Yellow flowers: meaning, combination of shades in bouquets, folk signs

  • January 20, 2019
  • Flowers
  • Elena Karymova

Many people mistakenly believe that the meaning of yellow flowers is separation or betrayal. But in reality they do not carry any negativity. And florists all over the world create the most beautiful bouquets of yellow flowers. You can learn about what they mean and what message they carry from a whole branch of science - fluorography, which reveals the language of flowers.

The history of fluorography

The original idea of ​​sending messages using flowers originated in the countries of the East. Not only the shade of the buds mattered, but also their number and the way the bouquet was decorated. Later, these traditions were adopted by Europeans, and in the 17th century special dictionaries were created that interpreted the flower language. Having come to Russia, this language acquired its own meaning, “absorbing” national characteristics.

It is noteworthy that in different countries the same flower could symbolize completely opposite phenomena. For example, the lily in ancient Rome meant wealth and success, but in Egypt they decorated the bodies of dead girls. In France, lilies symbolized the power of kings and the strength of their power, and in Germany they were considered the flowers of suicides.

So how do you determine the true message in a bouquet and the meaning of yellow flowers when interpretations vary so much? Not only the meanings adopted by individual countries are of great importance, but also the own associations of the person or group of people to which he belongs.

What is the connection with separation?

The negative perception of some shades of this color goes back to pagan times. For example, the Slavs associated dark yellow with betrayal, inconstancy, betrayal, jealousy, envy, and golden yellow, on the contrary, with nobility and dignity, considered it a symbol of the sun and divinity.

When the language of flowers became popular in Russia, the negative symbolism of the palette was partially transferred to them. So, if they wanted to demonstrate their jealousy to their partner, they sent a yellow hyacinth, the gift of a rose was convicted of treason, and the gift of a chrysanthemum spoke of weak love. But even then there was no sign that yellow flowers meant separation.

The birth of the stereotype was facilitated by Igor Nikolaev’s song “Yellow Tulips,” popular in the 90s. Perceived by someone as a “messenger of separation,” the innocent flower received a stigma for life. Not fair!

Interestingly, in most countries of the world the color yellow is perceived positively. In the USA it is a symbol of unstoppable energy and movement, in Western Europe - joy and happiness, in Eastern culture it is associated with the sun, gold, and luck.

What do yellow flowers say?

If you believe fluorography, the yellow color of flowers does not symbolize the extinction of previously burning feelings. Quite the contrary, it is customary to give them when the relationship becomes stable. And the love of a man who presented such a bouquet to his woman can be described as strong, coming from the very heart.

During the time of Catherine II, there was a whole “Register of Flowers”. The meaning of yellow flowers in it was this: sun, warmth, sharp mind. It is not without reason that such bouquets are often chosen as gifts by optimistic people with a strong character who are not afraid of life’s difficulties.

In Japan, such yellow compositions are given when people want to wish well to the recipient. There this color is a symbol of light. It is also loved in the UK, because due to constant cloudiness there is a lack of sunlight there. The main meaning of yellow flowers is goodness, warmth, wealth and success.

Wedding bouquet of yellow flowers

Such compositions at a wedding are quite appropriate if they coincide with the color theme of the holiday. Choosing flowers to match the bridesmaids' outfits or the overall decoration, flowers will only enliven the party.

Usually yellow inflorescences are combined with flowers of other shades. In wedding bouquets they can be arranged with white plants - then you get a fairly strict classic version. If you need to emphasize the liveliness, perkiness and spontaneity of the bride, sunny shades in combination with soft pink will be appropriate.

But you should not give the newlywed a bouquet of yellow lilies, since such a gift may be perceived as a hint of infidelity.

Video: How to collect a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses

The flower alphabet is almost forgotten, which allows florists to create wonderful combinations from a wide variety of plants - flowers are slowly getting rid of the burden of prejudices and signs.


Strict flowers with a straight stem and their delicate, fragrant buds evoke a feeling of homeliness and tranquility. Their petals symbolize respect, attention, willingness to help, and care. A person who receives a bouquet of daffodils can interpret this as a compliment - the giver considers it a symbol of solar warmth, the personification of light and a state of comfort.

Use in clothing

Although yellow clothing is associated with fun and communication, it is not always appropriate. Yellow shades in wardrobe items can repel people who are mentally tired. Therefore, you should not wear such things to business meetings, school or work, if there is a dress code there. If a person is going for an interview, he should not come to the employer in yellow clothes. This will cause mistrust.

Usually the following people prefer yellow clothes:

merry people, choleric people, pregnant women, teenagers with creative thinking, fickle and unreliable people


The flower, which came to Russia from Australia more than two centuries ago, has become a real symbol of spring here. On the eve of March 8th, you can see entire “mimosa markets” on city streets. Small fluffy inflorescences with silvery leaves symbolize modesty and shyness, sensitivity and tenderness.

Even when dried, mimosa retains a subtle aroma. In the language of flowers, the gift of mimosas speaks of the skill of maintaining attractiveness in any circumstances.

Yellow color in the interior

Lately, yellow walls have been trending. Office spaces can be painted yellow; this promotes creative thinking and increased productivity. However, only moderate shades are suitable for this purpose, otherwise such an interior will be irritating.

In a home environment, yellow is also acceptable. It allows you to feel comfort and warmth, lift your spirits, even if it’s raining and slush outside. Yellow interior items will create the illusion of sunlight in the room. This will improve your mental state and reduce depressive symptoms.

Recreation centers also widely use yellow in their interiors. It promotes the emergence of new ideas, creates an atmosphere of celebration and fun.


A plant with a small but large stem, with a scattering of small flowers. Their homeland is considered to be the Balkan Peninsula and Eastern countries. From there they were transported in the 16th century, first to northern Italy, and then a century later to Constantinople, where huge gardens of hyacinths of all colors were planted. All the nobility and the rich came there to relax and enjoy the sight and aroma of this amazing flower.

The rich color palette of hyacinths can tell about a person’s feelings and emotions. The main message of such a bouquet is the wish for a better life, joy and good mood. But, if only yellow hyacinths are present in the composition, this means that the person is hiding jealousy and mistrust.

Yellow lovers - who are they?

A person who prefers yellow does not like to dissemble and pretend, but remains himself. He has a well-developed imagination, he is freedom-loving and sociable. Sometimes he can be adventurous and knows how to get around troubles. He also has an original mindset, resourcefulness and a sense of justice.

It has been scientifically proven that residents of sunny southern countries have a more open and friendly character than residents of the north

People who have a liking for the color yellow are undoubtedly accomplished and independent individuals. They are able to feel harmony with the world around them because they are not afraid to loudly declare themselves and their position. Such people are very patient with criticism and do not accumulate resentment inside.

If a person suddenly likes the color yellow, this may indicate a desire for change, a desire to achieve new heights and win the attention of others. He wants to change his occupation and start doing something he likes. Sometimes people pay attention to yellow shades after an unlucky streak in life, as if instinctively feeling that this color will help them get through bad times.

If a man wears yellow clothes, the weaker sex will perceive him as a soft, caring and compliant person. If a girl comes to a meeting in a yellow dress, a man may consider her frivolous and unreliable, but at the same time simple and perky.

So, psychologists have compiled a portrait of a person who loves yellow shades. Here he is:

inquisitive and sociable self-confident, but tactful and well-mannered loves to be the center of attention and catch admiring glances can be impatient and superficial is not afraid of change and development sometimes has slightly inflated self-esteem cheerful and smiling


For most people, the rose is the queen of all flowers. And it always symbolizes love and passion, a romantic connection or the transition of a relationship to a serious level. The meaning of yellow roses in the language of flowers is lasting friendship, devotion and gratitude.

Such bouquets are relevant as a gift at awards ceremonies, graduations, and for children's and youth parties.

Yellow rose, the meaning of this color in the context of the bouquet can be interpreted as the phrase: “You are my sunshine!”


The symbolism of this color is very diverse and even contradictory. It all depends on the shade. Warm tones have a positive meaning, cold tones have a negative meaning. For example, in France, cool yellow has long been considered a symbol of female adultery.

The golden hue represents solar energy, vitality and divine power. In ancient mythology, the color yellow is associated with the power and radiance of the god Apollo, and in China it is a symbol of the power of the emperor. During the reign of the Qing dynasty, only the head of state had the right to wear golden-colored clothing.

The color yellow also has a negative meaning in world culture. For example, Jews consider this shade a symbol of cowardice, betrayal and lies. The most negative heroes in Christian mythology, Cain and the disciple Judas, are depicted with yellow beards. In some European countries, yellow paint was used to stain the doors of villains and criminals.

Yellow chrysanthemums - the meaning of flowers

Their scent can instill hope and optimism even in the most inclement weather. This autumn flower, which has managed to absorb the warmth of summer days, symbolizes vitality and optimism that can persist under any conditions. A bouquet made of yellow chrysanthemums is usually given by secret admirers.

The Japanese are convinced that if you drink a glass of wine with yellow chrysanthemum petals at the bottom, they will be guaranteed a long and happy life. And among residents of Europe and America there is an opinion that chrysanthemums are universal flowers that can be given for any occasion.

Yellow intolerance

Dislike for a certain shade does not always indicate serious complexes or mental disorders. Most often, dislike for a certain color is caused by some unpleasant associations. Perhaps a person is haunted by unpleasant childhood memories associated with a specific image. Someone was scared by a yellow toy, and someone was rude to an aunt in yellow trousers.

If a person completely rejects yellow shades, this may be caused by the following reasons:

negative experience of communicating with an active but frivolous person who did not restrain his communications and let him down at a crucial moment; prolonged depression caused by a long illness or deep mental trauma; a feeling of hopelessness and uselessness; long isolation, isolation; suspicious attitude towards people; loss of strength; low level of vital energy

Application in advertising

85% of product purchasing decisions are related to its color. The psychology of color is one of the most interesting elements of advertising and marketing as it influences persuasion and guides human behavior through emotions. Advertisers and marketers know how to use these resources and make us unconsciously associate feelings with various elements.

Yellow has become fashionable in the world of advertising and marketing because it is a strong eye-catcher, although sometimes it can be off-putting.

Yellow is known as the happiest color. But it is also valued as a spontaneous color. This helps with purchasing decisions and relieves stress. It is very often seen contrasted with black or red as it stands out from the crowd and attracts the consumer's attention.

Yellow is used to announce news or promotions, so it is not recommended for high-value items.

This color catches the eye and is therefore used as a signal of quality at a low price. But you should not overuse the color yellow, as it causes visual fatigue.

Natalia Shakhova

What does it mean to dislike tone?

If a person does not like the color yellow, then it is very likely because of the vibrant qualities of this luminous color. These people are realistic—practical, pragmatic, and likely to be critical of others who don't. These people are somewhat skeptical of new ideas and instead of trying something innovative, they prefer to focus on what they can definitely achieve.

In addition, it is not recommended to use bright yellow colors for people suffering from various mental and psychiatric disorders. And also, in young children, some yellow tones can cause tearfulness and fear.

Positive and negative effects of color

The color yellow evokes only positive associations for most people. It resembles sunlight, warmth, and a sea beach. Can improve mood, help cope with fatigue and apathy. Like all colors of the warm spectrum, it warms the body on a physical level. During intense mental work, it helps to select non-standard solutions for complex problems, and during physical activity it increases muscle elasticity.

A negative value causes a dirty tint, closer to green. It is associated with illness, weakness, insecurity and deception. Regular exposure to this shade causes a depressed state in a person and makes him doubt his abilities.

People disappointed in life reject the color yellow. It reminds them of unfulfilled hopes and therefore causes irritation. People prone to depression subconsciously avoid it so as not to receive additional stress on the psyche. A person with alcohol and drug addiction experiences severe irritation from exposure to warm colors.

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