Return to yourself: 7 important essays by psychologists of the 20th century

Our whole life is an endless series of events, situations, affairs, meetings, conversations, changes, victories and defeats, hopes and disappointments. In other words, a person’s life is a constant interaction between his inner world and the surrounding reality.

Every day we wake up, start our day, do different things, communicate with many people, go to work, develop a business or do something else. Human life in the modern world is life in a world of high technology, an endless flow of information, rapid development and change. And in order to meet all the requirements of the surrounding reality, a person must be internally stable, developed, able to overcome difficulties and have an unbending inner core that will always support and help remain strong.

The modern world is ready to absorb a person in a matter of seconds, make him part of the gray mass, depersonalize him, empty him and throw him to the sidelines. And if a person is not ready for this, then defeat cannot be avoided. But there is a way to emerge victorious in this fight.

One of the most important knowledge for a person in our time is knowledge in the field of psychology, and one of the most important skills is the ability to apply it in practice. To understand people, to be able to find a common language and communicate with them, to be able to instantly adapt to any situation, to always help yourself and others, you need to understand psychology. So that the problems and stress that put enormous pressure on a person today do not break you or your loved ones, and you or they can continue on their path, you need to understand human psychology.

To understand others at a deep level, to be able to nurture yourself, raise your children, and influence others, you need to know the nuances of people’s psychology. To achieve success, achieve new results, conquer new heights, live in prosperity, harmony and well-being, you need to have important knowledge - knowledge about human psychology.

Considering the importance of psychological knowledge, as well as the reasons that motivate people to grow and develop, their desire to become better and improve their lives, we have created this course, which is called “Human Psychology”. In the lessons of this course, we explore very important things in detail: we reveal the main and key problems of human psychology, the stages and patterns of his development and the formation of his personality, the formation of the characteristics of his behavior and communication with people.

This course provides an opportunity to answer questions about how to understand human psychology, how to influence your life, those around you, and, most importantly, yourself. Studying psychology and applying the knowledge gained in life contributes to personal growth, improving personal life, establishing excellent relationships, achieving success in the professional sphere and other areas of activity.

This course “Human Psychology” is an online training consisting of lessons that contain interesting theoretical information about human psychology, provides examples (experiences, tests, experiments) and, most importantly, gives a large number of practical tips that you can apply in practice already on the first day of acquaintance with the training. At the end of the course there are links to useful materials: books (including audiobooks), videos, recordings of seminars, experiments and quotes about psychology.

Definition of the terms “psychology” and “psyche”

Psychology is a science that studies the functioning, development and patterns of occurrence of various mental phenomena and the psychological activity of both a group of people and an individual.

There are several definitions of the term “psyche”. So, for example, one of them says that the psyche is a certain set of mental phenomena and processes, such as: memory, emotions, perceptions, sensations, and so on; aspect of human life in his interaction with the environment in which he is located.

Some people study psychology on their own, while others study psychology professionally at universities. Depending on the way they study, people prefer different topics in psychology that are interesting to them. For students, the choice is based on the topic currently being studied or the branch of psychology that is more interesting to them. For independent study, they mainly choose topics in psychology that are interesting and relevant at the moment, which can solve a specific problem. The science of psychology is very interesting and broad, it reveals many areas of life and helps a person understand himself and the people around him.

Methods of psychological influence on people

Society consists of people who constantly communicate with each other. Consciously or not, they all influence each other. There are various ways to influence the environment.

Methods of exposure to humans:

  1. Contagion is a method based on the transfer of emotions from one individual to another. If someone panics or cries, then everyone's mood deteriorates. You can be “infected” with both negative and positive emotions, for example, laughter, joy, fun.
  2. Suggestion - an individual is inspired to act as someone wants. Suggestion occurs through words, gestures, and actions. Each individual has different suggestibility. Suspicious people and children under 13 years of age are more easily suggestible than independent individuals.
  3. Persuasion - an individual is persuaded to act one way and not another through logical thinking. The higher a person's intelligence, the harder it is to convince him. In the process of persuasion, it is important to instill trust. If the interlocutor doubts the veracity of the arguments, it is impossible to convince him of anything.
  4. Imitation - consciously or unconsciously, an individual tries to copy the behavior of another person. Typically, role models are successful, famous and rich individuals.

Many people use another method of influencing an individual. Its name is manipulation. Using this method, the manipulator gets what he wants, while the opponent retains the illusion of independently made decisions. Aristotle also said that the success of influence depends on who says what to whom.

Personality psychology is a fascinating science. Anyone can understand its basics. True, not everyone is able to put their knowledge into practice. An experienced psychologist will help you understand all the nuances of the psychological discipline.

Interesting topics in psychology

When studying psychology, people select different topics depending on what they are most interested in. Thus, the most interesting topics in psychology are topics about sex, relationships, introspection, communication and others.

At the moment, psychology helps solve many problems, and it is also connected with many other sciences. There are many branches in psychology, each of which is a relatively independent area of ​​scientific research in one or another area of ​​society. Industries are divided into special and fundamental.

The fundamental branches of psychology are called the term “general psychology,” which includes the general meaning of the concept of human behavior and psychology, regardless of their specific activities. In turn, special branches are engaged in the study of human behavior and psychology depending on their activities.

You can select interesting topics in psychology from the general psychology section, as it includes:

  • The study of personality psychology and individual differences. It studies emotions, feelings, will, needs and motives, character, inclinations of a person and his abilities for something.
  • Psychophysiology.
  • Animal psychology. He studies the psyche of animals.
  • Social psychology. It studies the manifestations of a person’s personality in society, his psychological compatibility with others, and relationships with people.
  • Age. Studies the development of the personality of a growing person, his consciousness, various psychological processes and his activities.
  • Psychology of cognitive processes. It studies human thinking and memory, his perception and sensations, imagination and attention.
  • Psychology of communication. Studies the psychological aspects of interpersonal relationships and others.

How to take classes?

The information from the lessons in this course is fully adapted for practical use and is suitable for absolutely everyone. The most important thing here, as has been said more than once, is the transition from theory to practice. You can read smart books for years and know a lot of things, but all this will be equal to zero if it remains just a baggage of knowledge.

You can divide the study of all lessons into several stages. For example, set yourself the task of studying 2 lessons a week: 1 day – studying the material, 2 days – testing in practice, 1 day – a day off, etc. But you need to not just read, but study: carefully, consciously, purposefully. It is important to not just check or apply the tips and practical recommendations presented in the lessons once, but to systematically implement them in your everyday activities.

Develop the habit of always remembering that you are studying human psychology - this will automatically make you want to apply something new in life again and again. The skill of applying psychological knowledge in practice will become honed and automatic over time, because it largely depends on experience. And our lessons are precisely aimed at teaching you how to gain this experience and give it the right direction.

For research work

Many students engage in research in the field of psychology. Below is a list of interesting research paper topics in psychology for those who are just starting out as a researcher in this field.

  • Magic of color.
  • Study of mnemonic rules.
  • Study of Internet addiction in people of different age categories.
  • Study of the influence of the Internet on people.
  • Study of various teenage subcultures. Values ​​and interests.
  • Individual differences in memory in humans.
  • Study of the behavior of adolescents and adults in conflict situations.
  • Study of the process of human personality formation.
  • Conflicts. Causes of occurrence. Methods of settlement.
  • Study of the mechanisms of expression of emotions.
  • Research into the causes of stress and methods of dealing with it.
  • Studying youth slang as a form of self-affirmation.
  • A study of the process of evaluating people by each other. The science of beauty.
  • A study of difficulties in interpersonal communication.
  • What does the handwriting say?
  • The status of a teacher through the eyes of modern students.
  • Is loneliness normal?
  • Self-esteem problems.
  • Research on children's creative abilities.
  • Manipulation research.

Topics for building harmonious relationships

  • Principles for building happy relationships.
  • Active and passive men in relationships.
  • Self-affirmation in sex.
  • Loyalty, betrayal and open relationships.
  • Affection disguised as love.
  • Jealousy and love.
  • Choose a partner, choose life.

For reports

It is not uncommon for students to make reports. There are also quite a few interesting topics for a report on psychology; you can easily find a suitable one in the list below.

  • The influence of mass information on the psyche of a teenager.
  • Memory records.
  • History of the development of the science of psychology.
  • Foul language among teenagers. Causes and solutions.
  • Verbal and nonverbal forms of communication among schoolchildren.
  • Aggression in society. Methods of its suppression.
  • Methods of psychological research.
  • The importance of partnerships for success.
  • Stages of development of the human psyche.
  • Methods for developing intelligence.
  • Basic scientific principles of psychology as a science.
  • What is the connection between human consciousness and speech?
  • Stressful tension. Methods of dealing with stress.
  • The phenomenon of a smile.
  • Personal identification.
  • Human temperament.
  • Forms of knowledge of the world that surrounds us. Sensations and perceptions.
  • Peculiarities of human thinking.
  • Methods for successful memorization.
  • What role does memory play in human life?
  • Prerequisites for the development of a creative personality.
  • Types of people's thinking.
  • Psychology in family relationships.
  • What influence does the family have on the development of individual abilities?
  • Manifestation of a person's individuality.
  • How to develop strong-willed qualities?
  • How does motivation affect a person? Where does motivation come from?
  • Stages of relationships in marriage.
  • How do relationships differ in Muslim and Orthodox families?
  • Formation of self-esteem.
  • Conflicts between children and parents.
  • Types of raising children.
  • Communication. Speech style. Mechanisms. Essence.
  • Man as a social being.
  • The art of communication. Significance.
  • How are stereotypes formed?
  • Authority and ways to maintain it.
  • Internet addiction. Methods of struggle.
  • Complexes and methods for their elimination.

For coursework and dissertations

Term papers and dissertations in psychology are more serious, because the topics for them must be unique, previously undiscovered, relevant, and so on. When choosing a topic for these serious and voluminous works, we advise you to rely on sections of psychology that are interesting and relevant to the student. Some interesting topics for psychology coursework are given below.

  • Divorce. Psychological problems of children.
  • Features of raising a child.
  • Role behavior and its characteristics of working women.
  • The influence of the family on the formation of the child’s psyche.
  • Ethnic norms of etiquette behavior.
  • Features of the formation of the psyche of orphans at the stages of value, semantic and objective consciousness.
  • Cognitive appraisal of difficult situations.
  • The idea of ​​happiness.
  • Freedom of choice and its features among students of humanities and science majors.
  • Features of human long-term memory and its dependence on individual psychological characteristics.
  • Unlocking human creative potential.
  • Problems, acceptance and socialization of the “bodily self”.
  • The problem of age socialization.
  • Overcoming learned helplessness as a development factor.
  • Mental readiness for age-related changes.
  • Features of the manifestation of aggression among young people.
  • Personal boundaries.
  • Reasons for suicide.

Interesting topics in psychology for a diploma:

  • Psychology of passion.
  • Analysis of age-related crises.
  • The influence of family relationships on the psyche of children.
  • The use of drawing methods to develop imagination in preschool-age aunts.
  • Leadership skills. Development.
  • The role of motivation in people's lives.
  • Methods of intellectual development of children.
  • Peculiarities of gender identity of adolescents.
  • Psychological causes of conflicts in young families.
  • The influence of an incomplete family on a child’s self-esteem.
  • The influence of child-parent relationships on adaptation to school.
  • Psycho-emotional state of children from single-parent and two-parent families.
  • Development of the moral sphere of a preschooler’s personality. The influence of family upbringing.
  • The influence of team cohesion on work performance.
  • Development of stress tolerance skills.
  • Fighting the negative influence of society.
  • Features of alcohol dependence. Relationship with stress.
  • Formation of ideas about the seasons in children.
  • Development and diagnosis of attention in children.
  • Development of color perception in children.

Teen Themes

There are many interesting topics on psychology for teenagers, for example:

  • Fighting aggression in adolescence.
  • Peculiarities of manifestation of deviant behavior in adolescents.
  • The influence of the media on adolescents.
  • How to understand, accept and love yourself?
  • Diffidence. Causes and methods of struggle.
  • Features of self-esteem in adolescence.

The science of psychology has been well studied and continues to be studied. This is a very interesting field that fascinates many people. If you want to better understand yourself and the people around you, then in this article you can find many interesting topics to study.

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