How to become the coolest person in school. 10 Effective Methods

Life in society begins at school.
If you take the place of the last hen at school, it is very likely that you will live in this state for the rest of your life. Therefore, it is very important to take a worthy place among people from an early age, in order to then convert school experience into a high social status in adulthood. Today we will figure out how to achieve the most sustainable success. What is more important: appearance or inner world?

People initially look at clothes, accessories and your overall image. You can be an empty doll, but luxurious, for this they will envy you and want to be friends with you. Only this is a dubious or even unrealistic path. Where can a schoolgirl get expensive things from fashion brands? Now we are not talking about girls from the richest families, there are only a few of them. For most schoolgirls, they will have to take a different path, through the transformation of their inner world.

Even if you win 100,000,000 rubles in the lottery, and immediately buy expensive clothes, you will remain the same inside. That is why ordinary people, lottery winners, quickly spend all their money and return to their previous lives. You must first change your personal qualities and worldview, then everything external will be attached and will remain with you all your life.

How to become confident and popular at school and in life, where to start?

Circle of friends

You almost certainly have useless girlfriends from whom you can learn nothing. When you come from an average family, study in high school, you are surrounded by the same people, it is unrealistic to learn anything useful from them. All your current girlfriends will become losers in the future, and so will you, if you attach importance to communicating with them. It's painful and hard, but you have to give up everyone around you, except your parents.

Don’t tell anyone anything about your plans, continue to communicate as necessary, but understand and decide for yourself - all of them are not an example or authority for me.

Do you want a better life? Gather a new social circle from whom you can follow an example! You need to communicate with the best you can reach. Start with social networks.

Delete all old pages - this is your past life, you need to get rid of it forever! After this, create new pages, but make sure that none of your classmates and ex-girlfriends can find you, they have no place in your new life, they are a temporary phenomenon in your reality, and the time will come your paths will completely diverge.

You need to find role models - successful girls and men. They should be better than you in everything. Choose those who are older, smarter, more beautiful, richer. Watch them and at the same time study all the material on creating a personal brand on social networks. The Internet is full of publicly available articles and videos on page design and personal brand development.

Your goal is to create an ideal image on social networks and reach for it in reality. Most people think that celebrities, businessmen and politicians are unreachable. This is not true, if you are confident, prudent and wise, a month after opening a new page you will be able to make virtual friendships with many successful people.

Create an ideal image, take an active position, communicate with everyone on topics that interest them. Thanks to this, you can gradually make friends with politicians, businessmen and simply successful bloggers.

Start with successful men, they are interested in communicating with a smart schoolgirl, because this is such a rarity. New communication will give you confidence, you will be able to make acquaintances with successful fashion bloggers. Just don't pay attention to Russian-speaking bloggers. Start communicating with bloggers from the USA and Europe. Thanks to friendship with foreign celebrities, it will then be easy to meet ours, this will happen almost automatically.

At the same time, gain subscribers in every way, the more, the better. Every thousand will give you confidence. When you reach 100K, you will be able to earn some money, and then everything will come easier and faster.

Personal care

At the age of 11-13 years, pimples begin to appear on the face - the most unpleasant moment in growing up. This is due to changes in the body and hormonal imbalance.

How to become a cool girl at 11 years old if the skin on your face is prone to acne? Of course, this makes the task a little more difficult, but does not make it impossible. Your skin needs special care, which means you need to choose effective benzoyl-based products for topical use, wipe your face with antibacterial infusions and wash your face twice a day with soft gels.

Your hair also needs to be kept clean, because greasy locks with split ends are unlikely to add authority to you.

Also, during adolescence, profuse sweating begins, so be sure to use an antiperspirant so that the smell of sweat does not spoil the impression of your image.

Education, knowledge and self-development

English is perfect.
They have been teaching English at school for years, but this is the idiocy of the education system. In reality, English can and should be learned in a year. During your school years, you have plenty of time, you don’t have to work and do a bunch of everyday things. Devote all your time to study and self-development. You will need knowledge of Photoshop, it will help show your image and life from the best side. Also learn Russian to write as competently as possible. In general, study from morning to night.

What about walking? Think for yourself, who can you go out with now and, most importantly, how? You can skip classes and hang out with your girlfriends all day. You can smoke with the boys behind garages and on benches, you can also eat ice cream, chips, pizza and drink all sorts of nasty things together. These are primitive animal pleasures that will ruin your best endeavors and reduce your entire future life to a miserable existence without prospects or meaning.

Even if new acquaintances invite you to the most expensive restaurant, don’t go anywhere. Men from social networks will definitely call you for a meeting in reality, but you must keep your distance, no matter how much you want to go to this restaurant.

Never ask to send money to your phone, never ask to transfer money to top up your account in a virtual game - this is low and immediately devalues ​​you in the eyes of your friends. You must behave in such a way that you are persuaded to accept the gift.

Find experienced mentors and mentors. It is not necessary that you have communication right away. Start by listening to lectures by the most successful opinion leaders on YouTube, then you can meet them in real life.

Have patience and know that you should not worry about money and respect among people. Don't rush, just study all the time you have and work on your development as responsibly as possible. Now this is the most important job for you, very soon the time will come when money and respect will follow.

Hurry to acquire knowledge, perseverance and self-discipline, otherwise don’t rush! If this does not happen, any success will be unstable and fleeting.

Health and beautiful figure

Fitness and proper nutrition. From childhood, give up junk food. You must develop an aversion to soda water, chips, and cheap pizza. You shouldn’t even think about alcohol and smoking. Read special forums on the topic, there are clear methods on how to write into your consciousness the correct attitudes regarding alcohol and smoking.

The only correct attitude towards any alcohol and cigarettes is that they are poison and a drug. A can of beer can remove all complexes and give confidence, but this is a temporary phenomenon. You must gain confidence without stimulants, such confidence is much stronger and more reliable.

Inner energy and positive attitude

Proper nutrition, fitness, the necessary knowledge and skills will definitely give you a lot of energy. In this world, energy is given for tasks, when you lead a mediocre life, like to be sad and pretend to be depressed, you will not receive energy.

Only the right lifestyle and great goals provide energy. You can't even imagine how much energy the Universe can provide. You can live in a state where you are overwhelmed with strength and happiness every day. You wake up at 6 in the morning, it’s dark and cold outside, you have to do things and go to school. At the same time, you are absolutely happy. This is true happiness, which almost does not depend on external circumstances and difficulties, with it you can overcome everything.

No complexes!

The jeans your friend fit into are a little tight on you, and you already refuse dinner, lock yourself in your room and sob into your pillow. Remember, all complexes associated with appearance are far-fetched. We always admire someone and hate something about ourselves. Even Angelina Jolie probably finds some flaws in herself, and this despite the multimillion-dollar admiration for her beauty. The desire for self-improvement is a commendable trait. But don't overdo it.

In fact, figuring out how to become a cool girl is very simple. You need to love yourself the way you are. You will be surprised, but the attitude of others will also change. Stop turning up your nose at every pimple, complaining about your short height and complaining about dry hair. Nobody likes grumps. Smile and shrug off the flaws. You are beautiful! Even serious flaws in appearance can be turned into advantages, so you definitely don’t need to worry about a couple of extra pounds. Your body is still growing, your figure is just taking shape, and in a year or two you will see a completely different reflection in the mirror, and it will be beautiful. So don't have complexes about your appearance.

How to become a cool girl at 10 years old in school? Right. Love yourself, say goodbye to complexes and confidently step through all the troubles.

Clothing style and overall image

We study the images of our favorite bloggers and read stylish tips in the best magazines.
We buy new clothes and accessories whenever possible. We also rent, take photos in the fitting room, then change the background so we get the most expensive and varied images. When you reach 100K subscribers or more, you can receive many useful things as gifts. Then, with every hundred, new opportunities and real earnings will open up. In addition, if you have taken the position of a wise and unapproachable goddess, you will be given gifts. Accept gifts from men, but don't feel obligated. You didn’t ask for anything, which means you owe nothing in return except a smile and words of gratitude.

School influence

After a year, you will change in many ways, but your classmates will almost certainly perceive you as the same. To completely change the opinion of people you know about yourself, you will have to make a lot of effort and take time. At the same time, their opinion and attitude can have a bad influence on you; they will pull you back and down. It's much better to change schools. Choose the best school you can afford and go there as a new person, so that you can make an ideal impression of yourself from the very beginning.

If you have completed the first steps. You will already have 100-300K subscribers on Instagram, the necessary knowledge, a thoughtful style that shows your best side. As a result, you will automatically become one of the best in the new school. All that remains is to continue working on yourself and on being a leader among the team.

Forget about the old school and girlfriends from the past, like about the dirt that we wash off from ourselves in the shower! Don't remember them as if they never existed.

There will be new acquaintances at the new school, but don’t attach much importance to them. It is unknown where the lives of your classmates will lead. Maybe they will be useful, or they can cause harm and destroy your achievements. During our school years, we easily follow our girlfriends to parties and parties where we can do something stupid.

The biggest stupid things in school years

1. Falling in love 2. Alcohol 3. Smoking 4. Wasting time and laziness 5. Food addictions

You can go to parties, but that's where everything is conducive to doing all the stupid things at once. Fun activities are quickly addictive and easy to get used to, but they can cause irreparable harm.

Even something as small as a love for sweets can have a tragic role in life. Since childhood, our parents give us candy and goodies when we behave well, thereby training us like dogs. It’s time to understand that in the 21st century, viewing food as a source of pleasure is archaic and savage. Food is necessary for life and energy; having a passion for food is a huge mistake.

Look at the fat women around you, they all once learned to eat away their problems with goodies, now they are in slavery to food and food companies. Most people will spend their entire lives trying to lose weight. This struggle will consume forces that could be used in another direction. Dependence on food is the lot of animals.

Hobbies and charity

Take up an exquisite hobby, for example, in the field of art, it is interesting, useful and will give you many reasons to communicate with the best people. When a schoolgirl is interested in something serious and sublime, that’s cool, they’ll definitely want to help you. There are useful thematic communities on social networks, find them and communicate only with the leaders. At the same time, do not forget - you are not yet dating men in reality, you still have a lot to learn.

Public organizations and charity. This topic is now actively developing, you first need to study everything on the Internet, and then choose an organization where you can take part as much as possible. This is very important, there you can find real communication with those who are older and more experienced than you, and such communication will be as safe as possible. You are still very vulnerable and should be as careful and thoughtful as possible.

I know that I am beautiful

Every girl is beautiful in her own right, it’s just that not all of them can show it to others in the class. And very often this is not explained by the lack of expensive and fashionable clothes or the inability to wear makeup, but by the most banal lack of self-confidence and unwillingness to work a little on oneself. Of course, becoming proud, arrogant and constantly telling myself and others that I am the most beautiful in the class is not the answer. After all, this must be justified by something. You need to remember that sometimes beauty is not even easy work. And it is not always important for people to say that you are the most beautiful in the class. Learn to present yourself, learn new makeup techniques, develop your taste, lead a healthy and active lifestyle, learn to deny yourself something. Also, develop your confidence. And the reward will be great. Not only will you be considered the most beautiful girl in the class, but also attractive, sweet, sociable, you will be respected and appreciated, which may not have been the case before.

Rules for a well-groomed teenage girl aged 13-15

To be a beautiful girl at 13-15 years old is to be able to take care of yourself, know your strengths and be able to deal with your shortcomings.

The following rules will help with this:

  • Maintain hygiene . It is important to shower regularly, use a razor and deodorant. Don't forget to wash your hair on time.
  • Take care of your hair . A mask, balm, conditioner and the right shampoo are the friends of a girl who takes care of herself. Luxurious and shiny hair is beautiful, and proper styling will complement the look and make it more attractive and tidy.
  • Do manicures and pedicures on time . Neatly filed nails and well-groomed cuticles are very commendable. In everyday life, people constantly interact with their hands, so let this part of the body be “in shape.”
  • Beautiful eyebrows. Under no circumstances should you pluck or paint them too brightly. Enough to finish drawing a couple of hairs, carefully pluck out the excess ones, and style them with gel.

  • Look after your body . Exercising helps you stay in shape and correct problem areas: buttocks, abs. Regular exercise also improves self-discipline and health. This also includes proper nutrition: chips, cola, and French fries are not the best food for the body; you need to limit the amount of it or completely eliminate it from the diet.

Simple things make them happy

They can be serious when necessary, but they are easy to make laugh. In general, they take life very lightly - that’s why it’s so pleasant to be in their company.

We literally want to surround ourselves with such people - get in touch with them, call them, invite them somewhere. We feel good with them - all because they also like our company.

How to become one of these people? As Oscar Wilde said: “Be yourself - all the other places are already taken.” And yet, knowing what qualities we especially like in others, we can at least try to cultivate them in ourselves.

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