How to find out if your husband has cheated with 100% accuracy: psychological techniques, tests, advice and folk wisdom

According to statistics, 70% of men are prone to cheating. How to check your husband for infidelity , given that a woman finds out about adultery at the last moment. She lives and cherishes her husband for years, considering him the closest and dearest person. That such a person a priori cannot betray. The news of betrayal can break a woman, destroy her ideas about family life and radically change her attitude towards men for the worse.

Based on male nature and psychology, most males are polygamous. Some are able to curb the essence of the male and live with one woman, without cheating until the end of their days. But even in strong and ideal marriages, betrayal happens. To catch your chosen one in a long-term affair, you just need to take a close look at your man’s behavior and, based on generally accepted facts, find out the answer.

Reasons for male infidelity

Only complete womanizers cheat without reason, with whom either those who are ready to turn a blind eye to infidelity or too naive women connect their fate. In other cases, after decades of marriage, wives themselves can become the reason for the cooling of passion. After all, marriage is a constant work on oneself and relationships. The strength of the union and the monogamy of a man completely depend on the woman, on her wisdom and experience. And no matter how unpleasant it may sound, you need to know the provoking factors and be on alert:

  • Routine and fatigue. A husband is not an addition to the family; he does not become property after being registered at the registry office. This is a living person with his own shortcomings, emotions and desires. Often, especially after the birth of a child, a wife distances herself from her husband, turning him into an addition to the budget, forgetting about the need to be desired. In more than half of the cases, during the maternity period, men stare at the young and carefree, relaxing in fleeting affairs and replenishing their sexual dissatisfaction in them.
  • Frequent business trips. A job that involves constant travel tests a couple. Men cannot live without sexual intercourse for long, and the more often and longer the absences occur, especially to the same places, the higher the chance of ceasing to be the only one. The only exceptions can be considered workers of drilling wells, who fly to uninhabited places, contacting only male colleagues for months at a time. But this is more due to lack of opportunity.
  • Wild life. In a couple where the man freely enjoys gatherings with friends in the evenings, often drinks or has other bad habits, cheating is only a matter of time.
  • Lack of variety. Differences in sexual temperament cannot but be a problem. If a wife has enough sex once a week and according to a monotonous program, and her husband wants new positions, toys and role-playing games, then, having not received what he wanted on the marital bed, go elsewhere.

Is it possible to find out if my husband is cheating or not?

Rarely does a situation occur when, against the backdrop of complete well-being, a husband reports an affair and a desire to leave the family; usually, betrayal leaves traces that only an absolutely inattentive spouse, completely carried away by her career or children, can overlook.

A partner who is in communication with her husband, who is aware of her husband’s affairs, is sure to be wary if she discovers a set of changes that have no known origin.

Signs of betrayal

Anyone who wants to can notice that a man is cheating. Only a few have the talent for hiding infidelity; the rest use standard tricks, and sometimes simply hope for chance. Many mistresses themselves plant “evidence” in order to quickly reveal the deception and thus get the man out of the family. It is worth saying that according to statistics, less than 10% of traitors leave the family home, and more than half of them rush back after some time. For a husband, a mistress is just an outlet with whom it is easy and there is no need to talk about business. And the majority of mistresses are not ready to wash their socks and put up with dissatisfaction and snoring. Therefore, if it is morally possible to forgive betrayal, the family will be saved, and sometimes even strengthened in 99% of cases.

Behavior and psychology

A simple observation will clarify a lot. Assessing a partner’s behavior is a kind of test of fidelity:

  1. A radical change in attitude. Excessive coldness or, conversely, attentiveness will indicate the presence of a mistress. In the first case, he will become too picky and refuse affection, even to the point of sleeping in different beds; in the other, on the contrary, a feeling of guilt will force him to give gifts and flowers for no reason.
  2. Refusal of sex. Even a tired man needs sexual relief from time to time. And if he comes home from work happy, but still refuses affection for several days in a row, it means he’s definitely already released a charge somewhere.
  3. Attention to yourself. If a pot-bellied sofa and TV lover previously purchased an exercise machine, and demands chicken fillet and vegetables for dinner, and also shaves every morning, then either he received a good promotion, or someone else is more picky about their appearance.
  4. Decrease in income. A mistress is always an additional burden on the budget. If the husband’s salary suddenly gapes with financial holes, while work in the evenings has only increased, it means that only volunteering will justify him.
  5. Passion for the phone. Passwords on gadgets, erased messages and calls, absences to talk on the phone on the balcony or in the parking lot should clearly alert you.
  6. Direct evidence. Often a car becomes a “secret lair” for love affairs. Therefore, a found hairpin, an extended nail or a condom will reveal a traitor more colorfully than others.

If in most cases it is possible to recognize the spouse, then he clearly did not pass the test. If emotional conversations based on trust in a couple are not accepted, it is worth moving on to looking for more impressive evidence.

Traditional methods

In the fight for justice, one should not stoop to intelligence tests. Such methods include soaking panties in “charmed” potassium permanganate and adding pepper to underwear. Although you can still check for sex when you come home late. This applies to spouses who prefer a warm bath after work to a cool shower. Having joined the washing process under any pretext, take a closer look at the testicles. If they treacherously float to the surface of the water, it means that it is not washing away the sweat of work, but the smell of a rival.

Magic methods

For those who believe in witchcraft rituals, you can turn to online tarot fortune telling, conduct a real ceremony with candles and rings, or take a survey on treason on the Internet. The last method can be done in the presence of your husband, approaching it with a joke, but carefully monitoring the reaction. Typically, testing involves answering questions about secrecy, changes in behavior and other signs described above. If a partner reacts aggressively to such a method, or begins to become noticeably nervous, then there is a high probability that this is not a simple hostility to Internet methods of finding out the truth.

How to find out if your husband is cheating with 100% accuracy

Absolute confirmation (denial) of the fact of treason is possible only with the participation of a professional private detective who will “shepherd” the suspect for a long time, photographing meetings and movements. Will provide irrefutable evidence to the customer (last name, first name, address, place of work of the mistress, address of the safe house, meeting times, photographs).

A weighty argument is a meeting, a phone call, initiated by the husband’s passion. It happens that a husband forgets his phone while leaving for work, leaves it behind while going for a swim, and the wife, answering an incoming call, hears instead of the standard greeting, “my cat, I miss you.”

Or the homewrecker specifically calls her legal half, desperate to wait for decisive action from the man, demands to “let him go,” accuses the wife of manipulating children, health, financial well-being, simply informs the spouse of her existence, provoking a scandal and a breakup.

No evidence based on found hair, deterioration of sex life, stuck on the phone, erasing browser history can serve as a 100% argument. A hairpin found in the glove compartment only indicates that the husband was giving a lift to a woman who had lost an accessory (a colleague, a friend’s wife, a random fellow traveler).

Problems of an intimate nature can be the result of poor health (inflammation, incipient prostatitis), stress suffered at work, and on the Internet the husband monitors information about a burning issue, cleaning up the history so that the wife does not find out. Men painfully endure sexual problems, not wanting to publicly declare the presence of erectile dysfunction.

At the age of 40-50, the stronger sex experiences a midlife crisis associated with the realization that youth is passing, some of their plans will remain forever dreams without a chance of implementation, they compare themselves with more successful peers and young competitors. During such a period, men become thoughtful, irritable, change their habits, begin to “look younger”, changing their style, painting over their gray hair.

Advice from experienced wives

Men are not inclined to cheat on strong and self-sufficient women. Therefore, instead of looking for evidence of infidelity, it is worth understanding the possible reasons and, above all, yourself. By increasing your self-esteem and working on your own development, you can achieve unexpected results. Seeing his transformed wife nearby, the husband will forget the way to the left, if the mistress really took place in the couple. Here you need to act comprehensively:

  • work on your appearance - figure, hairstyle, wardrobe, remember what you were like before the wedding and boring life;
  • finding a hobby - here it is not necessary to knit openwork napkins, even building a career can be made a favorite pastime;
  • internal development - in addition to Turkish TV series, it is worth sitting down to read useful literature, expanding your horizons on any topic, be it psychology, the structure of a washing machine or changing the oil in a car;
  • your own life - in addition to children and household chores, find time for friends, walks and cafes.


When there are several significant pieces of evidence in hand, but “not caught, not a thief,” then more serious measures should be taken. How to check if your husband is cheating and get a guaranteed result? It is enough to organize surveillance of your husband. Do it yourself, ask a friend, or hire a detective.

Blend into your surroundings and watch.

Come home early

Leave the apartment under any pretext (if you have children, then leave with them, supposedly you went to visit your grandmother). Say that you are leaving for a few days, and return home the next day, preferably in the evening, when there is a high probability of catching lovers in bed.

Visit him at work

It is advisable to arrive at lunchtime to see who hubby is spending his free time with after work. The main thing is not to ask the employees about your husband, otherwise they may warn him about your visit. If it is not possible to enter the work area, wait nearby. Maybe the husband is leaving for dinner at some establishment, and not alone, but accompanied by a dazzling beauty colleague.

Send a friend

To check your husband's weakness for the female sex, you can send a friend whom your husband has never seen before. Let her try to flirt with him, make an acquaintance, write on social networks. Observe your spouse's reaction.

All in

There are two types of traitors:

  • the first are those who are afraid that they will be discovered, so they have prepared a thousand excuses for any case;
  • the second - who, when a serious conversation with their wife is brewing, would prefer to confess everything and ease their souls than to fuss and make up things.

Any of these two types can be provoked into confession, but the main thing is not to provide the person with any additional information. If you tell your husband, “Today I saw you with another woman,” or “My friend saw you with another woman,” and the man has never met his mistress in public, he will understand that you are trying to catch him.

It’s better to say this: “Well, tell me who she is? How long do you meet?" or “You know, today an owl on my tail brought me the news that you have a mistress. Do you have an answer to this?” Even if your husband immediately rushes to assure you that your judgment is wrong, everything can be clarified by his first reaction. What did he do? Scared? Frowning? Did you laugh? Surprised or outraged? Let a completely logical answer follow, which should reassure you, but the reaction will never deceive you.


Betrayal always hits too hard. Testing a husband's fidelity in the expectation of finding evidence that he is wrong sometimes leads to the opposite effect. If you are not ready to accept the truth, to refuse a full-fledged family, then take a different path. Become alive and pleasant, loving and interesting again. Don’t try on the role of a victim, decide your own destiny, fight for happiness. And only if you are ready to put an end to it, file for divorce, look for evidence, bring it to light and build a new relationship with someone for whom you are ready to always be desired.

Write in the comments, are you ready to forgive your spouse’s infidelity? What decisive actions are you willing to take for the sake of truth?

What NOT to do

In an attempt to maintain female happiness, a woman’s mind becomes clouded, so she resorts to techniques that in the future only have negative consequences. Even if your husband's betrayal hurts you deeply, never let go of doing the following:

  1. Do not create a public scandal for your husband and his mistress with curses, fights and hair pulling. This will only make you fall in the eyes of your spouse and the people around you, and this will definitely not work in your favor.
  2. Don't trust rumors and gossip. Often women learn about the so-called betrayal of a loved one from “well-wishers” - friends, colleagues, relatives, etc. Do not rush to blindly believe empty words. It is possible that the woman whom my husband dropped off in his car this morning is the wife of his best friend, whom he met by chance. And a receipt from a cosmetics store is a gift for a colleague, which the whole department put together. Be prudent and do not rush to accuse your loved one of all mortal sins only on the basis of other people's words.
  3. Do not be jealous of your husband in vain and do not accuse him of infidelity without evidence. This behavior reveals a very complex and insecure woman. Respect yourself and your dignity.
  4. Don't tell anyone about your husband's cheating. Especially if you are not 100% sure about it. Strangers do not need to know the details of your personal life; in the future, this may turn against you.
  5. Don't threaten your lover. This will make you look quarrelsome, aggressive and unbalanced, so that the chances of your husband returning will be reduced to zero.
  6. Do not blackmail your husband with suicide under any circumstances. Also, do not drag children into your conflict, do not turn them against their father and do not forbid them to see him.

Whether a husband cheats with 100% accuracy is difficult to answer until the man himself admits to infidelity or you catch him in bed with someone else. Therefore, each verification method, especially traditional methods, should be treated with a certain amount of skepticism and not make hasty conclusions.

None of the women will be happy to learn about her husband's betrayal. But, no matter how painful it may be for you, respect yourself first of all, do not waste precious nerves and time on a person who does not want to be with you and who exchanged you for another woman. The fact that your husband cheated on you does not mean that all men are not faithful to their soulmate. It is possible that your spouse has left your life, giving you the opportunity to find happiness with a more reliable and loving man.

Which methods are doomed to fail from the start?

A woman's fantasy, fueled by jealousy, has no boundaries. Therefore, women are constantly coming up with new ways to test a man for jealousy. At the same time, there are several initially disastrous options that not only will not help strengthen the relationship, but will completely destroy it. These methods include:

  • persistent calls and the desire to constantly monitor every step of the partner;
  • an abrupt cessation of communication in the hope that the guy will come to his senses and understand what he is losing. In such cases, men perceive their partner’s actions as a desire to end the relationship or as evidence that they have found another love;
  • making inquiries about the whereabouts, plans and capabilities of a loved one from those around him - friends, relatives, colleagues.

In any case, you need to understand that healthy harmonious relationships do not need testing. Love, respect and trust for each other initially reign there. If doubts about your partner’s fidelity begin to creep in, and you begin to notice that you are turning into a notoriously jealous person, you need to immediately think about whether this person is really that valuable to you and what he can give you in the future. Based on this, draw your conclusions, love and be loved, change yourself and help your partner - build your love together, where there is no place for betrayal and deception.

mTracking is your faithful mobile scout.

All you have to do is seize the moment and briefly take possession of your husband’s smartphone without him knowing about it. With simple manipulations, install the program on your smartphone and activate it. Why a smartphone? The answer is obvious: it is the smartphone that is almost always with its owner, unlike a laptop or desktop computer, and is most actively used.

From the moment of installation and activation, mTracking begins to collect data about all actions of the smartphone owner and send it to you in a visual form. Here are the capabilities the program has.

Moles as a sign

Birthmarks appear on the human body throughout life. A small child has few of them, but an elderly child has a lot. The pattern that moles create speaks volumes about a person’s life. Moles can also be used to determine a person's tendency to cheat.

Those birthmarks that are on the face speak most clearly about character and love for entertainment. Loyalty is indicated by a spot above the eyebrow on the right side. Such a man will be faithful to his wife. If the mole is located on the right cheek, the man loves intrigue and is not against having fun on the side. He will not miss a single opportunity to have fun, and the pangs of conscience will be unknown to him.

In addition to moles on the body, one can determine a tendency to cheat by looking at the lines on the arm. A woman should pay attention to her right palm, namely the love line on it. This one is located at the base of the little finger between the line of the heart. The latter is always clearly defined and is easy to identify even without bending the palm. If the love line is clearly visible, a woman will not suffer from cheating men. If she is weak and inarticulate, affairs on the side and mistresses will be constant companions of married life.

Here you can pay attention to the marriage line. It is located on the edge of the hand at the base of the little finger. There may be one or several. They stretch to the tubercle under the little finger. If a woman has her first marriage, and there are 2 or more marriage lines, most likely the cause of divorce will be infidelity.

By correspondence

The question of how to understand that a guy is cheating by correspondence is often asked by teenagers to psychologists. Their communication comes down to sending each other messages; in reality, they see each other much less often. So, in SMS you can find the following signs of infidelity:

  1. He writes less often, more coldly.
  2. Stopped wishing good morning, good night.
  3. Doesn't send nice gifts or surprises.
  4. Doesn't like photos and doesn't respond to messages for a long time.
  5. He often sits online on social networks, but does not write anything to his beloved.

Wife's rules of conduct and husband's reaction to accusations

Having figured out how to check a guy for cheating, you should talk separately about the woman’s further behavior.


Cheating on your beloved wife: how to predict, understand, prevent and survive

There are 3 main options for subsequent actions after the fact of betrayal is confirmed:

  • Tolerate - this method is quite difficult for the emotional state of the wife. However, she can pretend that nothing is happening and just let the situation go. The disadvantages of this option are that, feeling “impunity,” the spouse will continue his festivities or even leave for another.
  • Forgive - this method may be suitable for families in which the traitor has admitted his guilt and truly repents. Although even this is not a 100% guarantee that this will not happen again in the future.
  • Divorce is the last and most effective method. Of course, it is worth using it when there are simply no other options left and there is simply no strength to endure or fight.

Even psychologists cannot always say unambiguously what needs to be done in a particular family. Too much depends on the relationship between spouses and the presence of children.

You can, of course, try other ways to solve the problem. However, what you definitely cannot do is:

  • Suffer and play the victim. In this case, there is a chance to seriously harm your own nervous system and worsen the situation.
  • Complain to others. Such behavior will inevitably lead to the emergence of a large number of “well-wishers” whose advice will not always be useful and sometimes downright harmful.
  • Revenge, especially, should not be cheated in order to annoy the unfaithful spouse. All this will inevitably lead to the collapse of relationships, stress and mental illness.
  • Throw scandals and hysterics. Exposing your spouse is unpleasant in itself. However, when faced with negativity from his wife, the man will begin to defend himself and defend himself, accusing the woman of being the one who drove him to cheating.
  • Feeling sorry for yourself - this method also does not work and does not bring positive results. The only thing you can get this way is depression.

Finding yourself in such a situation, it is best to try to pull yourself together and start changing yourself.

Perhaps you should change (or find) a job, change your clothes, hairstyle, find a hobby you like. In other words, become as self-sufficient as possible. Even if it is not possible to improve family relationships, such an approach will ensure an easier and more painless separation.

Self-pity should be avoided

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