Inner peace is the first principle of health and longevity

It is important for every person to realize that his life brings him more joy and happiness than worries and suffering. All human efforts are aimed at achieving a positive outcome, which consists of both external success and internal peace. Inner peace - tranquility, however, is much more difficult to achieve than material success. Because to achieve material success, very specific things are needed - money, fame, recognition, fame, and so on. Whereas peace is a more subtle state , which is difficult to cause by the simple presence of some objects or achievements. So what is peace and how to achieve it?

Slow down

In an atmosphere of constant chaos and stress, it is impossible to enjoy life. Mobility and multitasking are good, but often doing several things at the same time costs the performer more than one thousand nerve cells. It’s better to do it slowly , but efficiently and without unnecessary worries, than quickly , but in a stressful state and the constant feeling that you are late for something and haven’t done something.


Creative work

Working with your own hands and creating things that make you want to admire them is very good therapy. By being creative, a person can realize the wildest desires and dreams that were hidden deep inside. When something beautiful is created, a person experiences spiritual satisfaction.

You can show your capabilities not only in creating paintings or crafts. It would be good to bring creativity into everyday life. Doing this is not as difficult as it seems: you can diversify the recipes, come up with your own plan for cleaning, which will turn the routine into a pleasant experience. Every problem in life needs to be approached creatively, then it will not seem so complicated and confusing.

Make a habit of waking up early

The time until the moment when the whole world wakes up and makes noise is the most peaceful part of the day

Getting up early allows you to gain a few hours , which are usually so lacking.

While everyone, including gadgets, is still asleep, and routine is not tearing you to pieces, setting new tasks every hour, it’s time to be alone with your thoughts and put them in order.

Isn't this what inner peace is? Many people who have learned to wake up early claim that they did not feel happy before starting this habit.

Early rise

Develop and train character

In the process of self-development, a feeling of happiness always arises. People who live by high moral standards do not waste their time on anger and self-interest. They care about others and are also responsible and disciplined. Such people practically never experience depression or internal disagreements; they always know what they need and systematically move towards their goals.

Calming music helps fight weaknesses; it gives a person strength to fight sinful thoughts.

Power of nature

Vibrations and emanate from literally everything around us , and we unconsciously pick up on them. Only the vibration is different. It's no wonder that after visiting shopping centers or clubs, some people feel as if they were run over by a truck. The vibration of concrete buildings and ubiquitous plastic mercilessly sucks out vital energy.

If you spend a day wandering through the forest, you can feel an influx of strength , because the vibration of trees and grass has a healing effect. It literally fills you with inner peace and gives you physical and mental strength.

Walk in the woods

Hatred leads to emptiness...

A person who has anger and hatred inside him will never be happy. Peace cannot be the result of violence and troubles. Internal war leads to disruption of psychological balance. For harmony and peace to come, it is necessary to create, not destroy. To get rid of hatred, you can seek help from specialists.

The first step is to forgive and bless those who have hurt you. When this happens, a person’s inner world will be filled with light and calming music will begin to play in his soul.


Scientists have proven that even six minutes of reading relieves stress.

Here's how it works:

  1. Reading is calming because it is a calm and monotonous process.
  2. Reading distracts from problems. Immersed in the plot, the reader no longer thinks about his own affairs, but about the essence of the book.
  3. Reading relaxes and normalizes blood pressure and heart rhythm.
  4. Reading gives you the opportunity to find yourself in any corner of the world and in any historical period. The main thing is that in this place there are no stressful situations that cause anxiety in real life.

There are also books on stress reduction. In this case, therapy will be not only the process of reading, but also the topic of the book itself.


Household duties and daily routine

In order not to be disappointed in yourself, you must first perform basic actions and realize yourself in the family. Achieving happiness within the confines of your own home is not easy; it requires effort and doing a little more than is required.

Failures in marriage upset not only women, but also men. The spouse must realize herself as a wife, mother and housewife, and the husband - as a breadwinner, protector and father. Only then can you count on rewards and find peace of mind.


Meditation disciplines and teaches emotional self-control . The human psyche is designed in such a way that we are rarely in the present. Thoughts go into failed dialogues, anxiety about the future and worries about the past. This causes an increase in already critical stress levels. Meditation can calm the mind and bring thoughts back to the present moment.


The surest way to find inner peace and feel peace is to enjoy life. You need to be able to live and appreciate every moment. Any achievement of a goal is followed by new tasks.

For more information on how to find peace of mind, watch the video:

How to achieve peace?

Based on the definition, peace is achieved by a satisfied and calm state of mind. A mind is considered satisfied if its needs are consistent with its capabilities. Also, these needs should not increase over time. This means that a person should reduce his ambitions and desires, pursuing the goal not of finding happiness through achieving wealth, fame and recognition, but through finding happiness within himself, in his life and in his business. As long as thousands of desires for various sensual pleasures live in a person’s heart, peace will remain unattainable for him, because the very essence of peace lies in the search for peace within oneself, and not outside. A calm mind is considered to be one that does not depend on the manifestation of external events, neither joyful nor sad. Calmness especially stands out against the background of various troubles and celebrations, and it is the true meaning and value of calmness that is manifested precisely in great troubles and great joy. If a person loses his head, then his mind is not calm, but how can he then remain peaceful if any event can make him angry?

We also recommend this article: Perception of the external world through the senses. Ways of perception

Contentment and peace are achieved through renunciation. Renunciation is a course of action that involves giving up the motivation to enjoy one's activities. This is the renunciation of the sensual fruits of one's labor. Until a person, like a dog, stops pursuing various sources of pleasure in his work, he will not find peace, because constant desires and fears will knock him down and ignite a fire of confusion in his heart. And it is not so important whether this fire is caused by desire and aspiration or fear and anxiety. The main thing is that tranquility represents inner peace, peace. And in such peace there is no place for chaos, which comes from fears and desires. Renunciation means the ability to see a task as a source of satisfaction, that is, doing something in itself can cause happiness in a person. To do this, you need to find a business, and in order to find such a business, you need to understand yourself . Until then, all attempts to realize your purpose will be simply attempts to do everything at random.

Renunciation is the renunciation of sense pleasures, that is, the desire to eat, sleep, have sex, have fun and protect oneself. The renounced lifestyle does not mean renunciation of activities, but only renunciation of these motives in one’s work. While a person expects that a reward will be paid to him for his work, he will be very dependent in his behavior on the circumstances of his activity. As long as there are external prerequisites for worries, they will certainly exist. The root of worries is desires and fears; once they are overcome, it becomes quite easy to achieve peace.

If renunciation seems too difficult and the mind is in any case attached to both work and its fruits, then it is worth acquiring the skill of mechanically suppressing the fluctuations of the mind, which will significantly reduce various anxieties, worries and allow you to control the mind, suppressing most anxieties in yourself, preventing them from growing . Acquiring the basic ability to suppress such fluctuations of the mind is called dhyana .

With the help of dhyana, a person acquires willpower to naturally control his thoughts, mind and mental fluctuations, which allows him to direct the activities of the mind in the right direction and avoid worries and worries. To practice dhyana, 10-20 minutes a day and a quiet place are enough. In short, the process of dhyana is a process of meditation in which one focuses one's attention on a specific object. Most often it is either breathing or the area between the eyebrows. By returning attention to the object of meditation again and again, one develops the ability to suppress the fluctuations of the mind, just as one becomes stronger by exercising again and again. This will come with time, but most often the first three or four sessions of meditation will not work, such is the specificity.

If dhyana also seems too complicated or there is no opportunity to do it, a person should acquire knowledge related to determining what is truth and what is illusion, what is good and what is evil, what leads to happiness and what leads to suffering. Spiritual knowledge will help to cope with most worries by naturally directing the process of reflection inwards, which will lead to the fact that worries will mainly be associated with dissatisfaction with one’s level of development, and in this case there is an opportunity to correct something, work hard and direct activities and forces in the right direction channel After all, the root of anxiety lies in the impossibility or inability to change something, but when it comes to working on oneself, no one except the person himself will do this work, which means that all responsibility lies with the person himself. This means that the possibilities are almost limitless and they open access to a happier and more developed life.

Relaxation and relaxation

When a person is calm, he radiates a wave of security. The world around us responds to this message and does not even try to enter into conflict. Tension drops, fears fade into the background, and a person finds peace.

You can develop your potential every moment, because thought is material. You need to make sure that your thoughts are correct and only positive. It is very important to sincerely believe in what you dream about. This is the only way to receive a response from the Universe.

Words give rise to images, it is important to follow everything said out loud. Any action returns like a boomerang over time, so the images sent must be positive and kind. They will appear in the aura and attract others like themselves.

Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to the website of the Regional Public Organization "Center for Psychophysical Improvement "UNITY"!

The center was created in 1993 and is a socially oriented non-profit organization.

As a member of the Development and Improvement Corporation, we implement one of the directions of the Corporation - “Improving the Health of the Population”, conduct health-improving classes and believe that health is the basis of normal human life and

that people at any age can have excellent health, so we develop and implement health programs and projects.

Since 1997, we have been implementing a comprehensive program for the psychophysical improvement of the population.

The main goal of the program is to teach people the basics of knowledge about their own body and the lifestyle that allows them to restore and maintain health and well-being.

During the year we organize recreational activities for people of different ages, and in the summer we go to a camp provided by the program.

If you are active and cheerful, and feel a positive charge within yourself that you want to pass on to other people and help them become healthier and happier, we invite you to take the Healthy Lifestyle Instructor Training Course.

The program for the psychophysical improvement of the population is part of the System of psychophysical improvement of the human being, the author of which is S.V. Baranova.

We invite you to our classes, as well as practical seminars, master classes and thematic lectures on healthy lifestyle.



Elena Genrikhovna Pusovskaya, 70 years old, project “Health-improving joint gymnastics for pensioners”

I am happy that I was able to attend your classes! THANK YOU Baranova S.V.! THANK YOU to the presenter, organizers, and program developers! Spring lightness! The desire to live and work!


Varshavskaya Sofya Leonidovna, born in 1945, group “ENEPHANGE” (instructors: Klevtsova I.V., Tyurcheva L.D.)

Lada Dmitrievna and Irina Vasilievna, I have been studying with you from the very beginning and I thank fate that I met you. Over the years, under your influence, I began to have a more positive attitude towards the world around me and became calmer. I started walking the streets and watching TV without glasses. Massage exercises have a particularly good effect on the eyes, after which clarity and clarity sets in. Thank you very much for your beneficial activities.


Sadgobelashvili Tamara Ilyinichna, group “Restoration of the musculoskeletal system”, Ramenskoye (instructors: Shumbasova I.M., Molodkina L.I.)

Irina Mikhailovna and Lidia Ivanovna, you have put a lot of work into our sports and health development. And that's worth a lot. They taught us to breathe correctly, walk beautifully, watch our posture and work on ourselves and our mistakes. Thank you so much for your invaluable work, for your generosity and kindness to all of us, and I hope that we will meet again on the zoom platform. Happy, wonderful holiday. Thank you!


Lisitsyna Lyudmila Evgenievna, 69 years old, project “Health-improving joint gymnastics for pensioners)

Thank you very, very much. You can’t even imagine what your classes, recommendations, and consultations mean to me. THANK YOU!


Yastrebova Nina Viktorovna, group “Joint gymnastics” (instructor Malikova L.A.)

I lost a lot of time searching the Internet for the necessary exercises until I signed up for Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s group. She not only shows me the exercises I need, but also explains and sets me up for doing them. With her help, I began to understand my body. Positive results were immediate. The body became more flexible, the joints came to life. And most importantly, she taught me a calm and friendly attitude towards the world around me. I'm delighted!!!


Azarova Galina Gordeevna, leading healthy lifestyle instructor, teacher at the school named after Marshal V.I. Chuikova.

In 1977, I underwent a major operation, losing a very noticeable part of my body. But I didn’t consider myself disabled, but thought: why did this happen to me? And what needs to be done to prevent this from happening again? I started reading books on medicine, but they talked about diseases and their treatment in hospitals. Then I started looking for books about disease prevention, a healthy lifestyle, various exercises, met very interesting people, went to different sections, groups, and finally came to the “Unity” Center for Psychophysical Improvement. In the very first month of classes, I realized where I ended up - that is, exactly where I wanted to go - and in parallel with attending classes, I organized a health group at my school. The school director supported me; many teachers attended classes. Then the parents of our students began to come. My goal was not only to strengthen my own health, but also the health of the people around me, children and adolescents, the nation as a whole, and the psychosphere of the Earth. And together with the members of Unity, I am developing plans and ways to achieve this great goal. Wish us success! And join us!


Gubanova L.I., health group “Gymnastics for restoring and strengthening vision” (instructors: Klevtsova I.V., Tyurcheva L.D.)

I started using glasses less often. I exercise regularly, do self-massage of the eyes and ocular movement exercises, they are especially useful for me.

I wish to achieve such a result that I use glasses less often and restore clear and clear vision.

I really like the classes, very good teachers Irina Vasilievna and Lada Dmitrievna. Many thanks to them!


Marina A., group “Health Qigong” (instructors: Koniovskaya Yu.V., Kolemasova V.F.)

The classes are wonderful, they calm the central nervous system, increase energy, help build relationships, remove negative energy, relax, strengthen muscles, improve the condition and functioning of problem organs, and improve immunity.


Grebneva Larisa Aleksandrovna (70 years old, born in 1949), camp for adults “Active Longevity - 2019”

At the camp I discovered that I could draw, I could walk without glasses (the fear that I couldn’t live without them disappeared), and I came to understand the importance of muscle relaxation. I learned a lot of things I needed: new exercises for mobility of muscles, joints and spine, the ability to relax. I learned to look relaxed, I felt that my eyes didn’t strain and I could see more clearly. I really liked palming, everything is clearly visible after it. As a result, the decision came to take off my glasses as often as possible and try to watch without glasses. At the beginning of the camp I saw the 1st line of the table, at the end - the 3rd.


Tarasova L.A., health group (instructor Azarova G.G.)

I enjoy studying in G.G. Azarova’s group. My legs stopped cramping, I lost 4 kg, my muscles tightened. Increased stamina and positive attitude towards Life. Read more


Anikin Evgeniy Ivanovich, 70 years old, camp “Active Longevity - 2018”

I became calmer, more focused, and removed emotional barriers.


Mikhaleva Tatyana Pavlovna, born 1947, health group (instructor Klevtsova I.V.)

I have a problem with my knee joints, exercise helps not to worsen the situation. And when I force myself to study at home, the results are immediately visible. Very good variety of warm-ups during classes, from which you can choose useful ones to do at home. I am often prone to depression (due to my husband’s illness), and only group classes relieve this condition and improve my mood. Read more 04/17/2018 Alevtina Petrovna Koroleva, 83 years old, health group (instructor L.D. Tyurcheva)

I came to classes 3 years ago in poor condition. I had poor control of my legs, they hurt a lot, I had problems with my back, and I also suffered from headaches. After regular classes, the health started to shine in the group. Read more


Bogdanova Nadezhda, 78 years old, summer camp “Active Longevity - 2017”

As a result, elation, cheerfulness and the desire to do something new, original, i.e., creative potential has clearly increased.


Tarasov Oleg, summer camp “Active Longevity - 2015”

I spent the last three days in the camp. Almost immediately after my arrival, I had the feeling that I had been here in nature for a long time, i.e., the presence of the city that I had been in in the morning left my consciousness almost immediately. I have known trips to nature since childhood, so I have felt its beneficial effects on soul and body for a long time and for me it is Joyful and Natural to be here!


Rumyantseva Olga, health group (instructors: Malakhova T.I., Makushina L.I.)

After classes I feel lightness and elation of my soul. I met very good people. My general condition has become more cheerful. Read more


Every living soul in the world strives for peace and tranquility. But not everyone is able to achieve this state. The frantic pace of modern life simply does not allow a person to find the long-awaited peace. However, thinkers past and present can help guide you in your search.

Our website contains the best quotes, phrases with precise meanings, which are treasures of the past and present. Choose the best sayings for yourself and share them with people dear to you.

Serenity is nothing more than proper order in thoughts. The center of a tornado is always quiet. So you, too, remain calm when whirlwinds rage around you. Find peace in your soul, everything else will find itself. The true strength of a person is not in impulses, but in unshakable calm. Forgive everyone, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace of mind. Live with peace of mind. Spring will come, and the flowers will bloom on their own. A happy life begins with a calm mind. Being calm and doing nothing are not the same thing. When you feel bad, listen to nature. The silence of the world is more soothing than millions of unnecessary words. Confucius. Living life calmly is what seems like the most incredible adventure today. Erich Maria Remarque. Calm! Only peace. Carlson.

Getting up early - time for yourself

Not everyone can enjoy getting up early, but once you try, you will want to repeat this feat constantly. The morning hours are conducive to reflection and provide an opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle and be alone with yourself. Meeting the dawn with a cup of coffee, tea or freshly squeezed juice is the best start to the day. Overcoming bad habits always brings a feeling of peace.

— How to quickly find a solution to a problem.


1) Decision tree. Decision support tool. It is most often used in data analysis and statistics, but can also be used in everyday life. A decision tree has a "trunk", "branches" and "leaves". The trunk is the problem, the branches display its attributes, and the leaves represent its meaning. Among the advantages of the method, one should highlight the ease of its understanding and interpretation, the absence of the need for data preparation, the ability to work with intervals and categories, the ability to evaluate using static tests, reliability and the ability to process large flows of information without preparatory procedures.

2) “Wheel” method. Allows you to relatively quickly find a solution to a problem and evaluate it. It consists of eight steps: first, the problem situation is described in all details, then specific facts are searched for and missing information is established, after which the problem is formulated in a positive way. Next, a brainstorming session is carried out to create a field of ideas for solving the problem, the found options are assessed for realism, a scenario for practical implementation is thought through, and a detailed action plan is drawn up. At the last stage, actions are performed, after which their effectiveness is assessed.

You may be interested in the article “Problem Solving Algorithm”.

3) “Three chests” method. Designed to help you find solutions to problems even faster. In the process, you need to fill three “chests” with information. The first contains answers to the question: “What negative consequences await us if we follow this path?” To fill the second one, the real threat of the risks contained in the first chest is assessed. The third chest is filled with possible “antidotes” to the threats of the second chest, which are found by brainstorming. As a result, solutions are found, implemented in practice and evaluated.

4) Method of successive approximations. It's essentially trial and error. It is preferable to use it when there is little information on the problem. The point is that solutions are consistently put forward and considered. Unsuccessful ideas are discarded, and new ones are proposed in their place and tested again. There are no special rules for searching and evaluating here - everything is decided subjectively, and the effectiveness of the method depends on how knowledgeable the people (or person) solving the problem are about the issue. When using the method, it is important to take into account the element of chance.

5) Bush's Matrix of Ideas. This is a method of analyzing problem situations and determining the field for finding solutions. To implement it, you need to build a matrix of bilateral relations, for which you need to answer the questions: “What?”, “Who?”, “Where?”, “How?”, “Why?”, “With what?” and when?". By answering them, a person receives all the information about the problem. If you combine questions, you can get a great heuristic hint for a solution.

6) Eisenhower Matrix. The most popular solution search tool used by ordinary people and specialists around the world. The meaning of the matrix is ​​to teach a person to optimally distribute the load, distinguish between the important and the urgent, and reduce time for meaningless activities. The matrix consists of four quadrants with two axes - importance and urgency. Cases and tasks are entered into each of them, and as a result, a person receives an objective picture of priority tasks.

7) Descartes square. A very simple decision-making technique that takes very little time to apply. The technique helps to identify the main selection criteria and assess the consequences of decisions made. To use the technique, you need to draw a square and divide it into four parts. In each part the question is written: “What will happen if this happens?”, “What will happen if this does not happen?”, “What will not happen if this happens?” and “What won’t happen if this doesn’t happen?” These questions are observation points for the problem. It is from these positions that it needs to be considered. Having answered all the questions, a person receives an objective picture of the state of affairs and the opportunity to assess the prospects.


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