Law of balance: basic principle. Karmic laws of the Universe

  • October 8, 2018
  • Psychological terms
  • Yulia Lobach

In this article we will consider the laws of equilibrium.

Life often seems to a person to be a combination of accidents. However, behind the external chaos there actually lies a meticulous order. The law of equilibrium organizes the work of all other laws. It shows that not a single karmic law can be considered in isolation from the second; any phenomenon of the Universe is their totality. Whatever events occur in a person’s life, any situation, any fact reflects the work of all the laws described below.

If a person knows the laws of balance and knows how to correctly apply them in practice, then his life will be comfortable and happy. If something unpleasant happens to people, disturbing their mental balance, we can say that some law was not taken into account, the balance was disturbed.

The basic principle

A person who is unfamiliar with these laws can be compared to a sleeper who builds his ideas about life after watching dreams that are far from reality. Most people spend their entire lives in a state of sleep. And sooner or later you still need to wake up.

The laws of the Universe are similar to the rules of the road, their observance allows for accident-free driving on a busy highway, and therefore they are also necessary for life. The only difference is that traffic rules govern the actions of pedestrians and motorists, and any phenomenon and event in the Universe is subject to the karmic laws of balance. Every second a person is faced with their work, without even suspecting that his existence is always governed by simple rules.

Thanks to the study of the karmic laws of the Universe, people begin to understand how simply and wisely it works. When they open up for a person, harmony enters life, existence is subject not to blind evil fate, but to understandable rules that require a creative approach, and not unquestioning submission.

If people master such simple rules, they come to an amazing conclusion: it turns out that, based on such laws, you can build your life the way it is seen in your deepest desires.

The laws of equilibrium are built on the principles of feedback. This connection is never interrupted, since the Universe is people, and people are the Universe. Every person initially strives for life, love and happiness. And thanks to the action of karmic laws, life, love and happiness of the entire Universe are automatically ensured.

The universe is abundant and generous. If a person knows and observes all her laws, speaks the same language with her, he receives her most delightful benefits and gifts.

Studying the great laws of balance makes it possible to live as the soul wants, it helps to build a life and interaction with others based on understanding and love, excluding manipulation and violence from it.

Universal karmic laws are the fundamental principles of balance; everything that happens around us is based on them. The universe is energy. Its movement is carried out according to the laws of balance, and familiarity with them will allow you to get involved in this flow, swim with the flow, and not against it, exhausting yourself.

Factors influencing the formation of mental balance

Accommodation rate

The desire to speed up the course of events in life, intolerance and a negative reaction in the form of irritation due to the speed at which events unfold, and rejection of what is happening contribute to the emergence of an imbalance.

Staying in the moment, accepting the flow of circumstances that we cannot influence, only contributes to better resolution of issues. Our reactions to external events are key and determining for its preservation. Only we ourselves choose how to react to emerging situations and events.

All external catalysts are initially neutral in nature, and only we decide what they will be and reveal their potential. Giving time means concentrating on every action, no matter what you are doing, fastening buttons, preparing food, washing dishes, or anything else.

Step by step, we should go through our path, pay our attention only to the present, and not speed up movements that move at their proper speed. Let a small matter into your world, give yourself completely to it, you should not constantly indulge in what worries you, you need to learn to distract your mind.

Such simple actions are aimed at pumping up awareness, but a stone wears away water and what you achieve will amaze you. It is the little things with which we begin the journey that make our consciousness more plastic and weaken all the tension that has been accumulating in us for years, pushing us into the unreal world. We don't dream about how it should be, we move towards it on our own. One day, just wash the dishes with obvious interest, think only about them, take your time, let the thought process do everything for you. Such simple logic reveals the familiar from a completely different angle. Moreover, the world itself becomes more understandable to those who are attentive and thinking, and already at this stage some of the fears recede.

We can’t control everything in life - this means that it doesn’t really make sense to fight, that’s the reality. And it often happens that any other influence we have will only bring harm to the situation and will mean that we are not yet ready to consciously find peace of mind and harmony in ourselves.


Avoiding the oversaturation of the environment with excesses, the ability not to divide the world into black and white, the ability to clearly understand the level of one’s own strength, not to waste time - all this makes it possible to accumulate the necessary potential of our energy for its further use in creating a positive internal balance (equilibrium).

Way of thinking

Thoughts are an energetic substance within us. To establish harmony, it is necessary to distinguish and monitor them. But not every thought that we catch inside ourselves belongs to us. We ourselves must choose what to believe. It is necessary to consciously distinguish between the thoughts that come to us.

Our motives are mirrored in the world around us; a negative state of thoughts will spread to our perception of the world as a whole. By training ourselves to track thoughts and making conscious choices, we take responsibility for our lives, achieve peace of mind and harmony with ourselves.

Tracking thoughts involves not reacting to emerging images reflexively, automatically. Pause, feel what feelings and emotions this thought evokes, and make a choice whether you like it or not.

An unconscious, quick automatic emotional reaction to emerging negative thoughts triggers the process of production and release of negative low-frequency energy, which reduces the frequency level of energy bodies and, as a result, lowers them into low ranges. The ability to distinguish, monitor, and choose a way of thinking makes it possible and creates the conditions for creating or restoring personal peace of mind and tranquility.


Human emotions are an evaluative attitude of the Personality and a response to the influence of external life catalysts. With a conscious attitude, our sensory sphere, our emotions, are a Divine Gift and a creative Power that unites with the Highest aspect of the OverSoul, an inexhaustible source of strength.

With an unconscious attitude and automatic emotional reactions to external catalysts, the cause of suffering, pain, imbalance.

If thoughts, figuratively speaking, are the “trigger” for the start of energy processes, then emotions are the driving Forces that give acceleration (acceleration) to these processes. It all depends on the direction of the vector’s attention and on how consciously or unconsciously the immersion in this accelerating flow occurs. Everyone chooses how to use this Power for creativity, creation, strengthening the connection with their Oversoul, or for destructive explosive releases.

Physical body

The body is just an extension of our thinking. At the level of the physical body, an energy circuit is closed that connects thoughts - body, emotions - body, harmonious system - release of energy.

The use of specific mental images with the addition of an emotional cocktail is followed by an influx of individual-type neurotransmitters into the body, which determine what specific physical and moral sensation we will experience

  • Positive emotions cause relaxation and calm, allow our body and all its parts not to burn through energy and work in the right mode.
  • Negative emotions, on the contrary, cause local disruptions, which can manifest themselves as spasms of smooth muscles and deformations of tissue membranes, spasms and compressions, have an accumulating effect, and therefore lead to long-term negative processes throughout the body

The human hormonal system reacts to the emotional state, which means it has a direct impact on the state of the body at the moment; on the other hand, with an increase in the level of certain hormones, emotionality also increases.

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As a result, we are able to learn to control emotions by controlling, to some extent, the hormonal level of the body, and this will give us the opportunity to easily overcome some of the negative emotions, we will gain control over them. This skill will largely determine our potential for dodging many painful conditions, and subsequently our life expectancy.

Law of Implementation

Any thoughts are material. A person gets from life what he himself thinks about.

The essence of the law of implementation: what is in his head comes into a person’s life. The brighter and longer it is, the greater the likelihood of a thought being embodied in the material world. Compliance with this law does not mean that you need to run away from problems or live in an illusory world. People experience difficulties at times, but it is important to think positively and remember that God does not give trials beyond our ability. You need to think about good things, and then they will definitely come.

Law of Consonance

Like always attracts like, they give birth to each other.

The way the law of attraction works is that a person will reap what he sows. By sending love to people, he receives love in return. Noticing shortcomings in others, he multiplies them in himself. A person without willpower has an evil soul, reflected in certain facial features, and a loose body. If he is deeply happy, he seems beautiful, regardless of the appearance given to him by nature. Clutter of thoughts causes disorder in the house and in business. The causes of a person's misfortunes lie only in himself. If he wants to change his life, he should start changing himself.

What other laws of life are there?

6. Finding healthy ways to feel better

Having set the goal of becoming more balanced and calm, you can try any of the techniques suggested by Dr. Handel, or look for other methods of pacification - as long as they are effective. In a month of regular repetitions, you can feel the effect the practice gives. If it is beneficial, it is worth continuing. If not, it’s also not a problem, you can try another one.

Personal recommendations from Hilary Handel:

  • Create all the conditions for a comfortable start to the day. “For example, I am a night owl.” Now that my children are grown, I allow myself to drink coffee in bed an hour or two before getting up and doing things.”
  • Start your day with grounding and breathing exercises. If necessary, repeat them two more times during the day. Slowing down for short periods can increase your productivity.
  • Gather your courage, risk embarrassment, and share something emotional with someone who is kind to you. Speak from yourself, sincerely, without trying to correct anything. It's amazing how talking openly about our feelings with someone who listens with compassion transforms negative emotions into something much more pleasant.
  • Create a group for communication, based on age or interests. For example, a book club to talk about books and life.
  • At the end of each day, perform your own calming ritual. Take a hot bath, drink tea, stretch to the music. This can be done with children.

Law of Fusion

A person merges with the like that he attracted to himself.

The manifestation of the law of fusion is that a person is drawn to people like himself, the law of attraction operates. His surroundings are always not accidental. A person attracts those with whom he is similar, with whom he acts and thinks in harmony. Spouses who have been married for a long time are similar in character and appearance. What irritates a person most about others is what is in himself. When some trait in another attracts a person’s attention like a magnet, this means that it is strongly expressed in him. Having gotten rid of this quality, he will no longer notice it in others. In order for the environment to change, you need to change yourself first.

The laws of balance in life work, and this must be remembered.

Law of Change

Changes are inevitable in any case, everything around is movement, its absence leads to death.

The effect of the law of change is as follows: life does not stand still in any case, everything changes constantly, and a person should change simultaneously with the Universe. Any stability is an illusion. If a person is afraid of change, he constantly clings to the familiar. When he easily parts with the past, his life opens up to the future. Where one thing ends, something else necessarily begins.

When there is a question that worries a person very much, this means that the situation requires change, and refusing to do so will only make the problem worse. You need to change when the time is right, and rejoice at the changes, since they are only for the better, even if a person thinks differently now.

How to find harmony with yourself

  • You are loved and valued exactly as much as you love and value yourself. Don't let your inner self depend on the evaluation of outsiders
  • There are no perfect people. Recognize your right to make mistakes. Negative experience is also experience. Any experience contributes to our development
  • Don't compare yourself to others. Each person is unique and special in their own way. By comparing, you deny yourself uniqueness
  • Recognize and accept your shortcomings. By avoiding them, you waste energy. By acknowledging them, you have the opportunity to correct them.
  • Be happy even about your small achievements. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. The greatest success starts small
  • Do only what you really want. Respect yourself and your dreams

Law of Rhythm

Everything has its ebb and flow, everything flows in and out, after a fall there is always a rise, and after an inhalation there is an exhalation.

The action of the law of rhythm: even if winter is very severe, it will pass sooner or later, summer will come.

In life, streaks of failure and success are like the onset of summer and winter. If difficult times have come, there is no need to see it as injustice and tragedy. This means that the time of winter has come in a person’s life.

One striking example is animals: they do not panic, but adapt to what is happening around them. We need to find a way to survive the winter calmly and wait for the thaw. Adversity should be taken in stride and know that it will end.

How does the law of equilibrium of the Universe work?

Our world is like a clock - a complex mechanism with a bunch of parts, they are all connected, and each performs a specific function. Nothing is accidental, everything always has a certain meaning and is intended for something. We are no exception in this regard.

About resources and purpose of a person

Every person is born with some purpose , for this nature entrusts resources into our hands in the form of personal qualities, skills, intelligence, money, talent. This is what we call potential. A gigantic potential is hidden in every person and it is revealed only in one case - when a person begins to use the resources given to him for their intended purpose.

Okay, what is “direct assignment”? This means that you, as a part of the mechanism, must do the work of maintaining the mechanism itself. This is nature’s law of survival: everything it creates is aimed at its maintenance and improvement.

Using a car as an example

To make you understand, let's look at some mechanism. For example, a car has a wheel, its task is to spin and use it to propel the car. To carry out its function, the wheel has some resources: it is round, it can spin and withstand heavy loads - all this allows the wheel to do what the car needs.

A machine sees meaning in a wheel only when it is capable of properly performing its task. Likewise, nature has endowed us with meaning and expects us to realize this meaning.

Yours is not yours

As a result, we come to a paradoxical conclusion: everything you have is intended for others . Roughly speaking, nothing is mine or yours - everything is the property of nature, just as the wheels are the property of a car.

You need to give because it is a vital necessity. Having come up with the law of balance, the Universe confronted us with a fact: “If you want to achieve something and realize yourself to the fullest, then help me preserve and improve our world.”

You can read more about our purpose in the article about what is the meaning of human life; one of the answers to this philosophical question is the need to share.

Law of Duality

Everything has something opposite, without which it cannot exist, forming a single whole with it.

The action of the law of duality: there is no light without darkness. To continue his family line, every man needs a woman. Without the bottom, the top will no longer be the top. Every phenomenon and every person has good and bad sides.

A situation or person appears bad when viewed from a certain angle. However, if you change your point of view, goodness will be seen in the same situation; in other circumstances, the same person shows completely different qualities. Every medal has two sides; there is no need to judge life strictly.

How is balance restored?

A system that has been thrown out of balance will certainly return to its previous state. Over time, gradually, sometimes with casualties, but under any conditions it will recover.

For example, if a country starts producing more money than it needs, inflation will overtake it. If an excessive amount of goods is produced, their value will fall, resulting in a crisis of overproduction. If he expands the number of factories in one area to improve the economic situation through the export of products, an environmental disaster will arise.

And although all the consequences seem extremely negative, they are necessary, this is the price of restoring harmony, exactly the state that was originally.

Every person must maintain a balance between giving and taking if he wants to live happily. Healthy, strong and close relationships cannot be built if you only demand from your partner without trying to give him something in return. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about material values ​​or feelings. As well as sacrificing yourself, trying to serve him.

Endurance and activity also arise from this principle. I consume products and act. The body absorbs useful substances, this gives energy that a person uses.

What happens to those who simply consume food, preferring not to give anything away? They gain weight and become inactive. In extreme cases, completely motionless.

What about those who eat little and work a lot? They are gradually depleted, as they only waste energy without replenishing losses. A striking example is anorexia, a mental disorder characterized by eating disorders. In short, when a complete refusal of food occurs.

Pendulum law

Any thing turns into its opposite. If the pendulum swings strongly to the left, it will swing to the right with the same force.

The action of the law of the pendulum: there must be balance in nature. If the spring is pressed very hard, it will straighten abruptly. The more people go to extremes, the further they are taken to the opposite side. Faith is good, but religious fanaticism is evil. The joy brought to the baby is a manifestation of love, but pleasures without boundaries will lead the child to death. We must remember at every moment that everything is good in moderation.

5. Naming emotions

“Learn to simply name the emotions you are experiencing in the moment,” Handel recommends. In the Putting Feelings into Words fMRI study, participants looked at photographs of people experiencing different emotions. It turned out that when watching, the subjects’ amygdala, the “emotional brain,” reacted.

When participants were asked to name what the person in the photo was experiencing, emotional activity in their amygdala decreased as a result of activation of another part of the brain responsible for inhibition (calming). In other words, consciously recognizing emotions and trying to put them into words calmed brain activity.

Laws of energy - what does this mean?

Everything a person comes into contact with carries energy within itself. For him personally, it can be negative or positive: when he is comfortable, the energy is positive; when discomfort is felt – negative. You need to monitor what kind of energy comes from events, objects and people. A person should let as much positive energy into his life as possible and dose out negative energy as much as possible.

Energy needs constant movement. Even if a person is sure that the surroundings have frozen in one place, the movement of energy is unchanged. You need to consciously approach this process: develop in what interests you; attract what you need for yourself. Otherwise, the energy will go in a different direction.

People receive energy from food, air, water, through emotions and physical contact. Different types of energy come through different channels. You need to try to keep your channels in good shape: do not neglect your health, protect your head from unnecessary fuss, keep your body in order.

A person spends energy on mental and physical work, communication, on his own experiences and thoughts. You should not allow pointless loss of energy. It needs to be spent on things that will give results and satisfaction.

Energy needs balance. The energy that was received must be equal to the energy spent. When a person receives energy, he feels a surge of strength, increased efficiency, and a lift in mood. When consumed - fatigue, weakness, physical malaise. Excess and lack of energy are equally dangerous.

4.Grounding and breathing practice

Hilary Godel remembers how, in her youth, she was annoyed when others advised her to breathe in order to calm down in moments of excitement.
She didn't understand the concept of grounding and mindful breathing and felt stupid if she tried to follow the advice. Everything seemed too simple to be effective. Many years later, as a psychotherapist, she understood why grounding and breathing are so important for emotional health. When we breathe from the diaphragm, we take deep breaths and fill our belly with air. This puts pressure on the vagus nerve, which connects to the heart and other organs. Thus, by “massaging” this nerve with deep belly breathing, we switch to a more relaxed and open state.

“Now 56 years old, I know that breathing and grounding are key to emotional health and well-being. This is where I start most sessions. Better late than never, and I’m living proof of that,” comments the psychotherapist.

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