The language of flirting. How do men get our attention?

Very often, men do not show their interest in a woman for various reasons: they are afraid of being rejected, seeming funny, do not want to become dependent on a woman, etc. How then, if a man does not show or directly talk about his feelings, can you find out if he likes you?

In addition to ordinary language, every person uses in communication a second, more ancient language - non-verbal - body language. In the animal world, there are vivid examples of male courtship language - they spread their tails, change their plumage, organize exhibition fights... People also use non-verbal language, but often do not pay attention to it and do not know how to understand it correctly. It is generally accepted that women, unlike men, have developed intuition, and therefore always feel if they like you. In essence, this “feeling” is the ability to capture and recognize the signals that a man’s body gives. If you don’t have this ability yet, don’t be upset, understanding body language can be learned, and no matter what exactly a man says (or is silent at all), you can find out from non-verbal manifestations how he feels. So, what postures and gestures will a man show you that he likes you?

Gestures of a man in love

This may not necessarily be love, but only its beginning. So, what body manifestations indicate sympathy and interest in you? If a man is turned towards you, his feet and knees are directed in your direction, this is a sure sign of his interest. The body itself can also be used as a barrier between you, if a man does not want to communicate (this needs to be checked, maybe he wants to, but is still afraid). The simplest way to use your body as a barrier is to turn your back to you, or turn half-turn. Often, a man can use foreign objects - a folder, laptop, backpack, etc. - as an obstacle between you and his body.

A smile is not always a good sign

A smile may not always mean a feeling of sympathy. It happens that by smiling affably, a person tries to benefit from his interlocutor.

There are several sure signs that will help you recognize a hypocrite:

Kind of smileInterpretation
Asymmetry in the smile, the corner of the mouth is droopingCunning, deception, delusion
Wide smile, cold eyesDeception, self-interest
Twisted smile, arrogance in the gaze, tilt of the head to the sideIrony, lack of respect
Grin, the upper and lower teeth are exposed, the corners of the lips do not riseNegativity, aggression
Copying your interlocutor's smileDesire to benefit

Gestures of a man in the hip area

Body poses that highlight the hip area are more sexual in nature. So, men can sit or stand with their legs spread wide apart, demonstrating their masculine strength, or taking a dominant, hanging position “above you”, resting their hands on their hips, tucking their fingers into the belt, again, emphasizing the genital area. Despite the fact that these poses carry information of a more sexual nature, they can also serve as compensation for a man’s feelings of internal insecurity, and speak of his desire to look more masculine, strong, and in a “dominant position.”

Values ​​your opinion

Does your manager consult with you on any matter? Maybe you're just a valuable employee. If the questions relate to your work and are within your competence, then everything is fine. Cases when a boss asks for advice on complex issues that you do not understand are quite strange. It is even more alarming when he consults on personal matters. Recommendations for choosing a clothing style or a new sofa are not your responsibility. Therefore, this attitude gives your boss away. He appreciates your advice because he is in love.


Our boundaries do not end with the boundaries of the body, but also include the space around us. The distance between you speaks about the nature of communication, and is divided into so-called. zones. Social zone (1.2 - 3 m) - for strangers, personal (46-120 cm) - for business, official dating, and intimate zone. In our culture, the zone of “intimate” contact, intended only for very personal communication, is 15-45 cm. A man who likes you will try to penetrate your intimate zone. He will either come too close to you, or begin to lean on the back of a chair or railing behind you - imitating the currently prohibited hug movement. He can give you his hand, thereby violating your boundaries, try to touch you by chance. (Depending on which side he extends his palm towards you, you will see whether he strives to take a commanding position in his relationship with you, or is completely open and trusts you (a sign of trust is open palms)).

Makes concessions

Of course, if the boss values ​​and respects him, he can accommodate any employee halfway. But you are constantly late, ask for time off for trifles, do not fulfill your duties, and you get away with everything. In addition, you received a project that is beyond your capabilities. When they knocked him down, they got off with a light reprimand. Such indulgences say one thing - you are the favorite. With one smile you can secure a flexible schedule and additional bonuses. It's better not to do this. The team will definitely not approve. And you can ruin your business reputation. There will be problems that will pop up even when you start a new job.

Facial expressions of a man who likes you

Maximum emotions are revealed by the language of a man’s face, and especially by his gaze and eyes. The more time he looks at you, the more he likes you. At the same time, his pupils dilate (constriction of the pupils, on the contrary, indicates hostility, aggression), his head may be tilted to the side. His gaze is directed into your eyes and slides down, below the chin, to chest level - this is the so-called. intimate look (look at the forehead and to eye level - business, from the eyes to lip level - social, friendly). There is also a “flirting”, enticing sideways glance, while the eyebrows rise slightly upward and there is always a smile.

A smile on the face, by the way, can express different emotions, and not always positive ones. A symmetrical (the same on both sides) smile is considered sincere, which arises slowly and remains on the face for a long time; it speaks of openness and sympathy. If there is no smile on his face, then his lips are usually just relaxed. Any asymmetrical quick movements of the lips, nervous smiles, or pursing of the lips indicate that the man is experiencing discomfort. If he is busy with some thoughts of his own, he may run his tongue over his teeth, suck or curl his lips.

To find out and understand how a man treats you, watch his behavior

If you want to determine how interesting you are to a young man, then pay attention to how he behaves. Having noticed at least some of the listed points, you can rest assured that the guy is not indifferent to you.

So, learn to analyze the verbal and non-verbal signals that a man sends you. By assessing them together, you can understand his true attitude. If you notice only one or two of the mentioned gestures, then it may not mean anything, but if there are more, then there is probably sympathy after all.

One of the most obvious signs signaling a guy’s interest is that he tries to stay closer to you, to be present in your personal space. As you know, it is human nature to allow only particularly close people into this space, so you can draw certain conclusions.

If a man tries to spend as much time as possible in your company, then it is obvious that he likes you. Perhaps in recent days you have noticed that from time to time you accidentally cross paths with a certain man, have you started communicating with someone more than usual? Most likely, we are not talking about an accident at all, but about a planned rapprochement.

Gestures of a man who is embarrassed by you

But in the presence of you, a man experiences not only sympathy, interest or sexual attraction. Along with the desire to get closer to you, there is a fear of being rejected. The situation changes and he can alternately be overcome by many different emotions - uncertainty, anxiety, fear, tension, awkwardness, embarrassment, the desire to control, boasting, the desire to attract attention and even aggression. All these feelings are reflected in body language, even if a man tries to hide them from you (even if he himself is not fully aware of them).

In any case, if you are attractive to a man, in addition to sympathy, he will show uncertainty and excitement or tension in communicating with you. Usually, in order to relieve tension, people begin to finger various objects (rosary beads, for example), fidget with their clothes, buttons, etc. Touching your body and face also calms you down; to relieve anxiety and calm down, a man can use body swaying, he can stroke himself, rub his face, his mouth may become dry from excitement, and he will lick his lips, spin in a chair, etc. Often men begin to preen themselves, straighten their tie, smooth their hair - these gestures convey information about his desire to look more attractive, and at the same time help him relieve tension. Tension and excitement can look like increased energy, activity (waving hands, active gestures, increased tone of voice, verbosity), or in another way - a man will become “inhibited”, it will be difficult for him to squeeze out words, he will be very awkward, clumsy in movements.

Nonverbal signs of a man's sympathy for a woman

In addition to expressing feelings through words, a person shows his emotions or hidden desires through gestures. This manifestation cannot be hidden; it can be called the most sincere and truthful. This way of expressing a person’s internal state (non-verbal) consists of reproducing sensory signals using facial expressions or gestures. It is often impossible to control unconscious manifestations of feelings, so it will be useful to find out how you can “read” the nonverbal gestures of a man in love by studying his gestures.

If this is a work colleague

A person spends a lot of time at work. If the team is diverse, then sympathies may arise between employees. How do male colleagues show interest?

  • Tries to be in the woman's field of vision.
  • Strives to be closer (sit next to her at a meeting, share a table with a girl during lunch, invites her for tea during a break).
  • Initiates a conversation, asks questions, is interested in the lady’s opinion.
  • He looks tenderly, carefully, studying.
  • Smiles when meeting, is in high spirits.
  • Tries to casually touch.
  • When addressing an object of sympathy, the voice becomes more tender, deep, and sensual.
  • Carefully selects words during a conversation (short pauses indicate this).
  • Notices changes in appearance and success at work. Never misses an opportunity to give a compliment.
  • Offers his help.
  • Is active on social networks.
  • He tenses up and frowns if other men approach the object of his passion.
  • Tries to learn more about the girl, her tastes, habits.

Besides work, you can meet your soul mate anywhere. In this article I will talk about the most unusual places to meet.

To attract a man's attention, be natural. What does it mean?

It is believed that the process of choosing a partner occurs on a subconscious level

But if this is so, then why is it sometimes very difficult for us to attract the attention of a man who interests us? The fact is that we often suppress body signals designed to tell other people that we are interested in them and that we can be approached

Luckily, you can learn to release these signals and consciously change your body language to subtly attract attention

If a man comes close from behind

Very often, men do not show their interest in a woman for various reasons: they are afraid of being rejected, seeming funny, do not want to become dependent on a woman, etc.
How then, if a man does not show or directly talk about his feelings, can you find out if he likes you? In addition to ordinary language, every person uses in communication a second, more ancient language - non-verbal - body language. In the animal world, there are vivid examples of male courtship language - they spread their tails, change their plumage, organize exhibition fights... People also use non-verbal language, but often do not pay attention to it and do not know how to understand it correctly. It is generally accepted that women, unlike men, have developed intuition, and therefore always feel if they like you. In essence, this “feeling” is the ability to capture and recognize the signals that a man’s body gives. If you don’t have this ability yet, don’t be upset, understanding body language can be learned, and no matter what exactly a man says (or is silent at all), you can find out from non-verbal manifestations how he feels. So, what postures and gestures will a man show you that he likes you?

Nonverbal Gestures Showing Lack of Interest

In the final chapter of our article, we will introduce you to non-verbal signals and gestures that indicate a lack of desire to communicate and reflect internal antipathy and indifference to the opponent. The signs of a man’s love for a woman, their psychology and gestures are already familiar to you, but how to determine the other side of the coin?

The first warning sign of reluctance to communicate is arms crossed over the chest. Thus, the man gives a signal that he does not intend to have close contact, and experiences some degree of awkwardness from communication.

The same message is conveyed by standing with your legs crossed, your hands hidden in your pockets, or bringing a third interlocutor into the conversation. Thus, a protective wall is erected with the help of an outsider to avoid unwanted conversations.

A bored look, yawning and covering your mouth indicate disinterest in communication and that the interlocutor is bored. Foreign objects become the main entertainment during a conversation - objects at hand are moved and twisted, pages of a book or magazine are aimlessly flipped through, or a sheet of paper is drawn on - all these are clear signals of indifference.

Even the toes of shoes pointing towards the exit and demonstrating a desire to leave the company as soon as possible provide nonverbal evidence of the desire to leave.

The ability to read the signs and signals of the human body is a very useful skill in life. In this way, you can learn to understand your interlocutor, establish contacts more effectively, and navigate situations where words do not correspond to actual inner desires.

We have covered the topic of how to understand by gestures that a man is in love in more than detail in our article; women only have to arm themselves with this knowledge and carefully observe the opposite sex.

Increased responsibility

Not all managers are ready to demonstrate their favor towards employees. If this is important to you to know, then ask for feedback. This behavior is normal, because it is important for an employee to know what his prospects are in the company, whether there is an opportunity for development, a career, or whether it is worth changing jobs.

Don't expect the boss to notice you, try to show your talents to the fullest and take on all the important projects, but make sure that your qualifications, experience and character are enough to successfully complete the entire range of tasks. If the boss entrusts you with negotiating with key clients, then there is no doubt that you are trusted and have an impeccable business reputation in the eyes of management.

One of the difficult moments for every successful employee is inspections. The boss will constantly review the abilities, qualifications and level of responsibility of those he considers the best on the team. This is done out of a desire to gain complete confidence in your choice.

Another sign that the boss values ​​the employee are questions about how the person sees his future, what place he wants to take in the company, and whether he plans to move to another place of work. Such conversations indicate the boss's desire to keep you on the team.

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How to recognize sympathy between a boss and a subordinate

Depending on what stage your relationship is at, it could be a restaurant, a cozy cafe, a home environment, or a trip out of town. He searches for an object with his eyes, needing eye contact.

  1. Non-verbal communication. To hide his desire to touch, a man uses his hands: touches his hair, fingering something on the table, twirling a keychain or pen in his fingers. Psychologists consider the first sign of sympathy in a man to be when he keeps his hands in his pocket in front of a woman, unconsciously hiding the desire to touch her.
  2. Engaging in conversation. A man often turns to a colleague he likes, asks for advice, and asks for his opinion on the most trivial matters.
  3. Invasion of personal space. An enthusiastic colleague unconsciously tries to stand closer to a woman he likes in order to “accidentally” touch her.

When a lover appeals to sympathy, the timbre of his voice changes to a softer one. Important And not only for gifts and other “delights” of an affair with your boss. But don’t overplay your hand - if some problem upsets you, don’t pretend that everything is fine with you and don’t shy away from asking questions.

If he is sincerely interested in what is saddening you, give your beloved man the opportunity to solve the problem.

But here, too, do not cross the line between a real problem and a woman’s whim. The ability to wait. Do not forget that the man you have chosen is a person of a certain status and capabilities.

And, most likely, he has experience of such relationships.

Therefore, his behavior can be partly predictable: in order to test the sincerity of your feelings, he may, on principle, give you nothing but his love at first.

The language of a man's touch. Interpretation of touch

The language of a man’s touch is very simple and, as a rule, easy to decipher and recognize. Nonverbal sexual signals of men are similar for all nationalities and help to navigate well when it is impossible to establish verbal contact or when you have a suspicion that they are telling you a lie.

Sexual signals of the first level are light flirting, when a man is just looking at his partner. The interpretation of touch brings into this category such non-verbal gestures as straightening the hair in women and sucking in the stomach in men. The main goal is to attract and fix the partner’s attention on your person.

You can use a separate column to highlight the pose of the person who wants to attract your attention. Even outwardly, the man begins to appear taller, significant, his back straightens, his shoulders rise and spread to the side, his whole appearance seems to say: “I am the most beautiful, presentable and worthy of attention.”

We are talking about unconscious impulses without specific intentions. If the relationship develops, it makes sense to study the interpretation of touch: second-level sexual signals.

You will notice how the man gradually reduces the distance and strives to get as close as possible. His voice becomes louder than usual, the interlocutor laughs excessively loudly, and actively reacts to every word you say.

His posture also changes: the man tries to either spread his legs wider (seduction is a real battle with providence, so he needs to stand firmly on his feet), or, on the contrary, demonstrates outright relaxation and imposingness.

How to tell if he likes you in special situations

All people are different, as are the situations in which we find ourselves. Therefore, a sympathy indicator that works for a married man will not work for a best friend. To understand whether a mature man, a stranger, or a colleague at work likes you, you need to pay attention to special little things in his behavior.

If he hides his feelings

When a guy hides his feelings, he behaves unnaturally: he may blush, become constrained, or, on the contrary, become more emotional and twitchy. If he is shy and wants to hide his sympathy, he will demonstratively flirt with others and avoid looking in your direction, even when you are telling something and are the center of attention.

Some shy men, in order to hide their emotions, go to extremes: they become deliberately rude and dismissive with the woman they like if you do not communicate. They may make caustic jokes, try to offend or humiliate. This should be regarded as a sign if the guy does not behave this way with others and rudeness is not typical for him.

To a young guy

In a young guy, signs of sympathy appear at the level of instincts, using body language. First of all, this is physical attraction to the girl: he tries to be closer, to touch. Interest is also evident in his pose: his legs are spread wide apart, while the guy sticks out his groin slightly. His fantasies about the girl are also indicated by the fact that he adjusts his belt and hooks his thumb on the belt loop on his jeans or trousers. Unconsciously, the guy turns his torso towards the girl, even if he is looking in the other direction.

To a grown man / older than you

An adult man shows sympathy in a completely different way than a young guy. He becomes attentive, caring, remembers everything the girl says. The bachelor pays compliments and looks after the girl without being embarrassed by others. His behavior resembles friendly communication, which can be confusing. It is worth paying attention to the fact that his friends do not flirt with you because they know that the man’s intentions are serious. A man will quickly say about his desire to be together, so you won’t have to guess for a long time about his feelings.

For a married man

When unraveling secret signs from a married man, you need to be careful: maybe this is his usual behavior or he just wants to be polite. A married man tries to be close to you as much as possible, and during conversations he often compares you to his wife, but he hides his feelings. He shows signs of jealousy and possessiveness, inviting him to the cinema, to an exhibition or to a cafe, although he could go there with his wife. During a conflict at home, he calls you and asks for support and advice.

To the boss/male boss/manager

Flirting on the part of the boss should not be taken seriously: only compliments and smiles do not indicate his disposition. He tries to build relationships with his subordinates and feels like a master, so he allows himself liberties in communication.

You can guess his feelings by frequent calls at odd hours on trivial matters. He will set you apart from others: give you concessions, and not deprive you of a bonus due to being late. At the same time, it will not be possible to leave work early: on the contrary, the man will come up with reasons for you to stay late, to be left alone with you when the rest of his colleagues leave.

The boss may begin to behave in a biased and rude manner: load you with work so that you have no time for your personal life and find fault. Such signs appear if you did not notice his disposition or with a random word made it clear that you are busy and do not want a relationship. He will treat you in a special way, but not in all cases the treatment will be good.

Work colleague

Office romances begin gradually: sometimes it is difficult to see the line between when you are good colleagues and when you are already together as a couple. The man tries to ensure that your work schedules coincide, but is in no hurry to admit his feelings. If you were left on duty on a day off, he will volunteer to keep you company.

During conflict and controversial situations, he is always on your side, even if you are wrong. A man often asks for help, discussing not only work, but also personal matters. He is looking for an excuse to meet outside of work, calling on the weekend, using the excuse.

Internet pen pal

When communicating by correspondence, you cannot look into your eyes, you cannot evaluate gestures and tone of voice, so you will have to pay attention to other signs to understand whether your friend likes you online. If a man is interested, he will write regularly: as soon as he has a free minute. The correspondence is not limited to banal phrases, but flows into a long and frank discussion of everything. He will definitely appreciate your new photos, leave a comment, and like you.


A man will avoid trivial compliments like “fish” or “honey” if he treats you in a special way. His behavior becomes atypical for a womanizer: he stops using social networks and texting, and also becomes indifferent to other women. A man becomes more reserved and a little thoughtful when communicating. If he really likes a girl, then he feels awkward when he applies his seduction techniques to her.

To best/old friend

His shy look speaks of a man’s sympathy for you as a girl, and not as a friend. He spends a long time, as if studying, examining the features of your face during communication. In the company of friends, he constantly looks at you modestly, watching your reaction to a joke or someone else’s words. He strives for tactile contact and intimacy: touches and hugs when meeting, while watching a movie. His friendly kiss on the cheek takes a little longer than usual.

For you, he is ready to go to the other end of the city and quit his job in order to come and console you. At the same time, he does not do this for other girls and friends. When assessing behavior, it is important whether he is phlegmatic or choleric.

To my husband's friend/brother

If your husband's friend or brother likes you, he will try to hide it. His behavior will become unnatural: he will be too talkative or, on the contrary, laconic. The husband will definitely note that his friend usually behaves differently and it’s not like him. A man will try to show his best side: talk about other girls and his successes. During communication, he looks at you to understand your attitude. You will catch his glances at you, but as soon as he notices that you are also looking at him, he will ignore you.

At school

Boys from 8 to 11 years old behave stupidly towards the girl they like: they say offensive words, bully and pull her pigtails. Older guys also sometimes use some of these techniques, especially if the girl does not notice his glances. In high school, the guy tries to be there during breaks, accompanies you home and treats you to candy.

An introvert will definitely find a girl on social networks and subscribe to her, and try to start communicating via the Internet. And an extrovert, when a girl enters the class, always unconsciously raises her shoulders and straightens up, maybe even stands up.

To a stranger / if you are not familiar yet

It seems to the girl that she intuitively feels the guy’s sympathy, but in fact, her subconscious simply recognizes the signals that the man’s body sends. It’s easy to guess your interest by looking at you: the guy looks at you furtively, and when your eyes meet, he turns away, but then looks at you again. He may become embarrassed, blush, start rubbing his hands or pulling at his sleeves.

More determined guys don't look away when you notice him, but smile. If you respond with a mutual smile, then this will be a reason for him to start getting acquainted. If you met “by chance” in the same cafe or bus as before, then he most likely came there specifically for you.

To a friend's husband

With sympathy from a friend’s husband, it is easy to notice changes in the behavior of this macho man. When he meets you, his eyebrows rise slightly and his pupils dilate. His beloved tells you that he sat in the bath for a long time and preened before your arrival.

Open flirting on the part of a man should not be taken seriously, especially if it happens in front of his wife. But if a guy becomes timid, shy and tries to distance himself in front of his wife, and then calls or looks for a meeting for more free communication, saying that he is divorced, then this is a clear sign that he is infatuated.


If you listen to a dialogue between two people, you can always determine by the intonation and content of the conversation who likes whom more.

  • A man will never allow rudeness or disrespect on his part towards a girl he likes.
  • Guys try to avoid controversial situations and demonstrate compliance in conversation with their crush.
  • There will always be jokes in the conversation to maintain positivity and a good mood.
  • Compliments are constantly heard from the lips of a guy in the direction of his sympathy.
  • When the topic of conversation concerns the future, a man in love will talk not only about himself, but also about his companion.
  • Guys listen to the stories of their beloved girl very carefully and remember all the little details.
  • The men themselves are also frank in their dialogue with the object of their adoration. They share stories from the past and are not afraid to appear sentimental or worried.
  • The guys calmly discuss family and children issues with a pretty girl.
  • When separated from their loved one, young people always talk about how bored they are.
  • No man will discuss other girls in the presence of his crush.

Showing interest in a nuanced manner

Much of a guy’s behavior towards the girl he likes is determined by the level of communication between them. The man may be too shy, married, or perhaps his boss or colleague is afraid to approach a pretty co-worker to confess his feelings.

How married people do it

Married men are not much different from single men in terms of behavior around the object of passion. True, his behavior may become even more insecure, since there is a fear of moral condemnation and that his feelings will become known to his wife.

Next to a woman, he will begin to behave more actively: constantly adjusting his hair or clothes, touching his neck, smiling widely. He will try to copy her movements and facial expressions in order to please her on a subconscious level. A married guy in love will not skimp on compliments, will want to touch his beloved more often, and will become polite and gallant.

He will suggest spending more time together. However, if a married man does not want to advertise his feelings, then he will not show overt signs of attention. When meeting, such a guy will try to focus his attention on the woman’s lips and neck and will become softer when communicating.

What will give the boss away

If the boss has fallen in love, the woman will have to be careful, since such romances rarely end well. At the very beginning, you will have to make sure that the leader really has feelings, so as not to end up in a stupid situation later. Signs that your boss is in love can be:

  • Constant rewards at work, sudden bonuses, promotion to promising projects, time off.
  • If a girl goes on sick leave, he will sincerely worry about her health.
  • Will begin to praise even for insignificant reasons. Maybe even increase your salary due to this.
  • Frequent communication under any pretext, involvement in work meetings, negotiations. He will want to know her opinion.
  • Visual and tactile contact.


How to get out of the friend zone: algorithm of actions, correct behavior

When it comes to a colleague

When a male colleague suddenly falls in love, a woman will be able to understand it by the way he singles her out from the rest of the employees. He may suddenly begin to praise the girl, recognizing her professional merits or skills. When talking, the guy will more often look at the lips of his interlocutor and study her body.

The colleague will also begin to arrange situations that involve doing some work together. He may suggest an informal meeting because he wants to be close to the object of his adoration. And of course, if at the sight of his beloved a guy suddenly becomes clumsy and confused, embarrassed, then he is guaranteed to be in love (unless, of course, he doesn’t owe her money).

If he's too shy

Shy men are afraid to openly demonstrate their feelings. But if such a guy looks straight into your eyes, this is a sure sign of interest. If he turns away during a conversation, the girl has no chance.

If a guy is shy, he won't talk much about himself. You can try to share a story with him, tell him a little about your life. If he begins to open up during the conversation and listens carefully, then he is clearly showing interest.

He may lick his lips, which indicates his shyness and, at the same time, joyful excitement. He may also constantly try to change the position of his body; he will straighten his hair, clothes, and shake off non-existent dust.

Increased sweating is a sure sign that a shy man is showing interest.

Because shy men are sensitive, they may blush when talking to a girl. The blush is sure proof that he cares.

Depending on the zodiac sign

Men can show their sympathy in different ways, depending on their zodiac sign:

  • Aries - will tell everyone about his sympathy. He will not hesitate to openly show his feelings in front of the girl, he will pamper her with signs of attention, which he will not skimp on.
  • Taurus will blink frequently when looking at the girl, will try to solve all her problems, will not interrupt during a conversation, but will listen carefully. He will take more care of his appearance.
  • Gemini - will want to introduce the girl to his entire social circle. He also often radically changes his image, tries to spend more time with his passion, wants to captivate her with his interests, and jokes a lot.
  • Cancer – uncertain behavior, “pressed” appearance, will try to please in everything, actively gesticulates, violates personal space.
  • Leo - showers her with compliments, does not skimp on signs of attention, gifts, and can speak negatively about a girl’s clothes if she gets jealous. He easily violates personal boundaries, for example, with night calls.
  • Virgo - will try to be in the same company with a woman more often. Usually guys of this sign are straightforward, they can admit their feelings, but to do this they will first want to make sure of reciprocity and will analyze the behavior of their chosen one for a long time.
  • Libra - he tells many funny stories from his life and tries to conquer with his charm. The woman he likes will listen willingly, but often interrupts, and may suddenly invite him to his home.
  • Scorpio - can suddenly disappear from the field of visibility, because he has retired to sort out his feelings. This guy is sometimes pushy, showers the woman with gifts, and shows concern. He will try to protect his beloved from contacts with other men, since he is a terrible owner.
  • Sagittarius - most often does not hide his emotions, he just comes up and speaks.
  • Capricorn - will constantly share their news, especially work ones. May suddenly give a practical gift. If invited home, he will treat you to a self-prepared dinner.
  • Aquarius - will look away when speaking, speech may become incoherent, with stuttering. Punctuality increases sharply, and he constantly smiles faintly.
  • Pisces - he will try to captivate his chosen one with cultural excursions, and will not skimp on an expensive gift. If he does unusual things, shows originality and takes more care of himself, the guy is in love.

It is enough to watch a guy for some time to accurately diagnose him as “In love!” No matter how carefully he tries to hide his feelings, it is impossible to control body language and gestures, so the girl can only study the peculiarities of behavior and begin to act decisively.

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