10 important tips for teenage girls. Useful advice from psychologists for teenagers 10-17 years old

In this article you will learn about what rules will help a girl cope with problems during transitional periods of life. Sometimes teenagers have such a difficult time psychologically experiencing everything that happens to them; competent advice will help them avoid problems.

There are various vital factors in personality development. At every stage of life there are difficulties. It's stupid to think that teenagers don't have any problems. They exist at different ages. Already at the age of seven, a child may experience difficulties psychologically. School, home, street leaves its mark on the lives of teenagers.

Complexes associated with physiological development may also develop. Girls don't know how to behave in such cases. It’s a pity they rarely turn to their parents for help. They try to find information on the Internet on their own. The following tips for teenage girls will help them cope with various difficulties that may arise for them.

Advice from a psychologist for teenage girls

During this difficult transitional age, teenage girls need support . And it’s good if this support comes from older family members. It’s great if a mother has a trusting relationship with her daughter. Then you can do without the intervention of psychologists. And in this case, it wouldn’t hurt for mothers to find out advice for teenage girls from psychologists.

According to psychologists, adolescence in adolescents can begin at different times. Much depends on the individual developmental characteristics of the girl. Some people mature earlier, some later. Parents should pay attention to their child. Be interested in his problems, do not allow the girl to withdraw.

IMPORTANT : Correctly use your best sides, be able to present your strong character traits - this is achieved over the years. Smart girls know how to hide their external flaws and emphasize their strengths by choosing beautiful looks and using cosmetics.

Teenage complexes

  • And it’s not just communication with parents that is important. You shouldn’t have complexes , you need to communicate with your peers. Maintain a calm disposition in any problem. Try not to react with a temper to any troubles. Everything should be decided calmly, think it over, and not get excited and do stupid things.
  • Don’t rebel, don’t be rowdy if you were reprimanded by a teacher at school. Try to understand their position. It is easy to create a conflict situation. But finding peaceful ways to solve it is always more difficult. For the second one, you will need to make a lot of effort and find an approach to the person. You also have to hold back a lot of emotions that are just asking to come out.
  • If you find it difficult to cope with your problems, then try to find a solution to them with like-minded people or simply consult a psychologist . Remember, there is nothing wrong with voicing your problems to a qualified psychologist. After all, after a professional puts everything in its place, it will be easier for you to deal with the problem. He will be able to give you objective advice, taking into account the situation and personal conflicts, if any.

Psychological diagnostic methods

Before a psychologist works with a teenager, a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient’s personality is carried out, an analysis of his “I” is carried out, and communication and other problems are identified.

Many techniques are used for this:

  • filling out questionnaires authored by R.B. Cattell, K. Leonhard;
  • research through tests on the level of aspirations and self-esteem;
  • diagnostics of a typical response to crisis and conflict situations according to K. Thomas, Dembo-Rubinstein or Budassi;
  • testing the level of anxiety by Ch. Spielberg or J. Taylor;
  • diagnostics of interpersonal relationships in the family and team according to T. Cleary’s method;
  • determining the type of personality, the degree of its maturation;
  • determining the patient's position on the depression scale.

A psychologist reveals a complete understanding of the mechanism of formation of a teenager’s personal “I” through the use of methods: “Repertory grids”, sociometry, sociability questionnaires, the prevalence of impulsive or inert decisions, drawing up an individual map of interests according to the method of E. A. Klimov.

Based on the data obtained, the psychologist will be able to understand what exactly the problem of deviation of the teenager’s behavior is, what “wounds” he is trying to protect through non-acceptance or active aggression, auto-aggression.

Next comes a long process of correcting self-perception, establishing communications with others, and building personal protection characteristic of a healthy personality.

Advice for a 9 year old girl

Advice for 9-year-old girls
Already from the age of nine, hair may begin to grow in intimate places or under the arms. Teenagers may experience sweating due to hormonal imbalances. It is also during this period that girls begin to grow. It is also interesting that the growth of the mammary glands occurs according to a certain format. They can sometimes even differ in size (right and left breasts). According to experts, the growth of the mammary glands during the formation of the body occurs unevenly. This is normal. So don't worry about it.

Advice for 9 year old girls:

  1. If a teenage girl has any complaints, then there is no need to be shy about visiting doctors . Pain in the lower abdomen, itching, and redness may cause you to consult a medical specialist. And you don’t have to immediately think that something bad happened. The reasons for such manifestations may be different.
  2. If something is bothering you, contact your mother , believe me - your mother herself experienced the same difficulties at your age, she will be able to help you with practical advice.
  3. Among other things, it happens that girls at school find it difficult to find girlfriends, friends who will share her views and interests. In this case, you can enroll in a gym, art school or music school, and find an activity that you like . There you will find friends who will be interested in the same activities as you. It brings people together.

To calm down, you need to understand the structure of the brain

Understanding how the brain is structured and works and how it reacts to external influences helps control the level of stress and anxiety.

The stress response system is activated not only when we actually encounter a serious threat, but also when we only imagine this threat. A key part of this system is the amygdala (also called the amygdala or amygdala). This area is very sensitive to fear, anger and anxiety. If, for clarity, we imagine a model of the brain in the form of a clenched fist with a thumb inside, as suggested by the authors of the book “Calm down, you can handle it!” Thomas McDonagh and John Hatcher, the four bent fingers are the prefrontal cortex, and the thumb is the amygdala.

The amygdala constantly scans the body for possible danger and triggers the “fight or flight” response. But the amygdala cannot figure out whether a person is really in danger.

This is the task of another area of ​​the brain - the frontal lobes (or prefrontal cortex), which is still maturing during adolescence.

If a teenager is not excessively anxious, then in case of slight stress there is no reaction. But with excessive anxiety, the frontal lobes always “agree” with the amygdala, and the person experiences anxiety.

Experts suggest teaching the frontal lobes of the brain to calm the amygdala with the help of information and exercises.

Advice from a psychologist girl 10-12 years old

Adolescence is not only a person’s psycho-emotional state. It directly depends on the functionality of the endocrine system. It is during this period that hormones are formed in the body of adolescents in increased quantities. Not only adults should know this; it is advisable to inform girls themselves about this condition so that they understand why they have a changeable mood and a disturbed emotional background.

Development of girls 10-12 years old

Thanks to the production of estrogen, from the age of 10-12 years the figure of teenage girls changes. This is noticeable visually, thus the first signs of sexual development appear. Certain changes may also develop that can irritate girls and cause them a lot of unpleasant problems:

  1. Due to excessive production of fat by the sebaceous glands, a rash appears on the skin of the face .
  2. Hormonal changes in the body affect the manifestation of excessive sweating , so you should follow the rules of hygiene.
  3. Another unpleasant factor is excessive hair greasiness . This deficiency can be eliminated only by daily measures to care for the strands.

Naturally, the girl herself will not be able to cope with such problems. Mom's help will come in handy. Her advice to teenage girls on the use of various pharmaceutical or cosmetic products will be needed by the child. After all, girls always care about their appearance. And acne can greatly ruin a teenager’s reputation at school and lower a child’s self-esteem.

Tips for girls 10-12 years old:

  • As a result of all these problems, girls may experience anxiety, which is caused by complexes. overcome anxiety with meditation and proper breathing techniques. First, you need to relax and straighten your shoulders. Then inhale and exhale slowly. This practice helps restore balance.
  • Try not to pay attention to irritants , who every now and then will actively try to do dirty tricks on you. Know how to resist the stupidity of the weak.
  • Work on yourself every day , start eating right, following a daily routine, spending time actively by running, swimming or other sports. Then all problems will automatically fade into the background.

IMPORTANT : To avoid problems with skin and hair for the girl. You will need to introduce more vegetable products and fruits into your diet. Find remedies to eliminate skin and hair imperfections. Limit the consumption of all fatty foods, fast food and sweets, which contribute to acne and oily hair.

Physiological changes during puberty

When a teenager discovers the first changes in his body, it can cause a variety of emotions - from joy to fear. It is recommended to have a gentle conversation with your child about puberty in advance.

A boy under 13 years old must be explained by his father what changes will soon happen to him. There have been cases when a teenager was afraid of opening the head of the penis. Dads raising sons often ignore issues of puberty, believing that they will “figure it out on their own.” This is the wrong position. It’s not easy for a teenager, his psychology is changing, anxieties and complexes about his body will only aggravate existing problems. A mother will be of little help in these matters, even if she knows how to raise a teenage boy.

Tips for girls 13, 14 years old

Advice for 13-14 year old girls
Girls can start menstruating at the . For sensitive teenagers, it is quite difficult to survive this period. It is important at this time for girls not to be embarrassed to contact their mother. Who can better explain to your daughter that this is a normal, natural process in the body. And it shouldn’t cause any worries. Everything is the natural environment of a girl’s body. Therefore, a mother, like no one else, will be able to explain what is happening to her girl and give effective advice to a teenage girl.

Advice for girls 13 and 14 years old:

  1. To get rid of shyness , do exercises daily that will instill confidence in you. Start praising yourself for small victories. If you overcame your fear today and did something brave, then celebrate your victory. Praise yourself. Over time, you will notice how many positive character traits you have and this will give you more self-confidence.
  2. Only working on yourself will help you overcome uncertainty And this should be done daily. First of all, accept your appearance, love your image, notice what is good about you and pay more attention to these nuances. Secondly, never bend under others. Follow your principles. Third, don’t question your capabilities. Believe in yourself.
  3. Do not pay attention to manifestations of negativity towards your person. Well, if you can’t ignore it, then look for like-minded people who will help you cope with your emotions, and don’t be left alone with your problems.

Advice for girls 15 and 16 years old

Communication between teenage girls and boys
Starting from the age of fifteen, girls can grow almost 10-13 centimeters in one year . Therefore, disproportion of the body may appear. This is often why complexes arise. Girls think that they look ugly, and at school their peers notice this, which can lead to ridicule. Which really hurts one's self-esteem.

The girls look a little awkward. This leads to stiffness in movements, uncertainty and clumsiness develop. Therefore, advice to teenage girls from adults on how to survive this period will come in handy.

Advice for girls 15-16 years old:

  • It is not advisable for girls to go on diets during their growth period . Not only does the body expend enormous effort on growth, but girls also torment it with hunger. As a result, in addition to health problems, problems also arise with mood. And few people like hostility and negativity. Therefore, this directly affects communication with peers.
  • It's better to go to a sports center and play some kind of sport . Thus, train your body and modify it by developing muscle mass, and find new friends.
  • Most often during this period, girls begin to pay attention to the opposite sex. And here it’s important to learn how to communicate with guys. Remain yourself in any situation , if a young man does not appreciate your principles, do not try to please him. You can have nothing in common with such a person.
  • Girls look at themselves in the mirror and are rarely happy with their reflection. After all, everyone would like to please the opposite sex and receive compliments. Don't judge yourself harshly, start taking care of your body, use cosmetics, wear suitable clothes for your figure. Not everything that is fashionable is always beautiful. You should create your own individual image. If you are not sure that you can cope with this, then ask your mother for help, or even better, a makeup artist.

Tips for 17 year old teenage girls

Most often, when girls reach the age of 17, the transition period ends. Parents also feel a certain peace of mind, because their advice to a teenage girl helped her cope with such an important test in their life. After 17, girls experience a decline in raging hormones. Their figure returns to normal. Psychologically, things are also getting better. But this is still no reason to relax.

Mom and adult daughter

After all, the teenager still has to go through a number of tests in choosing a profession. And here you will need the help of family and friends. This help should be not only material, but also moral.

Advice for teenage girls 17 years old:

  • Try to decide correctly about your profession . It is not necessary to graduate from a prestigious university, as your parents advise. The main thing is to find yourself. Maybe you like another profession. Therefore, ask your parents not to put pressure on you, because each person has his own talents, and these are the ones that should be used to earn money.
  • Don’t ask the question bluntly if your family doesn’t understand you. Give them time to realize that you have grown up and have your own views on life. Gradually explain to them the essence of your meaning in life. All people need time to understand another person. Move slowly and steadily towards your goal without stopping.
  • Keep in touch with your parents, do not abandon them in difficult times, no matter where you are. All quarrels are temporary, your loved one will understand you over time and accept you for who you really are.

Here you can also read tips on various topics, for example:

  1. How to win people over?
  2. How to love a man correctly?
  3. How to deal with stress and depression?
  4. Why is it important to be able to forgive people?
  5. My husband beats me, what should I do in this situation?

Manifestations of anxiety: thoughts, actions, symptoms

Anxiety manifests itself in different ways: through anxious thoughts, in our actions that we are not always aware of, and through unpleasant physical symptoms. Since teenagers spend a lot of time at school, a good place to start is by analyzing the manifestations of anxiety caused by school problems. This is what experts offer teenagers.


Write down the top 10 worrying thoughts that come to mind more often than others.


Write down 10 things you do at school when you feel anxious and worried. Are you checking your phone? Are you going somewhere? Are you biting your nails? There is no wrong answer here. All you need is a list of your disturbing activities at school.


Describe your physical symptoms. This may include rapid heartbeat, sweating, facial numbness, hot flashes or chills, a sharp narrowing of the field of vision (tunnel vision), and other unpleasant or unusual sensations. List all the symptoms you can.

This list is necessary for working with anxiety, because you can learn to manage it. To do this, you need to identify your own feelings without avoiding them or judging yourself, because anxiety is not a vice or a sign of weakness.

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