Why girls love girls: how to understand feelings and what to do in this case

Love is an absolutely unpredictable thing. Some meet the one and only for life, others have to go through fire, water and copper pipes in search of the truth of the other half. Some people are lucky and their feelings are always bright and mutual, others experience severe nervous breakdowns when they learn about yet another betrayal. Some are understood, some are ignored. Sometimes animal passion and tender tremulous feelings really flare up between people of the same sex.

Why do girls love girls? Let's try to figure it out, although the main answer is the same - the unity of souls does not tolerate interference or restrictions.


In childhood, relationships between boys and girls are usually very unstable. Today Lesha and Yulia are walking together, laughing and excitedly discussing an episode of their favorite TV series. Tomorrow his friends will tell the boy that being friends with girls is not respectable. Yulina’s heart will break against the wall of indifference that unexpectedly separated her from her best friend and the object of her childhood affection.

But she always has someone to turn to, tell all her secret experiences and relieve herself of the burden of melancholy and sadness. Friend Natasha will always listen, hug and never betray. She likes to communicate with Yulia. After school, girls often spend the night at each other's houses. They have something to keep secret about. And there are much more common interests than with the strange Leshka without his own opinion.

A very strong and close emotional connection is built between young girls during puberty. The boundaries of friendship are often destroyed, because a young soul feels real sympathy towards a friend and is not afraid of being rejected or ridiculed. The point is that girls practice their first kisses and caresses with each other.

And we read more about why girls are turned on by girls in our article further on the link.

It's not even a matter of actually having lesbian inclinations. Just a friend - the closest person. There is not a single guy in the constant environment who could be perceived in the same way as Natasha’s girlfriend. Well, fleeting crushes on girls happen. They, of course, most often end with the appearance of boys and romantic advances on their part.

There is nothing terrible or reprehensible that girls are attracted to girls. It is a well-known fact that females always mature faster than males. This can be seen even in the example of wild nature and its inhabitants. It is precisely because guys don’t even think about sexual experiments yet, and girls are already expecting romance and tenderness with all their might, that short-term affairs with friends happen.

All men are...

“Women in my family did not see anything good from men. Grandmother to the question: “Who was grandfather?” she invariably answered: “It burned, and there was no smoke.” My dad got the nickname “cyclist”: he was constantly riding somewhere, and always farther from home. Maybe it’s not surprising that I decided to choose a woman. And I didn’t regret it. We feel good together: we honestly share all responsibilities, even those that men usually run away from.”

Women who treat men poorly pass this feeling on to their daughters. The image of a parasite on the sofa, a “goat” who only needs one thing, who “sails and abandons” is one of the reasons why a woman chooses a woman. Fear, a feeling of disgust towards “animal” men - this is what sometimes becomes the reason for unconventional choices. So, if you want to raise a heterosexual girl, don't hold it against men.

And one more thing: don’t do a man’s job! In pursuit of equality, the woman herself tears the initiative and work from the hands of the man; he has no choice but to lie quietly on the sofa. Due to the heavy workload, a woman becomes nervous, becomes embittered towards the entire male family, and as a result, she either passes on her attitude to the younger generation or leaves the man for the woman.

She is my reflection_8212

If we talk about relationships that are built by representatives of the opposite sexes, they often end due to the same reason - we do not understand each other and do not strive to find out the motives of our partner.

There are no such nuances in the question of why girls become lesbians. Yes, the two women really find a common language sooner. At the time of a quarrel, even if both are on the verge of boiling, the main reasons are clear to both sides of the conflict. Women can negotiate more easily because they think in the same direction.

Men don't always pay attention to romance or tender courtship. On the part of relationships between girls, such problems can be easily avoided, because both understand what they want from their partner.

Emotional intimacy comes faster. There are many more common interests than with the most attentive male partner. There is always advice and support. Moreover, they are exactly the way they want to see and hear. Again, because they understand.

By the way, many women directly state that even in the age of progress and tolerance, they often came face to face with ardent sexists and misogynists. Such a rude and unpleasant position of many men can hurt a woman’s pride.

But a girl will never express stupid stereotypical opinions that you are a bad driver, not rational, stupid or overly naive. Sometimes a tendency towards a relationship with another girl arises against the background of experienced trauma received directly from representatives of the male aggressive community.

Think about how often women share their experiences with close friends. They have a tendency to express their feelings verbally; it is important for them to be heard. So any girlish sadness quickly turns into a vague memory.

Moreover, joyful events are also shared primarily with mother or girlfriend. They will definitely be able to fully feel the emotions of their loved one. Thus, even the psychotypes of different women are more easily compatible than the female and male perception of the surrounding reality.

It is interesting that even among heterosexual girls, the expression of sympathy and eroticism towards another female is considered quite normal and natural. This can be observed in any relationship between girls literally every day.

On social networks, women like and write comments with lots of emoticons and hearts to other beauties. A kiss upon meeting or a friendly hug is the norm. While walking, many people hold hands, which is usually typical for a guy and a girl. They openly exchange compliments.

No one will be embarrassed if one woman touched another on the breast or slapped the butt. On March 8th, it is customary for women to congratulate each other, give gifts and say pleasant words. It’s rare to see two men who on February 23 praise each other’s physical fitness or present each other with socks in a beautiful holiday wrapper.

Arrogant guy: what is he like?

Remember your school days. In every class there was a bad student who constantly fought and was rude to the teachers. At the same time, he was extremely popular with girls who did not want to be friends with nerds. It was boring with them.

Arrogant guys are a completely different matter. They are brave, do not hesitate when meeting people, and immediately take the initiative into their own hands. They have a good tongue, they know how to turn the head of even the most modest girl. How can you resist such an onslaught? It is noteworthy that insolent men do not even try to please the ladies. They do what they want and do not suffer from a lack of female attention. They are charismatic and confident.

Avoiding real problems and trying to stand out2

Sometimes previous relationships with men drive a girl into a dead end. She cannot figure out her problems on her own, becomes depressed, and feels sorry for herself. If the emotional shock was quite strong, then this may lead to the woman deciding not to build new relationships with guys.

The situation with self-esteem can also push you down the winding path of lesbian love. If at a certain point a girl has not met a worthy man who would be able to satisfy all her needs and desires, then transitions to the other side of love may occur out of despair.

Problems at work, misunderstanding of the spouse, adolescence of children are the causes of neuroses in women. At the same time, often no one wants to listen to them, support them, much less understand them. A woman must be strong. You need to always and everywhere be on time. It’s easy to get the “bad mother” label.

You don’t care about your husband, but have your head in the clouds. In general, there is a lot of condemnation from society towards women of different ages, professions and religious beliefs. This kind of pressure is not easy to deal with.

But there is a close friend nearby, a soul mate. She understands me. This is what many girls think before entering into a bisexual relationship. Read more about girls and relationships with them in the next article.

Why do girls love girls? Maybe not everyone is aware of their own actions. For many, this is not love at all. So, an attempt to stand out from the standards of the modern world or just an experiment.

Women fantasize much better than men. With the help of a vivid imagination, their intimate fantasies become colorful and tempt them to try something new. Probably every second girl can say that she has at least once thought about such a sexual experience. And certainly at least half have tried a relationship with another woman at least once.

Like clockwork

“I get the impression that half the female population of the world has decided that not trying sex with a woman is a sign of cowardice and narrow-mindedness.”

Fashion has a great influence on hobbies. Young people especially obey her. And homosexuality is relevant today. It is no coincidence that the Tatu group, whose soloists have nothing to do with sexual minorities, successfully exploited the theme of same-sex female love. By the way, true lesbians treated the work of this once popular duo with contempt. Although his success was precisely calculated. The desire of young people to be shocking, to imitate (kiss girls, take off their T-shirts, like on stage) does its job. So the mass character and peculiar popularity of same-sex relationships are to a large extent children’s games, which cynical adults invent for them.

Logical self-identification3

Who comes up with the restrictions? People themselves set norms and rules, decide what is normal for them and what borders on lawlessness and madness. Nature has not written a set of rules in which love between girls is prohibited.

It’s just that someone analyzes their worldview and is not ashamed to admit that they are different from the rest. A normal situation is when a girl understands that her behavior pattern and lifestyle do not really fit into the image of a romantic and gentle person. She is active, has a strong fighting character, is not afraid of difficulties, and is self-sufficient.

She wants to take care of someone and receive kindness and affection in return. Well, a real brutal man with a mountain of muscles and a thick beard does not fit into this scheme. So it turns out that a woman begins to consider other girls for strong love relationships and creating a family.

By the way, false self-identification also happens. In addition to psychological loss, she is influenced by strict prohibitions. Scientists have long carried out many experiments, thanks to which obvious truths have become clear. In a society where loyalty reigns and strict punishments for violations of certain social norms are not established, people are less likely to abuse trust and forbidden fruits.

The situation is exactly the same with a change of orientation. In countries where this is taken lightly and simply, people often try and experiment and then return to traditional patterns of behavior. Nothing spurs them on, they are not discussed or given special attention. I just wanted to and did it, and came to the conclusion that this is not what it is and is not about me.

Pressure from the side4

Girls who did not receive enough maternal care and love in childhood sometimes look for a gentle and kind lover in adulthood. This is rare and not the best explanation for lesbian relationships.

Rather, we are talking about pressure from close, authoritative people. If a girl at school had very strict teachers, coaches, parents, let’s add cruel classmates here, then she may well succumb to the impulse and fall in love with the closest and most understanding person - her friend.

As a result, not everyone gets better with time. Not every offended and humiliated girl is ready to open her heart and soul to a man. Or perhaps lesbians are the result of sad experiences with men.

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