Depression or despondency: with one to the doctor, with the other to the temple

Table of contents

  • Lazy or sick?
  • Despondency is a sin, but depression?
  • If you want to be healthy, toughen up

“Why are you whining, everything is fine with you, everyone is healthy, what a shame!”, “You’re completely lazy, you don’t work, you lie on the couch all day!” Who among us has not heard similar remarks addressed to ourselves or someone else? Sometimes they can really shake things up, but in other cases they are completely contraindicated. We talk about how to distinguish clinical depression from ordinary despondency with Margarita Izotova, senior

Margarita Izotova graduated from the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology. Now she is a senior lecturer at the Department of Logopathology at the Pediatric University. Trainer of the organization “Parental Bridge”, consultant for working with minors in crisis situations. Participant in a project to provide psychological assistance to children and adults affected by terrorist attacks and local military conflicts. UN expert on crisis situations.

What is despondency?

Orthodoxy calls depression a sad state. In fact, despondency is a mood in which all motivation is absent. The person becomes grumpy and feels completely dissatisfied with life. You can feel despondent for weeks or months, but this situation is still considered less serious than depression or increased anxiety. There are two types:

  • despondency with a depressed spirit in the absence of anger;
  • despondency with bitterness and irritation.

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To combat despondency, physical and mental changes in a person are needed, a change of environment, social circle, etc. If you do not get rid of despondency in time, it threatens with prolonged depression. And it can’t be overcome without the help of specialists.

What signs can be used to determine that a person is sad?

Dejection is a condition that can be identified by both external and internal signs. There are two main gradations. They can also be used to determine the presence of despondency. The first includes the emotional characteristics that are inherent in this state. The second includes physical manifestations.

What is the emotional state of a person when he is depressed?

  1. Feelings of pity and resentment for oneself.
  2. The impossibility of expecting anything good. A person who experiences despondency is in bad shape.
  3. Anxious mood.
  4. Bad feelings.
  5. Low self-esteem. A person thinks that there is no happiness in life.
  6. What previously brought positive emotions does not bring any joy in a state of despondency.
  7. An indifferent attitude towards everything that happens appears.

What physical features appear when you are depressed?

  1. There are problems with sleep.
  2. A person begins to eat a lot or, on the contrary, his appetite decreases.
  3. Fatigue appears quickly.

Symptoms of apathy

Symptoms of apathy vary. Often a person:

  • volitional activity decreases;
  • joy is not felt from ordinary actions and things;
  • moral suffering appears.

If we talk about the external manifestations of an apathetic state, then these are:

  • detachment from the outside world;
  • indifference to what is happening;
  • passivity;
  • sadness for no reason;
  • desire to be alone;
  • reluctance to give and receive love.

With apathy, people are deprived of emotions, becoming lifeless creatures without any aspirations or desires. However, everything can be returned if the symptoms are recognized in time and measures are taken.

People with apathy are not tense or irritable. A person becomes indifferent to what is happening around him. He sees no point in any action. Apathy destroys every aspiration and desire, as well as any human emotions.

With its help, a person protects himself from the unfulfillment of his needs. Some researchers suggest that it can transform into a character trait of a modern personality.

Apathy eliminates will and love. It can provoke violence.

A person who is covered with deep apathy has no vision of the future, he does not plan his life, does not hope for the best, he is depressed and sad.

Causes of apathy

The most common causes of apathy are fatigue and bad mood. However, this list also includes a number

other reasons:

  • Restlessness, anxiety. The fact is that the human psyche is fragile and vulnerable. And she needs something to protect herself from various threats and strong irritants. One of these mechanisms is an apathetic state. In this way, the brain attempts to reduce stress levels.
  • Another reason may be insufficient rest. Rest makes it possible to restore the balance of energy and vitality. When a person devotes himself fully to work, he may not notice his fatigue. Even though he gets a good night's sleep, fatigue can gradually accumulate. Active and emotional relaxation in your free time can help you fully restore your energy.
  • The presence of emotional tension in society. Sometimes the cause of an apathetic state may be pressure from someone close to you or from strangers or other people in a public place. In this case, a protest against any action arises inside a person, in his soul. He loses all desire to do even what he previously wanted to do. And here our defense mechanism comes into play, which allows us to ignore public opinion and all the demands of the surrounding world.
  • Problems and stressful situations load and overload the human psyche. People who have to constantly be exposed to stress completely waste their energy and may experience apathy.
  • Diseases and exhaustion of the body are also another good reason. Any serious health problem, both at the level of the physical body and mental organization, can provoke an apathetic state.
  • The cause of apathy may be a side effect of the medicine that a person is taking. These can be drugs with a sedative, antibacterial or other effect.
  • Emotional burnout. Each person has his own hobby, hobby, favorite thing, which can almost completely “absorb” him. Often people become immersed in such activities and work, devoting all their free time and energy to them. After all, all this brings them pleasure, pacifies and pleases them, and practically becomes the meaning of life, but for the time being. However, gradually a person feels a fading interest. He burns out emotionally and may experience apathy.

Signs of apathy

Apathy, the signs of which are indifference, lack of initiative, and insensitivity, has no external manifestations. It is also called emotional paralysis. Very often its companion is abulia, which is expressed as a general decrease in mental activity. People begin to lead a sedentary lifestyle, communicate little with other people, and do not want to take initiative. An apathetic person feels sluggish in his movements and speech, and suffers from memory lapses and thinking failures. Such people stand out from the crowd. These changes are especially noticeable for close people who know their character and habits. After all, their loved one may begin to behave differently than before.

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Detachment, indifference and lack of activity are difficult to miss, especially in those who previously behaved in the opposite way. Of course, if such manifestations persist for a long time. Such people stop showing interest in what is happening, even important events and things in their lives. They no longer share their emotions with those close to them; it’s as if someone has frozen them, depriving them of the need to love and communicate. But sometimes, instead of understanding and helping, loved ones are offended by this attitude towards themselves.

You cannot ignore the following in yourself or your loved ones:

  • deterioration in health, lack of strength, drowsiness (even with normal sleep), constant fatigue;
  • loss of interest in what is happening around, indifferent reactions to any events (good and bad);
  • the desire to be alone with oneself, the lack of desire to leave the house or enter into conversations;
  • lethargy, slowness in speech and actions;
  • almost complete absence of emotion in statements;
  • reluctance to take care of one’s appearance, perform hygiene procedures, and pay attention to issues of well-being;
  • the emergence of “nervous” habits.

If such people are helped in time, they can quickly return to normal life.

How to deal with depression?

Apathy, a state of indifference to everything around, must be fought. But you can win this battle only by knowing the mechanism of its appearance. It's all about human emotionality. Indifference arises from an excess or lack of emotions. They tend to gradually become dull. After all, it is impossible to be at elevated levels all the time. The strength to rejoice does not last very long. But even without positivity, without receiving pleasure, a person has nowhere to get vital energy from. The body needs a break, a certain time to replenish the energy deficit. It is during this period that indifference, passivity, and weakness arise.

If such manifestations are temporary, then they do not harm a person. And many of us periodically face such apathy. This is considered almost the norm.

But in cases of a condition where it begins with boredom and ends with a complete indifference to what is happening, appropriate measures must be taken. Otherwise, you can get seriously and permanently ill. And no one really has insurance against this. The worst thing can happen when an apathetic person has no one to help, and he reaches the point of indifference to himself, and not just to the world around him.

How to overcome apathy?

If a person cannot cope with his apathy alone, specialists will help overcome it. They will help

understand the problem situation and build an individual algorithm for subsequent actions.

But for everyone it is recommended:

  • ensuring proper rest;
  • any physical activity;
  • adherence to sleep and diet;
  • eliminate sources of unpleasant communication;
  • do not abuse alcohol.

Yoga, meditation, a new hobby, or expanding your social circle can help cope with the problem. In addition, you can start doing things that were put off before. But provided that the activity brings positive emotions. You need to work on yourself, develop spiritually.

There are effective methods to get rid of despondency:

1. Change in environment.

  • You need to go outside every day and show your face and limbs to the sun to get vitamin D. A 20-minute walk is enough.
  • You should set aside a day for your personal goals and enjoying the pleasant moments of life.
  • It is necessary to periodically radically change the environment in your home or office. This can help you see things and the world in a new way.
  • When depressed, you should not go on social networks or watch TV for a long time. It is better to give preference to social activity and doing what you love.
  • It is useful to go outside the city, into nature. This should not be regarded as running away from the problem. You just need to enjoy the contemplation of natural beauty and the benefits for the body from the freshness of the air.

2. Making physical changes.

  • You need to spend at least an hour every day playing sports. You can change the types of training.
  • It is necessary to abandon transport for a while (within reasonable limits). Walking is beneficial for every person.
  • If you have abused alcohol or taken drugs, you need to remove them from your life. This not only does not help in the current situation, but is also fraught with aggravation of the problem.
  • You need to get up early. A morning jog or walk before work is a great way to start a productive day.
  • You should periodically pamper yourself with visits to beauty salons, massages or spa treatments.
  • You need to switch to proper nutrition for at least some time.

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3. Correction of the emotional sphere of life.

  • You should set goals yourself or use the help of a specialist. When a person has no desires, aspirations, or lacks motivation, he may become despondent and depressed. Everyone should have a dream that they will pursue without being distracted by negative manifestations.
  • It is necessary to analyze your relationship with your environment. Then try to minimize communication with negative, cynical people who can contribute to the loss of incentives and desire for life. Such influence is of no use, especially to a person who is despondent and indifferent to everything that happens in his life.
  • You need to try to renew contact with loved ones and important people. They will be able to help return to normal life and awaken the best in a person.

Negative influence

What dangers does despondency hide for a person?

  1. The main one is that melancholy extends to both the mental and physical state of a person. He doesn’t want to do anything, meet anyone, talk, etc.
  2. As a rule, people of an egoistic nature are susceptible to this condition, since most of their time they are busy with themselves. They think about themselves, engage in soul-searching, and so on.
  3. The danger is that if you don’t try to get out of this state, you can fall into complete despair.
  4. One of the symptoms of sadness is depression. This condition is considered a disease in some countries. It should be treated under the supervision of specialists.
  5. If you cannot get out of such a state as despondency, this can lead to thoughts of suicide.
  6. In a depressed state, a person’s thoughts may come to the conclusion that he is worthless and life has no meaning.
  7. This condition leads to decreased ability to work. It also causes a lot of trouble for the people around you. Communicating with a person who is in a state of despondency is quite difficult. Not everyone is able to be patient with a person with such an attitude.

Find your happiness

It's time to put an end to the desire for the generally accepted concept of happiness imposed by society and recognize what is necessary and important to you and what corresponds to your values. Everyone finds joy in their own way: working out, drawing, dancing, hanging out with friends or spending time with family.

Be kind and caring to yourself and find what makes you happy.

Find a few elements of your life that bring you mental, physical, and most importantly, emotional balance.

Start keeping a happiness journal

Try to start keeping a journal about good events and happiness in your life. Write down everything you are grateful for every day. Sure, it may seem tedious at first, but use those 5 minutes you were planning to spend browsing social media or TV to see something that changes your mood.

Many successful entrepreneurs start their day with gratitude. By simply listing the basic things you appreciate on a daily basis, you begin to notice other things you can be grateful for throughout the day. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Who made you smile in the last 24 hours, and why did that person make you happy?
  • Was there a particular song on the radio that reminded you of a fun time in your life? How did you feel?
  • Think about what you ate for breakfast and how it helped you get through your work. How well did it energize you?

Once you start looking at the little things that make you happy and that you are truly grateful for, it begins to become a natural habit that will then automatically affect your emotions.

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Reasons for appearance

What could be the reasons for despondency?

  1. Pride. If a person is sensitive to any failures or statements made in his direction, he can easily become despondent. This hurts his self-esteem. But if a person does not take everything to heart, then he will not fall into despair. Then he is calm about what is happening around him.
  2. Failure to satisfy desires can also make some people depressed. Moreover, the more a person succumbs to it, the more the desires themselves lose their meaning.
  3. In addition to the above reasons for despondency, there are also those that can appear in people who are strong in spirit. These include the absence of grace, the cessation of any activity by a person. Boredom may set in. Also, sad events can cause despondency. For example, the departure of a loved one or the loss of something. And even in this case, one should not fall into sad thoughts about the injustice of the world. Death is the natural end of life, and we all lose something or someone in life.
  4. Dejection can arise due to illnesses that accompany a person.

Everything has its time

Just like the seasons in nature, we also experience such periods in our lives. Some may seem to last longer than others, especially when it comes to emotions such as sadness, sadness, melancholy and depression. But just as nature has a renewal, our lives can be completely rebooted.

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Take a moment to reflect on the last 5 years. So many events happened during this time. Chances are, you've had your ups and downs, and perhaps one particular year stood out more than others. At that particular moment, in some event, it may have been difficult to see the light.

Believe that although everything seems to be going against you, everything in life is cyclical. It is also important and necessary for your mental, physical and spiritual growth, which is why these periods of formation and renewal occur.

Accept the situation

There are times in life when everything falls apart, or it may seem like it does. You have to understand that sometimes the universe clears your life and makes room for something new, but we get frustrated because we don't know what to fill that space with.

The unknown can be exciting, but it can also bring anxiety, fear and uncertainty. You need to trust the universal process and know that everything happens for good, and this is not the end, but some kind of reset or reboot in order to move on.

This is the cleansing we need and also a reminder that perhaps we need to change our perception and vision. And maybe even thinking.

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At this moment, it is worth remembering that you are also the director and screenwriter of your life, and it is time to accept everything that happens and even what you think is set against you. Sometimes it is very important to change your perception.

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