48 Questions to Help Make an Awkward Conversation Easier

How many times a week do you have to have meaningless conversations?

on topics that are uninteresting to you or discuss
issues that you have already discussed a thousand times
because you just need to say something?
This usually happens in moments of forced waiting for something, for example, while waiting for a very slowly moving elevator in the company of one’s own colleagues or casual acquaintances during various events. To make boring conversations like this more interesting, it's worth asking people unexpected questions
that make them think, and that can't be answered with a simple yes or no.

The result will most likely be amazing: you will learn a lot of interesting facts about other people that you would never get out of your usual boring conversation. And, as an added bonus, you will become closer to each other. Sometimes this can be really important!

If you are ready for unconventional actions, look through the list of the most successful questions, which is divided into topics for convenience.

Of course, not every one of these questions is appropriate to talk to every person or in every situation, but nevertheless, this list provides a fairly wide selection to avoid awkward silences.


1. If you didn’t work here, what would you most likely be doing now? 2. How did you become ... (job title)? 3. What surprised you most about this job? 4. What is the most ridiculous task your boss has ever given you? 5. What would be more preferable for you: working four days a week for 10 hours or five days for 8? 6. If you had guaranteed success in any position, what would you prefer to do? 7. What was your first job? Did you like her? 8. What is the most valuable piece of professional development advice you have ever received? Which one was the worst?

Interesting topics for conversation

If you want someone to be interested in you, ask interesting questions. Many of these questions have no underlying meaning, and that's okay. Variety is the spice of life.

Use these random questions to push the boundaries of the normal into uncharted territories.

13. If you had to eat the same food for the rest of your life, what would you eat and why?

14. If you could invite any celebrities to your party (even those who are no longer alive), who would you invite?

15. What if there are actually many souls in your body, but you are the most powerful, so you are able to control your body, and the voices you hear in your head are just weak souls talking to you?

16. What if instead of police dogs there were giant police spiders?

Would there be much less crime?

17. If there was no coffee in the world, what would you drink (or eat) in the morning to perk up?


9. Are you reading any interesting book now? I would like some recommendations. What about the show? 10. Are there any apps on your phone that you can't live without? 11. If you could only watch one genre of cinema for the rest of your life, what would you choose? What about musical preferences? 12. Which book did you hate that everyone admired? And vice versa? 13. Do you have any podcast recommendations? 14. Which movie have you watched recently that made you cry? How about laughing out loud? 15. Who would you like to be your partner on the reality show Amazing Race? In our realities, you can ask a similar question about programs like “Fort Boyard” or “The Last Hero”. 16. Who is your Instagram favorite? And vice versa? Oh, you don't have Instagram? Why?


Intimacy is formed when people have a genuine interest in each other. At the same time, accepting your partner for who he is. This is a state that is often called “souls touching.”

Agree, it is much more comfortable to be in the company of a person when you can be sincere with him than to communicate with someone, “putting on” a mask and playing the expected role. Is not it?

Psychologist Arthur Aron once asked this question, what exactly helps to form intimacy. Therefore, in 1997, I decided to undertake an experiment, which is known in the world as “36 questions”.

Its essence was that complete strangers had to ask each other a list of questions provided by Arthur.

Students took part, and the couples consisted not only of representatives of the opposite sex. There were significantly fewer men, so some of the girls talked to each other.

The questions were divided into three parts, 12 in each. Time was limited, only 45 minutes for the entire study cycle.

As a result, it turned out that most of the couples participating in the experiment soon started families.

The girls, deprived of a partner of the opposite sex, remained on friendly terms.

This way they not only got to know each other better, but also shared information that sometimes even close relatives are not aware of. For one simple reason – they weren’t interested.


17. If you were told that you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? 18. What is the strangest dish you have ever tried in your life? 19. What is your comfort food? 20. Is there any food that you will never eat? 21. Advise what can be easily and without problems taken to work/school as lunch, but it should not be sandwiches. 22. Where can you eat inexpensively here? 23. Do your family have any culinary secrets or traditional recipes? 24. What is your favorite restaurant/cafe that is not very well known to a wide circle of people?

7 more topics to talk about

Use these questions at the beginning of a conversation when you want to go beyond the ordinary. After all, sometimes people get bored with typical topics of conversation.

7. If you suddenly woke up during a fire, what three things would you save by running outside?

This question is a great way to find out what things are most important to a person, things that can tell you a lot about them.

8. What would you spend three wishes on?

A classic question that can generate a wide range of answers.

9. If you were given the chance to go to the Moon or Mars, would you go? Why?

10. What if you had to choose between a great romantic relationship that would end in just a year and an average relationship that would last your entire life, which would you choose?

11. If you found a suitcase filled with $1,000,000, what would you do?

This is a fun question because you can discuss where the money could potentially come from that could influence your decisions.

12. If you could easily travel around the world and live anywhere, where would you go permanently (or maybe stay where you are now)? Why?

A person's dream home can say a lot about their personality and tastes, as well as their goals and ambitions.


25. Is there a “heavenly” place to relax somewhere nearby? 26. If you could fly anywhere absolutely free, where would you go? 27. What's the coolest road trip you've ever taken? 28. What trip did you take during your last vacation? What were you doing there? What do you remember? 29. What type of holiday do you prefer - active or relaxing somewhere on a cozy beach? 30. What next trip have you already planned? 31. If you were able to take time off, or had the opportunity to work remotely, where would you go and what would you do? 32. What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

Questions about attitude towards life's difficulties

Friends must have similar beliefs or at least a willingness to compromise, otherwise communication will be short-lived. Find out if you and your friend have a common dream: it will unite you and make your friendship stronger.

Beliefs and views

  1. Are you religious or spiritual?
  2. What is your life philosophy?
  3. Do you believe in second chances?
  4. How do you feel about other religions?
  5. Your attitude towards gays.
  6. Do you think it is humane to use the skin and fur of animals and eat their meat?
  7. Do you believe that everyone in this world has their own path?
  8. Do you think there is life after death?

Dreams and plans for the future

  1. What's on your bucket list for this year?
  2. How would you describe your ideal weekend?
  3. What's the craziest thing you've ever done and would do again?
  4. If a genie gave you three wishes right now, what would they be?
  5. What would you like to happen right now?

"How do you feel when..."

  1. “...is your loved one crying”?
  2. “…are you being criticized”?
  3. “...when it seems like the world is against you, do you give up or fight harder”?


33. Where did you live before? How is that city different from your current place of residence? 34. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? 35. Do you have any hidden talents or unexpected hobbies? 36. What did you like to do in elementary school (outside the school curriculum)? 37. What accessory or item was your “must-have” in childhood/teenage, i.e., growing up? 38. What was the most incredible thing that has ever happened to you? 39. Who was the most significant person, mentor, role model for you? 40. What was the most valuable piece of advice you've ever been given?

Questions about childhood2

  • What was your biggest fear as a child?
  • What was your favorite food as a child? What's your favorite dish right now?
  • What was your favorite treat as a child?
  • Did you want to change your name as a child? If so, what would you like to be called?
  • Did you want to have a little brother or sister as a child?
  • Did you have a favorite lesson at school?
  • What affectionate name did your parents call you?
  • Have you ever been to a children's summer camp?
  • At what age did you start asking to use the potty?
  • What is your best childhood memory?
  • What's your worst childhood memory?
  • How did your parents punish you?

  • Did your parents often punish you?
  • Did your parents inspire more fear or love?
  • Did they sing lullabies to you?
  • How many toys did you have?
  • Have you often broken toys?
  • Was there a toy that you dreamed of, but you never bought it?
  • Do you still have your childhood toys?
  • Do you remember your first D grade at school?
  • Did you like your first teacher?
  • Was T often capricious at the table?
  • As a child, which parent was more loving?
  • Did you have a friend in childhood whom you wanted to follow as an example?
  • At what age did you learn to read and write?
  • Did you cry often as a child?
  • As a child, which adult did you trust the most?
  • In childhood, did you feel the support of your family, or did they just evaluate and condemn?
  • Did you want to turn into some kind of animal as a child? In which?
  • What kind of superhero did you want to become?
  • What pets did you have? What were their names?
  • Have you ever had to skip classes?
  • Have you always told your parents the truth?
  • Did you have to clean up your school diary?
  • Who was your favorite Star Wars character?
  • What were your favorite cartoons?
  • Have you often been put in a corner?
  • Did your parents always punish you fairly?

  • Were you forced to participate in the sports section? Music school?
  • Have you ever broken a window with a ball?
  • Did you have a fear of the dark as a child?
  • Have you ever binged on candy or other treats to the point where your stomach started to hurt?
  • Have you ever stolen raspberries or apples?
  • “A terrible secret”: have you ever had to tear off the wings of flies or butterflies?
  • What was the funniest promise you made to your parents?
  • Were you afraid of Babayka? Did they scare you with Babayka?
  • What do you want to become when you grow up?
  • Have you ever climbed trees?
  • Who was your sworn enemy?
  • Who was your best friend?
  • What was your biggest school mischief?
  • Have you ever wanted to run away from home?
  • What are your earliest memories?
  • Did you study well at school?
  • Were you a good boy (girl) or a bully?
  • What's the best birthday you've ever had?
  • Did your parents organize children's parties for you?
  • Have you had a lavish birthday celebration?


41. If you were entrusted with choosing eight objects that would receive the status of “8 Wonders of the World,” what would you add to this list?
42. What would you put in a time capsule 15 years ago? 43. Which of all the compliments you have received was the strangest? 44. Have you ever thought about “cool” inventions or starting companies that, as it turns out, have already been made or founded? 45. If you could teach any course in college, what subject would you choose? 46. ​​What is something completely out of character for you that you have ever done? 47. What superpower would you like to have? 48. If you could have absolutely any pet, which one would you choose? PS We recommend another useful article on the topic of working on yourself - 30 websites that will make you much more educated

The author of the translation is Vyacheslav Davidenko, founder of TESTutor


The questions are formulated in such a way that they cannot be given a short and unambiguous answer. Every time a person has to choose, think, analyze and reveal his soul more and more deeply to his interlocutor. Due to this, a special atmosphere is created.

During the interview, participants get to know themselves and their interlocutor better. They have to expose themselves morally, they become vulnerable, they show their weakness. Therefore, the questionnaire is relevant for already established couples. This is an opportunity to look at each other again, to discover something new, observing the reactions, answers, pauses, and emotions of the partner.

Psychologists note that the method is suitable not only for restoring love relationships, but also for working on friendly feelings.

Running out of topics to talk about? Here are a few more:

Use these fun questions when you just want to create a light atmosphere. There's no need to complicate things. These funny questions will help you avoid empty conversations. They are great for spending free time at work, in the car or at the dinner table.

18. If animals could talk, which animal would be the rudest?

19. If you had to change your name, what new name would you choose? Why?

Serious and funny responses are welcome.

20. If you became a professional athlete, what sport would you excel at?

You can invent your own sport, for example, “championship in talking without swearing.”

21. If you could be in any movie, which movie would you like to be in and what role would you like to play?

You can come up with your own movie and your own characters, or mash up an existing movie and a non-existent character.

22. If you were sitting on a bench in a beautiful forest, who would you want to see next to you on the bench and why?

23. If you could invite four famous people to dinner, who would you choose and why? And where would you go for dinner?

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