111 funny questions to ask a girl by correspondence and in real life

What questions can you ask a girl when you first meet? What should I ask if I’ve already gotten to know her better? And most importantly, when to voice them? We ask each other questions not to fill the silence, but to get to know each other and show that we are interested in that person. In this article you will learn what to ask, and most importantly, when to ask.

Before starting a one-on-one conversation with a girl and voicing questions, read these simple rules:

  • Personal questions should be asked to girls in a certain atmosphere of communication;
  • React to her answers. Sometimes joke or empathize, but react;
  • Ask only those questions the answer to which you are really interested in. Even if they are stupid or unconventional.

Blitz questions

Questions for a girl to get to know her better in correspondence on VK do not have to be long. You need to answer blitz tasks quickly, briefly, and frankly. Discuss the terms in advance.

  1. Favorite toy as a child?
  2. Why are you ashamed?
  3. Favorite book (movie, actor, car brand, etc.)?
  4. What do you do perfectly?
  5. How do you feel about me?
  6. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  7. What country do you dream of visiting?
  8. Favorite cartoon character?
  9. Can you describe me in three words?
  10. Do you believe in fate?

To always have questions at hand, download the TOP 100 questions for a girl cheat sheet:

How to ask a girl you like if she has a boyfriend?

When starting a relationship, it is important to make sure that the woman is free and open to new relationships. You should ask such questions very delicately, so as not to offend your interlocutor, and most importantly, not to “scare her away.”

Question options:

  1. I'm wondering if this woman is lonely or if I have a chance to win your attention?
  2. Most likely you have a boyfriend, but maybe I'm wrong?
  3. Let me ask you if the heart of such a beautiful girl is occupied?
  4. Tell me, is your heart busy? By chance, not by me?
  5. Oh, how I would like to live in your heart and thoughts. This is wrong?
  6. You have a boyfriend? Otherwise, I have a feeling that there already is and it’s definitely me.
  7. Can I ask you one important and exciting thing: are you free? I am ready to fight for every second of my freedom.
  8. You have a boyfriend? Stop! Do not answer! I don't want to know, I just want to fight.
  9. You have a boyfriend? It’s just important for me to know, will I have a chance to fight for you?
  10. Tell me, do I have a chance to win you away from the guy?
  11. Girl, don’t you need a guy you love? Very loyal and gentle, by the way.
  12. Girl, I like you so much that I’m ready to forget that you’re married.
  13. You really want to become your soulmate that you don’t even care whether your heart is busy or not. I hope it's free?
  14. Girl, can you leave your boyfriend for me?
  15. Can I give you everything in this world and everything that your “ex” boyfriend couldn’t give you?

Funny interview questions

Many people know what it’s like to be interviewed for a job, especially if the questions are far from the standard “Why did you choose us?” What are the funniest interview questions? Here are examples of different specialists:

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  • How to use a stapler in a non-standard way?
  • What do you think about garden gnomes?
  • How would you solve problems if you came from Mars?
  • Why are the hatches round?

Funny Interview Questions: Pexels
According to the humorous Twitter account @whiletruegoto, IT professionals may face questions such as:

Questions about intimacy

Perhaps, for a first date, such questions will be too frank, and your lady may think that there is, if not a maniac, then certainly some kind of pervert nearby. Of course, cases are different, and many girls are ready to become generous after the first date.

We will say for sure: if you have already had pleasant communication, and you understand that such things will not frighten or spoil the girl’s opinion of you, piquant questions can be very useful.

We offer interesting options.

  • Can you take me into your captivity?
  • What thoughts come to your mind during sex?
  • I heard that rough women are very passionate in bed. This is true?
  • Do you cover yourself with a blanket when it's hot, or do you sleep naked?
  • What are you wearing now?
  • When are you most passionate: during the day, in the morning, in the evening or at night?
  • Where would you like to make love?
  • Do you like being teased?

The article offers guys and men options for interesting questions that can be used to meet the girl you like.


If a girl refuses to tell the truth and chooses action, she can be offered the following tasks:

  1. Hug the guy you love the most.
  2. Take off any item of clothing.
  3. Call the institute (work) and say that you will skip tomorrow.
  4. Go out into the street and shout that no one loves you.
  5. Water the flowers.
  6. Write an SMS to your boyfriend that you are staying at your friend’s house tonight.
  7. Don't brush your teeth all day tomorrow.
  8. Call a random number and confess your love to the person.
  9. Eat a clove of garlic.
  10. Loan me 500 rubles and don’t ask for a return.
  11. Give us your phone so we can read all the SMS.
  12. Kiss the neighbor on the right.
  13. Order pizza, and when it arrives, refuse.
  14. Download a good movie and invite us over to watch it together.
  15. Remember the longest word you know.
  16. Sing a nursery rhyme.
  17. Do a naughty dance.
  18. Crow 5 times.
  19. Drink a liter of water without stopping.
  20. Draw a gypsy and tell us fortunes.
  21. Eat cake blindfolded.
  22. Portray your favorite singer, actress.
  23. Make a parody of any of us.
  24. Go outside and ask a stranger for help.
  25. Blow up the balloon until it bursts.
  26. Let your hair down and make a mess on your head.
  27. If you want to go to the toilet, have a drink, or scratch yourself, ask all participants in the game for permission.
  28. Kiss the first person to enter the room.
  29. Draw a horse, a gorilla, an elephant.
  30. Clean the shoes of the neighbor on the left.
  31. Prepare coffee and tea for everyone.
  32. Go to the store or order pizza.
  33. Send an SMS “I love you” to all contacts on your phone.
  34. Recite the verse while standing on a chair.
  35. Put on any item from your neighbor on the right.
  36. Jump on one leg 50 times.
  37. Put on some terrible makeup and go outside.
  38. Find a stray cat on the street and take it in.
  39. Put your clothes on inside out and sit like that all evening.
  40. Play like an annoying cosmetics distributor and sell us something for as much as possible.
  41. Show how a capricious child behaves in a store.
  42. Wear the book on your head for 5 minutes.
  43. Say 5 nice words to each of us.
  44. Eat an apple without your hands.
  45. Get on your knees and repent of one sin.
  46. Do a belly dance.
  47. Until the end of the party, play the role of a clock cuckoo, sounding every 30 minutes.
  48. Take a topless photo and post it on social media.
  49. Wrap yourself in toilet paper and act like a mummy all evening.
  50. Get busy cleaning the room after the party.

Act unexpectedly

There is nothing worse than trying to start your acquaintance with the words “Can I meet you?” or “Does your mother need a son-in-law?” Be smart and act unexpectedly. Ask where the nearest coffee shop is in the area, and after they give you the address, ask what kind of coffee is the most delicious there. Invite the girl to join you and have a cup of invigorating drink together.

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You can pretend to be a journalist who interviews girls for an interview in a newspaper. The main thing to remember is that such a proposal only serves as an excuse to start a conversation. After asking a few questions, you can suggest continuing the interview in a more comfortable place - over a cup of coffee or tea. In any case, go for it, luck loves brave and courageous people!

Are you against your boyfriend watching 18+ movies?

The answer reflects the degree of constraint of the lady, how ready she is and whether she even allows talking about such topics. Sometimes this phrase helps a girl reveal her sense of humor and ability to understand it.

Although the question itself is a little comical, among couples there are a lot of those who quarrel because of problems with sex or with emancipation. That's why it's really best to take a woman's answer seriously. Just for fun, you can also ask what a girl would do if she caught her boyfriend watching a pornographic film:

  • joined the viewing;
  • calmly explained that she didn’t like it and asked to stop;
  • got offended, made a scandal or played “keep silent”;
  • turned attention to herself by offering sex;
  • switched attention to anything other than sex;
  • pretended not to notice anything;
  • broke off relations with him.

Her answer will reflect her attitude to this issue, her reaction to differences of views, her ability to discuss this and solve such problems.


  1. Do you think baldness suits girls?
  2. Are there any differences between the frog princess and the toad princess?
  3. How to take revenge on your boss: put pepper in your tea or feed herring with milk?
  4. Platypus or duckbill, which is correct?
  5. If you pour water into an aquarium for a fish, will it drown?
  6. If I were an animal, what kind would I be?
  7. I don't understand what the difference is between a snowman and a snowwoman. And you?
  8. How did ancient women shave their legs?
  9. Do woodpeckers get concussions?
  10. Do bald people have dandruff?

Accompany humorous SMS with emoticons, gifs, pictures. React violently to the lady’s answer if you find it funny. Make jokes in response so that the chain of letters is not interrupted by silence.

Why do you think I have a complex?

Another way to hear all the ins and outs about yourself without asking directly about your disadvantages. What do the different types of reactions to this question mean:

  • thinks and examines the guy for a long time - knows him poorly, is not yet aware of his shortcomings;
  • immediately answers that he has no complexes - he idealizes the guy or considers him very confident (although this can also be part of idealization);
  • names several possible complexes - she has studied the interlocutor well, she is interested in him. However, among the listed options there may be hidden things that she herself does not like about this man;
  • she presses her head into her shoulders a little, makes a guilty look and hesitates to answer - she worries about the guy’s feelings, although she has something to say. It is not a fact that the shortcomings of the interlocutor, which she managed to see, are critical for her.

Here, too, as in questions No. 3-4, the degree of straightforwardness, honesty, and constraint during unusual conversations is expressed. After waiting for her answer, you can tell her about your real experiences, uncertainty about something and ask how she feels about it. This will also express her level of empathy, desire to understand another person, and ability to support.


The questions are formulated in such a way that they cannot be given a short and unambiguous answer. Every time a person has to choose, think, analyze and reveal his soul more and more deeply to his interlocutor. Due to this, a special atmosphere is created.

During the interview, participants get to know themselves and their interlocutor better. They have to expose themselves morally, they become vulnerable, they show their weakness. Therefore, the questionnaire is relevant for already established couples. This is an opportunity to look at each other again, to discover something new, observing the reactions, answers, pauses, and emotions of the partner.

Psychologists note that the method is suitable not only for restoring love relationships, but also for working on friendly feelings.

Do you think I'm a womanizer? Why?

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This phrase will help you understand how your interlocutor sees the guy. This question is essentially equivalent to “What don’t you like about me?”, but it is more careful, veiled. At the same time, the girl will be more willing and frank to share her doubts about her boyfriend. You can also hear in her response:

  • how she feels about betrayal, frivolity, what her limits of loyalty are;
  • whether he perceives a man adequately, whether he creates an idealized image in his head;
  • how directly and delicately he can talk about other people’s disadvantages;
  • what he expects from his chosen one in terms of behavior and character;
  • how seriously she considers the guy as her mate.

She may lie a little, saying that she does not consider her interlocutor a womanizer. However, in this case, she will not be able to provide arguments in favor of her opinion. She will answer something like: “I don’t know”, “It just seems so”, “I believe you”, without justifying her words in any way. They will contain the essence of her prejudices or naivety.

About relationships and love

If you don’t know what to ask a girl about in correspondence, move on to the topic of love and relationships. Ladies love to carry on conversations on personal topics. A conversation about relationships helps to get to know your interlocutor and establish close contact.

  1. Do you often fall in love?
  2. Did you confess your love first?
  3. Do you know what unrequited love is?
  4. Is romance a necessary part of a relationship or can you do without it?
  5. Can you call first after a fight with a guy?
  6. If a man cheats, will you forgive him?
  7. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  8. Does friendship between a man and a girl exist?
  9. The ideal guy, what is he like?
  10. Do you believe in love at first sight?


Unusual, tricky questions to a friend allow you to get to know the lady better, putting your interlocutor at a dead end. Please note that awkward phrases with a catch do not imply humiliation of female dignity, it is simply a provocation for a frank conversation.

  1. Girls deceive men so often, do they like it? Why?
  2. Imagine becoming a man for 1 day. Your actions?
  3. Why can't you forgive a guy?
  4. Do you have a price?
  5. Is vulgarity cool?
  6. Do you want to get married and become a housewife?
  7. Do you have complexes about your appearance?
  8. Which guys are not your type?
  9. Do you do crazy things?
  10. Ever danced a striptease?

Before asking a tricky question, think about whether you are ready to receive a frank answer. Practice shows that men are not always satisfied.

The funniest children's questions

Children see the world in their own way, analyze what is happening and draw their own conclusions. What are the funniest children's questions? Here's what parents are sharing on Twitter under the hashtag:

Funny Kids Questions: Pexels

  • Does a pregnant horse theoretically have two horsepower?
  • Dad, remember yesterday my nose couldn’t breathe?
  • How to accurately determine your age if you suddenly forgot?
  • Mom, why did you give birth to me like this, and not from plasticine?
  • Why did they come up with obscene words if you can’t pronounce them?
  • Mom, why do mosquitoes bite?
  • What will I call Little Red Riding Hood if she takes off her red cap?
  • And when you get old, will I have to go to your job?
  • Let's figure it out, am I right or wrong?
  • Mom, I'm afraid to get married alone. Come with me?
  • If an apple has a lot of iron, will a magnet stick to the apple?
  • And when an elephant carries a log, its trunk doesn’t break?
  • On the theme "Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish." Why didn’t the grandfather ask the fish for another grandmother?
  • Mom, when are we going to start rounding up?

What to ask a tricky question - a list of phrases with answers

Most tricky questions have a correct answer, and some allow you to navigate the conversation and draw your own conclusions, rather than think “in a template.”

Among the answers with available pre-prepared answers is the group “on intelligence”. There can be no other answer here other than a true statement, obviously established.

Also, to some extent, “philosophical” topics fall into this category:

  • You cannot compare the value of human life, the health of your loved ones, the success of a loved one with personal selfish motives, for example, the latest iPhone or laptop.
  • Therefore, this category will confirm the ability to ask a person for help, to provide support in difficult times, and not just accompany a financially successful guy.

Important! Everyone has their own sense of humor, so this indicator is assessed very subjectively.

To a girl, such a “funny” question may seem completely ridiculous or stupid, and her answer will require an explanation, which will simply “kill” any irony.

This also applies to vulgar, personal topics. Sometimes girls completely refuse to answer such questions, and finding out why by making your own guesses will not be correct.


Questions are selected from the guy’s general category of knowledge or interests, so they can serve as a basis for determining the compatibility of views and hobbies.

The most common are:

  1. What is the Milky Way? – (our galaxy)
  2. The Sun and Moon are what planets? – (this is a star and a satellite)
  3. What is demagoguery? – (theoretical judgments without practical justification)
  4. What is democracy? – (government regime denoting the power of the people)
  5. What is the smallest bird in the world? – (hummingbird)
  6. What is the longest river in the world? – (Neil)
  7. How many fingers are there on 4 hands? - (20)

Reference! It is best to fit such questions organically and without suspicion into the context of some thematic conversation. Then the girl will not feel that she is being “tested” for intellectual fitness.

Watch the video in which young people answer a variety of questions from the school curriculum:


It is much easier to go through life with a cheerful and resourceful person. Then no hardships and sorrows are scary, the main thing is to find such a person.

To do this, you should think through several tricky questions with prepared answers. But first you should take such a mini-test yourself, and then simply check your “humorous” compatibility.

  1. Why do girls open their mouths when they paint their eyes?
  2. If you are riding a horse between a boat and an airplane, where are you?
  3. What should you do when you see the “little green man”?
  4. What word always sounds wrong?
  5. How many hedgehogs would you like to have?
  6. What ability would you choose for yourself if you could?
  7. Why are women silent when they close their mouths?

Vulgar and intimate

A suitable atmosphere should be selected for this procedure.

Otherwise, if you ask her in front of your parents or friends, or just out of place, you can get a ticket to the friend zone at best or to eternal ignore.

Reference! It is important not to go too far with intimacy.


  1. What might interest you in a guy?
  2. Which popular actor or singer do you like as a man?
  3. Are you ready for sex for a coveted place in an educational institution/company?
  4. What is your most shameful act?
  5. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
  6. By what “beacons” do you determine whether you like a guy or not?
  7. What is your idea of ​​your own family?

Watch the video in which girls on the street are asked vulgar riddles with a trick:


Reference! Judging such parameters as personal qualities is a rather shaky path, but some of the girls’ gross mistakes in their answers can lead to the idea of ​​ending a meaningless relationship before it’s too late.

The most common philosophical questions for assessing a girl are:

  1. If there were teleporters in the world that could instantly transport you to any place, where would you most like to go? – (lifestyle and hidden desires for luxury, comfort, adventure, etc. are assessed)
  2. What is your greatest fear? – (the fear of losing things, not getting the car or job you want is not put on the same scale as the fear of losing a loved one)
  3. The most passionate desire, what is it expressed in? – (similarity of interests will allow you to find common areas for communication and spending time together; if the priorities are completely different, it may not be worth tolerating unnecessary “grinding in” of characters)
  4. How often do you arrange get-togethers with your friends? – (the level of company should be similar, because relationships between a closed person and someone who constantly hangs out with friends cannot develop well)
  5. Where do you see yourself in 20 years? – (prospects for personal growth, ambitions and much more, which characterizes the presence of life goals, strength of character, desire for development)
  6. Have you ever had true love? – (shows the ability to fall in love with a person; if a girl has not yet experienced this feeling, then you should think about her ability to experience a feeling of affection for others in principle)
  7. If you could turn back time, what exactly would you change? – (shows the globality of a person’s judgment, if it’s just to save his dog or not go to a meeting with a past gentleman who abandoned him, then the lady’s interests are very meager and petty)

Trick questions are different in that they may have several correct answers for the guy personally.

Even incorrect judgments in the “intelligence level” category allow you to choose a suitable passion with limited attention to your partner’s personal life.

The most important thing is to decide for yourself what exactly interests you in a girl, draw up an approximate list of qualities, and only then check with the applicants.

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