How do girls flirt? Signs of flirting and what to do about it

Girls almost always notice a man's interest in them, no matter how carefully we hide it. And it would be a mistake to refer to some kind of natural female insight here; the point is not in women, but in the men themselves. Men are straight as a stick, absolutely predictable, and the ability to disguise and hide their love interest is for the most part not characteristic of them. We will not take into account talented professional actors, but for most men this statement is true.

Women often seem unpredictable and mysterious. Professional scientists explain this by differences in sexual behavior, but this time we will not get carried away with research within the framework of this article. Our task is to determine that the beauty opposite us liked us. Yes, it is obvious that this article is written for men. Girls, we warned you!

Next to you she changes2

Yes, if you approach her at a party, and she, who was chatting carefreely with her friends a minute ago, suddenly greets you with cold silence, this can hardly be called a sign of attention. Quite the contrary. But if a girl gets embarrassed and starts to get nervous in your presence, this is a sure sign that she cares about you. But it can manifest itself in different ways. One will start uncontrollably chattering about everything in your presence, while the other, on the contrary, will remain embarrassedly silent and twirl a curly lock of hair around her finger... By the way, fiddling with beads, constant attempts to straighten her hair, or an uncontrollable desire to tug at her own hair or clothes is also a sure sign that the girl is nervous. And if she is nervous in your presence, this is a reason to wonder why.

What to do with all this

If you are also attracted to the flirting woman, then the further course of events is clear: invite her on a date or invite her to chat in a comfortable and private environment.

Well, if you are indifferent to her, then you must understand that a harsh refusal or ridicule can hurt other people’s feelings.

Communicate with the girl politely, without singling her out from others. Women read emotions better than men, so she will soon understand that she shouldn’t get her hopes up about you and will back down.

She follows you on social networks3

Now social networks are a reflection of our lives. And if a girl is interested in you, she can start following your page, reading your posts, liking photos, commenting on reposts. If she likes literally every new photo of yours, and this happens almost immediately after you post it, then she spends a lot of time on your page.

What could be the reason for such interest? If you yourself have at least once spent a long time looking at recent photographs of a girl you like, you know the answer to this question. And taking into account the fact that in most social networks you can see exactly who and when gave you the next like, the girl does not hide her interest in you. But you shouldn’t use this as an argument, because she can always hastily retreat and say that she didn’t even think of anything like that. Use this as a reason to take your first step forward. Unless, of course, you care about her too.

Determination of sympathy by zodiac sign

The horoscope and stars also help you understand how a girl treats you. However, don't take everything to heart. Just take some notes.


The Aries girl is straightforward and is not used to hiding her feelings. She will always directly tell a potential boyfriend about his chances of reciprocity. And if he’s silent, don’t be afraid to ask. You will receive a comprehensive and detailed answer. Sometimes such girls can be too aggressive and pushy, showing romantic feelings.


The Taurus girl keeps her feelings to herself and is in no hurry to advertise them. She can make overly complex hints. But if she notices that the guy doesn’t understand her, he will decide to take more decisive action. Taurus never rushes headlong into the pool, but focuses on strong relationships.


The Gemini girl flirts like she breathes, especially when she's bored. Her sincere interest is manifested in communication and the desire to find common interests with a guy. For example, if she was always indifferent to football, and then suddenly became a fan of your favorite team. The young lady does not understand romantic hints, so it is easier for her to directly tell her about her sympathy. She is very jealous and reacts violently to another woman’s coquetry towards the object of her adoration.


The Cancer girl is a romantic, sentimental and vulnerable person. If she opens up with you, opens her soul, it means she trusts you and sets you apart from the rest. This young lady will not behave openly with every person. Her interest will manifest itself in increased concern for your health, mood, etc.

a lion

A lioness girl is more accustomed to condescendingly accepting signs of attention from young people than to show them herself. However, if she falls in love, then her characteristic sense of possessiveness and jealousy manifests itself very clearly. It's hard not to notice.


The Virgo girl keeps her emotions to herself, without showing them outwardly. You can suspect her disposition towards you by her excessive pickiness, attempts to unobtrusively control you and slightly criticize you. Such girls strive for perfection in everything, so they will carefully analyze their every step.


The Libra girl behaves very nicely and evenly with everyone. She won't avoid contact with a guy she's interested in. However, when flirting, she will do it in such a way that there is an opportunity to retreat. What if she stops liking the guy, and this often happens with Libra. The surest sign that she likes you is the compliments and praise that she literally showers you with.


A Scorpio girl in love fanatically watches her appearance, as if she wants to amaze everyone with her beauty. The inconsistency of the sign lies in the fact that some girls will not hide their sympathy and are ready to bombard you with messages. Other representatives of this sign, on the contrary, begin to behave deliberately coldly and even officially towards the object of their adoration. In this case, it is better to ask directly what is the matter.


A Sagittarius girl always flirts. She will not invent complex multi-move combinations, but will “accidentally” end up in the same place as you. And one day he “accidentally” invites you to a cafe or a movie.


The Capricorn girl is restrained in her feelings and knows how to control herself well. However, if she falls in love, she becomes much softer in communication, more flirtatious and even more vulnerable. Although these traits are not characteristic of her. He shows his sympathy in practical things. For example, it can help in preparing dinner.


The Aquarius girl is an independent person and prefers loneliness. Serious relationships are the last thing she thinks about. It is almost impossible to determine sympathy by external signs, since she is sincerely interested in all people. But if your friendship with her becomes stronger, then soon you can leave the friend zone. For Aquarius, the most important thing is common interests and views.


The Pisces girl becomes very shy in the presence of the guy she is attracted to. Cheerful and charming, she suddenly begins to get lost in your presence. This is a clear sign of sympathy. However, she will never make the first move or be proactive.

Her body is giving you unconscious signals4

This is already from the field of psychoanalysis, which, although it underlies modern psychology, is not considered a scientific direction. Old Freud simply took many things from personal experience, without any verification or explanation, and it is not customary for scientists to rely only on their own experience. But nevertheless, some things noticed by psychoanalysts may turn out to be close to the truth. So, for example, it is believed that if a girl’s body is turned towards you during a conversation, and the toes of her shoes are pointing at you, this means interest and sympathy. Is it true? The question is controversial, but many girls have read about it, and use this technique already quite consciously. So it will do just fine as an indirect sign of her interest in you!

Why do women need flirting?

If you ask yourself the question of what prompts the fair half of humanity to flirt, then the first thing that comes to mind will be the desire to attract the interest of the man you like. You may not believe it, but not everything is as simple as you think. Yes, for some lovely ladies, flirting is a way to make a good impression, but this is far from the only reason.

If you try to identify the most common reasons for female flirting, then these include:

  • The desire to arouse the jealousy of a lover. For some reason, most women are sure that if they make their lover jealous, it will revive a fading relationship or force him to be more caring and attentive. Such a belief has no basis, since men are actually very annoyed when they try to get emotional.
  • Increased self-esteem. With the help of flirting, some representatives of the fair sex try to gain confidence in themselves and their attractiveness. Frankly speaking, they may not care at all about the feelings of the man who has become the object of flirtation. Here, in essence, there is a process of getting another “tick” in the list of your victories. The longer this list is, the more charming the newly minted seductress feels.
  • Fear of loneliness. Sometimes a woman can be driven by a banal desire to get married. She does not try to look for the love of her life, she is afraid of being alone and therefore hones the art of flirting in the hope of “hooking up” the most suitable partner.
  • The desire to have a child. Not all lovely ladies dream of hearing Mendelssohn's waltz. For many modern women, the very concept of “marriage” is associated with a restriction of their freedom and independence, and they don’t want to lose them. But the desire to have a child becomes stronger every day. These Amazons can, without a twinge of conscience, charm a suitable “male” to produce offspring.

She laughs at your not so funny jokes5

Okay, let's be honest, if a girl even laughs at every joke, she's probably just drunk. Or not entirely adequate. But if your personal humor evokes an emotional response in her, there are two explanations for this. The first is quite simple - you and she are kindred spirits and you like the same jokes. It’s great if this is the case, because if you succeed in something in the future, it will be easier to find mutual understanding. Secondly, the girl doesn’t find your jokes that funny, but she wants to show you her interest and laughs at them. What to do with this information? Decide for yourself.

Main features

Understanding that a girl is flirting with you is actually quite simple. First, take a closer look at it. The intentions of a flirting man are usually quite clear, but the fair sex sends more subtle non-verbal signals. The gentleman’s task is to be able to recognize them and take a step towards her. Observe the girl you are interested in and see the signs that reveal her feelings.

Accidental touches

She brushes non-existent specks of dust from your shoulders, straightens her tie as she passes, and lightly brushes her thigh against you - when a girl flirts, her whole body seems to be striving to meet the man. It’s hard for her to resist touching the object of her affections.

Find out how a woman feels about you by her reaction to your touch.

For example, lightly run your hand along her back, passing it forward, or tuck a stray strand of her hair behind her ear:

  • withdraws, tenses, becomes withdrawn - alas, you are not the hero of her novel;
  • embarrassed, moves towards you - she is also interested in you.

Next to you she changes

A cheerful, laughing woman suddenly turns into a mysterious and aloof person or, on the contrary, a modest woman is trying to be the center of attention - women behave this way when they do not understand how to appear before their chosen one in a favorable light.

Of course, they want to please a man and thus flirt.

Or they get nervous because you are nearby and begin to behave unnaturally. The main thing is to understand that the sudden change in behavior is not associated with any other factors: a glass of alcohol, mood swings, phases of the moon, or even anyone else in your company.

She follows you on social networks

Girls attach great importance to activities on social networks. If this person is one of the first to view your Instagram stories and likes every photo, then most likely she is interested in you.

Likes for women are a way of flirting.

In advanced cases, she also carefully monitors who you give hearts to. And if a girl is in love, then rest assured, she has already conducted an investigation and found out the names of all your exes, the number of the school where you studied and even the name of the pet you had as a child.

Her body is giving you unconscious signals

Even if a woman is silent, like a partisan, and does not admit her sympathy, her body speaks for itself. Next to the guy she likes, the girl unconsciously tries to look better: straightens her hair, clothes, sits up straighter.

On a subconscious level, she draws attention to her shape: she sticks out her chest, fiddles with the buttons on her blouse, crosses her legs and strokes them. If her body and the toes of her shoes are turned towards you, she is interested in what you are talking about, and you yourself are interesting. By the way, a man next to someone he likes gives himself away in the same way through gestures and facial expressions.

She laughs at your not so funny jokes

Psychologists suggest how to find out about hidden sympathies in a company: when everyone is laughing together, the one who wants to get closer to the lady will try to catch her eye.

And to understand who in the group is in love with you, tell an unfunny joke and see who laughs the loudest.

If a girl is ready to morally support a man and laugh even at jokes that clearly didn’t work out, these are signs of her feelings for him. The signal “a girl is flirting with you” has been given, then it’s up to the man.

She wants to make you jealous

Completely desperate ladies resort to attempts to provoke jealousy. It’s not without reason that a woman tells you, as if inadvertently, about fans or an ex who is still begging her to come back. You will be indignant in the depths of your soul: “Who would even think of flirting with you in this way?!”... And you will be right.

But the girl, apparently, has already tried all the methods, and none of them worked, and now she wants to finally make sure whether she is indifferent to you or not.

She wants to make you jealous6

Perhaps the stupidest and most clumsy way of female flirting, but still widespread. Casually remembering your ex, going to dance with another guy, rewarding you with a defiant look, distributing signs of attention to all the men around you except you - there are a lot of similar nonsense in the women's arsenal, but for some unknown reason they think that it works. It probably really worked for some people. But you are already aware, which means you are armed, so don’t start being jealous with or without reason, but simply draw conclusions. However, you can support this game and start making it jealous. Better yet, read Gone with the Wind, and don’t deny that the book is for women and written for women. You will learn a lot of interesting things about female flirting first hand.

Flirt on the Internet

Yes! It's always intriguing, it's always a fascinating conversation. And the Internet is an opportunity to be yourself, joke and enjoy communication. Almost every woman likes to flirt by correspondence with a man who is interesting to her. Almost every man loves to flirt with women online.

Needless to say, a person who is just an online interlocutor for you today can become real tomorrow? There are many stories where the Internet has brought people together. Stories when online flirting turned once distant men and women into full-fledged couples.

Interesting? Still would! To learn more about communicating on the Internet, you can read the material in another article.

Who should unfree women flirt with?

A woman who is already in a relationship and should only flirt with her man. If his attention and communication become insufficient for her, and her eyes glance at others every now and then, then perhaps it’s worth thinking about whether everything is fine in the couple. After all, one-time flirting is one thing, the purpose of which is to realize that she is interesting to others, and completely different when flirting involuntarily becomes a constant companion in life. Then it’s worth reconsidering your relationship, resolving all differences and trying to introduce more variety into it.

Characteristic signs and examples of female flirting

In order to recognize manifestations of female coquetry, you should pay attention to the following visual signs:

  • Increased attention. If a man does not arouse sexual interest in a woman, then he is unlikely to arouse sympathy on her part. The best he can do then is to become a friend. But if a woman feels a spark running through, an electric discharge on her skin from one look at him, then special attention to the potential chosen one is guaranteed. It can be either unobtrusive, with the goal of testing the acceptable boundaries of his comfort zone, or unwanted and tiresome with obvious flirtations and sometimes far from innocent hints.
  • Playful look. Words are not always needed to make it clear that a man is of interest. Sometimes a slight glance from under the eyelashes or a timid smile is enough for him to feel a knot forming in his lower abdomen. Experienced coquettes can achieve the fulfillment of almost any of their desires only with the help of these two signs of attention.
  • Accidental touches. As if by chance, touching his thigh with your thigh while sitting at the same table or putting your hand on his elbow, asking for his opinion on a particular issue - all this can turn out to be a subtly thought-out move to seduce the object of passion.
  • Ostentatious detachment. Indifference is not always sincere. In some cases, behind the feigned coldness lies a subtle calculation. Men are, after all, conquerors by nature, and if a woman has attracted their attention, but with all her behavior she shows that she feels almost disdain for him, then he can perceive this as a challenge. A man’s desire to conquer an “icy” beauty will push him to take active action.


If you consider flirting to be a natural behavior, then do not forget that everything should have its own measure. If a man’s next victory on the love front is counted as confirmation of his “maleness,” then you may be condemned for unsuccessful coquetry.

What to do, if

Advice for guys on behavior in relationships.

What to do if the girl you like doesn't respond

You confessed your feelings to the girl, but she avoids you and does not respond to messages. What to do?

  1. Write an SMS with the text that you are worried.
  2. Send a message by email or social network that you were looking at photos together and thinking about her.
  3. Write a farewell text: “You seemed like a good girl. It’s a pity that you don’t want to get to know each other better.”
  4. If she doesn't react in any way to your previous attempts, you need to leave her alone, perhaps this is not your person.

If a girl says she has fallen out of love

The girl decides to break off the relationship, explaining that she has already stopped loving you. Maybe she's lying? How can we understand this?

  1. Ask her a direct question and talk calmly. Women are very emotional, especially if they are offended. You must listen to her, but also pay attention to her gestures. If she doesn't mind you touching her, then there is a possibility of your reunion.
  2. Find the problem (reason) of the separation and start working on reunification.
  3. Try to find out what doesn't suit her. Accumulating resentment and constantly blaming your partner will not lead to a long-lasting union.
  4. If you have already lost interest in your partner or she has lost interest in you, then it is better to break up, this is not your person.

She has become irritable, avoids communication, meetings, she has secrets - this indicates either the presence of another guy, or the relationship has outlived its usefulness.
By these signs you can easily determine whether a girl is still in love with you or not. It is important to notice them in time, stopping flirting or renewing the relationship.

If a person is not yours, the subconscious will erase the memories associated with him

Falling in love remains after a breakup

It happens that couples break up. The girl still has a feeling of being in love. Women are emotional, they cry, avoid communication, but they are interested in your life from mutual friends. You can return the relationship, but it is better to do this a week after the breakup.

Your actions.

  1. Make appointment . If she added you to her ignore list on her phone and on social networks, then you can wait for the girl near her house with a bouquet, and come to a meeting of her friends. Your unexpected appearance cannot leave her indifferent.
  2. Talk calmly . Talk about your feelings, that you regret your actions (if you offended her), apologize, give her confidence that everything will be different, because you have changed.
  3. Give her time to think , tell her that you are not rushing her to answer. After a while she will call you.

Examples of flirting with a guy

To learn how to flirt with a guy, you need to practice. And where can you do this, read: Where to meet a guy?

Let's look at more examples of flirting.


If you and a guy are in the same room, then look at him with a light glance. Upon contact, smile and smoothly look away. You can repeat this action several times.


When communicating in a group, you can call the guy to go for coffee or ask for his help. Then you can touch it several times. Conduct the conversation in a calm and gentle voice.


In personal communication, you can take his hand with a reason to examine the lines of life, or simply say that the guy has delicate skin. When saying goodbye, it is recommended to lightly hug him and run your palm over his arm.

Make a man fall in love with you? Difficult, but possible! Anyone will be at your feet, just know a few psychological techniques. We tell you: 5 simple psychological techniques to make a man fall in love with you

How to understand that a female colleague has fallen in love with you

If you work together, you can also understand a woman’s feelings by the following signs:

  • she brings her dishes to work and treats you to them;
  • if you meet outside of work in some establishment (cafe, restaurant), then your colleague will definitely tell you a few of her culinary secrets , demonstrating that she is a good housewife;
  • when you are on sick leave, she calls and asks about your well-being . If you are in the hospital, he visits you, again brings his own treats;
  • she turns to you for help (to fix the computer, clarify about one document, etc.);
  • a woman in love always takes the side of the object she likes . When the topic is exhausted, he finds an opportunity to continue communication.

Why people flirt: 6 main reasons

What motivates people to start flirting? Professor David Dryden Henningsen from the USA in 2004 studied a lot of literature on the topic of flirting and identified 6 basic reasons why people flirt:

  1. Human motivation for sexual intimacy.
  2. Just an easy and relaxed pastime. Flirting is perceived as a sport.
  3. The desire to get to know a person better, to understand whether he is suitable for you for a serious relationship.
  4. An attempt to take an existing relationship into a more intimate direction.
  5. The desire to assert oneself through flirting and increase self-esteem.
  6. The desire to receive some kind of selfish benefit from a person.

While conducting the research, Henningsen surveyed 200 of his students: 99 boys and 101 girls. They were required to offer an example of verbal flirting, as well as indicate the motivation of each of the participants. The results revealed the following: men predominantly pursued the goal of having sex, while girls focused on getting closer to their partner.

Spouses should flirt too

For some reason, there is a stereotype in society that only single people can flirt. But for spouses who have been legally married for a long time, the excitement and mystery disappear, the relationship becomes more “everyday” and does not bring such vivid emotions as before. And this is where flirting comes to the rescue.

Professor Brandy Frisby conducted a survey of 164 married people in 2012. As a result, she came to the conclusion that the overwhelming majority of participants continue to regularly flirt with their partner: they whisper obscene words in his ear in front of strangers, touch each other under the table, and so on. Through such flirtations, they emphasize their closeness and “create their own separate world,” Frisby said.

But how to do it right?

  1. Praise your chosen one. Give him compliments, preferably not trivial ones, although they can also be used sometimes. It is important with what intonation and emotions you express praise and admiration for your other half.
  2. Look with a languid gaze. Flirting includes not only words, but also implies manifestations of body language: facial expressions, gestures, emotions. With their help you can convey even more than words. Therefore, learn to express your feelings through your gaze - this is the first and main stage of flirting.
  3. Touch sexually. Do this carefully, not too intrusively; if there are other people around you, then your advances should not be noticeable to them. Your goal: to provoke excitement in your partner, cause goosebumps, improve your mood and set you up for a romantic continuation.
  4. Hint about intimacy. Don't limit yourself to the previous paragraph. Show more playfulness and frankness: gently touch your partner, breathe languidly in his ear, sit in revealing positions. This can be done both at home and in public places (the latter often revives long-forgotten emotions, causes excitement and increases attraction). But, of course, do not play games in public, but do everything quietly and not provocatively.

Truly, flirting is an entire art that needs to be learned and skillfully applied in practice. The following thematic video is also offered to help you:

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