lottery, the outcome of which no one knows

A man cannot predict a woman’s behavior in advance, so he begins to get nervous . He tries not to show his feelings, and he succeeds. The young man puts on a mask of indifference so that the girl does not see his nervousness.

This is not a good sign - a man tries to embellish reality , hiding his true experiences.

Nervousness of a man

Myth 5. Men like unapproachable people.

Not true.

Despite the repeatedly mentioned hunter's instinct, too “correct” and strict young ladies can scare away any womanizer.

- When communicating with such women, men feel that they are not inclined to simply flirt and play. They understand that here, in addition to entertainment, they will also have to take on some kind of responsibility - at least emotional, and men are extremely afraid of this, says Orlova.

However, a golden mean is needed here too. Recently, European psychologists found that men are repelled by... loud female laughter, because it is subconsciously perceived as a sign of promiscuity. That is, excessive readiness to flirt is also not at all attractive to the stronger sex, and men prefer to stay away from young ladies who are too “free.”

“Yes, men need a feeling of female freedom, lightness, but this does not mean becoming accessible and free,” explains Orlova. - They just need a game and excitement - whether it will work out or not, what will happen next, etc. They don't need clarity at the first stage, and your moral portrait will generally frighten them. Therefore, it is advisable on the first date to give as little information about yourself as possible, listen more and try to remain unknown, not talk about your dreams and hopes, and be a mystery. Do not say that you are only considering a serious relationship, and at the same time do not plan the very next meeting and leave first. We have to play cat and mouse - simply because it’s more interesting for the guys.

Physiological reasons why men love sex more

The main reason why a person likes sex more or less is a person's libido. It is responsible for the manifestation of sexuality in men and women. All sorts of fantasies, unexpected excitement, a desire to satisfy sexual desire - this is what men experience when they think about the woman they like. A man craves sex more than the opposite sex. If we consider the biological side of this issue, then a man, being a male, must pass on his seed, his genetic material to prolong the race.

The sensitivity of the male genital organs is also greater than that of women. The male penis is quite complex. This is a large plexus of nerve endings throughout the body of the genital organ. It is for this reason that even minor touches result in a positive reaction. The female vagina is another matter. First of all, it is intended for the birth of a child. Therefore, there is no sensitivity in the vagina.

It has no nerve endings. This is no accident. This is how nature intended it, so that when giving birth naturally, a woman does not die from pain or painful shock. Women's erogenous places are located in the vestibule in the vagina and on the cervix.

G-spot stimulation also brings pleasure to a woman. According to research by sexologists, it is located on the front wall of the vagina. This is the only sensitive place in this organ. Based on this information, we can conclude that in most cases a woman does not achieve orgasm. This means he loses interest in sex.

But female orgasm can be achieved together with a sexual partner. You need to choose the position that gives the woman the most pleasure. Then regularly and “high-quality” make love with your partner. And within two to three months you can increase the sensitivity of the vagina mechanically.

This does not apply to all women. There are cases when a woman with a huge libido can easily outperform the most loving man. Men do not have such difficulties if there are no health problems. They achieve orgasm in 95% of sexual intercourse. This is the main reason why men love sex more.

It is also necessary to take into account that a woman reacts more emotionally to intimacy. She primarily views her potential partner as a constant companion in the future, support and protection. For a man, sex in most cases is at the level of instincts.

Myth 6. Jealousy fuels male passion.

Is it true.

“Signs of attention from other men play into a woman’s hands,” states Anetta Orlova. “It is an excellent aphrodisiac and can even strengthen marriage relationships.” And if a woman is also indifferent to this attention, her value in the eyes of a man increases many times over.

But if you get too carried away and allow third-party fans to completely capture your attention, no macho man will like this. In the end, you risk simply offending him and even pushing him, as they say, to the left, so jealousy also needs to be carefully dosed.

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A guy who only wants sex from a girl is not afraid to touch her. He can take her hand, hug her around the waist, accidentally touch her with his hand, or sit next to her. In addition, he can take a special pose: turn his torso towards the girl, spread his legs and hug his chosen one. The woman will feel his readiness to pounce on her in a second.

A guy with serious intentions will not allow himself to behave like this

He, like a real gentleman, will be polite and gallant, and will not skimp on compliments and attentions. With him, the girl feels comfort and security.

How to understand that a man wants you: signs of sexual interest

If a man wants a woman, the signs of his sympathy will be pronounced.
Female-male friendships do occur, but they are exceptional. This stage often begins a love affair or serves as the finale if the partners managed to part without resentment or mutual claims.

In 99% of cases, the increased attention and desire to help the girl, to take care of her, is caused by the hope of winning her favor.


An experienced lady can understand by her eyes what her gentleman wants. The nature of the gaze will be a reflection of the inner worldview.

Men who are decisive in their actions and have the makings of a leader look closely and are not shy about the counter reaction. They often observe the object of their sympathy. Suddenly turning her head in his direction, using her peripheral vision, the lady notices that she is constantly “under gunpoint.”

Timid, doubtful guys avoid direct eye contact and cannot stand long staring parties. The girl is kept in sight, doing this sporadically.

To check whether she is being “hiddenly” monitored, a woman can begin to simulate an attack of active yawning. In this case, a reflex is triggered, and the one who does not let her out of sight will also begin to yawn or make active attempts to suppress the desire to do so.

Young people in love are characterized by an ingratiating gaze, expressing an expectation of approval and praise.

Touching and breathing

Tactile contact is the most important sign.
Stanislavski accurately described the manifestation of love with the phrase “desire to touch.” Tactile contact is the most important sign. A boyfriend who is not indifferent to a woman strives to touch her: hug her by the shoulders, straighten her hair, take her hand.

In a business relationship, the intimacy of a gesture can be felt when transferring objects to each other. Handing out papers and a pen, he will take the chance to make sure that the fingers touch a little longer than is necessary for the task.

He will try to be close to a pretty lady, sit next to her, and enter her personal space. A distance of less than half a meter is considered amorous, he will encroach on it.

During a dance or other situation that involves the proximity of bodies, a guy’s breathing rhythm may change . It will become less deep, irregular, interspersed with deep sighs.

Evening or night meetings

In a serious relationship, partners try to spend all their free time together. In the case where meetings occur only on weekends or holidays at a later time, it is worth considering. Most often, an obsessed man tries to hide his relationship with a girl from others, so he schedules such inopportune meetings.

Sexual attraction is common to every man. However, a woman must understand when her partner only wants sex and when she wants a serious relationship. This will help you find a worthy partner with whom you can build a strong family.

You can learn more about how to tell if a guy only wants sex by watching the video :

Lack of attention and support

A frivolous man will avoid any responsibility: he only cares about sex, and not about the girl’s problems and experiences

If a woman asks her partner to help her, but he refuses or comes up with excuses, you should think about it. Most likely, the man is simply using his chosen one - he remembers her only when he wants intimacy. He doesn't care about her life or desires.

At first glance, this seems like a trifle, however, it is precisely this that indicates the guy’s true intentions. A girl must remember that a man with serious intentions will never leave her in trouble - he will try to help her, provide support and understanding. If this is not the case, you need to leave the guy.

The ideal woman - what is she like?

The concept of “ideal woman” often appears in men’s conversations. What kind of ideal woman is she through the eyes of the stronger sex? Which women do men love first?

The answer is simple:

  • beautiful;
  • Thoughtful;
  • smart;
  • sexy;
  • feminine;
  • confident;
  • stylish;
  • positive;
  • with a sense of humor;
  • cheerful;
  • tender.

Most women have all these qualities. What then is the secret and difficulty of finding that ideal one? And the fact that it is important to be able to harmoniously combine all the listed qualities and not overdo it with any of them. For example, such a quality as confidence. Here we are not talking about narcissism and increased self-esteem. But more about the fact that a woman really evaluates herself, her abilities, values ​​​​this and broadcasts it to the world.

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