Food, sex, communication: how our brain recognizes pleasure

Classification of pleasures

Pleasures are, according to their spiritual and moral assessment, true and false . For example, the joy of friendship and voluptuousness.

True pleasures are mental and mental For example, knowledge of the world and warm clothes in winter.

Mental-physical (natural) pleasures can be necessary to maintain life and those that are not necessary . For example, food and sexual relations.

What do you need to know before allowing yourself to experience this or that pleasure?

Protopresbyter Vasily Bazhanov, on the issue of permissible pleasures, offers the following precautions:

1) Allow himself only such pleasures that in no way contradict the precepts of the Gospel, harmless to his health, property, honor, morality and to his neighbors;

2) Look at them not as a goal (Luke 16:19), but as a means for relaxation and strengthening, and therefore do not allow yourself such pleasures and amusements that require as much physical or mental effort as and ordinary occupations and positions, and therefore cannot in any way serve as relaxation;

3) Avoid such pleasures and amusements, which, although in themselves are not guilty, but in which he (a Christian - editor's note) may fear the awakening of unclean thoughts and carnal lusts;

4) Observe moderation in the enjoyment of the most innocent pleasures and often forbid oneself from them, fearing addiction to them and trying to gain power over oneself, so that they do not become a necessary need for him, and so that their lack cannot upset and outrage him;

And, finally, 5) to enjoy these pleasures in the presence of God - to sanctify them with the thought of God, a) as the Most High Author and Giver of them, so that each of his joys would be an expression of his heartfelt gratitude to Him, as the Apostle inspires: “If “Whether you drink or do anything else, do everything for the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31); and together b) as about the future Judge and Rewarder: “Rejoice, young man, in your youth, says the Wise One, and let your heart please you in the days of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart blameless, and in the sight of your eyes: and understand , (remember) that God will bring you to judgment about all these” (Eccl. 11:9).

Dance while you are young!

Indeed, we have a strong belief in our heads that rest is good and work is bad. Modern youth answer the question about their dreams simply: “If we had money, we’ll buy the rest!” Question: “If you already had a million dollars, what would you do?” The most common answer: “I would like to rest!”

Here we are resting. Foam party, pajama party, wine, beer, girls, boys... Everything is basically the same, the only difference is the price of drinks and establishments. And in the morning there is a headache, emptiness and a vague feeling of dissatisfaction. Some entertainment is replaced by another, new, more sophisticated, followed by the next, even cooler. Diversity and elevation are required. Otherwise - hopeless boredom and mortal melancholy.

Criteria for lawful and good pleasures

St. John of Damascus gives the following criteria for lawful and good pleasures:

  • they are not associated with displeasure;
  • there should be no shame after them, they leave no reason for repentance;
  • do not cause harm;
  • do not go beyond the boundaries of moderation;
  • They do not distract too much from important matters and do not enslave themselves.

Acceptable pleasures are appropriate “at a decent time, and in a decent manner, and in a decent amount.”

Pleasure in human life

A person can experience a feeling of pleasure for several reasons:

  1. Overcoming poverty, financial success.
  2. Release from control or strong pressure.
  3. Goal achievement and self-affirmation.

A person experiencing pleasure reduces stress loads, and his body recovers faster. Pleasure is medicine.

Is satisfying a sexual need a true and legitimate pleasure?

The Bible says that satisfaction of sexual needs is possible in a legal marriage (1 Cor. 7:2). The enjoyment of love with a wife is ranked among true pleasures in the Holy Scriptures (Prov. 5:18-19). At the same time, it should be noted how St. John of Damascus, that this type of pleasure is true, provided that the need is satisfied in a lawful way, “at a decent time, and in a decent way, and in a decent measure.” What does not meet these conditions cannot be considered true and lawful pleasure and becomes a sin. See voluptuousness.

Archimandrite John Krestyankin: “Neither common sense nor the faith of Christ forbid us innocent fun and amusements; they are even necessary, as a pleasant rest from work. The great teacher of faith and piety, St. John Chrysostom, writes about the joys and pleasures of the earth: “If you want to have fun, go to gardens, to flowing rivers and lakes, look at flowers, listen to the singing of grasshoppers, visit holy places; here you will find health for the body and benefit for the soul, but no harm, and you will not repent after this pleasure, as happens after spectacles. You have a wife, you have children, what can compare with this pleasure? You have a home, friends: these pleasures, together with chastity, bring great benefit. For tell me, what could be more pleasant than a wife and children for someone who wants to live chastely?” (The experience of constructing a confession).

St. Maximus the Confessor: “Natural desires and pleasures do not reproach those who experience them, since they are necessary consequences of the structure of our nature. For the natural gives us, and, in addition to our will, pleasure - and the food that has arrived, satisfying the previous hunger, and drink, quenching the languor of thirst, and sleep, renewing strength exhausted by wakefulness, and everything else that happens to us naturally. needs, necessary for the well-being of our nature, and beneficial for the acquisition of virtue for those who are zealous about that. All this is appropriate for anyone who avoids sinful inclinations within reasonable, however, limits that do not allow him to be subjected to the slavery of reproachful and unnatural passions arbitrarily formed in us, which have no other beginning in us except the movement of natural needs and desires uncontrolled by reason. , which were not born in order for us to descend into an immortal and long-lasting life” (Philokalia. Vol. 3).

St. Paisiy Svyatogorets: “The pleasure that a person feels who does his work with honesty is a good pleasure. God gave this pleasure so that His creation would not get tired. This is the restoration of strength through fatigue” (Words. Volume IV: Family Life).

St. Theophan the Recluse: “Coming into the world to live temporarily, we are like a wanderer who enters the house of a rich owner, where he finds shelter, food, peace, service and everything necessary, and where, in case of any special need, he is notified: if anything else necessary, contact the owner; he will deliver everything. Seeing such care for himself, what wanderer, in his right mind, would not be disposed to have complete trust in such an owner? So we, entering the world, find already prepared for us in advance everything we need for life, and we have a promise from the Lord of the world Himself that He is ready to fulfill everything, whatever we ask” (First Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to St. Timothy, interpreted by St. Theophan) .

A list of our most common pleasures

Pleasure is those positive emotions that we receive in the process of satisfying certain needs. In addition to the need to eat, drink and sleep, there are many more joyful and pleasant moments that we experience regularly. To find out what pleasures are the most popular, scientists from the University of Manchester (England) surveyed more than 11,000 people from different countries and compiled a list of the highest human pleasures.

List of the most common pleasures , most of which are experienced by every person:

1. The pleasure of contemplating yourself in the mirror for a long time (in a good mood);

2. Getting rid of toothache;

3. Pleasure when receiving a large amount of money;

4. Supreme pleasure of creativity;

5. Quench moderate or increased thirst with a cool carbonated drink;

6. Quenching extreme thirst, but with warm or cloudy water, as well as related types of liquids;

7. Satisfy hunger

8. Inhalation of thick cigarette smoke (for smokers);

9. Orgasm;

10. Pleasure from the awareness of the approaching moment of intimacy (for men);

11. The pleasure of delaying the moment of intimacy (for women);

12. Bladder relief;

13. Pleasure after a long-held bowel movement (bowel movement);

14. Instant delight when sneezing;

15. Waiting for the first date with my beloved;

16. Completion of the last date with my unloved one;

16. The joy of scoring a goal or winning your favorite team;

17. Relief when an unpleasant or uninvited guest leaves;

18. Massage of body areas (neck, head, back, buttocks, limbs);

19. Going to bed in a freshly made bed;

20. Going to bed in a stale, strange bed, but in a state of extreme fatigue;

21. Alcohol intoxication - for persons of any age;

22. Smelling flowers (roses, night violets, lilacs);

23. Pleasure when buying a new thing;

24. Pleasure in contemplating works of art; (only if the basic needs listed above are met, and above all with a lighter bladder);

25. Driving in a new car at high speed

26. Satisfying extreme curiosity

27. Sweet stretching of stiff limbs;

28. Taking a hot bubble bath when tired;

29. Taking a cool shower upon returning from the grueling heat;

30. Stroking a cat;

31. Petting the dog;

32. Relief after completing a long-delayed task;

33. Pleasure when inhaling the fresh scent of the forest;

34. Satisfaction from the realization of saving money while refraining from buying expensive and unnecessary things;

35. Joy from selflessly bringing joy to someone;

36. Semi-conscious satisfaction after automatically turning off an annoying TV show or interrupting an annoying interlocutor;

37. The joy of communication (or the joy of solitude);

38. Pleasure in eliminating severe itching by scratching;

39. The pleasure of listening to your favorite music;

40. Pleasant light coughing (except for patients with tuberculosis or choking on solid food);

41. Cozy chilly shivering when wrapped in a blanket;

42. Anticipation of the upcoming trip abroad;

43. Pleasure after removing the cast;

44. Floating in zero gravity;

45. Steaming in a bathhouse;

46. ​​Involuntary joy from watching growing children frolic;

47. Pleasure when drawing a straight line by hand on a sheet of paper or when drawing a regular circle (especially while intoxicated or under the supervision of a psychiatrist);

48. Afternoon languor;

49. The pleasure of falling backwards onto something soft;

50. The pleasure of finding long-awaited freedom.

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