Dejection - “overwhelming death” and 3 ways to deal with it

Dejection is a state of mental and physical parameters that belongs to the asthenic pole of human self-perception, which is characterized by the presence of an apathetic mood and depression. Complete despondency is characterized by an unwillingness to do anything and a lack of any interest in one’s own situation and life, is accompanied by a strong loss of strength, and is a concomitant element of depressive disorder in the affective sphere.

Being close in its meaning and feeling of grief, melancholy, melancholy, despondency is not synonymous with them and reflects greater indifference to what is happening. During grief, a person feels pain and loss, the importance of who (or what) he is grieving for; with melancholy, the emotional sphere is captured by sadness, while with despondency, practically nothing touches the human soul. Such an apathetic and insensitive state can lead to the development of diseases of the psychoneurological spectrum, cause suicidal thoughts and attempts, in the hope of ending a meaningless existence or in the hope of feeling something. Dejection is also difficult to experience because a person does not forget how he previously perceived the world, i.e. he remembers his joy and delight, pain and sadness, how his eyes burned and how the world played with colors, but now he sees only grayness, and feels only emptiness.

What is despondency

Dejection is a state that precedes depression. He is characterized by a bad mood, apathy, and depression. Interest in what is happening around and the desire to communicate with family and friends disappears. Conventionally, signs of despondency can be divided into 3 groups: emotional, behavioral, and mental. The first include:

  • self-pity, resentment;
  • pessimistic view of the future;
  • persistent anxiety;
  • a premonition of something bad;
  • low self-esteem;
  • lack of joy from favorite activities and entertainment;
  • absolute indifference to people and events around.

Behavior changes look like this:

  1. The person no longer takes an active part in work and family activities.
  2. The desire to spend time with friends and relatives disappears.
  3. In an attempt to escape reality, the “patient” drinks large amounts of alcohol or even drugs.

Consciousness also changes a lot. A depressed person faces a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • difficulty concentrating;
  • doubts about the correctness of the decision or choice made;
  • lack of goals and meaning in life;
  • slowness of the thought process.

Blues and despair even affect your physical condition. They provoke the development of insomnia, loss of appetite, fatigue and constant fatigue.

Olga, who recently overcame despondency and regained the joy of life, spoke about how the “illness” developed. A few months before the climax, she felt some discomfort. It manifested itself in dissatisfaction with what was happening around, causeless tearfulness and self-pity. The situation was aggravated by problems at work, with health and excess weight.

Over time, Olga began to notice that she was not at all happy with her former hobbies. Absolutely all ideas disappeared from consciousness. There were difficulties even with signing a holiday card. Going to work every day has become torture. And these are not the worst changes yet. Close and dear people began to seem like enemies who deliberately refuse to meet and talk. Although in reality they did not have time due to some personal matters.

How dangerous is the state of despondency?

As can be seen from the above example, a person loses the meaning of life, the joy of work and communication with friends, and good relationships in the family. Over time, the situation becomes even more complicated. Depression begins, which sooner or later will lead to rash actions or deterioration of physical condition. In especially severe cases, a desire to commit suicide appears.

Who is most likely to experience depression?

For the most part, these are successful people who have achieved certain heights. They think correctly, set and achieve goals, and devote sufficient time to self-development. But at some point they begin to consider themselves better than everyone around them. They criticize those who behave differently. As a result, internal resentment and dissatisfaction grows. And this leads directly to despondency and depression.

A sad spirit withers the bones

Next we will look at the main signs that indicate the beginning of destructive processes in the body:

  • sleep is disturbed (a person suffers from insomnia or excessive drowsiness);
  • appetite changes (increases or loses);
  • there are problems with the intestines (constipation);
  • sexual potential is noticeably reduced;
  • the general energy state decreases, the person begins to become more tired of the usual physical and mental stress;
  • Various types of uncomfortable pain sensations arise in the torso.

As a result of such a conflict with oneself, even organic pathology can arise. In this way, sin begins to penetrate the human physical body.

Modern medicine offers methods of healing from depression, but the famous specialist in this field, Yuri Polishchuk, who is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, also advises using spiritual and religious methods of psychotherapy.

He expresses the following opinion about treatment for despondency: “If someone who suffers from depression came to me and asked for a way out of this state, I would definitely recommend that he not only visit the temple of God, but search for his personal spiritual mentor in one of the monasteries.

Of course, this option will be more difficult, since it requires effort to search, but as a result, they will not just listen to you for a couple of minutes, but will try to establish the true source of mental suffering. Conversations with spiritual mentors last for several hours, and sometimes the convert is offered to stay within the walls of the monastery for a certain time in order to endure fasting and begin to heal his soul.”

Father Anatoly (Berestov), ​​who is a hieromonk and the head of the Orthodox Counseling Center of John of Kronstadt, as well as a doctor of medical sciences, is confident that a person who dreams of healing this ailment not only on a physical, but also on a spiritual level, must definitely seek help from holy church.

After all, it is Orthodox medicine that is called upon to save a person, to free him from internal sins that destroy body and soul.

Although, on the other hand, believers who have suffered from depressive conditions should not neglect official medicine, because according to St. Theophan the Recluse, “medicine and medicines were given to us by the Almighty, and to refuse them means to reproach the Creator.”

Life without despondency and despair on the physical level

The main reason for the appearance of sadness and melancholy is deteriorating health. An unbalanced diet, lack of solar energy, a sedentary lifestyle, vitamin deficiency - all this provokes the development of despondency.

Inadequate nutrition or snacking on the run leads to the development of many serious diseases. A proper menu, on the contrary, helps improve your health. That is why you need to revise the menu, adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to it. If a blood test shows that this is not enough, take vitamin complexes or dietary supplements. But before doing this, consult your doctor. Self-medication often backfires.

Physical activity will also help improve your condition. Walking in the fresh air and moderate exercise replenish oxygen and vitamin deficiency. They increase endurance and also improve metabolism. Therefore, go outside as often as possible. If possible, include anaerobic exercise in your daily routine, such as running, swimming and cycling.

Conquering the disease

How can you overcome despondency? This can be done through three basic practices that can help a person cope with this condition.

  1. Help from a specialist, namely a psychologist. If a person is depressed, the doctor may prescribe special medications. They will help you get out of this situation.
  2. Religion and faith in God help people reassess values ​​and look at life differently.
  3. Supporting the spirit through sports activities. It is necessary to exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Dejection is a state in which a person feels depressed and unwanted. At the first manifestations, an effort should be made to get out of apathy. You can’t give in to despondency; you need to force yourself to switch to other activities and stop self-searching.

Getting out of despondency at a social level

In this case, problems begin because life did not live up to expectations. There is a feeling that she is passing by. There is no family, there is no way to earn money, and success is also far away. These circumstances provoke a feeling of uselessness for society. Over time, it only gets worse, giving way to depression. What should I do?

There are several ways to combat depression on a social level. First, think about why you weren’t successful. Are circumstances to blame here or does the responsibility lie with one’s own laziness, lack of self-confidence and lack of willpower and motivation? It is important to answer this question as honestly as possible. And then, depending on the result, begin to act.

Not enough money. Try changing your field of activity. I can't find my soul mate. Try to expand your circle of acquaintances, work on your self-esteem, change your behavior or manner of communication. There is always a way out. As soon as you see the first successes, self-confidence will appear, and with it a feeling of lightness. They will help overcome despondency and blues.

Prayers for loneliness

  • The only way out is constant prayers and avoiding loneliness.
  • In no case is it recommended to withdraw into yourself, but, on the contrary, to begin to lead a more active lifestyle.
  • Visit new places, relax in nature with friends, go to the movies, theaters or exhibitions.

What psychologists advise

  • Psychologists agree that incipient depression can be avoided only through sports activities and an active lifestyle.
  • Physical exercise can relieve the accumulated negative load on the brain, helping to become a self-confident person.
  • The Church, for its part, calls to let faith into your heart, sincerely turning to God daily with words of prayer.

In the church canons there is a special prayer for this:

Risk of suicide

Lack of confidence in our abilities, refusal to try to improve things, or inability to change our lives paralyzes us so much that we ourselves give up the fight.

If these feelings penetrate deeply into our brain, then there is a risk of suicidal tendencies.

How not to lose heart in a difficult life situation and learn to cope with the adversity that arises, which it is not clear where it comes from and where it goes? And it is imperative to do something, because ultimately, the thought may become deeply ingrained in our minds that all attempts made are useless, and nothing can be changed.

Find the cause of depression

Before you begin to get rid of negative emotional outbursts, you should identify the reason for this state of affairs.

It can be quite serious:

  • long-term illness
  • falling down the career ladder,

or the most common one:

  • a daily routine at work or at home that no longer makes you happy.

How to get rid of depression on an intellectual level

Here the reason for the blues is the lack of plans and ideas. Changing the situation is easy. Set a goal for yourself. Not necessarily global. Maybe you have long wanted to learn a foreign language or read an interesting book. The time has come to implement this idea. Or, for example, improve your skills in the professional field. Sign up for specialized courses tomorrow.

Having goals helps you find meaning in life and, as a result, get rid of bad thoughts.

For what reasons does the sin of despondency arise according to Orthodoxy?

The Orthodox Church names its specific factors for the emergence of this passion:

  • tests sent to man by God so that he could improve spiritually;
  • wounded pride;
  • vanity;
  • loss of faith;
  • godlessness;
  • little spiritual life.

Due to a disrupted lifestyle and unwillingness to observe morality, people find themselves in a state of spiritual crisis, from which getting out is already quite problematic.

Dejection provokes a vicious circle: the individual is in a depressed state, he has no desire to perform any actions, such idleness plunges him even more into a state of despondency, forces him to do even less, which ultimately is fraught with an even greater state of despondency.

The Holy Fathers claim that from time to time each of us may encounter a state of natural melancholy. Thanks to mental suffering, moral virtues are cultivated in the individual. And when a person copes with a state of despondency, he begins to improve himself spiritually and becomes closer to the Creator.

Therefore, we can consider the sin of despondency as a test sent from above that must be overcome.

Overcoming despondency and melancholy on a spiritual level

According to religious teachings, despondency is a sin. And overcoming it should be the initial goal for every person.

Sadness comes from fear of the future and death. You can get rid of it if you learn to live in the present tense. Try not to look 2,3,5 or 10 years ahead. Worrying will not lead to anything good. It is better to leave this time for self-development, filling the soul with knowledge and good qualities.

Despair is lack of faith in the Lord


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So, is despondency a mortal sin because it leads to death? The creators of Christian ethics themselves speak best about this vice. The saint and philosopher John Climacus, revered in both the Western and Eastern churches, writes about despondency as follows:

“Despondency is relaxation of the soul, exhaustion of the mind... a slander of God, as if He is unmerciful and unloving of mankind” (Ladder 13:2).”

Addressing the despondent man, John reproaches him for his lack of faith in the Lord: do you really think that the Almighty would leave you? That he doesn't love you and has turned his back on you? Of course not, because every test that happens to a person is sent to him for growth and development, and the Lord, of course, knows the extent of the strength that a person has.

Or let's turn to the very first of all sources: the Gospel.

“Aren’t two sparrows sold for a small coin; but not one of them falls to the ground without the will of your Father. And all the hairs on your head are numbered. Do not be afraid, you are better than many sparrows” [Matthew v. 29 - 33].

And John Chrysostom interprets:

“...If He knows everything that happens, and loves you more than your father, loves you so much that even your hairs are numbered by Him, then you should not be afraid.”

How to get rid of despondency and sadness

There are many ways to get rid of despondency. Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 groups.

Help for the body

First of all, limit communication with those people who take away your strength. They are also called energy vampires. After meetings and conversations with them, loss of strength, anxiety, apathy and deterioration in physical condition are felt.

Try to communicate only with those who evoke exclusively positive emotions. Conversations with them should bring joy and charge you with positivity. If the conversation suddenly changes direction, don’t be afraid to stop it and walk away.

There are a number of other tips that will help improve the general condition of mind and body:

  1. If possible, sign up for a course or at least a massage session. Soft touches, a relaxing atmosphere, pleasant aromas - all this will help relieve stress, calm down and tune in to the positive. You can replace a massage by going to the bathhouse.
  2. Play sports. You don't have to go to the gym or the stadium. It is enough to set aside a few minutes for morning exercises. Do 5-10 squats, 7 bends in each direction, jump on the spot. Even such physical activity will invigorate, improve your mood and overall well-being.

You should fight despondency even through “I don’t want.” Remember the significant phrase from social networks that when you lack strength, you need to lie down and lie in the direction of the goal? This is roughly how it should be done. Only in this case will you be able to see the result.

Help for the soul

According to psychologists, the best way to get rid of despondency is reading. Life stories are always fascinating. Especially when they talk about those who have achieved success.

If you don’t like to read, watch good, soulful films or listen to pleasant music. It is important that any activity fills your soul with warmth and positive emotions.

You also need to eradicate fears and resentments. Take a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Write down what has been bothering you for a long period of time. Don't try to hide something or keep silent about something. Be open and honest with yourself. Then burn the paper or tear it into small pieces, while saying each phrase you write.

Spiritual help

The main thing in this matter is to find the meaning of life and your purpose. Then think about what you would like to achieve in the near future or, for example, in 5 years. Have you decided on your desires? Now set big and small goals. Walk towards them slowly, but confidently.

For motivation, you can write down your goals in a separate notebook. Divide them into 2 groups according to timing and importance. From time to time, check your actions with what you wrote. Note what you have already achieved and what you still need to work on.

But what if, due to despondency, all desires have disappeared? Try to reinvent yourself. Take on any business that you feel passionate about. So, through trial and error, you will understand what is interesting and what is not, what brings pleasure and what causes irritation. Thanks to these actions, you will be able to look at life and yourself from a different perspective.

How the Optina elders explained the reasons for despondency

The Monk Ambrose explained this state as a “spiritual cross”:

Melancholy, according to the testimony of Mark the Ascetic, is a spiritual cross sent to us to cleanse former sins.

The elder said that despondency consists of inconveniences that surround a person and prevent the fulfillment of what he wants. The holy elder named the lack of spiritual reading and prayer as one of the reasons for despondency:

You pray to God little and rarely read, I regret that, because you have time for everything else, but you don’t have it for prayer and reading. This is why you feel despondent and melancholy.

Useful tips for getting rid of despondency

There are a number of recommendations that, if followed, will fill your life with happiness and joy:

  1. Be outside more often. If possible, go hiking, have picnics, or just walk in the park.
  2. Eat right. Eliminate fatty, spicy, smoked foods, as well as alcoholic drinks from the menu. Replace them with fresh fruits and vegetables. Watch your drinking regime.
  3. Try to improve relationships with family and friends, work colleagues and friends.
  4. Learn to make money. Financial stability – new opportunities.
  5. Do good deeds. They will help you feel like a full part of this world.
  6. Don't forget about charity. It is not necessary to immediately rush to extremes. Start small. Let it be a bag of food for a homeless kitten or a search for a home for a yard dog. Such assistance will not be a burden on the family budget. However, it will bring satisfaction and joy.
  7. If despondency is a consequence of boredom and melancholy, you need to do any useful work as quickly as possible. This could be work, hobbies, meeting new people, visiting interest groups, etc. Such employment will not let you get bored, will push bad thoughts out of your head and will help in the fight against despondency.
  8. Don't watch horror movies or heavy, dark dramas. Replace them with kind family pictures.
  9. Pamper yourself after achieving some goals or just to improve your mood. Make pleasant purchases and surprises for your loved ones. For example, buy a cake. Forget about diets and proper nutrition for a moment. Have fun and positive emotions. They will help you get rid of the blues and forget about grievances and fears.
  10. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Pity is a bad quality. It leads first to despondency and then to despair. It is better to calmly accept everything that happens in life, learn from it and draw conclusions.

If the tips listed above do not change the situation, you should most likely consult a psychologist. Don’t delay this, otherwise you will have to deal with serious consequences later.

How the Optina elders advised to fight despondency

The Holy Fathers recommended that a person who has become despondent occupy himself with some interesting activity. Having defeated laziness, he will cope with the bad mood that overwhelms him. Since this condition is equivalent to a disease of the soul, the medicines should be used not so much physical as spiritual. Among them the elders called:

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  • Patience. Jesus Christ himself taught to resort to this remedy.
  • Hope.
  • Repentance.
  • Prayer.

"Soul Deflation"

Yuri Zalosko defines depression as a long period of negative mood, from which a person cannot always escape on his own. He says:

The word "depression" means "deflation" or "fall in pressure." The human soul seems to be deflated. The body too. Emotions are blown away - they are almost invisible. The background of low mood prevails. The ability to rejoice disappears. Positive thoughts disappear.

As a rule, depression occurs due to a person’s loss of important life values: the departure of a loved one, a breakup of a relationship, or loss of health. A depressed state is reflected in a person’s appearance—his facial expression, posture, figure, as well as his way of thinking and emotionality. His extreme depression can be felt throughout.

The spiritual drama of a person whose soul has been “blown away” is the loss of the ability to love. Unlike despondency, in which spiritual strength is preserved and only a change in the emotional state is required to the life situation that has arisen, in a depressed state everything is much more serious. Here a person needs outside help.

How to beat depression

There is no talk about the effectiveness of drug treatment in this case. A person who is depressed needs the help of a psychotherapist. Psychotherapy is the special care of a soul with the help of another soul. Effective assistance can be provided by a specialist practicing any direction in psychotherapy. The patient should listen carefully to himself. He must understand whether he has a feeling of trust in the doctor or whether he feels wary towards him.

In an effort to get rid of depression, you don’t have to resort to the help of medicine. In search of a means of healing a sick soul, many go to church. Here a priest is much more likely to provide spiritual help than a psychotherapist, because he is assisted by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

A depressed person should not be left alone with his problems. The participation and care of loved ones will provide him with great help and moral support. Positive changes in a person’s life can also help cope with depression - traveling, changing jobs, making new acquaintances, taking up a new passion for something.

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