Mental Health Olympics: What Sports Psychology Can Teach Us

Clockwise from top left: Bianca Walkden (taekwondo 2019), Mark Cavendish (cycling), Adam Gemili (athletics 2019), Jordan Pickford (football), Simone Biles (gymnastics), Marcus Rashford (football), Naomi Osaka (tennis), Bradley Sinden (taekwondo), Bukayo Saka (football), Emma Raducanu (tennis). Composite: Getty, EPA, Reuters, Rex / Shutterstock The wait for the 2021 Olympics was not very happy. But then the sport did its job, and despite the lack of crowds and the looming threat of Covid, the Games in Tokyo turned out to be amazing. Among other things, they can also be called the Olympic Games for mental health.

When Simone Biles retired from competitive gymnastics, she brought unprecedented attention to the psychological challenges of professional sports. One of the greatest athletes of all time decided to make a choice in favor of her psyche, rather than the will to win and the stress associated with it.

“Life is not all about gymnastics,” she said. After deep deliberation in a Tokyo gym, she finally decided to compete on the balance beam and won a bronze medal. She felt this award as one of the biggest victories in her life.

Mental health has been a major topic in sports this summer. Biles said she was inspired by Naomi Osaka, the Japanese tennis star who withdrew from the French Open to relieve her anxiety and depression.

The slogan “brains over brawn” sparked debate during the Euro 2020 finals at Wembley, where England were once again plagued by the “curse of penalties”, and during the Wimbledon tournament, where British wild card tennis player Emma Raducanu left Court No. 1 prematurely Meanwhile, Mark Cavendish made a spectacular return to the Tour de France, having overcome depression.

This display of honesty was contagious.

In July, Ben Stokes decided to take an indefinite break from cricket to look after his mental well-being. His decision, according to former player Michael Vaughan, was "a wake-up call for all of us". The following day, England defender Tyrone Mings made the Sun's front page when he claimed his "mental health had taken a nosedive" in the lead-up to Euro 2020 due to selection anxiety.

“I did a lot of research on this topic with a psychologist,” Mings says. “I was recommended a set of stress management strategies—breathing, meditation, or paying attention to the present moment—to prevent the subconscious from taking over.”

Athletes face unprecedented stress not only while performing, but also in the media and as the face of brands. “At the end of the day, we're not just entertainment, we're people, and there are things behind the scenes outside of sports that we're trying to deal with as well,” Biles says.

If exceptional athletes are no different from us, then the field of sports psychology, which has traditionally been the preserve of elite athletes, turns out to be relevant for ordinary people.

More often than ever, sports psychologists are saying that the lessons athletes learn from critical moments in their careers can be useful for you and me, too.

The Rise of Sports Psychology

Emma Raducanu made a surprise appearance at Wimbledon and captivated the country, defeating a number of higher-ranked players in a stunning series of matches. But after making it onto Court No. 1 (and making headlines) for the fourth round against Australia's Ajla Tomljanovic, the 18-year-old began to suffer from dizziness and shortness of breath and was forced to withdraw from the competition. “I think all these experiences eventually got to me,” she later said.

Dr. Claire-Marie Roberts painfully recognized herself in this story. At one time, Roberts was a promising teenage swimmer; she qualified for the 100 m breaststroke at the 1996 Olympics. Roberts was able to do this despite nearly crippling pre-competition anxiety.

“Before swims, I would throw up in toilets because of my lack of self-confidence and the amount of absurd scenarios that were playing out in my mind,” she says. “I was worried that I would disappoint my father and coach, and it seemed to me that every opponent was much better than me. Sometimes I imagined myself in inflatable shoulder pads, trying my best to swim at least to the end of the pool.”

As luck would have it (and very unusual for those times), Roberts had a sports psychologist to whom she turned for help: “In the early 1990s, no one really knew what sports psychology was.” Only after this did she manage to cope with her anxiety and qualify for the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta as part of the Great Britain team.

Roberts suffered an injury just before the competition and her Olympic dream was dashed. But this experience inspired her to change her career. She currently works as a sports psychologist at the University of the West of England in Bristol and as a training and development manager for the Premier League. Before soccer, she advised several Olympic athletes and teams.

Her journey, spanning a quarter of a century, is a good illustration of the development of sports psychology, which in turn is linked to greater awareness of mental health. Mental wellbeing has become part of British public discourse. Voices from people as diverse as Prince Harry and Marcus Rashford are urging us all to speak up about this topic and take care of ourselves. Rashford, before missing his penalty in the Euro 2020 final against Italy, sent Emma Raducana a letter of support after her withdrawal and revealed that he himself experienced similar feelings during a match with the England youth team.

Simone Biles on balance beam in Tokyo. Photo: Wally Scalage/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images

Definition of the concept

Sports psychology is the science of existing and developing new diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive methods of working with athletes, both professional and beginners. Its main task is to create the right motivation, as well as create a suitable emotional environment for each individual person.

Sports psychology appeared in the first half of the last century. This concept was introduced by the founder of the Olympic movement, Pierre de Coubertin. However, despite its existence, very little attention has been paid to the psychology of sports. And this was the case almost until the Second World War. All due to the fact that sport was not considered an important part of human life. No, its individual types, of course, have been studied. But state leaders did not consider it necessary to explore the capabilities of athletes.

After World War II the situation changed dramatically. Experiencing an unprecedented decline, the countries tried to stand out from each other at least in the sports field. And soon victory at international competitions was considered an unprecedented achievement. In addition, it gave the state the opportunity not only to express itself on the world stage, but also to change the political situation.

From the second half of the 20th century to the present day, dozens of seminars on the psychology of sports are held annually in Europe and America. Many leading psychologists are undergoing additional training or complete retraining in order to participate in the development of even better training methods.

Preparedness for any outcome

Professor Steve Peters is a veteran sports psychiatrist; he has worked with dozens of teams and athletes, including the England football team, the British Cycling Federation and sprinter Adam Gemili, and in Tokyo the British taekwondo team. Peters often talks to athletes about the effects of competition. “I could talk to a sprinter and list all the things that could happen in the upcoming 100-meter race: a world record, a poor performance, something unexpected,” he said.

“I prefer to go through all the possible results and break them down so athletes don’t have to think about them when they need to concentrate. It always amazes me that people don’t do this in advance and just react to what life throws at them.”

Peters also tries to determine what prevents an athlete from giving his best. Sometimes this requires a conversation with his or her coach—and a little diplomacy. “Often there is some disagreement between them,” Peters says. “A high jumper may become fixated on the position of the feet, while the coach will say that the problem is in the hip lift. I'm finding out the truth."

Psychology of Team Sports

Preparation for a team game occupies a separate place in the work of a sports psychologist. The ability to work in conjunction with other players, to put common interests above your own - this is a real art. But in order to master it, you need to put in a lot of effort.

To develop team spirit you will need:

  1. Correct influence on the volitional orientation of the team.
  2. Creating a healthy atmosphere within the team.
  3. Step-by-step preparation of athletes for competitions.

Let's look at the last point in more detail. In order to prepare players for any outcome of events, you need to:

  1. Assess the psychological state of each athlete who will play on the team.
  2. Study of the psyche of “newbies”.
  3. Making a forecast about how players will behave in a team.
  4. Training, the main task of which is to develop a sense of belonging to one team and motivation to achieve a common result.
  5. Relieving stress that occurs when communicating and joint activities with other people.
  6. Assistance in adaptation before, during and after competitions.

All team members, coaches and psychologists without exception must participate in psychological preparation. Only in this case will it bring tangible results.


Dr Andrea Furst, a sports psychologist who works with the England rugby team and the Australian yachting team, says the main difference between elite athletes and mere mortals is discipline. Athletes are able to focus on what they need to improve and work on it. “Many of the things needed to become a professional are not particularly difficult, but require daily repetition. The ability to fulfill this requirement is what makes athletes the best among their kind,” she says.

“One of the most useful tips for everyday life is to pick one thing you want to improve and focus on it.”

Modern sports psychology

The frantic rhythm of life leaves its mark on absolutely all people living on the planet. What can we say about athletes who add physical stress to emotional stress? And these pressures are constantly growing, making it extremely difficult to reduce the impact of stress. As a result, serious disorders develop in the form of increased anxiety, demotivation, etc.

The task of the coach and sports psychologist in such a situation is to minimize all manifestations of discomfort. It is important to cooperate and distribute responsibilities correctly. The coach, using personal and professional experience, guides the athletes, and the psychologist identifies and eliminates all negative factors that may arise during the training process.


The growing popularity of sports psychology is improving support systems for athletes and the way they talk about themselves in public, Roberts said. “What was encouraging about Raducanu was the openness with which she spoke about what happened,” Roberts said. “I doubt that this could have happened ten years ago; athletes avoided discussing such problems, placing blame on spoiled food or other external circumstances in order to hide the real reasons why they were forced to abandon the performance.”

Biles talked about her struggles so honestly that it seemed radical. She said the support she received then helped her realize that she was more than her athletic achievements, something she had not believed before.

“The athlete god image is a dangerous illusion,” adds psychologist Pippa Grange, who has worked with several professional athletes and teams, including England during the 2022 World Cup (she now works for Right to Dream, the soccer academies in Ghana and Denmark). At England, she made psychology the core of teamwork, rather than just a service that players could use if they felt (and could admit) they needed it.

Grange encouraged players to share their life experiences and concerns in small groups to improve cohesion and trust - something that remains central to the successful management style of national coach Gareth Southgate.

'I put too much pressure on myself': Defending her title, Olympic taekwondo champion Jade Jones is eliminated in the first round. Photo: ANL/Shutterstock

“The most heart-warming performances are those in which athletes demonstrate great heart, depth of character and inspiring skill; in which we can see humanity, rather than robotic perfection and emotionless performance,” says Grange. “We all have something to gain from this.”

Panic attacks before major competitions

One of the most common barriers for athletes is a panic attack before the start of an important competition. Despite years of hard training, many cannot overcome fear and anxiety and ultimately fail. Moreover, unlike the causes of fear, the causes of anxiety are usually not realized, but instill in a person a feeling of uncertainty and the expectation of negative events.

Photo: Clive Brunskill/Getty Images

Fear and anxiety, which lead to panic attacks, are the true enemies of athletes. To solve this problem, it is especially important to pay attention to breathing and concentration techniques that can eliminate attacks and shift the focus to victory.


Dr Geir Jordet, a professor at the Norwegian School of Sports Science in Oslo, is a popular choice among businessmen trying to learn from an extremely tense penalty shoot-out scenario. The former Norwegian footballer, who turned to sports psychology after injury, spent five years analyzing every penalty shootout at the World Cup since 1976 and the Euro and Copa America finals. He also interviewed twenty-five players. “The mechanisms we use to cope with stress are universal,” he says.

As the Euro 2020 final between England and Italy went to penalties, Jordet grabbed his notebook. His analysis, which covered penalty shootouts over more than 45 years, showed that when a penalty goal wins a team, the player who takes it scores 92% of the time. If missing a penalty means losing (as was the case with Bukayo Saka's strike for England), the player scores only 62% of the time. “In life, it’s much more important to think about the positive consequences of what you do than to stress yourself out about the negative consequences of failure,” he says.

Jordet discovered that even the way a player celebrates a successful penalty makes a difference! “If you celebrate in a big way, show your cool, and show joy in what you just did, it immediately increases the team's chances of winning,” he says.

Having worked with dozens of top teams (he prefers not to name clients, but says he was called before a Euro 2020 match in case it went to penalties), Jordet has found that extremely fun goal celebrations increase the chances of not only the success of the next shot, but also to miss the opponent’s next blow. “I tell business people that when you win an important contract or succeed in a meeting, it is important to show everyone that you are happy. It's contagious."


The subject of study of sports psychology is the personal characteristics of a person living in conditions of specific activity. Sport is considered as a separate type of activity, close to the conditions of extreme survival.

Sports activity requires the use of potential that is at the limit of possibilities.

What makes sports activity extreme are specific factors that apply to all sports:

  • increased physical and mental stress;
  • strict selection conditions;
  • high competition;
  • competitive element within the team;
  • special social situation;
  • intense pre-competition preparation;
  • psychological, social consequences of defeats.

Modern sport is a reflection of the model of society. The interconnection of mechanisms regulating the life of social groups is reflected in the behavior of athletes. Knowledge of the mechanisms and the use of techniques based on them can significantly improve results, improve the training system, and minimize risks when selecting candidates for the team.

Don't rush, but don't delay either

Jordet measured the time it took for a player to hit the ball after the referee blew the whistle. Players who rush are more likely to miss shots, perhaps, says Jordet, because they are trying to relieve stress quickly. Just two seconds to assess the situation and take control of it will significantly increase your chance of scoring a goal.

'It's OK to not be OK': what leading athletes say about mental health in sports

But too long a pause can also be a hindrance. Jordet was left stunned when Rashford waited a full 11 seconds to take his shot and miss. In the last 45 years, no one has waited that long before hitting a shot in a major match, he said. “I've never been in a hurry and collected my thoughts before a penalty, but something was wrong that time,” Rashford tweeted the next day. “I spent a long time gathering my strength, trying to buy myself time, but, unfortunately, the result was not what I wanted.” What is the lesson from this? Waiting too long can lead to stress building up.

Goals and objectives of a sports psychologist

Now let’s look at the functions and responsibilities of a sports psychologist in more detail. We can say that he is a family psychotherapist who takes care of each individual member. This is the “right hand” of the coach, who is involved in the psychological preparation of the team. Sometimes the participation of specialists who carry out individual work is required. They help athletes who, due to personal difficulties and discomfort, cannot achieve success.

There are several tasks that are assigned to a sports psychologist:

  1. Studying methods of influencing the psyche. The specialist needs to find out what personal characteristics of a given person will help him become a winner in his chosen sport. To do this, he diagnoses character traits, evaluates existing skills, as well as the training program and even living conditions. Only after this can he conclude whether the athlete has a future or not.
  2. Creating an atmosphere that will enhance the overall effectiveness of the team. It is important to work together with a coach here. This is the only way to simulate a situation that will be as close as possible to real competitions. Analyzing and assessing the behavior of each player will help you choose the best position for him, see and work on weak points in time, as well as strategies that can lead to defeat.
  3. Development of individual training. By observing athletes, a sports psychologist develops methods of preparing for competitions that will help cope with stress and maintain normal mental health.
  4. Development of preventive measures. They are needed in order to reduce the level of injuries, prevent severe fatigue and prevent professional deformation of the individual.
  5. Identification and subsequent resolution of conflict situations. Crises and conflicts are not surprising. They happen in the life of every person. But athletes encounter them more often. Excessive loads are not the only thing to blame for this. As you know, those who are professionally involved in sports go into “well-deserved retirement” early; they are no longer as in demand as before, and it is more difficult for them to cope with defeats and defeats. The tasks of the psychologist in this case are: to show a person how to harmoniously combine personal and sports life, to teach him to receive positive emotions not only from sports, but also from other activities.

This is only part of the responsibilities of a sports psychologist. If necessary, it performs other functions. It all depends on the needs of a particular team.

Feel in control

Evidence suggests that penalties are not a lottery: “We found that the more players believe that the outcome of a penalty is a fluke, the more likely they are to experience destructive anxiety. Feeling in control is the key to success.”

Southgate knows this and has prepared his team accordingly, choosing his penalty takers based on criteria rather than his heart. But whether the feeling of control is subjective or objective, the match against Italy in the final showed that it is only part of the story.

It was techniques like these, which were new at the time, that helped Roberts relieve the stress that consumed her before major swimming competitions. This stress never stopped her, but it did make her a very anxious teenager.

The growing awareness of these stressors, bolstered by the honesty of Raducanu and Biles, is a remarkable contribution to the rise of sports psychology, Roberts said.

“If you look at the athletes competing in Tokyo, some of them are very young. Participating in the Olympics is extremely stressful for anyone, but it is especially difficult for a teenager. I think people are just now starting to fully understand this,” she says.

To not demand resilience from people like Saka, Biles and Raducanu (or even to applaud them) is to acknowledge their human response to stress, even though their athletic abilities may seem divine. This is something to think about the next time we go to the penalty spot, approach the pommel horse or the baseline.

How to stay cool despite stress. Advice from sports experts

  • Break down your goals.
    “If you're faced with a particularly challenging situation, it helps to break big tasks down into chunks,” says sports psychologist Claire-Marie Roberts.
  • Avoid imposter syndrome by talking to yourself.
    “Use positive statements,” says Roberts. “Tell yourself, ‘I can do this, I’ve done this before, I should be here.’”
  • Visualize success.
    “This is the foundation for developing confidence,” Roberts says. “Imagine yourself achieving the goals you set for yourself.”
  • Focus on consequences.
    “If we don't consider the possible outcomes of what we're trying to do, thoughts about them can get stuck in the mind and undermine focus,” says sports psychiatrist Steve Peters. “Take through the consequences of failure or success and take them one at a time.”
  • Relax.
    “Breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation, or even music can help you reduce your arousal levels and shift your focus,” says Roberts.
  • Realize what isn't working.
    “Ask yourself what you want to achieve and identify what is not helping you achieve your goal. Focus on the goal, not on useless tools,” advises Peters.
  • Celebrate your triumphs.
    “If you work in a team, celebrate your success together. It’s important to show your joy to everyone around you—it’s contagious,” says Geir Jordet, professor of psychology.
  • Take a reasonable pause before performing any action.
    “Don't wait just for the sake of waiting—this can lead to overwhelm and unnecessary stress,” says Jordet. “Spend a few seconds concentrating on what you can control.”

What is the role of psychology in sports?

Sports psychology pursues the following goals:

  1. Studying the psychological health of each individual athlete.
  2. Creation of a database in which the received diagnostic and therapeutic information will be stored.
  3. Drawing up an action plan based on the data obtained, as well as finding the best ways for individual or team development.
  4. Providing assistance in the formation of the correct psychological attitudes that help athletes deal with difficulties during training.
  5. Helping new players adapt.
  6. Development and subsequent implementation of corrective therapy.
  7. Improving the quality of psychological culture.
  8. Development of methods for eliminating psychological stress before and after competitions.
  9. Providing all types of psychological assistance if necessary.

A sports psychologist not only controls the atmosphere in the team. He participates in developing training, selecting players for certain positions, and creating game strategy. At the same time, he tries to maximize the potential of each individual person, taking into account the characteristics of his personality and character.


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  5. Chernyshev A.S., Sarychev S.V. Hardware technique "Arch". Diagnostics of a small group in joint activities: a methodological guide. - St. Petersburg: IMATON, 2016. - 50 p.
  6. Moroz M.P. Express diagnostics of a person’s performance and functional state. Recommendations for permission to work: methodological guidance. — 2nd ed., rev. and additional - St. Petersburg: IMATON, 2022. - 64 p.

Fear of injury and long recovery

Fear of pain is, first of all, a tool of self-preservation, which can sometimes enhance physical performance. However, it is necessary to understand that a strong fear of injury becomes an obstacle in the life of any person, and especially an athlete. After all, every professional athlete faces a large number of “wounds.” Some even have to end their careers after severe injuries.

Photo: David Ramos/Getty Images

The syndrome of unrealized potential is a psychological trauma for almost any athlete that will go with him throughout his life. If you cannot cope with it alone, then you should contact a specialist - he will help you understand the problem.

Psychological characteristics of sports

As an activity, sport has a number of its own psychological characteristics.

On the psychological characteristics of E.V. Melnik and Zh.K. Shemet includes 7 main ones:

  • Psychomotor is the most important feature of sports activity, representing the functional relationship of mental processes with movements and activities. Psychomotor skills ensure mastery of the technique of a particular sport and connect the main factors and patterns of mental development that ensure this mastery. Specialized perceptions, for example, the feeling of the ball, voluntarily controlled actions, speed and accuracy of response to stimuli are classified as psychomotor processes;
  • Any athlete naturally strives to improve in his sport and this is the second feature. To achieve high results, he must be fluent in the technique of performing physical exercises, and this requires long-term and regular training. During training, the formation and improvement of those motor skills that are necessary for a particular sport occur;
  • The third feature is associated with the presence of sports wrestling, accompanied by vivid emotions that become acute during sports competitions;
  • The fourth feature is related to the stressful nature of modern sport. Stress is especially pronounced at the level of large-scale competitions, the outcome of which is largely determined by psychological factors. The physiological and technical preparation of athletes is approximately at the same level. Young athletes are not yet distinguished by emotional stability and mental maturity;
  • The presence of psychological characteristics of the athlete’s personality that contribute to sports success;
  • Interaction of participants, which can take the form of direct or indirect struggle, and during competitions appears in two forms - rivalry in relation to the enemy and cooperation in relation to one’s team;
  • The last seventh feature of sports activity is associated with verbal and non-verbal communication - these are gestures, pantomime, involuntary motor actions.

Note 1

Psychological activity, like any other, has its own psychological structure; it can be represented by the diagram: goal - motive - method - result.

The goal influences the choice of specific means by which the desired result can be achieved. The goal is the result of mental work; during this work, the athlete resolves the contradiction between the requirements of sports activity and his own capabilities.

A motive motivates one to move towards a goal, and sports activity is always multi-motivated. The motive is the experience of what is personally significant for the athlete. Motivation is the trigger for sports activity, maintains the required level of activity in training and competitions, and also regulates the content of activity to achieve the desired result.

Methods of sports activity include actions and operations that form the technique and tactics of a particular sport. The results can be viewed in both a narrow and broad sense. The narrow meaning is sporting achievements expressed in meters, points, seconds, and athlete titles. The broad meaning is the influence of sport on the development of individuals and society as a whole.

Psychology of professional activity

Most people are involved in a certain professional activity, which they choose for various reasons: some by vocation, others by coincidence or on the advice of loved ones. But in any case, every person needs to know the psychological characteristics of his professional activity.

Labor psychology is a field of psychology that studies the patterns of formation and manifestation of human mental activity, his individuality in the process of labor and professional activity. Occupational psychology examines issues of professional suitability, psychological readiness for professional activity, and its psychological characteristics.

Professionogram - a description of the socio-economic, production and technical, sanitary and hygienic, psychological and other features of the profession.

Labor psychology examines the emergence of a particular profession, subject of activity, means, result of activity and structure of the profession.

This article examines the professional profile of a practical psychologist, or rather an educational psychologist.

The main result of the work of a practical psychologist is considered to be everything real that is obtained in the process of solving a psychological problem. These include psychodiagnostic materials and the results of developmental and corrective work, consultations and educational activities. The results of a psychologist’s work can be an increase in his professional competence, optimization of work, and much more.

The activity cycle of a practical psychologist can be presented as follows. Having received an order, he studies the subject of work, determines the goal and makes a decision to perform a certain type of work. At the same time, the nature of the relationships and connections is established, the roles of the participants in the work and the conditions for obtaining the desired result will be determined. All these issues are discussed and the decision is recorded. Then the psychologist chooses the optimal model, algorithm and technology for practical activity.

The main areas of activity of a psychologist include: organizational and methodological, diagnostic and analytical, psychotherapeutic and consulting and educational work, as well as improving professional competence and working conditions.

Organizational and methodological work includes all levels of planning its activities, as well as preparatory and immediate activities on aspects of socio-psychological support. An educational psychologist provides support for the educational process. Within the framework of this area, work is being done to train managers to use knowledge from the field of psychology.

Diagnostic and analytical work involves the development of conceptual approaches to the study of psychological phenomena, analytical work with the information received, and the adaptation of psychodiagnostic techniques to the conditions of real practice. In addition, the psychologist looks for patterns in existing psychological phenomena.

The correctional and developmental direction involves a targeted impact on the client in order to change the necessary properties and qualities.

Psychological counseling is the work of a psychologist, which is of a recommendatory nature, based on joint clarification with the client of the causes and shortcomings of existing conditions.

Psychological education is aimed at improving the psychological culture of clients and is implemented both in the context of everyday life and in the form of targeted events.

Increasing professional competence is the independent work of a psychologist to advance to the heights of mastery.

To implement these directions, a practical psychologist in all structures where he performs his functions receives a normatively assigned status. The State Committee on Public Education has determined that the status of a psychologist in educational institutions is approved by the regional city or district center of psychological service in the appropriate position, which clearly defines the tasks, rights and responsibilities of practical psychologists.

Practice shows that those psychologists who pay due attention to the organization of their workplace perform their functions most productively. A workplace is understood as a balanced set of functions of its activity, provided with the means for their implementation, assigning appropriate responsibilities and giving the necessary rights.

Approximate material support for a psychologist’s workplace includes such mandatory components as:

  • Office with a safe for storing materials.
  • Psychological relief room (for relaxation, stress relief, individual and group work, for a helpline)
  • Material base for psychotherapeutic influence (audio equipment, audio cassettes, special lighting system).
  • Material base for psychodiagnostics (stationery, special techniques, special forms, personal computer).

An important long-term task of psychology is to unite all the sciences of the spirit and perform methodological functions in relation to them.

Pedagogical activity in the field of psychology is represented not only by teaching psychology, but also by realizing the possibilities of psychology (as practically oriented knowledge) in the educational field. The importance of psychological knowledge in the educational field is explained by the fact that it helps to choose the most appropriate method of pedagogical influence, to create optimal psychological conditions for the full mental and personal development of students.

Psychological practice is associated with the performance of the following social functions:

  • improving the psychological culture of people and society as a whole;
  • humanization of social institutions (social system), economics, politics, interpersonal relationships, all types of activities;
  • improving living conditions and activities of people, including technologies and tools;
  • providing direct practical assistance to people experiencing psychological difficulties and problems in their personal lives and professional activities.

Today, there are two main approaches to understanding the essence of psychological practice, its theoretical and methodological features. The first approach interprets psychological practice as psychological support for the functioning of individuals in various fields (sports, industry, education, etc.). The second approach considers psychological practice as a separate area of ​​activity for practical psychologists.

The emergence of psychological practice led to a qualitative change in psychological theory itself. In its composition, a psychotechnical theory is actively being formed, the main distinctive features of which are considered by experts (F.E. Vasilyuk):

  • practicality as an expression of the theory’s orientation not towards an object external to the researcher, but towards working with the object;
  • value orientation towards the criteria of truth, goodness, beauty, holiness, benefit, in contrast to the criteria of objectivity characteristic of academic psychology;
  • purposefulness, focusing on the practicing psychologist as his inner character and significance for his inner experience;
  • subjectivity of cognition, due to the interest of all participants in psychotechnical practice (both psychologists and clients) in the quality of the process and the results of their activities;
  • flexibility and variety of methodological tools used to ensure the creation of optimal conditions for self-knowledge and self-disclosure of both the client and the psychologist;
  • the personal nature of knowledge obtained as a result of interaction, as knowledge not about something external to the researcher, but about what is present in me or in the fact that I am present.

Those theoretical aspects of various psychological sciences that can be used to help specific people, as well as the provisions of psychotechnical theory, form the outline of the development of practical psychology.

Practical psychology is a branch of psychology, the subject of which is psychological assistance, that is, the practical activities of psychologists aimed at a specific person with his problems, requests, needs, etc.

The main features of practical psychology show the main difference between psychotechnical theory and traditional psychological knowledge. It consists in the fact that the subject of practical psychology is a method that shapes and creates the space of psychotechnical work with an object. This is a method that acts as a central link in the system of interaction between a practicing psychologist and a client. And depending on what and how he does, an understanding of what and why is currently happening in the psyche of the client and the psychologist is formed. As a result, psychotechnical theory is enriched with generalizations of a special kind, which, by their origin, are universal ways of joint activity to overcome psychological difficulties.

The subject of activity of practical psychologists is the mental reality of people, as well as the factors influencing it.

Mental reality is a really existing mental, subjective reflection; phenomena of the psyche, consciousness.

Moreover, if in academic psychology mental reality is, as it were, divided into separate concepts and categories, conceivable within the framework of certain explanatory schemes, scientific theories and directions, then in psychological practice a person appears holistically, in the unity of his specificity. processes, qualities, abilities. Therefore, a practicing psychologist is forced to use a combination of various methods developed in different schools and areas of psychotherapeutic practice.

A feature of the work of a practical psychologist is that he influences the inner world of a person, based on ethical considerations and recognition of the value of his personality. However, this effect is indirect (unlike, for example, the surgical intervention of a doctor). A psychologist, using generalized knowledge about people in general, helps a person realize, on the one hand, his uniqueness, and on the other, the typical nature of the problems he faces. Thus, the main mobilizing factor of the upcoming changes is activated - the mental reality of a given person.

The specificity of the activities of practical psychologists is more clearly visible when comparing them with the activities of scientific researchers. The logic of a scientist’s activity is the logic of a constant search in the world for ideas and concepts (B.P. Barkhaev). First he looks for problems not yet noticed by others, and then for answers unknown to others. Facts - phenomena of reality, presented in the light of existing scientific views, act as source material for the scientist. What is the basis of assessment for an agent—the phenomenon and its properties—for a scientist is the object of understanding. Already at the stage of selecting phenomena for subsequent research, the psychologist finds himself in a situation of choice. Therefore, everything further matters only within the framework of the theoretical approach he has chosen. It is in this conceptual space that all subsequent work of the researcher unfolds, who, on the basis of a certain concept of studying real phenomena in a sufficiently large volume, forms (clarifies) ideas about the norm of a particular quality defined by it.

The logic of the activities of a practicing psychologist is the logic of actions aimed at using the results of scientific research in the interests of those who turn to him for help. This means that the practitioner works with those who themselves turn to him for a certain type of service. A psychologist works with clients—people in need of psychological help. Another distinctive feature of practice is that it is always based on a norm established through scientific research (the starting point for comparison).

This is the norm that serves as the starting point for all further actions of a practicing psychologist. It allows you to assess the significance of the manifestation of certain factors in the client’s real life.

The procedure for correlating a norm with a real object is based, as a rule, on the complex use of psychodiagnostic techniques. If the deviations are significant and exceed the value of permissible fluctuations in the norm (and this is also indicated by the researcher), then the practitioner records the presence of such a discrepancy and offers the client his services to eliminate the deficiencies. The influence of a psychologist is a certain procedure for regulating mental states. The result of the work of a practicing psychologist is a change in the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the difficulty with which the client applied.

Thus, the difference between research psychologists and practicing psychologists is that the goal of research psychologists is a new theoretical explanation of the essence of an object and observed phenomena, and the goal of the practice of psychologists is to identify and record the state of the object according to the most important parameters. as well as direct correctional and developmental impact on the object, taking into account the identified patterns and known norms.

Negativity on social networks

Social networks are an opportunity to communicate with an audience and increase media exposure. However, this may also lead to another psychological problem associated with negativity on social networks. Every beginner or experienced athlete experiences even the smallest defeat with difficulty, and when the media writes about it or strangers act as critics in the comments, it becomes especially difficult. It is important to learn not to pay attention to “armchair experts”, try to perceive only the positive messages sent by fans, and give it in return.

Social media forces us to subconsciously compare ourselves to others. So we are faced with a kind of “mirror” effect - we want the same shoes as someone else, a smartphone, a car, and so on. With the right work on ourselves, we can be a good and positive example - and an athlete, first of all, should be an example for his followers and subscribers. “I want to run, swim, like him/her! I want to achieve everything that these athletes have achieved!” — this kind of motivation has a positive effect on people who follow this or that athlete on social networks. Thus, there is a mutual exchange of positive and useful actions.

Photo: Justin Setterfield/Getty Images

Every athlete - and not only - should remember that absolutely any fear can be turned to your advantage. Don't wait for a phobia to “end” your career. Sports psychologists often help athletes overcome such barriers - they, like team members or the most devoted fans, will always be on your side. Working through fears together and setting new tasks and goals is an excellent motivation for growth.

Variational chronoreflexometry

The technique is intended for diagnosing the functional state of the human central nervous system (CNS) and predicting its performance based on indicators of variation chronoreflexometry - dynamic characteristics of the time of a simple visual-motor reaction. Developed and patented by Margarita Pavlovna Moroz , Doctor of Biological Sciences, senior researcher at the S.M. Military Medical Academy. Kirov. The methodology was tested at the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov: the results were compared with the results of a large diagnostic complex aimed at studying physiological, psychological and psychophysiological indicators.

The technique can be used to solve problems of diagnostics, examination, rehabilitation and scientific research, in particular to monitor the process of sports training, assess the psychophysiological state, functional capabilities, predict the performance (and, accordingly, fatigue) of athletes, as well as to assess the functional state of sports injuries. The technique is implemented in the form of a computer program that allows you to fully automate the entire process of collecting, processing and storing diagnostic data. The entire testing procedure takes literally 5 minutes and can be carried out many times since it does not cause a training effect [6].

Today, psychologists have extensive and varied diagnostic tools that allow them to study various psychological aspects of athletes’ activities. The choice of methods and tools depends on many factors: type of sport; immediate problems facing the athlete or team; diagnostic conditions; personal characteristics of the subject, his motives, goals and experience. At the moment, experts continue to actively work on modifying the existing psychodiagnostic tools, and are also trying to find new, more advanced methods to increase the efficiency of selection for sports teams, predict the success of athletes and help them cope with difficulties and injuries.

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1. Sports psychology son psychology gylymyna enui

2. Shet ate galymdarynyn sportstyk psychology zertteu zholyndagy enbekteri

3. Sports psychology

Sports psychology adamnyn zhatygu zhane zharys zhaғdayyndaғy psychikalyқ әreket zңdylyқtaryn қarastyrady. Sports psychology psychology gylymynyn ote zhas koldanbaly salasyna zhatady. Sports psychology 1913 years Pierre de Coubertinn ұyimdastyruymen Lausannedakh Khalykaralyk Olympic Committee otken sports psychology boyinsha arnay congress ol zheke sala retinde bolinіp shykty. Wasps congressten kein sport psychologyson maseleleri karastyryla bastads. 1920 zhyl men 1940 zhyldar aralygynda olardyn zertteu zhumystary Germany, АҚшқане баскка Мемлекерде belsendі zhurdi. Bіrak osy kezde sport psikhologiyasy maselelerі gylymi zhetilmedі [1].

Sports psychology ekіnshі dѯniezhѯzіlіk sogystan kayin karkyndy dami bastady. For yourself, you should also play sports in your own home. Bul asirese Olympiad oyyndarynda zhane әr turli sport turleri boyynsha alemdik birіnshіlіkterde baikaldy.

1965 years Italydagy sports medicine federation son beslmendіligimen Rimde sport psychology boyynsha congress ұyimdastyryldy. Khalykaralyk sport psychology kogamy payda boldy. Osydan key sport psychology halykaralyk қoldauғa ie boldy. Rimdegi congressten kein ol: 1968 zhyly Washingtonda, 1973 zhyly Madrid and 1977 zhyly Pragada Otti. 1970 zhyldan bastap “International Journal of Sports Psychology” atty journal basylymga shykty [2].

Khalykaralyk sport psychology kogamy kurylgannan key sport psychologyson aimaktyk odaktary kuryldy. 1967 zhyly sport psychology son soltusti amerikalyk odagy, 1969 zhyly sport psychology son Europalyk associations kuryldy. Keyin sport psychologyson ulttyk ұyimdary Canadada, Japanada, Germanyada, Englandada, Franceada, Brazilida, Australiada, zhane baska memleketterde kuryldy.

Sports psychology boyinsha bayandamalar ХVIII zhәne ХХ 1972 years of Munich Olympics gylymi congress 1974 years of Maskeude ötken “Kazirgі zamangy kogamdagy sports” atty alemdіk congress bagdarlamasy zhogary deңgeide өtti [3].

Kazirgi team alemnіn koptegen elderinde sport psychology son gyly zhelіlui zhurude.

Resey psychology son tarihynda fizikalyk tәrbieleeu zhane sport psychology son payda bolgan uaqyty dep alғashқy gylymi zhumystardyn shykkan merzimіn atauga bolada. En algashky psychology of the department professor P.A. Rudictin (“The influence of muscular work on the process of reactions”, “Study of reactions in application to the main issues of physical education”) and T.R. Nikitinn (“The importance of suggestion and imitation in physical education”) zertteulerin atauga bolada.

1927 zhyly Maskeude algashky ret, key 1930 zhyly professor A.P. Nechaevtin “Psychology of physical culture” atty monographs kaita basylyp shykty. Osy zhyly A.Ts.Punidin shangymen zharys, ustel tennis boyynsha zhane baska zharystardyn athlete psychikalyk aimagyna aserin zertteuge arnalgan zhumystary zhane Ukraine psychoneurology institute professors Z.I. Chuchmarevtin mekteptegi dene shinyktyru sabagynyn okushynyn intellectualdyk kyzmetіne aseri zhane olardyn ozіnozі baskar aluy zhayly zhumystary baspaga shykty. 1930 zhyly P.F. Lesgaft atyndagy institute psychology department of physical science department tarbieleu zhane sport psychology son of maseleleri karastyryla bastady. i. Algashky “Sport psychology son” arnaya course bagdarlamasy zhasaldy.

Sogys zhyldarynan kein sport psychology ote karkyn damydy. Wasps uaqytta gyly zertteuler bases kenaidi. Ogan dene shynyktyru institutes pedagogy and psychology departments katysty. Karastyratyn maseleleri de keneyye tusti. Zertteu zhumystarynny negyizgі bagytyna: sportshy zhаnе zhattyktyrushyn túlga psychology, sportyk іс-әреketінѣ psikhologiyk erekshelikterі, sports tәrbieleу zґе оққытуднѣ psychologyћ негіз and a lot of stuff. Sonymen qatar sportstyk zharystyn psikhologiyalyk aspectsіleri, athletedі dі zharіsk dаyyndaudѣ psikhologії negіzі, athletederdіnѣ dіzharіska deyіngі, zhastysty zhane keyingі zhâdayi men іs ә reketіn retteuі zhane ozіnozі retteuі karastyryldy.

1952 years Psychology Institute of A.Ts.Puni “Sport psychology” takyrybyna algashky doctoral dissertation son of korgada. Keyin sport psychology boys O.A.Chernikovanyn, V.G.Norakidzenin, S.Ch.Gellersteinn, G.M.Gagaevanyn, A.V.Rodionovanyn, N.A.Khudadova-nyn, A.A.Lalayanyn are not the same Baskalardyn monographalary shykty [4]. Sports psychology boyinsha enbek zhinaktary basylymga shyga bastady.

Physics tarbieleou zhane sport psychology psychology gylymnyn arnay salas retinde psychologydan Bukilodaktyk kenester bagdarlamasyna, kein KSRO psihologtar kogamynyng Bukilodaktyk sezіnі badarlamasyna endi. Physics and sports psychology. 1948 zhyly den shinyktyru zhane sports committee gylymiadistemelik kenesinde sport psychology boyynsha commission kuryldy. Ol kenestik sport psihologtarynyn basyn koskan organ boldy. 1987 zhylynyn mamir ayynda KSROda algashky sport psychologyson Federation of Kuryldy.

Kazirgi tanda sport psychologyson zertteuge degen zor kyzygushylyqtar tuyndauda. Sports psychologyson negyzgі maksaty  athletederde zhane sportstyk sheberlik zhane sapalyk teamlarynda zharystarga katysu ushіn kazhet psychology zakdylyktardyn kalyptasuyn anyktau, sonymen qatar psychologists Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. You will need to use the sewing machine:

)Sporttyk іс әреketің athlete psychikasyna әserіn zertteu.

— zharistyn psychology taldauy;

— zharystyn athlete aser etuinin sipatyn anyktau;

— zharistyn athlete psychikasyna koyatyn talaptaryn anyktau;

— zharisty satti otkіzu ushіn kazhetti adamgershilik, eriktik zhane baska psikhologiyak sapalardyn zhyyntygyn anaqtau;

— zhattyқtyru әreketі zhaғdayina psychology analysis zhasau;

2). Sports psychology

Bunyң bari psychologist kelesi zhagdaylardy talap edi:

a) sports and psychology;

b) psychics function damytu arkyly zhane zhattyғudyn apparatus іdіsіn zhasau arkyly athlete ағзасынѣ мүмкіндікTERін maximaldy қoldана алу үшін joldards karastyru;

c) sportstyn zheke tүrlerіn psikhologiyak sipattau adіsіn, aleumettіk kurylym zhane sportstyk teamanyn psikhologiyak ahualyn, sportyk mүmkіndіkterdi psikhodiagnostikalau adіsіn onde y;

g) zhattygu zhagdayynda zharystyk zhagdaydy gylymi neg_zdelgen modeldeu adіsіn ondeu.

3) Athlete's heat and energy and psychology [5].

Kazirgi uaqytta athlete zharys aldany daiyndygynyn masmuny men sipata tubirimen ozgergen. Zharysty satti otkіzu ůshіn physikalyk őne taktikalyk dayyndyktyţ žogary dēngeide bolu žetkіlikti um. Kozgalys, sensorimotors daғdylarmen қosa intellectuals daғdylar zhane toptyk әreket daғdylarynyn manyzdylygy artuda.

Sondyktan zharys aldyndagy dayyndykta әr tүrli psikhikalyk processor men kalyptar ulken mange iye boluda. Sonday is a psychologi- cal factor of the heat of the athlete and a psychologi- cal factor in the role of the court. Mundai dayyndyktyn adis – tasilderi ondeu – sport psychology son negyzgi kyzmetinin biri. Please note:

a) heat of the psyche kyzmetіnіn zаndylyktaryn zertteu zаne zharystyk әrekettin turaktylygy men senіmdіlіgіn arttyratyn adіsterdi өndeu;

b) zharys aldyndagy zhane zharys zhadayynda paida bolatyn psychikalyk kalypty zertteu;

c) psychoprophylaxis of damytu, athletedі shynyktyrudyn psycho-logiyalyk zholdaryn, adisterin zhane tasilderin kalyptastyru zhane psikhologiyak heatakka tózimdіlіgіn artyru.

Sports psychology sonny- әr tүrлі sportstyқ әреketінѣ zhәne athlete tұlғасѓнѣнѣ psychologyқ ерекшікTERі. Kazakhstan is a great place to play sports. Ol adamny janzhakty fizikalyk damuyn gana kamtamasyz etpeidi, sonomen qatar, onda morale eriktik kasietterdi tәrbieleidi.

Sports tourism, take care of sports activities. Sportswear is pressed against the back of the hand, sportswear is on the line, the sportswear is on the line, the subject is ret Inde athlete tulgasyn zertteu kerek. Baska gylymdar siyakty sport psychology sportstyk әrekettin manyzdy zhaktaryna taldau beredi zhane koptegen maselelerin sheshuge komektesedi.

Sports psychology  sportyқ әareket zhaғdayynda adamnyң psikhikasynyң zңdylyқtaryn, damuyn, korіnіsіn zertteytin psychologyyқ gylym salasy. Sporttyk orekettің adamnyң baska әreketterіnen kanday ayirmashylygy bar? Sports specifics  heat of the day zhenіske zhetu maksatymen ozіn үndelіktі physicalіktі zhәne psihikalyk zhuktemege saluga mumkіnіndіk beretіn zhogary motivationada, wasps motivation arkasynda sports adamnіn mү mkіndіkterіnіn tabigi laboratory son of ainalda. Sports psychology

Sports psychology ENBEK psychology, oyyn psychology, pedagogical psychology siyakty adam oreketinin nakty turlerinin negіzin zertteytin psychology bagyttarynyn biri. Gylymdar zhuyesіndegі sports psychology sonny orgny ekі sipatpen anyktalada: psychology gylymdar salasy retіndegі orny zhane sport zhily gylymdar zhuyesіndegі ornym.

Psychology salas retinde sport psychology zharatilystanu, philosophy, aleumettik gylymi discipline żyesinde ortangy orynga i. Zharatylystan gylymdary bagytynda sport psychology, physiology, psychophysiology, medicine, biology, mathematics, physics tygyz baylanysty. Aleumettik bagytta sport psychology pedagogikamen, aleumettanumen, madeniytanumen tygyz baylanysty.

Sports psychology, sports zhayly gylymdar retinde physicals, tarbieleu theories, men methods, sports hygiene, sports medicine, sports biomechanics, kinesiology, sports metrology, tygyz baylanysty. Sonymen qatar sport psychology mathematics, statistics, cybernetics, electronics, modeldeudin adis–tasilderin koldanady. Sport aleumettik kubylys siyakty zhane adam areketin erekshe turí retinde koptegen gylymdardyn zertteu objektіsі bolíp tabylada. Olardyn barlygy, sonymen qatar psychology sportstyk areketti ozinin negizgi mindetteri, ozinin addisnamalik ustanymyn zertteide. Adam oreketin, sonymen qatar, sportstyn kez kelgen mindetine psychology component tan, sondyktan psyche zhumysyn natizheli etetin psychology. Sportyn ár turí zharistí sátti ötkízu ůšin physikalyk šán šíkályk á kasiëtterdín belgílí bir kalpín talap edí, bïgín athleteín physicalíkályú dáíndígóy zho Gary deңgeyde bolғandyktan, hot wife үšіn sheshushі factor psikhologiyalyk dayyndyk bolíp tabylada. Bolashak champions tabuga komektesu, kazhetti psikhikalyk kalyptyn damuynyn algy sharttaryn anyktau – sport psychologyson mindeti bolyp tabylada. Korytyndylay kele sport psychology bu gіngі tanda zhan zhakty zertteudі kazhet etetіn gylymdardyn biri bolyp kala bermek.

Takyrypka glossary

dene zhuktemelerine totep berudi oqytu — mashyktandyru kuraldaryn zhәne dene shynyktyrumen shұgyldanatyndardyn damuyndagy baqylaudyn physiology қ adіsterіn қoldanu boyynsha daғdylardy қ alyptastyru;

Adam kukyktars – belgіlі bіr igіlik aludy, omir surudi qamtamasyz etetіn adamdar men memleket arasyndagy erezhelerdin ozara qatinastary, kepildikteri.

Azamattyk kogam – zheke tulganyin emіn-erkin damuyn kamtamasyz etetin kogamnyn kүyi. Azamattyk qogamnyn құramyna adamdardyn ozderi tudyrgan qauymdastyktar (kogamdyk, kasibi, shygarmashylyk ұyymdar, associationlar zhane etc.) On the same page, edet-guryptary, salttary kiredi. Bul kogamda memlekettin zheke adam omirine aralasuyn šek koyilada. Onda adamnyn halykaralyk dәrezhede tanylgan erezhelerge say kuұkyktary saktalady.

Adamdy kalyptastyru protsessi – bіzdің қоғамымыздын ос міндтиі сешу ушін зашаган сарліқ қағділалдинѣ ірлігімень анћталади;

Bіlіktіlіk – bіtіrushіnіn bіlіmі turaly kuzhatynda korsetilgen kaskiptik kyzmetti orndauga nemes bіlіmіn pity degen kosіbi dáyarlygyny Please keep me informed.

Daғdy – bұl қaita-қaita oryndalatyn praktikalyk әreketterge mašyқtandyru.

Zheke adamny damuy – was ishkі zhane cheese factorlardyn ykpalymen zhek adamny kalyptasyp zhetilu process. Zheke adamnyn kalyptasuynda ozin-ozi tәrbieleudіn manyzy zor.

Zheke the body is an adamant anatomy-physiology-physiology-physiology-body, now a mental-body-body, and at the same time, dүnietanymdyk, koғamdyk-sayasi kozkarastardy, nanam-senimderdi bayytudagi sandyk zhane sapalyk ozgeristerdin ozara baylanysu process.

Zheke tұlға darаlyғy – an individual tұlғасынѣ zhаne psychologyақ өзіндік ерекшігі, кайталанбастыгѓы, онѣ is temperamental, mіnez-құылқтарынн, Intellectuality of salasynan, қabіletterіne n korinis beredi.

Kabyldau – adamga tikeley aser etetin zattardyn, kubylystardyn adam sanasynda beineleu process.

Conference – keibir takyryptardy terenіrek mengertu, gylymi dәzhesіn koteru maksatyn kozdeydі.

Kozgaushy kush dep koyylatyn talaptar men olardy oryndauda okushylardyn mүmkіnshіlіkteri arasyndagy kaishylyktardy itady.

I take a lot of white - azamattardy, when I take a lot of money, I don't take a lot of money. gіzіnde zhuzege asyrylatyn tәrbieleu men about the process.

Send_ru – take advantage of the Adam's sec- tions and search for them.

Son - zhogary sonyp okushylaryna engizudegi maksat - bagdarlamadagi theories in big money, bekit about the process of okushylardyn zhogary belsendiligin, zhuapker shіlіgіn, derbestіgіn ornyktyru.

Psychocorrection psihologiyak әserdinа arnay kuraldarynyn komegіmen adamnѣ minez құлқынѣ незе зхіліяк damuynda kemshіlіkterdi zhoyuga bagyttalgan sharalar.

Psychoprophylaxis is a system of measures, the purpose of which is to study the causes that contribute to the occurrence of mental illnesses and disorders, their timely identification and elimination.

Psychology Sapalyk turgydan taldaityn, soytip adam psychologyson korinisi turali durys bolzhamdyk malimet beret izdenis aumagy.

Zheke adamn kalyptasuy — kurdelі, ағзанян өсуі Men zhetiluіn, іtіаlyа аserlerdі, mақsаtty, ұyimdaskan tәrbienі қamtityn қаrаm-қайшылқты process.

Zheke adamnyn kalyptasuy omirge kelgen sotinen bastalady, zhetkinshek zhane zhasospirim shakta zhedel zhuredi, heresek shakta ozinin birshama ayaktalu keziné zhetedi.

Morality (Latin moralіs – әdet-ғұрып) – adamdar men әleumettik birlestikter arasyndagi karim-katynastardy retteitin kaqida; Adamnyn minez-kulkyn retteu kyzmetterin atkaratyn aleumettik institute. Morality aleumettik shyndyktyn etikalyk sapalaryn (izettilik, meyirbandyk, adilettilik, minez-kulyk, adet-guryp, etc.) beineleitin kogamdyk sanan erekshe nysanyna zhatada. Moraldyn birkatar erekshelikteri bar:

Moraldyk erezheler men talaptar qogamnyn gasyrlar fights kalyptaskan kundylyk negіzіn kuraydy zhane zhalpylama sipatta bolada;

Morals as well as norms and regulations;

Moral aleumettik murattyn bir turine zhatada, ol kundelikti turmys kalyptarynan zhogary koyilada;

Morality memlekettik kushpen tanylmaydy, ol adamny erkindigi ayasymen baylanysty.


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Dayyndagan: Aymagambetova Madina

Group: PPSK-1-3

Astana 2013

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