I want to get married - signs for girls and women for marriage

“I want to get married” - this natural desire of a woman is due to many reasons, because for many, marriage gives a feeling of security, confidence in the future, the opportunity to build a happy family life, raising children in love. Therefore, the desire to get married is not just a whim, it is an urgent need to fulfill the role of a wife and mother, because for almost every woman, family and children are the most important value in life.

“I want love, I want to get married” - you can often hear this from girls. Of course, at the same time, many representatives of the fair sex are overwhelmed by thoughts of a luxurious wedding, which implies a chic dress, wedding ring, bridal bouquet, champagne, limousine. And so that everything is no worse than for others, for example, for former classmates who post wedding photos and from which it only makes their soul worse. And the girl begins to think: “Will I ever have such a wedding?”, “Even if it’s not a big one, but still.”

I want to get married, how to get rid of loneliness? Initially, a woman should understand what motivates her desire to get married. If the cause is loneliness, then perhaps the problem lies in the woman’s low self-esteem. The psychology of men is such that a priori they cannot admit that they want to marry them. This topic should not be raised at all in relationships between lovers until the man speaks about it first. In a relationship, a man should feel like a conqueror, so the lady should be given the opportunity to achieve her, and the woman’s task is to become desirable and drive the man crazy, in the good sense of the word.

“I want to get married quickly, what should I do?” - advice from a psychologist

Nothing can bring people of opposite sexes closer together than common interests. Therefore, psychologists at the first stage of a relationship recommend adapting to your partner’s communication style, slightly maintaining the pace of the conversation and copying his gestures. And after people get to know each other more closely, other aspects of life will open up in the future that will interest both. The feminine attitude in search of similar interests will provide an opportunity to get closer to the chosen one and find a trusting, stable union.

Signs of imminent marriage

Beliefs say that if a girl’s hair begins to fall out rapidly, she will soon get married.

For girls

In the old days, it was believed that the girl who was a good housewife would get married faster.
The rule is still valid today. How to get married faster - signs for girls:

  • It is necessary to clean the home daily, sweeping debris away from the front door
  • learn needlework - tearing off a thread every time she sews, a girl attracts a groom from another city
  • observe all church fasts, pray to Our Lady and Matrona of Moscow
  • be able to cook deliciously

While cooking, the food burns - the girl will soon marry a brunette.

For women

A single lady needs to have a tricolor cat in her house (white, red and black). An animal will bring happiness and love to your home. The accidental loss of a favorite piece of jewelry speeds up marriage.

A drinking groom is not an option

Photo from motherjones.com

When choosing a husband, you need to pay attention to how he treats alcohol. If he overdoes it, if he has a habit of getting upset, drinking “out of grief” is scary.

After all, before, for example, they didn’t drink wine at wakes; they drank wine at weddings out of joy.

You can drink a little for joy. The Lord blessed wine at the wedding. But if a person drinks out of grief (a bitter drunkard), it is better to wait for another groom.

Signs for getting married at someone else's wedding

Everyone knows about the omen for a wedding bouquet. The girl who catches him will get married first. There are many other valid beliefs. Signs for unmarried girls and women that will speed up the wedding:

  • it is necessary to sit between two blood brothers or sisters
  • dance with the groom, and he must invite the girl himself
  • the girl is unable to organize a dance with her groom - you can invite any other man, but he must be as far away from her as possible at the festive table
  • to be a witness
  • secretly attach your hair to the bride's dress
  • pick up one of the pins or needles that were used to sew the wedding dress
  • accidentally splash yourself with champagne
  • hem the bride's dress or touch her shoes with your hands
  • Having secured the consent of the newlyweds, take the backing on which the wedding rings were served

There is no need to be afraid if you start hearing extraneous sounds in the house. The brownie warns the housewife about her imminent marriage.

Why is marriage necessary and why do people get married?

It is impossible to know for sure who and when played the world’s first wedding. Such a union between a man and a woman was documented in Mesopotamia around 2450 BC. e. But it is unlikely that he was really the first. Historians argue that the very concept of monogamous union was invented by humanity for two main reasons:

  • better survival of offspring with the joint efforts of a man and a woman;
  • the opportunity to avoid men killing other people’s children from other “partners” of their beloved.

Union in ancient times, as a way of protection and survival
Thus, the couple seemed to emphasize their belonging to each other, outlined their common life, budget and ability to raise a child, sweeping away rivals in a civilized manner. No assault.

Taking into account modern realities, in a relatively developed society, the question of why to get married is asked by those who are just entering the right age. As well as those who have already formed family ties and managed to successfully get rid of them.

Everyone has their own reasons for getting married, but there are several main ones:

  1. Traditions are everything to us. Mom is married, sister is married for the second time, grandmother, great-grandmother were married, etc. Any logic is powerless here. This is how it is done, and even crack it!
  2. Parental pressure - “you have to get married.” The reason for the pressure may be quite pragmatic. Marriages for the purpose of merging capital, building a business empire, or because of the desire to become related to a richer family are still alive in different parts of the world. However, what mother would not beg not to let go of a “good boy from a good family” if she deems it necessary?
  3. Moral satisfaction. Characteristic of people who are owners. For them, the stamp in the passport is a guarantee that “they won’t go anywhere.”
  4. Solving personal financial problems.

All points work for both men and women. Classic love and the desire to “live happily ever after and die on the same day” are too prosaic to consider as an example. They don't care whether there is a stamp in their passport or not.

Is marriage a confirmation of the sincerity of feelings or a convention?

Signs on certain days

Meeting a man on Thursday is a good omen. Legend says that it is with him that the girl will go down the aisle. There are many signs that work for certain holidays. What to do to get married:

  1. A twig picked a week before Epiphany did not bud in the spring - the girl will not get married during the calendar year
  2. On the night of Ivan Kupala, girls floated wreaths on the water. The girl whose wreath lasted the longest on the surface of the water without drowning will get married the fastest.
  3. On Palm Sunday, an unmarried person was whipped with a broom
  4. After washing her face on Maundy Thursday, the girl should dry herself with a new towel. On Easter it must be given to the poor along with an Easter egg and Easter cake
  5. On Intercession - light a candle, put fresh flowers in the water and ask the Mother of God for women's happiness

For signs about girls to work, you cannot tell anyone about contacting them.

Learn to live within your means

Image from lenyar.ru

Unfortunately, large families in Russia are doomed to be among the poor.

Therefore, now you can start training to live within your means. Try to be economical, learn not to spend money left and right. Make do with the laptop you have, don’t buy yourself a new phone every year, take care of your clothes - beautifully combine what you already have in your closet, and don’t buy new dresses on sales.

It is unknown whether your husband will have a well-paid job. You will marry for love, and not for convenience. If he has a small salary or loses his job, he will have to live in poverty, so it is better to prepare for this in advance.

It would be nice to learn not only to save, but also to donate money - share, help large families or single mothers. Learn not to be greedy, but compassionate and generous.

The main thing that large families lack is spacious housing. And in a small apartment with children it is very difficult to maintain order. Therefore, it would be good to learn in advance how to get rid of unnecessary things, then cleaning the apartment and maintaining order will be much easier.

What can you do to have a successful marriage?

What should an unmarried girl do to get married faster?

  • become a godmother. Events to be expected when the godson first stands on his feet
  • receive shoes as a gift
  • be the first to send a man to the festive table
  • beautifully embroider blossoming peonies
  • find someone else's engagement ring
  • ride a wild or domestic donkey
  • purchase a double bed and bedding for it

The cat jumped out the window - a sign that speeds up marriage. One caveat - the animal must jump on its own.

What things will help you find your husband?

  • Nice perfume

It's better to buy perfume with pheromones!

  • Delicious dishes

A version for those who believe that “the path to a man’s heart lies exclusively through the stomach.”

  • Beautiful clothes and shoes

Clothes and shoes are also an attribute of a successful marriage!

  • Beautiful and well-groomed YOU YOURSELF!

All this is You! The one that guys and men will hunt for!

Don't forget about intelligence. It is needed, but not necessary!

Items that help you get married

ThingHow to use an object to speed up marriage
Figurine with lovers (as well as birds or animals in pairs)A miniature porcelain sculpture should be placed at the head of the bed
ShoesShoes should be placed with their toes pointing in the same direction. The sides of the shoes should touch each other
A randomly found bouquetFlowers cannot be picked up and brought home. The fact of the find is important
Accidentally found keyYou should give the item to the owner, and the long-awaited marriage will not take long to arrive
A 2 ruble coin found on the streetThe item symbolizes the couple. It must be kept at home, but not spent before the wedding.

Psychology setting

Psychologist's advice

  • Get ready for it to happen soon

With the power of your thoughts, set yourself up for a quick marriage.

  • Cast aside doubts - away!

Throw away negative thoughts that nothing will work out!

  • Go to church

Talk to God. You can subtly hint that it’s time to get married, but there’s no need to beg! In no case!

Signs that prevent you from getting married and what an unmarried girl or woman should avoid

There is an opinion that a single lady should not get hung up on her status, then meeting her future husband will not take long. What actions promise loneliness:

  • pass things or money across the threshold of a house
  • work on Sundays
  • invite guests to an untidy house
  • doing your hair in front of strangers
  • wear jewelry on the ring finger - the meaning of rings on women’s fingers is worth knowing and applying this knowledge to your benefit
  • try on someone else's wedding dress
  • sit on the table and windowsill
  • shake bread crumbs off the table and wipe the dust with your hand
  • When cleaning, do not wet the hem of the dress, and when washing, wring out the clothes well.
  • One person cannot sleep on two pillows

An unmarried girl who wants to get married quickly needs to behave modestly at someone else's wedding. Active participation in competitions and alcohol abuse are not encouraged.

About unwanted items

What things should not be kept at home:

  • figurines and paintings depicting single women
  • cacti, Chinese rose and violets
  • broken and old things - they accumulate negative energy
  • empty dishes
  • gifts given by previous boyfriend

It is not recommended to wallpaper your home with typical feminine colors. The rule also applies to the choice of furniture and bed linen.

About unwanted actions and behavior

It is bad if the younger sister married before the older one. She will remain as a girl. There are other unspoken prohibitions in effect. It's a bad omen if a girl:

  • lives in a dirty and cluttered room
  • sweeps away trash and mops the floor towards the doors
  • sweeps himself with a broom in a circular motion
  • wears someone else's clothes
  • braids her hair at the Annunciation
  • got her ears pierced but doesn't wear earrings

For children, parental quarrels are worse than punishment

Photo from divorceforce.com

If children see the love and unity of their parents, they are peaceful and calm.

My eldest daughter recently recalled what a tragedy our argument with my wife was for her when she was very little.

My daughter stood in a crib with railings, and her mother and I were arguing. I said that she should be forced to put away the toys, but my wife thought that it was already late, it was time to sleep and there was no need to take her out of the crib. The poor little girl felt like her world was collapsing.

Of course, I am very ashamed that I did not understand this then, but still my advice to expectant mothers: if a husband punishes a child, it is better not to contradict him. It will be easier for a child to endure punishment than to see your argument and disagreement with each other.

After some time, when the husband has calmed down, you can choose a convenient moment and try to talk to him in the absence of the children, how you can and cannot punish him and what to do if the situation repeats, but you cannot contradict your husband in front of the children. You may think that you are protecting the child, but in fact you are inflicting a deep wound on his soul.

You may ask, what if the husband punishes too cruelly, often and unfairly? Of course, if there is a threat to the life and health of children, you should not argue and fight with your husband, but get a divorce.

This is why you need to discuss with your fiancé before marriage how you will raise your children, what punishments are acceptable and what are not.

If your husband resorts to punishment because he is angry and irritable, you need to be able to calm him down when a thunderstorm begins. One wonderful priest told me that his grandfather, when the children made noise at the table, hit the culprit on the forehead with a wooden spoon. Grandmother, who knew about this, always gave her husband a spoon with a very thin handle. The spoon broke, and this softened the blow.

Of course, now such educational measures are not common, but a wife needs to be wise and inventive in order to soften her husband’s severity without entering into disputes.

Fortune telling for a quick marriage

It is better to guess on Christmastide and Ivan Kupala. Favorable dates are also considered Friday the 13th, the night of the full moon.

On an apple

The fruit is cut in half and the number of seeds is counted. It is even - the wedding will take place this year, odd - you should postpone marriage.

On grain

Wheat is poured into a large container and a wedding ring is placed. The girls take turns scooping up handfuls of grain. The one who gets the ring will get married first.

On handkerchiefs

The girl takes handkerchiefs with male and female colors, puts them in a hat, and mixes them. Closes his eyes and pulls out any one. You need to prepare for the wedding if you come across a man's scarf.

On bread

A piece of homemade bread must be thrown into a cup. It’s time to prepare for marriage if he has not drowned, but is steadily floating on the surface of the water.

On peas

A pea pod is tied to a red thread. The structure is hung above the door of the entrance where the girl lives. The man was the first to leave the house - to the imminent wedding. Woman - it's a long time for a girl to be alone. A child means there will be a wedding, but it will have to wait.

On the ring

You will need a silver or gold ring. Thread a hair or thread into the decoration to create a pendulum. Hold the structure over a glass of water. The pendulum began to swing - towards an imminent wedding.

Fortune telling can be continued to get answers to other questions of interest. The pendulum swings - the answer is “yes”.

How to be at peace with your husband's relatives and friends

Photo from bonobology.com

Be prepared to perceive your husband not as an individual person, but together with his relatives: with his mother - your mother-in-law, his father - your father-in-law, with your husband's sisters - with your daughters-in-law. And if you don’t like someone, you need to be prepared to be patient. This is how respect is shown for the husband’s loved ones and for himself, because his relatives are part of his life. Love must be sacrificial.

How to overcome hostility if it arises? There is such a way - prayer for these people. If you pray, your heart will become softer, and your relationships will become smoother and calmer.

The husband has not only relatives, but also friends. At first, of course, he will forget about everyone, spend time only with you, text you every five seconds. But then the friends will return. Therefore, it is better to get to know them in advance.

For a man, friends, it seems to me, are more important than friends for a woman. He cannot be deprived of the opportunity to communicate with them.

There is no need to think that if your husband married you, then now he is entirely yours. After the wedding, he will have and continue relationships with both friends and parents.

Moreover, if he is one child in the family, especially loved by his mother. It'll be hard. The mother-in-law may involuntarily be jealous, demand additional attention to herself, and do this indirectly, but in a roundabout way, because female nature is, I won’t say “cunning,” but very flexible.

To overcome all this, you need to be prepared for it and try to be patient, helping yourself with prayer. Over time, as the experience of many shows, if you make an effort and force yourself to be kind, the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law will level out, even if it was difficult.

Beliefs and signs for marriage during the New Year and Christmas holidays

For a marriage wish to come true, it must be written on a piece of paper, burned, and the ashes thrown into a glass of champagne. The contents of the glass should be drunk while the chimes are striking. What you need to do to get married:

  • accidentally cut your finger on Christmas and New Year
  • celebrate the holidays in a red outfit
  • When guests arrive, seat them at the table as quickly as possible
  • prepare all the dishes for the New Year's table yourself
  • on Christmas night, stand in the center of the room and roll a gold ring without stones - a girl will get married this year if the ring rolls towards the door

At the festive table, a girl cannot eat standing or sit on the corner.

On January 1, you should purchase milk from a domestic cow. The product does not turn sour in the refrigerator within 2 weeks - the year will be successful in terms of marriage.

The previous year was unsuccessful in love terms - it is necessary to burn the old calendar.

The girl already has a boyfriend, but he doesn’t dare propose - on New Year’s Eve you should tie the table legs with red threads.

It's hard to get married quickly if you're chasing the "rich" option!

With such a search it is much more difficult!

Daddies with money have special preferences. They don’t care as much about your communication skills, talents, and other qualities as you do.

For them, the main thing is that women look stunning, are “first-class” beauties and love to hang out in society. Men of this “kind” are looking for young and pretty people so that everyone will envy them.


See - How can you marry a billionaire?

Crown of celibacy

The crown of celibacy is the most powerful ritual of black magic. He does not allow the girl to find family happiness. The lady becomes unattractive to the opposite sex. If there are relationships, they do not develop into serious ones.

How to determine the crown of celibacy

Psychics point out the following signs of a dangerous ritual:

  • The girl’s character changes - from energetic and decisive she turns into withdrawn and unsure of herself
  • even if the marriage did happen, it breaks up by the third year. Most often this occurs due to the death of a spouse.
  • children are born with serious pathologies
  • I have to cancel dates because the girl gets into ridiculous situations
  • talking about children and family causes aggression in a young person

A special ritual will help you understand whether a girl has a crown of celibacy.

You will need a silver ring. If the jewelry is new, it should be put on your finger and worn for 7 days. After the specified period has expired in the evening, the ring is removed and placed in a glass of water. They read the prayer to the Mother of God, pour the water into a saucepan and boil it. Thick foam appears - the negative energy program is gaining effect.

If you don’t have a ring, a ritual with a rose will help. It must be performed on Friday, on the full moon. You will need 10 rose petals, a plate, and holy water. Spring water is poured into the container, 7 drops of blessed water are added and the petals are laid out. The bowl should be placed at the head of the bed. The petals have sunk - there is definitely a crown of celibacy. Partially drowned - a psychic consultation is required.

The girl already has a boyfriend - she needs to check her chosen one too.

How to remove

Popular beliefs say that the crown of celibacy is a black wreath that is placed on the head. The removal procedure is simple. You will need a bunch of nettles, water, soap and 7 church candles:

  • Place the plant stems in a deep enamel bowl
  • fill the contents of the container with water
  • add grated soap
  • cook for 7 minutes. after boiling
  • close with a tight lid and leave for 3 days
  • strain

You need to wash your hair with the solution. Then rinse your curls in 7 waters. It is advisable to prepare 7 jars of water from different sources (well, spring) in advance.

Tap water is not suitable!

After the procedure, it is important to mentally “grope” the crown and remove it in an upward direction. After the ritual, the girl feels lighter and feels better.

A good wife loves her husband more than her children

Photo from dhgate.com

The husband is the most important in the family. If the husband is loved and everything is fine with him, everything will be fine with the children. No matter how much you love your children, you need to love your husband more.

My late wife raised her children in such a way that they understood: the best and most delicious things go to dad. The youngest daughter sometimes said: “What about me? I want too". I handed her a sandwich, thickly spread with black caviar, which my wife had prepared for me, but the older girls made scary eyes, whispered something sternly in her ear, and she guiltily fell silent and never wanted to take even part of this sandwich.

Of course, they also got sandwiches with caviar in those rare moments when they managed to get it, but on my father’s layer of caviar was thicker.

Avoid being a boring saw

Photo from the site 1080.plus

A wife's duty is to be wise. Not cunning, but wise. We must ask God for wisdom. All Christians are commanded to be wise as serpents, although simple as doves.

Directly, by force, by pressure, it will not be possible to achieve anything from your husband: to accustom him to cleanliness, for example, if he is sloppy; ask for time with you; get a job and stop playing tanks on the computer.

You can nag him every day, put pressure on him, persuade him, but men don’t give in to that. And relationships can deteriorate irrevocably.

Many girls, while not married themselves, agree with this, understand the failure of this method of influence, but, having become a wife, still do not avoid the role of a boring saw. And they don't even notice it!

What is the right way, you ask. A woman’s strength is in her weakness, and men are more likely to bow to a quiet, gentle, meek request.

You need to be feminine, you need to be able to maintain femininity in everything - in relation to your husband, to children, to life - you need to be different from a man. This is why men love women.

What if this doesn't help? I endure, I endure, I endure - but he only gets worse. We must not forget about God, who can do everything. If you pray earnestly for your husband, the situation will definitely change: either your husband will become more careful, or his carelessness will no longer irritate you.

Scenario 2. Psychotrauma

First of all, psychologists and psychotherapists, to whom they came with such a problem, begin to find out why the girl does not want to get married, turning to her past. She seems to be cheerful, sociable (definitely not socially phobic), beautiful, has many friends (including men), may even be in a relationship, but she flatly refuses to get married - even to her loved one. In most cases, old psychological trauma is to blame - obvious or hidden.

If the psychotrauma is obvious

Often a girl clearly understands the reasons for her problem. It’s just that someone deliberately hides certain facts from their biography, while others do not hesitate to talk about it openly. Possible causes of psychotrauma:

  • sexual violence;
  • humiliation and insults from one of the close relatives (most often a father or older brother);
  • assault in a previous marriage;
  • betrayal, infidelity on the part of the ex-husband;
  • several unsuccessful relationship experiences.

All these circumstances deeply traumatize the psyche. After them, a woman cannot perceive all other men adequately. In everyone she sees a rapist, a womanizer, a manipulator, a traitor, a torturer. Some girls extend this attitude only to a love affair, but at the same time it is quite normal to continue to communicate with representatives of the stronger sex within the framework of friendship and camaraderie. They simply stop seeing them as potential husbands.

If the psychotrauma is hidden

This is exactly that strange case when there is a well-established and even long-term relationship, but the girl still does not want to marry her trusted and beloved guy. At the same time, she treats men well, she has many friends among them, she does not speak out against them, there is no hatred in her.

However, when working with a psychotherapist, it turns out that the real reason does not lie in whims, the desire to increase one’s worth, or the thirst for freedom. Everything is much sadder. Most of these patients had negative experiences related to their family at an early age. Memories may not be preserved due to young age. Or the defense mechanisms of the psyche turned on and pushed these memories into the subconscious. What becomes a psychotraumatic factor:

  • in most cases - the relationship of the parents: fights on the part of the father, his drunkenness, scandals, humiliation of the mother;
  • leaving the father's family for another woman, the suffering of the mother;
  • physical or sexual violence towards her personally from one of her male relatives: father, uncle, grandfather, older brother;
  • Moral violence is also possible when a girl is taught from a young age that she is a nobody and must serve and unquestioningly obey men, their slave.

Years pass, over time the wound heals and is lost in memory. But it remains in the subconscious. And at the most crucial moment, often right before the wedding, a man hears a refusal.

What to do?

In the presence of psychotrauma, the development of events should be three-vector. If at least one of the directions falls out, the result may not be achieved. What are the actions:

  1. A clear appointment with a psychotherapist. Hypnosis, if needed to remove childhood psychotrauma. A course of treatment.
  2. Understanding and support from loved ones, especially a man with whom the patient has a serious relationship.
  3. The desire of the girl herself to overcome this fear.

Everything can be fixed if we tackle the matter comprehensively.

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