Main groups of methods: 1. Organizational, 2. Empirical, 3. Data processing, 4. Interpretive

Psychological research: requirements for the organization and its stages

Classification of research methods

Characteristics of the main empirical methods of psychology

Mastery of methods for studying personality psychology is one of the necessary components of a lawyer’s professional activity. A lawyer must be able to identify, analyze and take into account the individual psychological characteristics of a person (witness, suspect, accused), the goals of their actions and actions, hidden motives of behavior. The choice of methods for studying the personality of subjects of various legal relations in the professional activity of a lawyer, as well as the adequacy of the methods themselves, largely depends on the goals that he faces and on the nature of the issues that require resolution.

Quantitative and qualitative research methods in psychology

To determine the quantitative parameters of the objects under study, the following methods are used:

  1. Statistical methods - based on the collection of quantitative information and their subsequent measurement to study larger-scale phenomena;
  2. Bibliometric methods are intended to study the structural structure, connections and dynamics of development of various processes and phenomena.

Figure 2. Quantitative methods. Author24 - online exchange of student work

In order to study the qualitative indicators of the development of a particular process, object or phenomenon, it is necessary to study their deep parameters of development, to assess the impact of external social factors on a particular object of psychology. The following qualitative methods of psychological research are used:

Figure 3. Qualitative methods. Author24 - online exchange of student work

  1. Conducting an in-depth interview is a method focused on a complete and comprehensive disclosure of the research topic. It requires receiving detailed and reasoned answers to questions;
  2. Expert interview is a method based on the participation of an expert in conducting an in-depth interview in order to guide the interlocutor in the right direction and reveal the topic more fully;
  3. Focus group discussion is a method carried out by constructing discussion conversations on an existing problem. It helps to make a significant contribution to the study, due to the differences in opinions and experiences, views, and perceptions of each participant in the discussion.
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