6 methods to force a deceiver to tell the truth (+Bonus method)

Today, thanks to many Russian scientists and famous psychologists, we know some effective methods by which we can find out whether a person is lying or not. But, if you judge logically, it is important to find out not just what “he is lying or not lying”, but it is important to find out the truth itself in this or that matter, what exactly he is hiding. Here are the methods that, as practice shows, are the most effective in exposing a deceiver.

If a person speaks the truth, sooner or later he will be exposed. Oscar Wilde

Method 1 – Sudden Surprise

This method is that you must have a friendly and positive dialogue with the interlocutor.
The opponent should relax and feel that he can completely trust you. In order to get a good result, you should come up with a topic for conversation in advance, just such that it is far in meaning from your question. Wait for the right moment and ask your opponent a question that interests you. What's the result? As a result, a person will not be able to quickly figure out how to lie or laugh it off.

Welcome "Kind"

It is effective if the lie did not lead to a world catastrophe or revolution, if the north and south poles remained each in their place, and also when planet Earth has not yet left orbit. This technique is from the psychology of communication - it does not recommend the torture of tediousness “will you say so or not?” He also denies swearing, swearing, spitting, or grinding teeth. But you should take into account such human qualities as sincerity and kindness, the desire to understand your interlocutor. The opponent, seeing you as a friend, will lose the supporting conditions for lying - why lie when you can simply explain the motives for deception?

I know everything, but it will be better if you tell everything yourself! Photo: Depositphotos

Method 2 – Actor blackmail

Why acting?
Because in many films you can see how people blackmail each other with selfish intentions. Your arguments must be extremely weighty. Example:

  • If you have any suspicions that your husband often lies, show him the taboo on sex; for men this is one of the main needs in life.
  • If you want to find out the truth from a minor child, then in this case simply ban the use of a PC (personal computer).

The need to stop lying

People lie most often when:

  • talking to superiors;
  • talk about their successes;
  • promise something to the wife or mother;
  • give an obligation to complete some work on time and with high quality;
  • hide their mistakes;
  • make excuses to their partner;
  • refuse an invitation;
  • change;
  • talk about love, etc.

Sooner or later, most people have to take the path of honesty.

It will be quite difficult to do this the first time, but with each new truth expressed it will become easier, and soon it will become commonplace.

It is advisable to start saying it small. For example, in response to the question: “Do you like dogs?” You can safely answer: “No, I’m afraid of them.” Nothing bad will happen. The person himself, having taken the first step on the path to the truth, will understand that the expressed truth does not bring with it any catastrophe.

Very often people are afraid of offending others and tolerate what is unbearable for them. Or you can simply say: “I don’t like tobacco smoke, let’s not go to this bar.” Your friend may be disappointed, but it is much more important to protect your health than to try to please everyone.

By becoming honest, a person will feel calmer and will stop worrying about the consequences of lying. He will be able to release a large amount of internal energy that was previously used to suppress negative emotions associated with the need to tell lies. Because if the lie is revealed, it turns out to be a huge blow to his reputation.

In personal relationships, the acquired habit of not hiding anything from each other will significantly strengthen the relationship, create genuine intimacy and fall in love with each other more deeply.

Method 3 – Only sincerity and pure intentions

This slightly strange way is as follows:

  1. You should not swear or raise your tone during a conversation with your opponent.
  2. Smile and try to maintain harmony and balance.
  3. Show your interlocutor that you want to understand him and help him.
  4. Don't put pressure on your interlocutor.
  5. The opponent must understand that he is not your enemy, but your friend. In this case, he will understand that there is no point in lying, because you can simply explain for what purpose he did this or that action.

"I know everything" technique

It will work great if your confidence in your own suspicions is high. If you doubt something, the technique will not help, even if you are actually right. Let's say you are a bad actor, then confidence will work for you - verbal and non-verbal signs, tone of voice, gestures, gaze. “I know everything, but it will be better if you tell everything yourself!” - this phrase simultaneously saves both you and your opponent. Thanks to this solution to the conflict, family ties can still be preserved, friendships can be strengthened, and partnership business can be taken over into one hand without the services of a killer.

Method 6 – Spontaneity and unexpected originality

During a showdown on a topic that interests you, laugh loudly at the most inopportune moment. They may also ask you some stupid and awkward question, for example, about some intimate topic. Start saying to your interlocutor: “Thank you very much. I'm so grateful to you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to live in peace." etc. The dumber you make it, the better. The question involuntarily arises - Why? Because while your opponent is telling a lie, he subconsciously builds a chain of actions based on logic. From your spontaneous and stupid nonsense, your opponent will forget everything that his brain built step by step.

Constant control

Try to control every action of your spouse. Even if she is at home, call often and ask what she is doing. If your wife says she's going shopping with a friend, offer to give her a ride and then pick her up.

Ask in detail how your wife’s day was. Make her feel your control, make her nervous. Constant emotional stress is very difficult to withstand. The woman will become twitchy, and she will soon get tired of this situation.

As opposed to the control method, try the following method:

  • Instead of control, give your spouse complete freedom. Let him do what he wants;
  • in addition to freedom of action, show maximum tenderness and care;
  • give gifts, even small ones, but every day;
  • try to show your concern to remind your wife of the first month after marriage.

Most likely, this attitude will do its job. The woman will be ashamed of her betrayal. She will begin to compare you with her lover, and soon she will truly repent.

If various tricks don’t work, then try just talking. If, despite your spouse’s behavior, you continue to love her and are ready to forgive her, then say so directly. The wife will appreciate such a step and understand what she can lose.

Bonus method: We bring the husband to clean water

If you want to bring your beloved husband to clean water, then one method is enough.
Let's imagine this real-life situation:

  • Friday, end of the working day. You and your husband agreed to go to visit your mother-in-law, that is, your parents.
  • Your husband calls you from work and says that he will be very late at work today and will not be able to go with you to his mother-in-law. You immediately understand what's going on.
  • When your husband comes home, do not attack him from the doorway, this will only make the situation worse, and may lead to your loved one leaving the house God knows where!
  • Invite him to the table, let him relax, find out how his day went, what interesting things happened at work.
  • After the conversation, sit down and watch TV while your husband reads the newspaper.
  • Ask him, as if casually: “Darling, for what reason did you not want to go to my parents today?”
  • You need to remember that while you ask a question, stare at the TV or laptop, it doesn’t matter where. A man needs to see that this is not particularly important to you.
  • He will have no choice but to tell you a little truth.

Most importantly, do not forget that there should be no aggression or pressure.
Only a calm, moderate tone and gentle words, without any “assault” during conversation. Yabrova Ksenia · 09 Jan, 2019

Magic ritual

Magic is on the side of those people who want to hear the truth about a person. Whether you need to use magical rituals is up to you to decide. After all, you may find out something that will push you away from each other forever. And if you love, you can’t live without him or her, and a conspiracy will help you find out the hidden, intimate? How to live with this then?

In parting, I want to say: first think a hundred times, and then turn to magic.

Magic ritual for sleep

On the day of the waxing moon, whisper in your husband’s ear while he sleeps:

“I remember the Glorious Lord, whose name everyone knows, whose name everyone glorifies. He rules all creations on earth, gives life to everything and everyone. I ask my Lord to put a petal of truth into the mouth of the servant of God (name of the man). Let that petal bloom in it and speak on its own. Let that petal in the dream of the servant of God (the man’s name) open into a great flower of truth, which will tell me everything I want to know, and I, the servant of God (my name), want to know everything. Key. Lock. Amen".

The husband will soon begin to babble the whole truth. Even if you fall asleep, his babble will wake you up.

How to find out the truth in a conversation

Tomorrow you want to have an honest conversation, suspecting that the person is not completely honest with you.

Write the person's full name on a piece of paper and light a candle. Move the piece of paper over the candle while reading the plot:

“He told me, he said everything, he wasn’t afraid. He came to me and poured out his soul. I'm talking about the servant of God (his name). On a universal scale, your truth is a drop, do not be afraid; in an infinite key, your truth is only yours. I will find out everything, I will understand everything, we speak heart to heart, we speak with our souls, not our mouths. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

Next, fold the sheet of paper in four and place it under your pillow. After the revelation, you need to get rid of it. Such a ritual will remove the fear of recognition from the soul of the interlocutor. Keep in mind that you will also tell a lot of things that you were silent about. Perhaps this will help improve contact with your interlocutor.

How to force a liar to confess

On the waxing moon, looking at the photograph of the liar, say:

“As soon as you look into my eyes, you stop lying. The truth makes you feel bad inside, it makes you sick, it’s better without it, tell me once, then it will go on its own, you can speak, so it pours out. Our frank dialogue. Everything pours out, everything leaves, everything comes to me. It’s easier for me and it’s easier for me. My eyes, your truth. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

The next day, look the liar in the eyes, then just listen: he will tell you everything as if in spirit. This technique can be applied to children who are liars. Now decide for yourself, do you want to know the whole truth?


It is extremely important for people to receive rewards. Moreover, people like immediate rewards more than those that are expected after some period of time. Try praising the person: “You tell such an interesting story,” “a very inspiring story,” and so on. But most of all, people like to receive information that interests them in exchange for their own - a favor for a favor. This is the basis of the principle of quid pro quo (from Latin - “this for this”). “You tell your harmless secret, and in return I will tell you my secret.” Using this technique, you can easily find out the truth that you need.

More on the blog: The Big Five Personality Trait Model

How to get someone to tell the truth

A magical conspiracy and ritual that is carried out on the eve of the meeting will help you find out the true purpose of a conversation with colleagues, friends or acquaintances.

You need to prepare for this ritual. What do you need:

  • A medium-sized round mirror with a clean surface without cracks or scratches;
  • A sheet of white paper;
  • Church candle;
  • A box of matches.

Place a piece of paper over the candle flame with the name of the opponent of tomorrow's conversation written on it, make sure everything is reflected in the mirror and read:

“Lord God, help me open my heart and open my eyes so that I can see the truth hidden behind the black veil of lies. Amen".

Roll the sheet and hide it out of reach. Once the conversation happens, it must be destroyed.

What result should I expect?

For almost every person, sincerity in relationships is very important.
A truth spell is a special magical combination of words that establishes energetic contact between the performer of the ritual and the deceiver in order to recognize the truth. A subtle connection is established through the support of supernatural forces caused by prayer or conspiracy.

Spirits and divine messengers influence the consciousness of the victim, lead him to rethink his life situation and push him to carry out the action ordered by the magician. The conspirator begins to be tormented by his conscience; he tells the truth, without hiding anything.

If a magical ritual is performed on oneself before going to bed, the result manifests itself in the form of a prophetic dream. A dream shows signs or images that indicate lies and deception.

The performer of the sacrament must be prepared for any outcome. Further relationships between people depend on the information received.

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